DESCRIPTION = "Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect \ to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event \ history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or \ edit wpa_supplicant networks." SECTION = "network" LICENSE = "GPL BSD" HOMEPAGE = "" RDEPENDS = "wpa-supplicant" PR = "r1" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz " S = "${WORKDIR}/wpa_supplicant-${PV}/wpa_gui/" inherit qmake qt3x11 EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST += "CONFIG+=thread" do_install () { install -d ${D}${sbindir} install -m 755 wpa_gui ${D}${sbindir} } SRC_URI[md5sum] = "765d6c70d75e88cd4dc010fa6b52c45f" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "6d03f514211c9b806fb649e8dc5d0b047aa55b4762ddc7b675cf0bd7de230cf8"