diff -urN u-boot-86xx/MAKEALL u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/MAKEALL
--- u-boot-86xx/MAKEALL	2006-10-13 00:27:12.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/MAKEALL	2006-11-06 22:13:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@
 LIST_824x="	\
 	A3000		barco		BMW		CPC45		\
 	CU824		debris		eXalion		HIDDEN_DRAGON	\
-	OXC		PN62		Sandpoint8240	Sandpoint8245	\
-	sbc8240		SL8245		utx8245				\
+	linkstation	linkstationhg	MOUSSE		MUSENKI		\
+	MVBLUE		OXC		PN62		Sandpoint8240	\
+	Sandpoint8245	sbc8240		SL8245		utx8245		\
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/Makefile u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/Makefile
--- u-boot-86xx/Makefile	2006-10-13 00:27:12.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/Makefile	2006-11-06 22:15:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc)
-CROSS_COMPILE = powerpc-linux-
+CROSS_COMPILE = ppc_6xx-
 ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
 CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-
@@ -237,6 +237,40 @@
 all:		$(ALL)
+LSMODEL := $(shell head -n 1 include/config.h)
+linkstation_HGLAN_RAM: include/config.h
+	@[ -n "$(findstring HGLAN_RAM, $(LSMODEL))" ] || \
+		{ echo "Bad configuration: $(LSMODEL)" ; \
+		  exit 1 ; \
+		}
+	@make all
+	@mv u-boot.bin u-boot-hg.ram.bin
+linkstation_HGLAN: include/config.h
+	@[ -n "$(findstring HGLAN_ROM, $(LSMODEL))" ] || \
+		{ echo "Bad configuration: $(LSMODEL)" ; \
+		  exit 1 ; \
+		}
+	@make all
+	@mv u-boot.bin u-boot-hg.flash.bin
+linkstation_HDLAN_RAM: include/config.h
+	@[ -n "$(findstring HDLAN_RAM, $(LSMODEL))" ] || \
+		{ echo "Bad configuration: $(LSMODEL)" ; \
+		  exit 1 ; \
+		}
+	@make all
+	@mv u-boot.bin u-boot-hd.ram.bin
+linkstation_HDLAN: include/config.h
+	@[ -n "$(findstring HDLAN_ROM, $(LSMODEL))" ] || \
+		{ echo "Bad configuration: $(LSMODEL)" ; \
+		  exit 1 ; \
+		}
+	@make all
+	@mv u-boot.bin u-boot-hd.flash.bin
 $(obj)u-boot.hex:	$(obj)u-boot
 		$(OBJCOPY) ${OBJCFLAGS} -O ihex $< $@
@@ -317,6 +351,10 @@
+linkstation_HGLAN_RAM	\
+linkstation_HGLAN	\
+linkstation_HDLAN_RAM	\
+linkstation_HDLAN	\
 all $(obj)u-boot.hex $(obj)u-boot.srec $(obj)u-boot.bin \
 $(obj)u-boot.img $(obj)u-boot.dis $(obj)u-boot \
 $(SUBDIRS) version gdbtools updater env depend \
@@ -1262,6 +1300,38 @@
 kvme080_config: unconfig
 	@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc824x kvme080 etin
+linkstation_HGLAN_RAM_config: mrproper
+	@>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "/* HGLAN_RAM */" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "#define CONFIG_HGLAN 1" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "TEXT_BASE = 0x07F00000" >board/linkstation/config.tmp ; \
+	./mkconfig -a linkstation ppc mpc824x linkstation ; \
+	echo "LinkStation HGLAN -- RAM BUILD ..."
+linkstation_HGLAN_config: mrproper
+	@>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "/* HGLAN_ROM */" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "#define CONFIG_HGLAN 1" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF00000" >board/linkstation/config.tmp ; \
+	./mkconfig -a linkstation ppc mpc824x linkstation ; \
+	echo "LinkStation HGLAN -- ROM BUILD ..."
+linkstation_HDLAN_RAM_config: mrproper
+	@>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "/* HDLAN_RAM */" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "#define CONFIG_HLAN 1" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "TEXT_BASE = 0x03F00000" >board/linkstation/config.tmp ; \
+	./mkconfig -a linkstation ppc mpc824x linkstation ; \
+	echo "LinkStation HDLAN -- RAM BUILD ..."
+linkstation_HDLAN_config: mrproper
+	@>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "/* HDLAN_ROM */" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "#define CONFIG_HLAN 1" >>include/config.h ; \
+	echo "TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF00000" >board/linkstation/config.tmp ; \
+	./mkconfig -a linkstation ppc mpc824x linkstation ; \
+	echo "LinkStation HDLAN -- ROM BUILD ..."
 MOUSSE_config: unconfig
 	@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc824x mousse
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/INSTALL u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/INSTALL
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/INSTALL	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/INSTALL	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+                     Installing U-Boot for LinkStation
+                       For U-Boot port version 2.1.0
+                             16 September 2006
+   Copyright (c) 2006 Mihai Georgian
+   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
+   the terms of the [1]GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later
+   version  published  by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+   Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. The full text of
+   the license can be obtained by clicking on the above link.
+   No  liability  for  the contents of this document can be accepted. The
+   information in this document is provided in good faith but no warranty can
+   be made for its accuracy and the author does not take any responsibility.
+   Use the concepts, examples and information at your own risk. There may be
+   errors and inaccuracies, that could be damaging to your system.
+   Use of a term in this document should not be regarded as affecting the
+   validity of any trademark or service mark. Naming of particular products or
+   brands should not be seen as endorsements.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   Flashing the LinkStation with unauthorised firmare voids your warranty. When
+   installing firmware on an embedded computer things can and, sometimes, do go
+   wrong. The power can go down in the middle of the flash operation or the
+   flash write can fail rendering your LinkStation unusable. Please read this
+   entire page carefully before attempting to install U-Boot. 
+   If you are not prepared to lose your LinkStation, do not attempt to install
+                                     U-Boot 
+  Introduction
+   U-Boot  for  the  LinkStation is distributed as a source patch against
+   u-boot-1.1.4. To compile it you will need either a cross toolchain installed
+   on your PC or native development tools installed on your LinkStation. These
+   instructions assume that you are running Linux on a X86 PC and that you are
+   using a cross toolchain.
+   To allow testing of U-Boot on your LinkStation without burning it into
+   flash, a kernel module named uloader.o is provided. Uloader allows you to
+   use Linux to load a RAM build of U-Boot and start it. The RAM build of
+   U-Boot is very close to the ROM build. The only differences are the absence
+   of the basic initialisation code (which cannot run from RAM) and the link
+   address. It is strongly recommended that you test U-Boot on your LinkStation
+   using a RAM build before building the ROM version and attempting to burn it
+   into flash. Once you have the RAM build up and running you can use it to
+   install (burn) the ROM version.
+  Supported Hardware
+   The LinkStation port of U-Boot described in this document supports the
+   following PowerPC based models:
+    1. LinkStation version 1 (model HD-HLAN-1)
+    2. KuroBox standard
+    3. LinkStation HG (model HD-HGLAN)
+    4. KuroBox HG
+   This version of U-Boot will certainly not work on the the LinkStation
+   version 2 (model HD-HLAN-2) as the LinkStation version 2 is based on a MIPS
+   processor. The MIPS processor is completely different from the PowerPC
+   processor and attempting to flash a LinkStation version 2 with PowerPC
+      firmware it is guaranteed to make it completely unusable. 
+  Get telnet Access
+   Try to connect to your LinkStation using telnet. If you see the telnet
+   command prompt, read [2]CGI Exploit (PowerPC) original method of Hacking the
+   LinkStation about how to get telnet access.
+   If the above method doesn't work for you, read [3]Turn your LinkStation into
+   a Kuro Box (PowerPC) for other methods to get telnet access.
+   The above methods do not work for the LinkStation HG. For this model, the
+   only solution is to load a telnet-enabled version of the firmware. Read the
+   pages about [4]OpenLink and the [5]firmware flasher
+   You can also try to flash [6]a modified version of the original firmware.
+  Install the Serial Console
+   Installing the serial console is not an absolute requirement and it will
+   void your warranty. U-Boot can be installed and controlled without it.
+   However, the serial console will give you the best control over both U-Boot
+                                   and Linux. 
+   Read [7]Add a Serial port to the PowerPC Linkstation to learn how to install
+   the serial console.
+  Install netcat (nc)
+   If you haven't installed the serial console you will need to install netcat
+   (nc). Netcat is a networking utility which reads and writes data across
+   network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol. It comes standard with most
+   Linux  distributions. For more information, visit the netcat home page
+   [8]http://netcat.sourceforge.net or [9]http://www.vulnwatch.org/netcat for
+   the Windows version.
+  Get the ELDK
+   If you don't have a cross toolchain installed, download the DENX Embedded
+   Linux Development Kit (ELDK) from
+   [10]http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/eldk/3.1.1/ppc-linux-x86/iso
+   /ppc-2005-03-07.iso, install it and spend some time getting familiar with
+   it.
+  Preparation
+   Create the build directory and set the environment variable UBOOT_BUILD to
+   the path to it
+   # mkdir <your_build_directory>
+   # export UBOOT_BUILD=<your_build_directory>
+   # cd $UBOOT_BUILD
+   Download the tarball for u-boot-1.1.4 from
+   [11]ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/u-boot-1.1.4.tar.bz2
+   Download the LinkStation patch, [12]u-boot-1.1.4-list-2.1.0.diff.gz 
+   Download the uloader module for your LinkStation / KuroBox model.
+     * For    the    LinkStation   1   /   KuroBox   standard,   download
+       [13]uloader-2.4.17.tar.gz 
+     * For the LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG, download [14]uloader-2.4.20.tar.gz 
+   Untar u-boot-1.1.4 and apply the patch.
+   # tar xjf u-boot-1.1.4.tar.bz2
+   # cd u-boot-1.1.4
+   # gunzip ../u-boot-1.1.4-list-2.01.diff.gz | patch -p1
+   Untar the uloader archive for your LinkStation / KuroBox model. The archive
+   contains  the  source  code, a binary module compiled for the original
+   LinkStation kernel and a simple bash script to load and start a RAM build of
+   U-Boot.
+   The binary in uloader-2.4.17.tar.gz has been compiled against
+   2.4.17_mvl21-sandpoint. Use only on the LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard.
+   The binary in uloader-2.4.20.tar.gz has been compiled against
+   2.4.20_mvl31-ppc_linkstation. Use only on the LinkStation HG / KuroBog HG.
+   If you have a different kernel version, you may need to recompile the module
+   for your kernel. Compiling the module requires a fully configured kernel
+   source tree. It is recommended to use the same gcc version as the one used
+   to compile the kernel. There is a small but important difference between the
+   two uloader source archives. The difference is the U-Boot load address. If
+   you compile uloader for the LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard, use the
+   sources in uloader-2.4.17.tar.gz. If you compile for the LinkStation HG /
+   KuroBox HG, use the sources in uloader-2.4.20.tar.gz. In both cases you
+   need to modify the Makefile to match your development environment. 
+   LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard
+   # cd ..
+   # tar xzf uloader-2.4.17.tar.gz
+   # cd u-boot-1.1.4
+   LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG
+   # cd ..
+   # tar xzf uloader-2.4.20.tar.gz
+   # cd u-boot-1.1.4
+   Source your ELDK environment
+   # . <path_to_your_ELDK>/config_6xx
+  Configure
+   Edit include/configs/linkstation.h and set the following variables for your
+   environment:
+   CONFIG_IPADDR_LS    -  the IP address of your LinkStation while running
+                          U-Boot (mandatory). The default address is
+   CONFIG_SERVERIP_LS  -  the IP address of the NFS/TFTP/DHCP/BOOTP server,
+                          normally the address of your Linux PC (mandatory).
