diff options
authorYu Ke <>2011-06-13 20:20:53 +0800
committerRichard Purdie <>2011-07-08 17:52:01 +0100
commit68394476748386e58f40173643967f5a248173b1 (patch)
parenta66ed717f5f5991ee4072df67428564677e7d220 (diff)
combo-layer-tool: add tool to manipulate combo layers
This patch adds the script "combo-layer" to manipulate combo layer repos. A combo layer repo is a repo containing multiple component repos, e.g. oe-core, bitbake, BSP repos. The combo layer repo needs to be updated by syncing with the component repo upstream. This script is written to assist the combo layer handling. The combo layer tool provides three functionalities: - init: when the combo layer repo and component repo does not exist, init will "git init" the combo layer repo, and also "git clone" the component repos - update: combo layer tool will pull the latest commit from component repo upstream, and apply the commits since last update commit to the combo repo. If the user specifies interactive mode(--interactive), they can edit the patch list to select which commits to apply. - splitpatch: split the combo repo commit into separate patches per component repo, to facilitate upstream submission. Combo layer tool uses a config file to define the component repo info. Please check the combo-layer.conf.example for a detailed explanation of the config file fields. Signed-off-by: Yu Ke <> Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
3 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/combo-layer b/scripts/combo-layer
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..84cc48f6ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/combo-layer
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation
+# Authored-by: Yu Ke <>
+# Paul Eggleton <>
+# Richard Purdie <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import os, sys
+import optparse
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import ConfigParser
+__version__ = "0.1.0"
+def logger_create():
+ logger = logging.getLogger("")
+ loggerhandler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ loggerhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(message)s","%H:%M:%S"))
+ logger.addHandler(loggerhandler)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ return logger
+logger = logger_create()
+class Configuration(object):
+ """
+ Manages the configuration
+ A valid conf looks like:
+# component name
+# mandatory options
+# git upstream uri
+src_uri = git://
+# the directory to clone the component repo
+local_repo_dir = ~/src/bitbake
+# the relative dir to commit the repo patch
+# use "." if it is root dir
+dest_dir = bitbake
+# the updated revision last time.
+# leave it empty if no commit updated yet, and then the tool
+# will start from the first commit
+last_revision =
+# optional options
+# file_filter: only include the interested file
+# file_filter = [path] [path] ...
+# example:
+# file_filter = src/ : only include the subdir src
+# file_filter = src/*.c : only include the src *.c file
+# file_filter = src/main.c src/ : only include these two files
+src_uri = git://
+local_repo_dir = ~/src/oecore
+dest_dir = .
+last_revision =
+# more components ...
+ """
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ for key, val in options.__dict__.items():
+ setattr(self, key, val)
+ self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ self.parser.readfp(open(self.conffile))
+ self.repos = {}
+ for repo in self.parser.sections():
+ self.repos[repo] = {}
+ for (name, value) in self.parser.items(repo):
+ self.repos[repo][name] = value
+ def update(self, repo, option, value):
+ self.parser.set(repo, option, value)
+ self.parser.write(open(self.conffile, "w"))
+ def sanity_check(self):
+ required_options=["src_uri", "local_repo_dir", "dest_dir", "last_revision"]
+ msg = ""
+ for name in self.repos:
+ for option in required_options:
+ if option not in self.repos[name]:
+ msg = "%s\nOption %s is not defined for component %s" %(msg, option, name)
+ if msg != "":
+ logger.error("configuration file %s has the following error:%s" % (self.conffile,msg))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # filterdiff is required by action_splitpatch, so check its availability
+ if"which filterdiff &>/dev/null", shell=True) != 0:
+ logger.error("ERROR: patchutils package is missing, please install it (e.g. # apt-get install patchutils)")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def runcmd(cmd,destdir=None):
+ """
+ execute command, raise CalledProcessError if fail
+ return output if succeed
+ """
+ logger.debug("run cmd '%s' in %s" % (cmd, os.getcwd() if destdir is None else destdir))
+ out = os.tmpfile()
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=out, cwd=destdir, shell=True)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError,e:
+ logger.error("%s" %
+ raise e
+ output =
+ logger.debug("output: %s" % output )
+ return output
