DESCRIPTION = "Reference implementation of XNI, the Xerces Native Interface, and also a fully conforming XML Schema processor." LICENSES = "AL2.0" AUTHOR = "Apache Software Foundation" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz" PR = "r1" S = "${WORKDIR}/xerces-2_9_1" inherit java-library JPN = "libxerces2-java" DEPENDS = "fastjar-native jaxp1.3 xml-commons-resolver1.1" DEPENDS_virtclass-native = "fastjar-native jaxp1.3-native xml-commons-resolver1.1-native" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libjaxp1.3-java libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java" RDEPENDS_${PN}_virtclass-native = "" do_unpackpost() { find src -exec \ sed -i -e "s||Xerces-J ${PV}|" \ -e "s|@impl.version@|${PV}|" {} \; } addtask unpackpost after do_unpack before do_patch JARFILENAME = "xercesImpl.jar" ALTJARFILENAMES = "" do_compile() { mkdir -p build # Prepend the bootclasspath with the earlier XML API to make # compilation succeed. oe_makeclasspath bcp -s jaxp-1.3 resolver bcp=$bcp:${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/classpath/ javac -sourcepath src -d build -bootclasspath $bcp `find src -name "*.java"` (cd src && find org ! -name "*.java" -exec cp {} ../build/{} \;) fastjar -C build -c -m src/manifest.xerces -f ${JARFILENAME} . # Like Debian we provide a symlink called xmlParserAPIs.jar pointing to the JAXP # classes. ln -sf ${D}${datadir_java}/xmlParserAPIs.jar jaxp-1.3.jar } SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e340cba4a2abf4f0f833488380821153" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "13af0062a72a4a0d541ca5336391eafa4d580258cacf4a5e062ea584ca950592" NATIVE_INSTALL_WORKS = "1" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"