+                          The default address is
+   CONFIG_NCIP_LS      -  the address of the computer running netcat (nc),
+                          normally the address of your Linux PC (optional).
+                          If the define is missing, CONFIG_NCIP_LS will be
+                          set to the same value as CONFIG_SERVERIP_LS
+  RAM Build
+   For LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard run:
+   make linkstation_HDLAN_RAM_config
+   make linkstation_HDLAN_RAM
+   The name of the resulting binary is u-boot-hd.ram.bin
+   For LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG run:
+   make linkstation_HGLAN_RAM_config
+   make linkstation_HGLAN_RAM
+   The name of the resulting binary is u-boot-hg.ram.bin
+  Net Console
+   The net console is the U-Boot driver which uses the UDP protocol with a
+   default port of 6666 to send the console output to and receive the console
+   input from a remote computer. You need to run netcat on the remote computer
+   to  communicate  with  the  U-Boot  net  console. The communication is
+   bidirectional.  Netcat  will display on your screen the console output
+   received from U-Boot and will send your keyboard input back to U-Boot.
+   If U-Boot cannot contact the remote computer, it switches the console to the
+   serial port. To show that it changed the console, U-Boot makes the HDD LED
+   blink with the pattern corresponding to the serial console (see The Reset
+   Button below). The timeout period is 20 sec.
+  Minimal Console
+   U-Boot for the LinkStation is designed to allow some control over the boot
+   process even in the absence of a console. For this, it uses the power button
+   (the big button at the front) and the reset button (the small red button at
+   the back).
+   Before installing U-Boot, when the LinkStation is switched on, the power LED
+   starts  blinking,  the original boot loader starts executing and, very
+   quickly, it starts booting the kernel from flash. If U-Boot is installed,
+   the power LED will change from blinking quickly to blinking very slowly. The
+   blink pattern is the same as the one used to indicate sleep mode in normal
+   operation. When the power LED starts blinking slowly at boot, U-Boot has
+   taken over and it is counting down the boot delay before booting the kernel.
+   The default boot delay is 10 sec. From the moment when the power LED starts
+   blinking slowly and for the duration of the boot delay, you can control the
+   boot process with the power and reset buttons.
+    The Power Button
+   If you push the power button and keep it pressed for more than 1 sec, the
+   boot  process will stop and the LinkStation will wait for a command. A
+   stopped boot process is indicated by the power LED being lit solid. The
+   effect is the same a pressing 's' on the console.
+   A long push of the power button acts as a toggle. If the boot delay count
+   down is in progress, a long push of the power button stops the boot process.
+   If the boot process is stopped (U-Boot is at the command prompt, even if you
+   can't see it), a long push of the power button restarts the boot process
+   resetting the boot delay to its original value. The restart of the boot
+   process is indicated by the power LED blinking slowly.
+   By default U-Boot supports three pre-configured boot commands:
+    1. The  first boot command will attempt to load and boot a file named
+       boot/vmlinux.UBoot from the first hard disk partition, /dev/hda1. The
+       file can be in any of the U-Boot bootable formats but uImage is the
+       preferred format. If the file is missing or corrupted, U-Boot will fall
+       back to booting the original kernel from flash.
+    2. The second boot command will boot the original kernel from flash.
+       Please note that the original kernel for the LinkStation 1 / KuroBox
+       standard has a bug in the function that calibrates the decrementer and
+       it will stop for up to 180 sec during boot. This bug is not an U-Boot
+       bug  but  a  kernel bug which is uncovered by the fact that U-Boot
+       activates the decrementer where the original boot loader does not.
+       The original kernel for LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG does not suffer from
+       the above problem.
+    3. The third boot command will attempt to boot in emergency mode (EM). It
+       does this by passing the argument root=/dev/ram0 to the kernel.
+       LinkStation / LinkStation HG owners should avoid booting in EM mode as
+       the root password for this mode on the LinkStation is unknown. 
+       The original kernel for the LinkStation / KuroBox standard and for some
+       of the earlier LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG models ignores the root
+       argument. These models will boot normally from the on-board flash when
+       the  EM  boot command is used. Read the section on EM mode if your
+       LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG has a kernel that doesn't boot in EM mode
+       using this boot command.
+   You can cycle through the boot commands with the power button.
+   To see which of the three commands U-Boot is going to execute, press the
+   power  button quickly. The HDD LED (the third from the top) will start
+   blinking. The number of times the LED blinks, shows the number of the active
+   boot command. For example, a pattern short on - short off - short on - long
+   off, means that the boot command number 2 is active. U-Boot will repeat the
+   blinking cycle for a total duration of about 5 sec counting from the moment
+   the power button is released.
+   A short press of the power button while the HDD LED is blinking will advance
+   the boot command to the next one.
+   Changing the boot command does not change the boot status. If the boot is
+   stopped, it will not be restarted. If the boot is in progress, it will not
+   be stopped but the boot delay will be reset to the original value.
+    The Reset Button
+   Two  consoles are currently configured, the serial console and the net
+   console. The first console is the serial console and the second console is
+   the net console (nc). The net console is the default console.
+   The reset button can be used, similarly to the power button, to switch
+   consoles. A press on the reset button (here, it doesn't matter how long you
+   keep the button pressed) displays the currently active console using the HDD
+   LED. Repeatedly pressing the reset button while the HDD LED is blinking will
+   toggle between the two consoles. The blinking pattern is different from the
+   one showing the boot command. The pattern which shows that the second (net)
+   console is active is short off - short on - short off - long on. U-Boot will
+   repeat the blinking cycle for a total duration of about 5 sec counting from
+   the moment the reset button is released.
+  Load and Test
+   Mount the LinkStation SMB public share and copy the following files to it:
+   For LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard
+   # mount -t smbfs -o password="" //<your_linkstation_name_or_ip>/share/mnt
+   # cp u-boot-hd.ram.bin /mnt
+   # cp ../uloader-2.4.17/uloader.o /mnt
+   # cp ../uloader-2.4.17/u-boot-load-hd.sh /mnt
+   # umount /mmt
+   For LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG
+   # mount -t smbfs -o password="" //<your_linkstation_name_or_ip>/share/mnt
+   # cp u-boot-hg.ram.bin /mnt
+   # cp ../uloader-2.4.20/uloader.o /mnt
+   # cp ../uloader-2.4.20/u-boot-load-hg.sh /mnt
+   # umount /mmt
+   If you installed the serial port, open another window and use minicom to
+   connect to your LinkStation serial console. The serial port settings are
+   57600,N,8, the same as the settings used by the original Linux kernel.
+   Start netcat to communicate with the U-Boot net console. Open another window
+   and run board/linkstation/nc.sh. Nc.sh is a simple script which invokes
+   netcat with the correct options. To quit nc, press ^T (control-T).
+   # cd $UBOOT_BUILD/u-boot-1.1.4
+   # board/linkstation/nc.sh <ip_of_your_linkstation>
+   Where <ip_of_your_linkstation> is CONFIG_IPADDR_LS (see Configure U-Boot
+   above). When you run nc.sh nothing will be written to the screen. This is
+   normal as Linux is not using the net console.
+   From your original window, use telnet to connect to the LinkStation and
+   launch U-Boot. Replace lshg in the example below with the name / IP address
+   of your LinkStation. Replace myroot with the login you created when you
+   gained  telnet  access.  For  LinkStation  1  /  KuroBox standard, use
+   u-boot-load-hd.sh instead of u-boot-load-hg.sh. Type the commands shown in
+   bold.
+   # telnet lshg
+   Trying
+   Connected to lshg.
+   Escape character is '^]'.
+   BUFFALO INC. Link Station series HD-HGLAN (IEMITSU)
+   HD-HGLAN6C5 login: myroot
+   Linux (none) 2.4.20_mvl31-ppc_linkstation #3 Thu May 19 13:34:18 JST 2005
+   ppc unknown
+   root@HD-HGLAN6C5:~# cd /mnt/share
+   root@HD-HGLAN6C5:/mnt/share# ./u-boot-load-hg.sh
+   root@HD-HGLAN6C5:/mnt/share# exit
+   Connection closed by foreign host.
+   #
+   If you have a serial console you should see the initial U-Boot startup
+   messages. Even if the default console is the net console, U-Boot still sends
+   the console output to the serial port until it initialises the network
+   controller.
+   U-Boot 1.1.4 LiSt 2.1.0 (Sep 12 2006 - 23:09:44) LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG
+   CPU: MPC8245 Revision 1.4 at 262.144 MHz: 16 kB I-Cache 16 kB D-Cache
+   DRAM: 128 MB
+   FLASH: 4 MB
+   *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
+           00  0b  10ec  8169  0200  ff
+           00  0c  1283  8212  0180  ff
+           00  0e  1033  0035  0c03  ff
+           00  0e  1033  0035  0c03  ff
+           00  0e  1033  00e0  0c03  ff
+   Net:   RTL8169#0
+   Watch the net console window. After a few seconds, time needed by U-Boot to
+   initialise the network controller and the IDE controller you should see the
+   U-Boot messages.
+   U-Boot 1.1.4 LiSt 2.1.0 (Sep 12 2006 - 23:09:44) LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG
+   IDE:    Bus 0: OK
+     Device 0: Model: Maxtor 7Y250P0 Firm: YAR41BW0 Ser#: Y62W8PDE
+               Type: Hard Disk
+               Supports 48-bit addressing
+               Capacity: 239372.4 MB = 233.7 GB (490234752 x 512)
+   Boot in 10 seconds ('s' to stop)...
+   Press 's' on your keyboard to stop the boot process.
+   If  you  want  to  use the serial console, watch the power LED of your
+   LinkStation. When it starts blinking very slowly, use the power button to
+   stop the boot process. Wait for the power LED to go dim and press and hold
+   the power button until the LED lights up brightly indicating that the boot
+   process has stopped. Now press the reset button twice and you should see the
+   U-Boot command prompt (=>) in your minicom window. You can now control
+   U-Boot from the minicom window.
+   Using u-boot-load-hd.sh / u-boot-load-hg.sh leads to the above results on
+   devices with the original software. On some LinkStations with modified
+   software, reboot has been modified to send a reboot command to the AVR.
+   This is indicated by the fast blinking of the power LED immediately after
+   running u-boot-load-hd.sh / u-boot-load-hg.sh. Once the AVR receives a
+   reboot command, the reboot process cannot be stopped. The AVR will reboot
+   the LinkStation 5 min after receiving the reboot command.
+   If you find yourself in the above situation you can still test U-Boot by
+   booting your LinkStation with the AVR disabled. Press and hold the reset
+   button and then press the power button. All LEDs will start flashing but
+   your LinkStation will boot normally. Now you can use the procedure
+   described above with one caveat: the AVR being disabled, pressing the
+   buttons will have no effect so you will not be able to test the behaviour
+   of the minimal console. 
+   Once  you  get  the  U-Boot command prompt, start testing it. Read the
+   [15]U-Boot documentation and try each command you are interested in.
+   Keep in mind that U-Boot interprets all input number as hex numbers. If, for
+   example, you type 256, U-Boot will interpret it as 598 decimal.
+   When you are testing memory write commands, do not attempt to write to the
+   first MB of memory (0x00000000 to 0x00100000) as you will be overwriting the
+   exception vectors and U-Boot will crash.
