DESCRIPTION = "A simple and easy to use Linux kernel (2.4+) module which allows you to mount remote filesystems using plain shell (ssh/rsh) connection. \ It supports some nice features like number of different caches for access speedup, target system optimisations, etc." SECTION = "kernel/userland" PRIORITY = "optional" MAINTAINER = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>" LICENSE = "GPL" RDEPENDS = "shfs-modules (${PV})" DEPENDS = "virtual/kernel" SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/shfs/shfs-${PV}.tar.gz" S = "${WORKDIR}/shfs-${PV}/shfsmount" KERNEL_VERSION = "${@base_read_file('${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/kernel/kernel-abiversion')}" KV = "${@base_read_file('${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/kernel/kernel-abiversion')[:3]}" CFLAGS_append=' -DVERSION=\\"${KERNEL_VERSION}\\" -DSHFS_VERSION=\\"${PV}\\" -I../shfs/Linux-${KV}' do_compile() { oe_runmake LINKER="${CC}" } do_install() { install -d ${D}/${bindir} install -m 0755 shfsmount shfsumount ${D}/${bindir} }