+def action_init(conf, args):
+ """
+ Clone component repositories
+ Check git initialised and working tree is clean
+ """
+ for name in conf.repos:
+ ldir = conf.repos[name]['local_repo_dir']
+ if not os.path.exists(ldir):
+"cloning %s to %s" %(conf.repos[name]['src_uri'], ldir))
+ subprocess.check_call("git clone %s %s" % (conf.repos[name]['src_uri'], ldir), shell=True)
+ if not os.path.exists(".git"):
+ runcmd("git init")
+def check_repo_clean(repodir):
+ """
+ check if the repo is clean
+ exit if repo is dirty
+ """
+ try:
+ runcmd("git diff --quiet", repodir)
+ #TODO: also check the index using "git diff --cached"
+ # but this will fail in just initialized git repo
+ # so need figure out a way
+ except:
+ logger.error("git repo %s is dirty, please fix it first", repodir)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def action_update(conf, args):
+ """
+ update the component repo
+ generate the patch list
+ apply the generated patches
+ """
+ # make sure all repos are clean
+ for name in conf.repos:
+ check_repo_clean(conf.repos[name]['local_repo_dir'])
+ check_repo_clean(os.getcwd())
+ import uuid
+ patch_dir = "patch-%s" % uuid.uuid4()
+ os.mkdir(patch_dir)
+ for name in conf.repos:
+ repo = conf.repos[name]
+ ldir = repo['local_repo_dir']
+ dest_dir = repo['dest_dir']
+ repo_patch_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), patch_dir, name)
+ # Step 1: update the component repo
+"git pull for component repo %s in %s ..." % (name, ldir))
+ output=runcmd("git pull", ldir)
+ # Step 2: generate the patch list and store to patch dir
+"generating patches for %s" % name)
+ if dest_dir != ".":
+ prefix = "--src-prefix=a/%s/ --dst-prefix=b/%s/" % (dest_dir, dest_dir)
+ else:
+ prefix = ""
+ if repo['last_revision'] == "":
+"Warning: last_revision of component %s is not set, so start from the first commit" % name)
+ patch_cmd_range = "--root master"
+ rev_cmd_range = "master"
+ else:
+ patch_cmd_range = "%s..master" % repo['last_revision']
+ rev_cmd_range = "%s..master" % repo['last_revision']
+ file_filter = repo.get('file_filter',"")
+ patch_cmd = "git format-patch -N %s --output-directory %s %s -- %s" % \
+ (prefix,repo_patch_dir, patch_cmd_range, file_filter)
+ output = runcmd(patch_cmd, ldir)
+ logger.debug("generated patch set:\n%s" % output)
+ patchlist = output.splitlines()
+ rev_cmd = 'git log --pretty=format:"%H" ' + rev_cmd_range
+ revlist = runcmd(rev_cmd, ldir).splitlines()
+ # Step 3: Call repo specific hook to adjust patch
+ if 'hook' in repo:
+ # hook parameter is: ./hook patchpath revision reponame
+ count=len(revlist)-1
+ for patch in patchlist:
+ runcmd("%s %s %s %s" % (repo['hook'], patch, revlist[count], name))
+ count=count-1
+ # Step 4: write patch list and revision list to file, for user to edit later
+ patchlist_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), patch_dir, "patchlist-%s" % name)
+ repo['patchlist'] = patchlist_file
+ f = open(patchlist_file, 'w')
+ count=len(revlist)-1
+ for patch in patchlist:
+ f.write("%s %s\n" % (patch, revlist[count]))
+ count=count-1
+ f.close()
+ # Step 5: invoke bash for user to edit patch and patch list
+ if conf.interactive:
+ print 'Edit the patch and patch list in %s\n' \
+ 'For example, remove the unwanted patch entry from patchlist-*, so that it will be not applied later\n' \
+ 'After finish, press following command to continue\n' \
+ ' exit 0 -- exit and continue to apply the patch\n' \
+ ' exit 1 -- abort and not apply patch\n' % patch_dir
+ ret =["bash"], cwd=patch_dir)
+ if ret != 0:
+ print "Abort without applying patch"
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Step 6: apply the generated and revised patch
+ action_apply_patch(conf, args)
+ runcmd("rm -rf %s" % patch_dir)
+def action_apply_patch(conf, args):
+ """
+ apply the generated patch list to combo repo
+ """
+ for name in conf.repos:
+ repo = conf.repos[name]
+ lastrev = repo["last_revision"]
+ for line in open(repo['patchlist']):
+ patchfile = line.split()[0]
+ lastrev = line.split()[1]
+ cmd = "git am -s -p1 %s" % patchfile
+"Apply %s" % patchfile )
+ try:
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+'"git am --abort" is executed to cleanup repo')
+ runcmd("git am --abort")
+ logger.error('"%s" failed' % cmd)
+"please manually apply patch %s" % patchfile)
+"After applying, run this tool again to apply the rest patches")
+ conf.update(name, "last_revision", lastrev)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ conf.update(name, "last_revision", lastrev)
+def action_splitpatch(conf, args):
+ """
+ generate the commit patch and
+ split the patch per repo
+ """
+ logger.debug("action_splitpatch")
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ commit = args[1]
+ else:
+ commit = "HEAD"
+ patchdir = "splitpatch-%s" % commit
+ if not os.path.exists(patchdir):
+ os.mkdir(patchdir)
+ # filerange_root is for the repo whose dest_dir is root "."