+   An important command is flinfo which displays information about the flash
+   chip. If the information displayed is correct for your flash, test the flash
+   erase and flash write commands. To do this, you will need to find an empty
+   sector, one for which each byte is 0xFF. Hint: check the last flash sector
+   first, chances are that it's empty. When you are testing commands that write
+   to the flash, always remember that you can write a single byte but you can
+   only erase whole sectors.
+   Be very careful not to write to the flash memory range 0xFFC00000 to
+   0xFFF7FFFF. This area contains the Linux kernel, the initial RAM disk used
+   for EM mode, the bootloader and the configuration sector (which holds the
+   "OKOK" or "NGNG" pattern). The range 0xFFF80000 to 0xFFFFFFFF is the user
+   area and, in most cases, is empty. Always check using the U-Boot command md
+   (memory display) if the flash area you intend to use is empty (all bytes are
+   0xFF). For more information about the flash organisation, read
+   [16]PPCFlashROM for the LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard or [17]HGFlashROM
+   for the LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG. 
+  ROM Build
+   Once you are happy with the RAM build, you are ready for the ROM build.
+   For LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard run:
+   make linkstation_HDLAN_config
+   make linkstation_HDLAN
+   The name of the resulting binary is u-boot-hd.flash.bin
+   For LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG run:
+   make linkstation_HGLAN_config
+   make linkstation_HGLAN
+   The name of the resulting binary is u-boot-hg.flash.bin
+  Install
+   Do not attempt to flash from U-Boot if the power LED is blinking. Your
+   LinkStation is likely to reboot and you will end up with a "brick" 
+   Test the flash commands thoroughly before deciding to burn U-Boot into
+   flash. Write at least 128 kB to the flash to test potential timeout
+   problems 
+   The flash routines in this version of U-Boot for the LinkStation should be
+   able to identify and handle any CFI flash which uses the AMD standard
+   command set. However, they were tested only on a LinkStation with a Fujitsu
+   MBM29PL32TM flash chip and on a LinkStation HG with a ST Micro M29DW324DB
+   flash chip. 
+   Be very careful not to flash your hardware with the wrong U-Boot build.
+   Flashing any RAM build or flashing a ROM build for the LinkStation 1 /
+   KuroBox standard into the LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG or viceversa will
+   "brick" your device. This is especially true if you are flashing from Linux
+      as U-Boot has safety checks to avoid flashing the wrong build. 
+    Flashing U-Boot from U-Boot
+   The RAM build of U-Boot can be used to load and flash the ROM build. This is
+   the preferred method.
+   Boot your LinkStation normally. Open a telnet session and create a directory
+   to hold the U-Boot flash image.
+   root@linkstation:~# cd /mnt/share
+   root@linkstation:/mnt/share# mkdir u-boot
+   Copy the U-Boot flash image to your LinkStation SMB share in the directory
+   u-boot.
+   Load the RAM build of U-Boot and at the U-Boot command prompt type:
+   => run upgrade
+   U-Boot will attempt to load the ROM build from the directory share/u-boot/
+   on the third partition of the hard drive. If the load is successful, it will
+   do the following:
+    1. unprotect the bootloader area;
+    2. erase the bootloader area;
+    3. copy the loaded file to the bootloader area;
+    4. verify the copy;
+   Here is the output of run upgrade
+   => run upgrade
+   Loading 0:3:share/u-boot/u-boot-hg.flash.bin
+   174668 bytes read
+   Un-Protected 3 sectors
+   Flash erase: first = 55 @ 0xfff00000
+                last  = 57 @ 0xfff20000
+   Flash erase: Done
+   Erased 3 sectors
+   Copy to Flash... done
+   Total of 174668 bytes were the same
+   =>
+   When the above sequence finishes, U-Boot returns to the command prompt (=>).
+   Depending on your flash chip, the flash operation can take a long time. Wait
+   patiently and do not try to power down or otherwise interrupt the flash or
+      you will end up with a "brick". 
+   Reboot:
+   => reset
+   The  power  LED should start blinking slowly and, if you have a serial
+   console, you should see the U-Boot startup messages. Your LinkStation is now
+   running U-Boot.
+    Flashing U-Boot from Linux
+   Connect to your LinkStation using either the serial port or telnet.
+   For LinkStation 1 / KuroBox standard run:
+   # cd /mnt/share/u-boot
+   # dd if=u-boot-hd.flash.bin of=/dev/fl2 bs=1k
+   # cmp u-boot.bin /dev/fl2
+   For LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG run:
+   # cd /mnt/share/u-boot
+   # dd if=u-boot-hg.flash.bin of=/dev/mtd1 bs=1k
+   # cmp u-boot.bin /dev/mtd1
+   The above commands for LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG will work on devices with
+   the original kernel version 2.4.20 but might to work on earlier devices
+   using kernel version 2.4.17. Please check which device corresponds to the
+   bootloader partition on your hardware.
+    If the Flash Fails
+   If the flash was not written correctly but U-Boot returns at the command
+   prompt, try to re-run run upgrade.
+   If the same happens when you attempt to install U-Boot from Linux, try to dd
+   again.
+   If your flash fails completely, for example due to a power failure, all is
+   not  completely  lost. You can still use a JTAG cable to re-flash your
+   Linkstation. Unfortunately, this is a relatively complicated and expensive
+   solution as it involves acquiring or building the JTAG cable and soldering
+   the header for it on the LinkStation motherboard. For more information on
+   how   to  use  a  JTAG  cable  with  the  LinkStation  you  can  visit
+   [18]www.linkstationwiki.net and [19]www.kurobox.com/mwiki.
+  EM Mode
+             Warning for the LinkStation / LinkStation HG users
+   Do not attempt to boot into EM mode using the method described here. The
+   password for the EM mode is unknown for all LinkStation models.
+   Once you have U-Boot installed in the on-board flash, you can boot in EM
+   mode even if the third boot command described above doesn't work.
+   Stop the boot countdown by pressing 's' in your net console window and, at
+   the U-Boot command prompt, run:
+   => run writeng
+   => run flboot
+   The above commands write "NGNG" to 0xFFF70000 and boot from the on-board
+   flash. To revert to normal boot by writing "OKOK" to 0xFFF70000, run:
+   => run writeok
+   => boot
+  Advanced configuration
+   The  initial  U-Boot  configuration can be changed by editing the file
+   include/configs/linkstation.h.
+   In all the examples below, please note the backslash-zero (\0) at the end of
+   the strings and the space-backslash ( \) at the end of each lines and do not
+   change them. 
+    Change the name of the default boot file
+   Search for the lines containing:
+   "hdpart=0:1\0" \
+   "hdfile=boot/vmlinux.UBoot\0" \
+   and  change  them  to the values you want. Partition 0:1 means disk 0,
+   partition 1. Obviously, you can only change the partition number as there is
+   only one disk. The name of the file must be given relative to the root of
+   the partition.
+    Change the default console to the serial console
+   Search for the lines containing:
+   "stdin=nc\0" \
+   "stdout=nc\0" \
+   "stderr=nc\0" \
+   and change them to:
+   "stdin=serial\0" \
+   "stdout=serial\0" \
+   "stderr=serial\0" \
+    Change the default boot command to boot from flash
+   Search for the lines containing:
+   "bootcmd1=run hdboot;run flboot\0" \
+   "bootcmd2=run flboot\0" \
+   and change them to:
+   "bootcmd1=run flboot\0" \
+   "bootcmd2=run hdboot;run flboot\0" \
+   1. http://www.linuxnotincluded.org.uk/fdl.txt
+   2. http://www.linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=CGI_Exploit_%28PowerPC%29_original_method_of_Hacking_the_LinkStation
+   3. http://www.linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=Turn_your_LinkStation_into_a_Kuro_Box_%28PowerPC%29
+   4. http://linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=OpenLink
+   5. http://linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=The_LinkStation_firmware_flasher
+   6. http://downloads.linkstationwiki.net/snapshots/HD-HGLAN_149_100_telnet.zip
+   7. http://www.linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=Add_a_Serial_port_to_the_PowerPC_Linkstation
+   8. http://netcat.sourceforge.net/
+   9. http://www.vulnwatch.org/netcat
+  10. http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/eldk/3.1.1/ppc-linux-x86/iso/ppc-2005-03-07.iso
+  11. ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/u-boot-1.1.4.tar.bz2
+  12. http://www.linuxnotincluded.org.uk/linkstation/downloads/u-boot-1.1.4-list-2.1.0.diff.gz
+  13. http://www.linuxnotincluded.org.uk/linkstation/downloads/uloader-2.4.17.tar.gz
+  14. http://www.linuxnotincluded.org.uk/linkstation/downloads/uloader-2.4.20.tar.gz
+  15. http://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/Manual
+  16. http://linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=Information/PPCFlashROM
+  17. http://linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=Information/HGFlashROM
+  18. http://www.linkstationwiki.net/
+  19. http://www.kurobox.com/mwiki
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/Makefile u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/Makefile
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/Makefile	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2001
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
+LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
+OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o ide.o hwctl.o bootls.o avr.o
+SOBJS	= early_init.o
+$(LIB):	.depend $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+.depend:	Makefile $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c)
+		$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
+sinclude .depend
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/avr.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/avr.c
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/avr.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/avr.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ * avr.c
+ *
+ * AVR functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Mihai Georgian <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <ns16550.h>
+#include <console.h>
+/* Button codes from the AVR */
+#define PWRR				0x20	/* Power button release */
+#define PWRP				0x21	/* Power button push    */
+#define RESR				0x22	/* Reset button release */
+#define RESP				0x23	/* Reset button push    */
+#define AVRINIT				0x33	/* Init complete		*/
+#define AVRRESET			0x31	/* Reset request		*/
+/* LED commands */
+#define PWRBLINKSTRT		'['		/* Blink power LED		*/
+#define PWRBLINKSTOP		'Z'		/* Solid power LED		*/
+#define HDDLEDON			'W'		/* HDD LED on 			*/
+#define HDDLEDOFF			'V'		/* HDD LED off			*/
+#define HDDBLINKSTRT		'Y'		/* HDD LED start blink	*/
+#define HDDBLINKSTOP		'X'		/* HDD LED stop blink	*/
+/* Timings for LEDs blinking to show choice */
+#define PULSETIME			250		/* msecs				*/
+#define LONGPAUSE			(5 * PULSETIME)
+/* Button press times */
+#define PUSHHOLD			1000	/* msecs				*/
+/* Boot and console choices */
+#define MAX_BOOT_CHOICE		3
+static char *consoles[] = {
+	"serial",
+	"nc",
+#define MAX_CONS_CHOICE 	(sizeof(consoles)/sizeof(char *))
+#if !defined(CONFIG_NETCONSOLE)
+#define DEF_CONS_CHOICE		0
+#define DEF_CONS_CHOICE		1
+#define perror(fmt,args...)     printf("%s: ",__FUNCTION__);printf(fmt,##args)
+extern void miconCntl_SendCmd(unsigned char dat);
+extern void miconCntl_DisWDT(void);
+static int boot_stop;
+static int boot_choice = 1;
+static int cons_choice = DEF_CONS_CHOICE;
+static char envbuffer[16];
+void init_AVR_DUART (void)
+	NS16550_t AVR_port = (NS16550_t) CFG_NS16550_COM2;
+	int clock_divisor = CFG_NS16550_CLK / 16 / 9600;
+	/*
+	 * AVR port init sequence taken from
+	 * the original Linkstation init code
+	 * Normal U-Boot serial reinit doesn't
+	 * work because the AVR uses even parity
+	 */
+	AVR_port->lcr = 0x00;
+	AVR_port->ier = 0x00;
+	AVR_port->lcr = LCR_BKSE;
+	AVR_port->dll = clock_divisor & 0xff;
+	AVR_port->dlm = (clock_divisor >> 8) & 0xff;
+	AVR_port->lcr = LCR_WLS_8 | LCR_PEN | LCR_EPS;
+	AVR_port->mcr = 0x00;
+	AVR_port->fcr = FCR_FIFO_EN | FCR_RXSR | FCR_TXSR;
+	miconCntl_DisWDT();
+	boot_stop = 0;
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(PWRBLINKSTRT);
+void hw_watchdog_reset (void)
+static inline int avr_tstc(void)
+	return (NS16550_tstc((NS16550_t)CFG_NS16550_COM2));
+static inline char avr_getc(void)
+	return (NS16550_getc((NS16550_t)CFG_NS16550_COM2));
+static int push_timeout(char button_code)
+	ulong push_start = get_timer(0);
+	while (get_timer(push_start) <= PUSHHOLD)
+		if (avr_tstc() && avr_getc() == button_code)
+			return 0;
+	return 1;
+static void next_boot_choice(void)
+	ulong return_start;
+	ulong pulse_start;
+	int on_times;
+	int button_on;
+	int led_state;
+	char c;
+	button_on = 0;
+	return_start = get_timer(0);
+	on_times = boot_choice;
+	led_state = 0;
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+	pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+	while (get_timer(return_start) <= NOBUTTON || button_on)
+	{
+		if (avr_tstc()) {
+			c = avr_getc();
+			if (c == PWRP)
+				button_on = 1;
+			else if (c == PWRR) {
+				button_on = 0;
+				return_start = get_timer(0);
+				if (++boot_choice > MAX_BOOT_CHOICE)
+					boot_choice = 1;
+				sprintf(envbuffer, "bootcmd%d", boot_choice);
+				if (getenv(envbuffer)) {
+					sprintf(envbuffer, "run bootcmd%d", boot_choice);
+					setenv("bootcmd", envbuffer);
+				}
+				on_times = boot_choice;
+				led_state = 1;
+				miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDON);
+				pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+			} else {
+				perror("Unexpected code: 0x%02X\n", c);
+			}
+		}
+		if (on_times && get_timer(pulse_start) > PULSETIME) {
+			if (led_state == 1) {
+				--on_times;
+				led_state = 0;
+				miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+			} else {
+				led_state = 1;
+				miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDON);
+			}
+			pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+		}
+		if (!on_times && get_timer(pulse_start) > LONGPAUSE) {
+			on_times = boot_choice;
+			led_state = 1;
+			miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDON);
+			pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+		}
+	}
+	if (led_state)
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+void next_cons_choice(int console)
+	ulong return_start;
+	ulong pulse_start;
+	int on_times;
+	int button_on;
+	int led_state;
+	char c;
+	device_t *idev;
+	device_t *odev;
+	button_on = 0;
+	cons_choice = console;
+	return_start = get_timer(0);
+	on_times = cons_choice+1;
+	led_state = 1;
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDON);
+	pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+	while (get_timer(return_start) <= NOBUTTON || button_on)
+	{
+		if (avr_tstc()) {
+			c = avr_getc();
+			if (c == RESP)
+				button_on = 1;
+			else if (c == RESR) {
+				button_on = 0;
+				return_start = get_timer(0);
+				cons_choice = (cons_choice + 1) % MAX_CONS_CHOICE;
+				idev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_INPUT,  consoles[cons_choice]);
+				odev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, consoles[cons_choice]);
+				console_setfile (stdin,  idev);
+				console_setfile (stdout, odev);
+				console_setfile (stderr, odev);
+				on_times = cons_choice+1;
+				led_state = 0;
+				miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+				pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+			} else {
+				perror("Unexpected code: 0x%02X\n", c);
+			}
+		}
+		if (on_times && get_timer(pulse_start) > PULSETIME) {
+			if (led_state == 0) {
+				--on_times;
+				led_state = 1;
+				miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDON);
+			} else {
+				led_state = 0;
+				miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+			}
+			pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+		}
+		if (!on_times && get_timer(pulse_start) > LONGPAUSE) {
+			on_times = cons_choice+1;
+			led_state = 0;
+			miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+			pulse_start = get_timer(0);
+		}
+	}
+	if (led_state);
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(HDDLEDOFF);
+int avr_input(void)
+	char avr_button;
+	int ret;
+	if (!avr_tstc())
+		return 0;
+	avr_button = avr_getc();
+	switch (avr_button) {
+		case PWRP:
+			if (push_timeout(PWRR)) {
+				/* Timeout before power button release */
+				boot_stop = ~boot_stop;
+				if (boot_stop)
+					miconCntl_SendCmd(PWRBLINKSTOP);
+				else
+					miconCntl_SendCmd(PWRBLINKSTRT);
+				/* Wait for power button release */
+				while (avr_getc() != PWRR)
+					;
+			}
+			else
+				/* Power button released */
+				next_boot_choice();
+			break;
+		case RESP:
+			/* Wait for Reset button release */
+			while (avr_getc() != RESR)
+				;
+			next_cons_choice(cons_choice);
+			break;
+		case AVRINIT:
+			return 0;
+		default:
+			perror("Unexpected code: 0x%02X\n", avr_button);
+			return 0;
+	}
+	if (boot_stop)
+		return (-3);
+	else
+		return (-2);
+void avr_StopBoot(void)
+	boot_stop = ~0;
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(PWRBLINKSTOP);
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/bootls.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/bootls.c
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/bootls.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/bootls.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ * bootls.c
+ *
+ * Boot a Linkstation kernel of type firmimg.bin
+ *
+ * U-Boot loader code for Linkstation kernel. A file of type firmimg.bin
+ * consists of a header, immediately followed by a compressed kernel image,
+ * followed by a compressed initrd image.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Mihai Georgian <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Derived from:
+ *
+ * arch/ppc/common/misc-simple.c (linux-2.4.17_mvl21-sandpoint)
+ * Author: Matt Porter <mporter@mvista.com>
+ * Derived from arch/ppc/boot/prep/misc.c
+ * 2001 (c) MontaVista, Software, Inc.
+ *
+ * common/cmd_bootm.c (u-boot-1.1.4)
+ * (C) Copyright 2000-2002
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+ *
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include "firminfo.h"
+#define _ALIGN(addr,size)       (((addr)+size-1)&(~(size-1)))
+struct bi_record {
+	unsigned long tag;		/* tag ID */
+	unsigned long size;		/* size of record (in bytes) */
+	unsigned long data[0];	/* data */
+#define BI_FIRST	0x1010	/* first record - marker */
+#define BI_LAST		0x1011	/* last record - marker */
+extern int do_reset (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]);
+extern int gunzip(void *, int, unsigned char *, int *);
+ * output BYTE data
+ */
+static inline void outb(volatile unsigned char *addr, int val)
+	asm volatile("eieio");
+	asm volatile("stb%U0%X0 %1,%0; sync; isync" : "=m" (*addr) : "r" (val));
+unsigned long checksum_check(unsigned char* addr, unsigned long size)
+	long *laddr = (long *)addr;
+	unsigned long sum = 0,remain = 0;
+	int i;
+	while(size>=4) {
+		sum += *laddr;
+		laddr++;
+		size -= 4;
+	}
+	addr = (unsigned char*)laddr;
+	for(i=0;i<4;++i) {
+		remain = remain << 8;
+		if(size>i) remain += *addr;
+		addr++;
+		}
+	sum += remain;
+	return sum;
+void do_boot_lskernel (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp,
+					int flag,
+					int argc,
+					char *argv[],
+					unsigned long load_addr,
+					unsigned long *len_ptr,
+					int verify)
+	char 			*zimage_start;
+	int 			zimage_size;
+	unsigned long 	initrd_start;
+	unsigned long 	initrd_end;
+	unsigned long 	sp;
+	unsigned long 	cmd_start;
+	unsigned long 	cmd_end;
+	char 			*cmdline;
+	char 			*s;
+	bd_t 			*kbd;
+	void    		(*kernel)(bd_t *, ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong);
+	unsigned long	iflag;
+	struct firminfo *info = (struct firminfo *)load_addr;
+	struct bi_record *rec;
+	int				i;
+	char			*flashstr="FLASH";
+	for (i=0; i <= 4; i++)
+		if (info->subver[i] != flashstr[i]) {
+			puts ("Not a Linkstation kernel\n");
+			return;
+		}
+	printf("\n******* Product Information *******\n");
+	printf("----------------------------------\n");
+	printf("Product Name: %s\n", info->firmname);
+	printf("         VER: %d.%02d\n", info->ver_major, info->ver_minor);
+	printf("        Date: %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\n",
+			info->year+1900, info->mon, info->day,
+			info->hour,info->min,info->sec);
+	printf("----------------------------------\n");
+	if (verify) {
+		printf("Verifying checksum... ");
+		if (checksum_check((unsigned char*)info, info->size) != 0) {
+			printf("Failed!: checksum %08X, expecting 0\n",
+					checksum_check((unsigned char*)info, info->size));
+			return; /* Returns on error */
+		} else
+			printf("OK\n");
+	}
+	zimage_start = (char*)info + info->kernel_offset;
+	zimage_size  = (int)info->kernel_size;
+	iflag = disable_interrupts();
+	puts("Uncompressing kernel...");
+	if (gunzip(0, 0x400000, zimage_start, &zimage_size) != 0) {
+		puts ("Failed! MUST reset board to recover\n");
+		do_reset (cmdtp, flag, argc, argv);
+	} else
+		puts("done.\n");
+	/*
+	 * Allocate space for command line and board info - the
+	 * address should be as high as possible within the reach of
+	 * the kernel (see CFG_BOOTMAPSZ settings), but in unused
+	 * memory, which means far enough below the current stack
+	 * pointer.
+	 */
+	asm( "mr %0,1": "=r"(sp) : );
+	debug ("## Current stack ends at 0x%08lX ", sp);
+	sp -= 2048;		/* just to be sure */
+	if (sp > CFG_BOOTMAPSZ)
+	sp &= ~0xF;
+	debug ("=> set upper limit to 0x%08lX\n", sp);
+	cmdline = (char *)((sp - CFG_BARGSIZE) & ~0xF);
+	if ((s = getenv("bootargs")) == NULL)
+		s = "root=/dev/hda1";
+	strcpy (cmdline, s);
+	cmd_start    = (ulong)&cmdline[0];
+	cmd_end      = cmd_start + strlen(cmdline);
+	debug ("## cmdline at 0x%08lX ... 0x%08lX\n", cmd_start, cmd_end);
+	kbd = (bd_t *)(((ulong)cmdline - sizeof(bd_t)) & ~0xF);
+	*kbd = *(gd->bd);
+	if ((s = getenv ("clocks_in_mhz")) != NULL) {
+		/* convert all clock information to MHz */
+		kbd->bi_intfreq /= 1000000L;
+		kbd->bi_busfreq /= 1000000L;
+	}
+	kernel = (void (*)(bd_t *, ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong))0x4;
+	if (info->initrd_size > 0) {
+		initrd_start = (unsigned long)((char*)info + info->initrd_offset);
+		initrd_end   = initrd_start + info->initrd_size;
+		if(initrd_start > 0xffc00000 && initrd_end < 0xffefffff) {
+			unsigned long nsp;
+			unsigned long data;
+			data = initrd_start;
+			/*
+			 * the inital ramdisk does not need to be within
+			 * CFG_BOOTMAPSZ as it is not accessed until after
+			 * the mm system is initialised.