+ # and it should be specified by excluding all other repo dest dir
+ # like "-x repo1 -x repo2 -x repo3 ..."
+ filerange_root = ""
+ for name in conf.repos:
+ dest_dir = conf.repos[name]['dest_dir']
+ if dest_dir != ".":
+ filerange_root = '%s -x "%s/*"' % (filerange_root, dest_dir)
+ for name in conf.repos:
+ dest_dir = conf.repos[name]['dest_dir']
+ patch_filename = "%s/%s.patch" % (patchdir, name)
+ if dest_dir == ".":
+ cmd = "git format-patch -n1 --stdout %s^..%s | filterdiff -p1 %s > %s" % (commit, commit, filerange_root, patch_filename)
+ else:
+ cmd = "git format-patch --no-prefix -n1 --stdout %s^..%s -- %s > %s" % (commit, commit, dest_dir, patch_filename)
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ # Detect empty patches (including those produced by filterdiff above
+ # that contain only preamble text)
+ if os.path.getsize(patch_filename) == 0 or runcmd("filterdiff %s" % patch_filename) == "":
+ os.remove(patch_filename)
+"(skipping %s - no changes)", name)
+ else:
+def action_error(conf, args):
+"invalid action %s" % args[0])
+actions = {
+ "init": action_init,
+ "update": action_update,
+ "splitpatch": action_splitpatch,
+def main():
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+ version = "Combo Layer Repo Tool version %s" % __version__,
+ usage = """%prog [options] action
+Create and update a combination layer repository from multiple component repositories.
+ init initialise the combo layer repo
+ update get patches from component repos and apply them to the combo repo
+ splitpatch [commit] generate commit patch and split per component, default commit is HEAD""")
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help = "specify the config file. default is conf/combolayer.conf",
+ action = "store", dest = "conffile", default = "combo-layer.conf")
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", help = "interactive mode, user can edit the patch list and patches",
+ action = "store_true", dest = "interactive", default = False)
+ parser.add_option("-D", "--debug", help = "output debug information",
+ action = "store_true", dest = "debug", default = False)
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
+ # Dispatch to action handler
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ logger.error("No action specified, exiting")
+ parser.print_help()
+ elif args[1] not in actions:
+ logger.error("Unsupported action %s, exiting\n" % (args[1]))
+ parser.print_help()
+ elif not os.path.exists(options.conffile):
+ logger.error("No valid config file, exiting\n")
+ parser.print_help()
+ else:
+ if options.debug:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ confdata = Configuration(options)
+ confdata.sanity_check()
+ actions.get(args[1], action_error)(confdata, args[1:])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ ret = main()
+ except Exception:
+ ret = 1
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc(5)
+ sys.exit(ret)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f03c4fa80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Hook to add source component/revision info to commit message
+# Parameter:
+# $1 patch-file
+# $2 revision
+# $3 reponame
+sed -i -e "s#Subject: \[PATCH\] \(.*\)#Subject: \[PATCH\] $reponame: \1#" $patchfile
+sed -i -e "0,/Signed-off-by:/s#\(Signed-off-by:.*\)#\($reponame rev: $rev\)\n\n\1#" $patchfile
diff --git a/scripts/combo-layer.conf.example b/scripts/combo-layer.conf.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09b94156fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/combo-layer.conf.example
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# component name
+# mandatory options
+# git upstream uri
+src_uri = git://
+# the directory to clone the component repo
+local_repo_dir = /home/kyu3/src/test/bitbake
+# the relative dir to commit the repo patch
+# use "." if it is root dir
+dest_dir = bitbake
+# the updated revision last time.
+# If empty, the tool will start from the first commit
+last_revision =
+# optional options
+# file_filter: only include the interested file
+# file_filter = [path] [path] ...
+# example:
+# file_filter = src/ : only include the subdir src
+# file_filter = src/*.c : only include the src *.c file
+# file_filter = src/main.c src/ : only include these two files
+# hook: if provided, the tool will call the hook to process the generated patch from upstream,
+# and then apply the modified patch to combo repo
+# the hook's parameter is: ./hook patchpath revision reponame
+# example:
+# hook =
+src_uri = git://
+local_repo_dir = /home/kyu3/src/test/oecore
+dest_dir = .
+last_revision =