+			 *
+			 * do the stack bottom calculation again and see if
+			 * the initrd will fit just below the monitor stack
+			 * bottom without overwriting the area allocated
+			 * above for command line args and board info.
+			 */
+			asm( "mr %0,1": "=r"(nsp) : );
+			nsp -= 2048;			/* just to be sure */
+			nsp &= ~0xF;
+			nsp -= info->initrd_size;
+			nsp &= ~(4096 - 1);		/* align on page */
+			initrd_start = nsp;
+			initrd_end = initrd_start + info->initrd_size;
+			printf ("Loading Ramdisk at 0x%08lX, end 0x%08lX ... ",
+					initrd_start, initrd_end);
+			memmove ((void *)initrd_start, (void *)data, info->initrd_size);
+			puts ("OK\n");
+		}
+	} else {
+		initrd_start = 0;
+		initrd_end   = 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The kernel looks for this structure even if
+	 * the information in it is replaced by the
+	 * Linkstation kernel
+     */ 
+	rec = (struct bi_record *)_ALIGN((unsigned long)zimage_size +
+					(1 << 20) - 1,(1 << 20));
+	rec->tag = BI_FIRST;
+	rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
+	rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
+	rec->tag = BI_LAST;
+	rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
+#if defined(CONFIG_HLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	// kernel load done.
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x49); // send signal
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x49); // send signal
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x49); // send signal
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x49); // send signal
+#if defined(CONFIG_HGLAN)
+	// full speed 
+	udelay(10000);  /* 10 msec */
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x5D); // send signal
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x5D); // send signal
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x5D); // send signal
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x5D); // send signal
+#if defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	// LINK/ACT led controll
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x61); // a
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x61); // a
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x39); // 9
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x31); // 1
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x39); // 9
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x30); // 0
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x92); // 1000Mbps down
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x92); // 1000Mbps down
+	udelay(10000);  /* 10 msec */
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x61); // a
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x61); // a
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x39); // 9
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x30); // 0
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x39); // 9
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x30); // 0
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x90); // 100Mbps down
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x90); // 100Mbps down
+	udelay(10000);  /* 10 msec */
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x61); // a
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x61); // a
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x38); // 8
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x46); // F
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x39); // 9
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x30); // 0
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x8E); // 10Mbps down
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x8E); // 10Mbps down
+	udelay(10000);  /* 10 msec */
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x5F); // _
+	outb(0x80004500, 0x5F); // _
+ * This is what the original boot loader sends
+ * just before jumping to the kernel start
+ */
+	outb(0xFF000001, 0xFF);
+	puts("Booting the kernel\n");
+	/*
+	 * Linux Kernel Parameters:
+	 *   r3: ptr to board info data
+	 *   r4: initrd_start or 0 if no initrd
+	 *   r5: initrd_end - unused if r4 is 0
+	 *   r6: Start of command line string
+	 *   r7: End   of command line string
+	*/
+	(*kernel)((bd_t *)0xFF000001, initrd_start, initrd_end, cmd_start, cmd_end);
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/config.mk u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/config.mk
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/config.mk	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/config.mk	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2001-2003
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# LinkStation/LinkStation-HG:
+#       Valid values for TEXT_BASE are:
+#	Standard configuration - all models
+#       0xFFF00000   boot from flash
+#	Test configuration (boot from RAM using uloader.o)
+#	LinkStation HD-HLAN and KuroBox Standard
+#       0x03F00000   boot from RAM
+#	LinkStation HD-HGLAN and KuroBox HG
+#       0x07F00000   boot from RAM
+sinclude $(TOPDIR)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/config.tmp
+ifndef TEXT_BASE
+# For flash image - all models
+TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF00000
+# For RAM image
+# HLAN and LAN
+#TEXT_BASE = 0x03F00000
+#TEXT_BASE = 0x07F00000
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/early_init.S u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/early_init.S
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/early_init.S	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/early_init.S	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+ * board/linkstation/early_init.S
+ *
+ * Begin at some arbitrary location in RAM or Flash
+ *  Initialize core registers
+ *  Configure memory controller (Not executing from RAM)
+ *  Initialize UARTs
+ *  Simple RAM test (currently suspended)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Mihai Georgian <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Modified for U-Boot from arch/ppc/boot/linkstation/head.S from
+ * the GPL code for the Buffalo Terastation, derived in its turn from:
+ *
+ * arch/ppc/boot/sandpoint/head.S
+ *
+ * Initial board bringup code for Motorola SPS Sandpoint test platform
+ *
+ * Author: Mark A. Greer
+ *	   mgreer@mvista.com
+ * Derived from arch/ppc/boot/pcore/head.S (mporter@mvista.com)
+ *
+ * Copyright 2001 MontaVista Software Inc.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <ppc_asm.tmpl>
+#include <mpc824x.h>
+#include <ppc_defs.h>
+#include <asm/cache.h> 
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+#define RAM_SIZE        0x04000000
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+#define RAM_SIZE        0x08000000
+#define UART1           0x80004500
+#define UART1_IER       0x80004501
+#define UART1_FCR       0x80004502
+#define UART1_LCR       0x80004503
+#define UART1_DCR       0x80004511
+#define UART2           0x80004600
+#define UART2_IER       0x80004601
+#define UART2_FCR       0x80004602
+#define UART2_LCR       0x80004603
+#define UART2_DCR       0x80004611
+#define WM32(address,data) \
+	lis	r3, address@h; \
+	ori	r3, r3, address@l; \
+	lis	r4, data@h; \
+	ori	r4, r4, data@l; \
+	stw	r4, 0x0000(r3); \
+	sync;  \
+	isync;
+#define WM16(address,data) \
+	lis	r3, address@h; \
+	ori	r3, r3, address@l; \
+	li	r4, data; \
+	sth	r4, 0x0000(r3); \
+	sync;  \
+	isync;
+#define WM8(address,data) \
+	lis	r3, address@h; \
+	ori	r3, r3, address@l; \
+	li	r4, data; \
+	stb	r4, 0(r3); \
+	sync;  \
+	isync;
+	.text
+	.globl	early_init_f
+ * Configure core registers
+ */
+	/* Establish default MSR value, exception prefix 0xFFF */
+	li	r3,MSR_IP|MSR_FP
+	mtmsr	r3
+	/* Clear BATS */
+	li      r8,0
+	mtspr   DBAT0U,r8
+	mtspr	DBAT0L,r8
+	mtspr   DBAT1U,r8
+	mtspr	DBAT1L,r8
+	mtspr   DBAT2U,r8
+	mtspr	DBAT2L,r8
+	mtspr   DBAT3U,r8
+	mtspr	DBAT3L,r8
+	mtspr   IBAT0U,r8
+	mtspr	IBAT0L,r8
+	mtspr   IBAT1U,r8
+	mtspr	IBAT1L,r8
+	mtspr	IBAT2U,r8
+	mtspr   IBAT2L,r8
+	mtspr   IBAT3U,r8
+	mtspr	IBAT3L,r8
+	isync
+	sync
+	sync
+	/* Set segment registers */
+	lis	r8, 0x0000
+	isync
+	mtsr	SR0,r8
+	mtsr	SR1,r8
+	mtsr	SR2,r8
+	mtsr	SR3,r8
+	mtsr	SR4,r8
+	mtsr	SR5,r8
+	mtsr	SR6,r8
+	mtsr	SR7,r8
+	mtsr	SR8,r8
+	mtsr	SR9,r8
+	mtsr	SR10,r8
+	mtsr	SR11,r8
+	mtsr	SR12,r8
+	mtsr	SR13,r8
+	mtsr	SR14,r8
+	mtsr	SR15,r8
+	isync
+	sync
+	sync
+	/* Disable L1 icache/dcache */
+	li	r4,0x0000
+	isync
+	mtspr	HID0,r4
+	sync
+	isync
+	/* Flash Invalidate L1 icache/dcache */
+	ori	r4,r4,0x8000
+	ori	r8,r4,0x0800
+	isync
+	mtspr	HID0,r8
+	sync
+	isync
+	/* Older cores need to manually clear ICFI bit */
+	mtspr	HID0,r4
+	sync
+	isync
+#if !defined(CFG_RAMBOOT)
+	/* --- CPU Configration registor setting for LinkStation --- */
+	WM32(0x80041020,0x000000a0) /* Reset EPIC */
+	/* errata for latency timer */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x0d000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00001,0x20)
+	/* cash size */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x0c000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00000,0x08)
+	/*  PCI configuration command register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x04000080)
+	WM16(0xFEE00000,0x0600)
+	/* Processor interface configuration register 1 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xa8000080)
+	/* WM32(0xFEE00000,0xd8131400) */
+	lis	r3, 0xFEE00000@h 
+	ori	r3, r3, 0xFEE00000@l
+	lwz r5, 0(r3)  /* load PCIR1 Config */
+	lis r4, 0x0
+	ori r4, r4, 0x1000
+	and r5, r4, r5  /* Get Bit20(RCS0) */
+	lis	r4, 0xd8130400@h
+	ori	r4, r4, 0xd8130400@l
+	or  r4, r4, r5   /* Save (RCS0) */
+	stw	r4, 0x0000(r3)
+	sync
+	isync
+	/* Processor interface configuration register 2 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xac000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x00000004)
+	/* Embeded Utility Memory Block Base Address register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x78000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x00000080)
+	/* Address map B option register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xe0000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00000,0x20) /* DLL_RESET on */
+	/* Address map B option register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xe0000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00000,0xc0)
+	/* PCI arbiter control register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x46000080)
+	WM16(0xFEE00002,0x00c0)
+	/* Added to use the high drive strength for the memory selects & addressing */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x73000080)
+		/* WM8(0xFEE00003,0x15) */  /*0x17*/
+		/* Motorola Errata refer to User's Manual Errata#19 */
+		/* WM8(0xFEE00003,0xD5) */
+	WM8(0xFEE00003,0x95)
+	/* set miscellaneous I/O control register 1 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x76000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00002,0x00) /*0x02*/
+	/* set miscellaneous I/O control register 2 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x77000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00003,0x30)  /* 0x30 */
+	/* init memory controller */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x80000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x00FFFFFF)
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x84000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0xFFFFFFFF)
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x90000080)
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x3FFFFFFF) /* 64MB */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x7FFFFFFF) /* 128MB */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x94000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0xFFFFFFFF)
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x88000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x00030303)
+	/* EMSAR2 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x8C000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x03030303)
+	/* select EMSER1 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x98000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x00030303)
+	/* select EMSER2 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x9C000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x03030303)
+	/* MMCR1 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xf0000080)
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x0200E005)	/* bank 0 13xnx4 */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x0200E005)	/* bank 0 13xnx4 */
+	/* MCCR2 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xf4000080)
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0xe0150000) /* 100MHz Memory bus */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x80150000) /* 133MHz Memory bus */
+	/* MCCR3 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xf8000080)	
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x00000077)	/* BSTOPRE_M =7 / REFREC=8 */
+	/* MCCR4 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xfc000080)
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x29233222)	/* CAS latency=2, burst length=8, Ext Rom=eable */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x29323222)	/* CAS latency=3, burst length=4, Ext Rom=eable */
+	/* Output driver control register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x73000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00003,0x15)			/*  for all 40 ohm */
+	/* CLK driver Control Register */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0x74000080)
+	WM16(0xFEE00000,0x7078)
+	/* select MBEN */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xa0000080)
+	WM8(0xFEE00000, 0x01)
+	/* MPM */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xa3000080)
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM8(0xFEE00003,0xF2)	/* PGMAX = 242 */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM8(0xFEE00003,0xC9)	/* PGMAX = 201 */
+	/* ERCR s */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xd0000080) /*	; select ERCR1 */
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0xffffff85)
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xd4000080) /*	; select ERCR2 */
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0xffffff05)
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xd8000080) /*	; select ERCR3 */
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x0000f80f)
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xdc000080) /*  ; select ERCR4 */
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x0e000000)
+	/* MCCR1 */
+	WM32(0xFEC00000,0xf0000080)
+	WM32(0xFEE00000,0x0200E805)  /* 11 + 3 clock wait MEMGO on */
+	/* Init UART for AVR */
+	WM8(UART1_LCR,0x00) /* clear LCR */
+	WM8(UART1_IER,0x00) /* disable interrupt */
+	WM8(UART1_LCR,0x80) /* set LCR[DLAB] bit */
+	WM8(UART1_DCR,0x01) /* set DUART mode */
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM8(UART1,    0x8B) /* set DLL(baudrate 9600bps, 100MHz) */
+	WM8(UART1_IER,0x02) /* set DLM(baudrate 9600bps, 100MHz) */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM8(UART1,    0x61) /* set DLL(baudrate 9600bps, 133MHz) */
+	WM8(UART1_IER,0x03) /* set DLM(baudrate 9600bps, 133MHz) */
+	WM8(UART1_LCR,0x1b) /* set 8data, 1stop, even parity */
+	WM8(UART1,    0x00) /* clear MCR */
+	WM8(UART1_FCR,0x07) /* clear & enable FIFO */
+	/* Init UART for CONSOLE */
+	WM8(UART2_LCR,0x00) /* clear LCR */
+	WM8(UART2_IER,0x00) /* disable interrupt */
+	WM8(UART2_LCR,0x80) /* set LCR[DLAB] bit */
+	WM8(UART1_DCR,0x01) /* set DUART mode */
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+	WM8(UART2,    0x6C) /* set DLL(baudrate 57600bps, 100MHz) */
+	WM8(UART2_IER,0x00) /* set DLM(baudrate 57600bps, 100MHz) */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM8(UART2,    0x90) /* set DLL(baudrate 57600bps, 133MHz) */
+	WM8(UART2_IER,0x00) /* set DLM(baudrate 57600bps, 133MHz) */
+	WM8(UART2_LCR,0x03) /* set 8data, 1stop, non parity */
+	WM8(UART2,    0x00) /* clear MCR */
+	WM8(UART2_FCR,0x07) /* clear & enable FIFO */
+#endif /* !defined (CFG_RAMBOOT)
+	/* PCI Command Register initialize */
+	lis r3, 0x8000
+	ori r3, r3, 0x0004
+	lis r4, 0xFEC0
+	ori r4, r4, 0x0000
+	stwbrx r4, 0, r3
+	sync
+	isync
+	li r6, 0x0006
+	lis r5, 0xFEE0
+	ori r5, r5, 0x0000
+	sthbrx r5, 0, r6
+	sync
+	isync
+#if !defined(CFG_RAMBOOT)
+	/* Wait 1 sec  for AVR become enable */
+	li	r3,1000
+	mulli	r3,r3,1000
+	mulli	r4,r3,1000	/* nanoseconds */
+	addi	r4,r4,39
+	li	r5,40		/* 40ns if for 100 Mhz bus */
+	divw	r4,r4,r5	/* BUS ticks */
+1:	mftbu	r5
+	mftb	r6
+	mftbu	r7
+	cmp	0,r5,r7
+	bne	1b		/* Get [synced] base time */
+	addc	r9,r6,r4	/* Compute end time */
+	addze	r8,r5
+2:	mftbu	r5
+	cmp	0,r5,r8
+	blt	2b
+	bgt	3f
+	mftb	r6
+	cmp	0,r6,r9
+	blt	2b
+#if 1
+	/* Check RAM */
+	/* set start address(0x00000000) */
+3:	xor r4,r4,r4
+	lis r5,     RAM_SIZE@h
+	ori r5, r5, RAM_SIZE@l
+	lis r6,     0xaaaa  /* mask pattern a */
+	ori r6, r6, 0xaaaa
+	lis r7,     0x5555  /* mask pattern b */
+	ori r7, r7, 0x5555
+	lis r8,     0x0000  /* check step size */
+	ori r8, r8, 0x0100
+	cmp 0,r4,r5
+	beq  check_ram_end
+	stw r6,0(r4)
+	isync
+	lwz r3,0(r4)
+	isync
+	cmp 0,r3,r6
+	bne ram_error
+	stw r7,0x00fc(r4)
+	isync
+	lwz r3,0x00fc(r4)
+	isync
+	cmp 0,r3,r7
+	bne ram_error
+	add r4,r4,r8
+	b   check_ram_loop
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN)
+	WM8(UART1,0x39)  /* ram error */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) ||defined(CONFIG_HLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+	WM8(UART1,0x6F)  /* ram error */
+	b   ram_error
+#endif /* #if 1 */
+#endif /* !defined (CFG_RAMBOOT) */
+/* The instruction cache is enabled and the data cache is disabled */
+	blr
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/firminfo.h u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/firminfo.h
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/firminfo.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/firminfo.h	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#define FIRMNAME_MAX   31
+#define SUBVERSION_MAX 31
+#define FIRMINFO_VER 1
+struct firminfo {
+		unsigned long info_ver;
+		unsigned long  firmid;
+		char           firmname[FIRMNAME_MAX+1];
+		char           subver[SUBVERSION_MAX+1];
+		unsigned short ver_major;
+		unsigned short ver_minor;
+		unsigned short build;
+		char           year;
+		char           mon;
+		char           day;
+		char           hour;
+		char           min;
+		char           sec;
+		unsigned long size;
+		unsigned long chksum;
+		unsigned long kernel_offset;
+		unsigned long kernel_size;
+		unsigned long initrd_offset;
+		unsigned long initrd_size;
+	} __attribute((aligned(4)));
+// ----------------------------------------------------
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/flash.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/flash.c
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/flash.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/flash.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+ * flash.c
+ *
+ * Flash device interface for LinkStation
+ * Supports CFI flash devices using the AMD standard command set
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Mihai Georgin <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Based on the MTD code from the Linux kernel
+ * 
+ * Based on include/melco/flashd.c (linux-2.4.17_mvl21-sandpoint)
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2004  BUFFALO INC.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <mpc824x.h>
+#if 0
+#define DEBUG_CFI
+#undef  debug
+#ifdef  DEBUG_CFI
+#define debug(fmt,args...)      printf(fmt,##args)
+#define debug(fmt,args...)
+#endif  /* DEBUG_CFI */
+#error Only 1 flash bank supported
+#define perror(fmt,args...)		printf("%s: ",__FUNCTION__);printf(fmt,##args)
+#define P_ID_NONE			    0
+#define P_ID_INTEL_EXT		    1
+#define P_ID_AMD_STD		    2
+#define P_ID_INTEL_STD		    3
+#define P_ID_AMD_EXT		    4
+#define P_ID_MITSUBISHI_STD	  256
+#define P_ID_MITSUBISHI_EXT	  257
+#define P_ID_RESERVED 		65535
+#define CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8	 (8 / 8)
+#define CFI_DEVICETYPE_X16	(16 / 8)
+#define FLASH_DATA_MASK		0xFF
+/* Unknown manufacturer */
+/* Fujitsu MBM29PL320MT which is using the same */
+/* codes as the AMD Am29LV320MT "mirror" flash */
+#define AMD_ID_LV320T_2_LS	(AMD_ID_LV320T_2 & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+#define AMD_ID_LV320T_3_LS	(AMD_ID_LV320T_3 & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+/* ST Micro M29W320DT and M29W320DB */
+#define STM_ID_29W320DT_LS	(STM_ID_29W320DT & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+#define STM_ID_29W320DB_LS	(STM_ID_29W320DB & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+/* ST Micro M29DW324DT and M29DW324DB */
+#define STM_ID_29W324DT_LS	(STM_ID_29W324DT & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+#define STM_ID_29W324DB_LS	(STM_ID_29W324DB & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+/* Macronix MX29LV320T */
+#define MX_ID_LV320T_LS		(MX_ID_LV320T    & FLASH_DATA_MASK)
+/* Basic Query Structure */
+struct cfi_ident {
+  __u8  qry[3];
+  __u16 P_ID;
+  __u16 P_ADR;
+  __u16 A_ID;
+  __u16 A_ADR;
+  __u8  VccMin;
+  __u8  VccMax;
+  __u8  VppMin;
+  __u8  VppMax;
+  __u8  WordWriteTimeoutTyp;
+  __u8  BufWriteTimeoutTyp;
+  __u8  BlockEraseTimeoutTyp;
+  __u8  ChipEraseTimeoutTyp;
+  __u8  WordWriteTimeoutMax;
+  __u8  BufWriteTimeoutMax;
+  __u8  BlockEraseTimeoutMax;
+  __u8  ChipEraseTimeoutMax;
+  __u8  DevSize;
+  __u16 InterfaceDesc;
+  __u16 MaxBufWriteSize;
+  __u8  NumEraseRegions;
+  __u32 EraseRegionInfo[MAX_ERASE_REGIONS];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct cfi_private {
+	__u32 base;
+	int device_type;
+	int addr_unlock1;
+	int addr_unlock2;
+	struct cfi_ident *cfiq;
+	int mfr;
+	int id[3]; /* Supports AMD MirrorBit flash */
+	char *flash_name;
+	int  wrd_wr_time;
+	int  buf_wr_time;
+	int  erase_time;
+	int (*blk_erase)(flash_info_t *info, int s_first, int s_last);
+	int (*blk_write)(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr, int sz);
+static inline __u8 cfi_read8(__u32 addr)
+	return (*(volatile __u8 *)(addr));
+static inline void cfi_write8(__u8 val, __u32 addr)
+	*(volatile __u8 *)(addr) = val;
+	sync();
+ * Sends a CFI command to a bank of flash for the given type.
+ * Returns the offset to the sent command
+ */
+static inline __u32 cfi_cmd(__u8 cmd, __u32 cmd_addr, __u32 base, int type)
+	__u32 addr;
+	addr = base + cmd_addr * type;
+	if (cmd_addr * type == 0x554)
+		++addr;
+	cfi_write8(cmd, addr);
+	return addr - base;
+static inline __u8 cfi_read_query(__u32 addr)
+	return cfi_read8(addr);
+flash_info_t flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];
+static struct cfi_private cfis;
+static struct cfi_ident   cfi_idents;
+static struct cfi_private *cfi;
+static int cfi_probe_chip(struct cfi_private *cfi);
+static unsigned long cfi_amdstd_setup(struct cfi_private *cfi, int primary);
+static void print_cfi_ident(struct cfi_ident *);
+static int flash_amdstd_erase(flash_info_t *info, int s_first, int s_last);
+static int flash_amdstd_wbuff(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr,int sz);
+static int flash_amdstd_wubyp(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr,int sz);
+static int flash_amdstd_write(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr,int sz);
+unsigned long flash_init(void)
+	unsigned long flash_size;
+	__u16 type;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	cfi = &cfis;
+	memset(cfi, 0, sizeof(struct cfi_private));
+	cfi->base = CFG_FLASH_BASE;
+	/* Identify CFI chip */
+	/* Probe for X8 device first */
+	cfi->device_type = CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8;
+	if (cfi_probe_chip(cfi)) {
+		/* The probe didn't like it */
+		/* so probe for X16/X8 device */
+		cfi->device_type = CFI_DEVICETYPE_X16;
+		if (cfi_probe_chip(cfi)) {
+			/* The probe didn't like it */
+			return 0UL;
+		}
+	}		
+	/* Check if it is AMD standard cmd set */
+	type = cfi->cfiq->P_ID;
+	if (type == P_ID_AMD_STD)
+		flash_size = cfi_amdstd_setup(cfi, 1);
+	else {
+		perror("Primary cmd set is not AMD std. Trying alternate.\n");
+		flash_size = 0;
+	}
+	if (!flash_size) {
+		type = cfi->cfiq->A_ID;
+		if (type == P_ID_AMD_STD)
+			flash_size = cfi_amdstd_setup(cfi, 0);
+		else {
+			perror("Alternate cmd set is not AMD std.\n");
+			return 0UL;
+		}
+	}
+	if (flash_size && flash_size == 4*1024*1024) {
+		/* Flash protection ON by default */
+		flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET, cfi->base, cfi->base+flash_size-1, flash_info);
+		return flash_size;
+	}
+	if (flash_size) {
+		perror("Unsupported flash size: %d\n", flash_size);
+	} else {
+		perror("Vendor Command Set not supported\n");
+		printf("Primary: 0x%04X, Alternate: 0x%04X\n",
+				cfi->cfiq->P_ID, cfi->cfiq->A_ID);
+	}
+	return 0UL;
+void flash_print_info(flash_info_t *info)
+	int i;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	printf("Flash chip: %s\n\n",
+		   cfi->flash_name?cfi->flash_name:"UNKNOWN");
+	print_cfi_ident(cfi->cfiq);
+	printf("\nActual values used by U-Boot:\n");
+	printf("Word   write timeout: %6d ms\n", cfi->wrd_wr_time);
+	printf("Buffer write timeout: %6d ms\n", cfi->buf_wr_time);
+	printf("Sector erase timeout: %6d ms\n", cfi->erase_time);
+	printf("\nSize: %ld MiB in %d Sectors\n",info->size>>20,info->sector_count);
+	printf ("  Sector Start Addresses:");
+	for (i=0; i<info->sector_count; i++) {
+		if (!(i % 5))
+			printf ("\n   ");
+		printf (" %08lX%s", info->start[i], info->protect[i]?" (RO)" : " (RW)");
+	}
+	printf ("\n");
+int flash_erase(flash_info_t *info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	return (*(cfi->blk_erase))(info, s_first, s_last);
+int write_buff(flash_info_t *info, uchar *src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+	return (*(cfi->blk_write))(info, src, addr, cnt);
+static int cfi_probe_chip(struct cfi_private *cfi)
+	int ofs_factor = cfi->device_type;
+	__u32 base = cfi->base;
+	int num_erase_regions, scount;
+	int i;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+	cfi_cmd(0x98, 0x55, base, cfi->device_type);
+	if (cfi_read8(base + ofs_factor * 0x10) != 'Q' ||
+	    cfi_read8(base + ofs_factor * 0x11) != 'R' ||
+	    cfi_read8(base + ofs_factor * 0x12) != 'Y') {
+		debug("Not a CFI flash\n");
+		/* Put the chip back into read array mode */
+		cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	num_erase_regions = cfi_read_query(base + 0x2C * ofs_factor);
+	if (!num_erase_regions) {
+		perror("No erase regions\n");
+		/* Put the chip back into read read array mode */
+		cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (num_erase_regions > MAX_ERASE_REGIONS) {
+		perror("Number of erase regions (%d) > MAX_ERASE_REGIONS (%d)\n",
+				num_erase_regions, MAX_ERASE_REGIONS);
+		/* Put the chip back into read read array mode */
+		cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	cfi->cfiq = &cfi_idents;
+	memset(cfi->cfiq, 0, sizeof(struct cfi_ident));	
+	debug("cfi->cfiq: 0x%08X\n", cfi->cfiq);
+	/* Read the CFI info structure */
+	for (i=0; i < sizeof(struct cfi_ident) + num_erase_regions * 4; i++)
+		((__u8 *)cfi->cfiq)[i] = cfi_read_query(base + (0x10 + i) * ofs_factor);
+	/* Do any necessary byteswapping */
+	cfi->cfiq->P_ID            = __le16_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->P_ID);
+	cfi->cfiq->P_ADR           = __le16_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->P_ADR);
+	cfi->cfiq->A_ID            = __le16_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->A_ID);
+	cfi->cfiq->A_ADR           = __le16_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->A_ADR);
+	cfi->cfiq->InterfaceDesc   = __le16_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->InterfaceDesc);
+	cfi->cfiq->MaxBufWriteSize = __le16_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->MaxBufWriteSize);
+#if 0
+	/* Dump the information therein */
+	print_cfi_ident(cfi->cfiq);
+	scount = 0;
+	for (i=0; i<cfi->cfiq->NumEraseRegions; i++) {
+		cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] = __le32_to_cpu(cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i]);
+		scount += (cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] & 0xFFFF) + 1;
+		debug("  Erase Region #%d: sector size 0x%4.4X bytes, %d sectors\n",
+		       i, (cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] >> 8) & ~0xFF, 
+		       (cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] & 0xFFFF) + 1);
+	}
+	/* Put it back into Read Mode */
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, cfi->device_type);
+	if (scount > CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT) {
+		perror("Number of sectors (%d) > CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT (%d)\n",
+				scount, CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	debug("Found x%d device in 8-bit mode\n", cfi->device_type*8);
+	return 0;
+static char *vendorname(__u16 vendor) 
+	switch (vendor) {
+	case P_ID_NONE:
+		return "None";
+	case P_ID_INTEL_EXT:
+		return "Intel/Sharp Extended";
+	case P_ID_AMD_STD:
+		return "AMD/Fujitsu Standard";
+	case P_ID_INTEL_STD:
+		return "Intel/Sharp Standard";
+	case P_ID_AMD_EXT:
+		return "AMD/Fujitsu Extended";
+		return "Mitsubishi Standard";
+		return "Mitsubishi Extended";
+		return "Not Allowed / Reserved for Future Use";
+	default:
+		return "Unknown";
+	}
+static void print_cfi_ident(struct cfi_ident *cfip)
+	printf("CFI Query Results:\n");
+	printf("Primary Vendor Command Set: 0x%4.4X (%s)\n",
+			cfip->P_ID, vendorname(cfip->P_ID));
+	if (cfip->P_ADR)
+		printf("Primary Algorithm Table at 0x%4.4X\n", cfip->P_ADR);
+	else
+		printf("No Primary Algorithm Table\n");
+	printf("Alternate Vendor Command Set: 0x%4.4X (%s)\n",
+		cfip->A_ID, vendorname(cfip->A_ID));
+	if (cfip->A_ADR)
+		printf("Alternate Algorithm Table at 0x%4.4X\n", cfip->A_ADR);
+	else
+		printf("No Alternate Algorithm Table\n");
+	printf("Vcc Min.: %d.%d V\n", cfip->VccMin >> 4, cfip->VccMin & 0xF);
+	printf("Vcc Max.: %d.%d V\n", cfip->VccMax >> 4, cfip->VccMax & 0xF);
+	if (cfip->VppMin) {
+		printf("Vpp Min.: %d.%d V\n", cfip->VppMin >> 4, cfip->VppMin & 0xF);
+		printf("Vpp Max.: %d.%d V\n", cfip->VppMax >> 4, cfip->VppMax & 0xF);
+	}
+	else
+		printf("No Vpp line\n");
+	printf("Typical byte/word write timeout: %d us\n",
+			1<<cfip->WordWriteTimeoutTyp);
+	printf("Maximum byte/word write timeout: %d us\n",
+			(1<<cfip->WordWriteTimeoutMax) * (1<<cfip->WordWriteTimeoutTyp));
+	if (cfip->BufWriteTimeoutTyp || cfip->BufWriteTimeoutMax) {
+		printf("Typical full buffer write timeout: %d us\n",
+				1<<cfip->BufWriteTimeoutTyp);
+		printf("Maximum full buffer write timeout: %d us\n",
+				(1<<cfip->BufWriteTimeoutMax) * (1<<cfip->BufWriteTimeoutTyp));
+	}
+	else
+		printf("Full buffer write not supported\n");
+	printf("Typical block erase timeout: %d ms\n",
+			1<<cfip->BlockEraseTimeoutTyp);
+	printf("Maximum block erase timeout: %d ms\n",
+			(1<<cfip->BlockEraseTimeoutMax) * (1<<cfip->BlockEraseTimeoutTyp));
+	if (cfip->ChipEraseTimeoutTyp || cfip->ChipEraseTimeoutMax) {
+		printf("Typical chip erase timeout: %d ms\n",
+				1<<cfip->ChipEraseTimeoutTyp); 
+		printf("Maximum chip erase timeout: %d ms\n",
+				(1<<cfip->ChipEraseTimeoutMax) * (1<<cfip->ChipEraseTimeoutTyp));
+	}
+	else
+		printf("Chip erase not supported\n");
+	printf("Device size: 0x%X bytes (%d MiB)\n",
+			1 << cfip->DevSize, 1 << (cfip->DevSize - 20));
+	printf("Flash Device Interface description: 0x%4.4X\n",cfip->InterfaceDesc);
+	switch(cfip->InterfaceDesc) {
+	case 0:
+		printf("  - x8-only asynchronous interface\n");
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		printf("  - x16-only asynchronous interface\n");
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		printf("  - x8 / x16 via BYTE# with asynchronous interface\n");
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		printf("  - x32-only asynchronous interface\n");
+		break;
+	case 65535:
+		printf("  - Not Allowed / Reserved\n");
+		break;
+	default:
+		printf("  - Unknown\n");
+		break;
+	}
+	printf("Max. bytes in buffer write: %d\n", 1 << cfip->MaxBufWriteSize);
+	printf("Number of Erase Block Regions: %d\n", cfip->NumEraseRegions);
+static unsigned long cfi_amdstd_setup(struct cfi_private *cfi, int primary)
+	flash_info_t *info = &flash_info[0];
+	__u32 base         = cfi->base;
+	int ofs_factor     = cfi->device_type;
+	__u32 addr_et      = primary?cfi->cfiq->P_ADR:cfi->cfiq->A_ADR;
+	__u8 major, minor, bootloc;
+	__u32 offset, ernum, ersize;
+	int i, j;
+	/* Put the chip into read array mode */
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+	/* Autoselect */
+	cfi_cmd(0xAA, 0x555, base, cfi->device_type);
+	cfi_cmd(0x55, 0x2AA, base, cfi->device_type);
+	cfi_cmd(0x90, 0x555, base, cfi->device_type);
+	/* Read manufacturer and device id */
+	cfi->mfr = cfi_read_query(base + 0x00 * ofs_factor);
+	if ((cfi->id[0] = cfi_read_query(base + 0x01 * ofs_factor)) == 0x7E) {   
+		 cfi->id[1] = cfi_read_query(base + 0x0E * ofs_factor);
+		 cfi->id[2] = cfi_read_query(base + 0x0F * ofs_factor);
+	}
+	/* Put the chip into read array mode */
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+	/* Put the chip into read query mode */
+	cfi_cmd(0x98, 0x55, base, cfi->device_type);
+	/* Find the boot block location and swap the erase regions as necessary */
+	major = cfi_read_query(base + (addr_et + 3) * ofs_factor);
+	minor = cfi_read_query(base + (addr_et + 4) * ofs_factor);
+	debug(" Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table v%c.%c at 0x%4.4X\n",
+	       major, minor, addr_et);
+	if (((major << 8) | minor) < 0x3131) {
+		/* CFI version 1.0 => don't trust bootloc */
+		if (cfi->id[0] & 0x80) {
+			printf("Device ID is 0x%02X. Assuming broken CFI table.\n",
+					cfi->id[0]);
+			bootloc = 3;	/* top boot */
+		} else
+			bootloc = 2;	/* bottom boot */
+	} else
+		bootloc = cfi_read_query(base + (addr_et + 0xF) * ofs_factor);
+	if (bootloc == 3 && cfi->cfiq->NumEraseRegions > 1) {
+		debug("Top boot block. Swapping erase regions.\n");
+		for (i=0; i<cfi->cfiq->NumEraseRegions / 2; i++) {
+			int j = (cfi->cfiq->NumEraseRegions-1)-i;
+			__u32 swap;
+			swap = cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i];
+			cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] = cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[j];
+			cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[j] = swap;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Put the chip into read array mode */
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, cfi->device_type);
+	switch (cfi->device_type) {
+		/* X8 chip */
+		cfi->addr_unlock1 = 0x555; 
+		cfi->addr_unlock2 = 0x2AA; 
+		break;
+		/* X16 chip in X8 mode */
+		cfi->addr_unlock1 = 0xAAA;
+		cfi->addr_unlock2 = 0x555;
+		break;
+	default:
+		perror("Unsupported device type %d\n", cfi->device_type);
+		return 0UL;
+	}
+	cfi->wrd_wr_time  = 1 << cfi->cfiq->WordWriteTimeoutTyp;
+	cfi->wrd_wr_time *= 1 << cfi->cfiq->WordWriteTimeoutMax;
+	/* Word write time is in us, convert to ms */
+	cfi->wrd_wr_time  = cfi->wrd_wr_time / 1000 + 1;
+	if (cfi->wrd_wr_time == 1)
+		/* Account for the timer resolution which is 1 ms */
+		cfi->wrd_wr_time = 2;
+	cfi->buf_wr_time  = 1 << cfi->cfiq->BufWriteTimeoutTyp;
+	cfi->buf_wr_time *= 1 << cfi->cfiq->BufWriteTimeoutMax;
+	/* Buffer write time is in us, convert to ms */
+	cfi->buf_wr_time  = cfi->buf_wr_time / 1000 + 1;
+	if (cfi->buf_wr_time == 1)
+		/* Account for the timer resolution which is 1 ms */
+		cfi->buf_wr_time = 2;
+	cfi->erase_time   = 1 << cfi->cfiq->BlockEraseTimeoutTyp;
+	cfi->erase_time  *= 1 << cfi->cfiq->BlockEraseTimeoutMax;
+	info->size = (1 << cfi->cfiq->DevSize);
+	info->sector_count = 0;
+	offset = CFG_FLASH_BASE;
+	for (i=0; i < cfi->cfiq->NumEraseRegions; i++) {
+		ersize = ((cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] >> 8) & ~0xFF);
+		ernum = (cfi->cfiq->EraseRegionInfo[i] & 0xFFFF) + 1;
+		for (j=0; j < ernum; j++) {
+			info->start[info->sector_count + j] = offset;
+			offset += ersize;
+		}
+		info->sector_count += ernum;
+	}
+	switch (cfi->mfr) {
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_FUJ;
+		switch (cfi->id[0]) {
+			if (cfi->id[1] == AMD_ID_LV320T_2_LS &&
+			    cfi->id[2] == AMD_ID_LV320T_3_LS) {
+				info->flash_id += FLASH_AMLV320T;
+				cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_wbuff;
+				cfi->flash_name = "FUJITSU MBM29PL32TM";
+			} else
+				info->flash_id += FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			break;
+		default:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_STM;
+		switch (cfi->id[0]) {
+		case STM_ID_29W320DT_LS:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_STMW320DT;
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_wubyp;
+			cfi->flash_name = "STMICRO M29W320DT";
+			break;
+		case STM_ID_29W320DB_LS:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_STMW320DB;
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_wubyp;
+			cfi->flash_name = "STMICRO M29W320DB";
+			break;
+		case STM_ID_29W324DT_LS:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_STMW324DT;
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_wubyp;
+			cfi->flash_name = "STMICRO M29W324DT";
+			break;
+		case STM_ID_29W324DB_LS:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_STMW324DB;
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_wubyp;
+			cfi->flash_name = "STMICRO M29W324DB";
+			break;
+		default:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_MX;
+		switch (cfi->id[0]) {
+		case MX_ID_LV320T_LS:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_MXLV320T;
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_write;
+			cfi->flash_name = "MXIC MX29LV320T";
+			break;
+		default:
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_AMD_COMP;
+		break;
+	}
+	if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		/* Unknown but supported CFI flash */
+		cfi->flash_name = NULL;
+		if (cfi->cfiq->MaxBufWriteSize)
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_wbuff;
+		else
+			cfi->blk_write = flash_amdstd_write;
+	}
+	cfi->blk_erase = flash_amdstd_erase;
+	return info->size;
+#define BIT(x) (1<<x)
+ * Check the flash command state
+ */
+static int flash_amdstd_state(__u32 addr, __u32 target, int timeout)
+	__u32 start_time = get_timer(0);
+	__u32 data;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	do {
+		data = cfi_read8(addr);
+		if((data & BIT(7)) == (target & BIT(7)))
+			return 0;
+		if(data & BIT(5)) {
+			data = cfi_read8(addr);
+			if((data & BIT(7)) == (target & BIT(7))) 
+				return 0;
+			else
+				return -1;
+		}
+	} while (get_timer(start_time) < timeout);
+	return -1;
+ * Verify data written to flash
+ */
+static int flash_amdstd_vrfy(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr, int sz)
+	__u32 base = cfi->base;
+	__u8  *faddr;
+	long  i;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	faddr = (__u8 *)addr;
+	for(i=0; i < sz; i++) {
+		if(faddr[i] != buf[i]) {
+			printf("Flash Write verify fail at %08x. ", &faddr[i]);
+			printf("Expecting: %02X, Actual: %02X\n", faddr[i], buf[i]);
+			printf("Retrying...");
+			cfi_cmd(0xAA, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			cfi_cmd(0x55, cfi->addr_unlock2, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			cfi_cmd(0xA0, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			cfi_write8(buf[i], (__u32)&faddr[i]);
+			if (flash_amdstd_state((__u32)&faddr[i], buf[i], cfi->wrd_wr_time)) {
+				printf("failed again\n");
+				cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+				return 1;
+			} else
+				printf("suceeded\n");
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Erase flash sectors
+ */
+static int flash_amdstd_erase(flash_info_t *info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	int prot, sect, nsect, flag;
+	__u32 l_sect;
+	__u32 base = cfi->base;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if (!info->size) {
+		printf ("Flash erase: Can't erase unsupported flash\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (s_first < 0 || s_first > s_last    ||
+	    s_first > (info->sector_count - 1) ||
+		s_last  > (info->sector_count - 1)) {
+		printf ("Flash erase: no sectors to erase\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	printf("\nFlash erase: first = %d @ 0x%08lx\n",
+	        s_first, info->start[s_first]);
+	printf("             last  = %d @ 0x%08lx\n", s_last, info->start[s_last]);
+	nsect = s_last - s_first + 1;
+	for (prot = 0, sect=s_first; sect<=s_last; ++sect)
+		if (info->protect[sect])
+			prot++;
+	if (prot) {
+		if (prot == nsect) {
+			printf("Warning: All requested sectors are protected!\n");
+			printf("         No sectors to erase\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		else
+			printf("Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!\n", prot);
+	}
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	udelay(1000);
+	/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+	flag = disable_interrupts();
+	cfi_cmd(0xAA, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0x55, cfi->addr_unlock2, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0x80, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0xAA, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0x55, cfi->addr_unlock2, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; sect++)
+		if (!info->protect[sect]) {
+			l_sect = info->start[sect];
+			cfi_write8(0x30, l_sect);
+		}
+	/* Erase begins 50us after the last sector address */
+	udelay(50);
+	/* All erase commands sent, enable interrupts */
+	if (flag)
+		enable_interrupts();
+	if (flash_amdstd_state(l_sect, 0xff, cfi->erase_time * nsect)) {
+		printf("Flash erase: Timeout\n");
+		cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	printf("Flash erase: Done\n");
+	return 0;
+ * Write to flash using Write Buffer programming
+ */
+static int flash_amdstd_wbuff(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr, int sz)
+	__u32 base = cfi->base;
+	__u32 wbufsz;
+	__u32 size, wsize, waddr, saddr;
+	__u8 *wbuf;
+	int i;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	size = sz;
+	wbuf = buf;
+	wbufsz = 1 << cfi->cfiq->MaxBufWriteSize;
+	waddr = (addr + wbufsz - 1) & ~(wbufsz - 1);
+	if (waddr > addr)
+		wsize = waddr-addr;
+	else
+		wsize = wbufsz;
+	if (wsize > size)
+		wsize = size;
+	waddr = addr;
+	while (size > 0) {
+		for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+			if (waddr < info->start[i])
+				break;
+		saddr = info->start[i-1];
+       	cfi_cmd(0xAA, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+       	cfi_cmd(0x55, cfi->addr_unlock2, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+		cfi_write8(0x25, saddr);
+		cfi_write8(wsize-1, saddr);
+		for (i = 0; i < wsize; i++)
+			cfi_write8(*wbuf++, waddr++);
+		cfi_write8(0x29, saddr);
+    	if (flash_amdstd_state(waddr-1, *(wbuf-1), cfi->buf_wr_time)) {
+			printf("Flash write buffer: Timeout\n");
+			cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0x00, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		size -= wsize;
+		if ((wsize = wbufsz) > size)
+			wsize = size;
+	}
+	return flash_amdstd_vrfy(info, buf, addr, sz);
+ * Write to flash using Unlock Bypass command sequence
+ */
+static int flash_amdstd_wubyp(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr, int sz)
+	__u32 base = cfi->base;
+	__u32 waddr;
+	long  i;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	waddr = addr;
+	cfi_cmd(0xAA, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0x55, cfi->addr_unlock2, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0x20, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	for(i=0; i < sz; i++) {
+		cfi_write8(0xA0, waddr);
+		cfi_write8(buf[i], waddr);
+		if (flash_amdstd_state(waddr, buf[i], cfi->wrd_wr_time)) {
+			printf("Flash unlock bypass write: Timeout\n");
+			cfi_cmd(0x90, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			cfi_cmd(0x00, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		waddr++;
+	}
+	cfi_cmd(0x90, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0x00, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	return flash_amdstd_vrfy(info, buf, addr, sz);
+ * Write to flash using Word/Byte Program command sequence
+ */
+static int flash_amdstd_write(flash_info_t *info, __u8 *buf, __u32 addr, int sz)
+	__u32 base = cfi->base;
+	__u32 waddr;
+	long  i;
+	debug("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	waddr = addr;
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
+		cfi_cmd(0xAA, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+		cfi_cmd(0x55, cfi->addr_unlock2, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+		cfi_cmd(0xA0, cfi->addr_unlock1, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+		cfi_write8(buf[i], waddr);
+		if (flash_amdstd_state(waddr, buf[i], cfi->wrd_wr_time)) {
+			printf("Flash write: Timeout\n");
+			cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		waddr++;
+	}
+	cfi_cmd(0xF0, 0, base, CFI_DEVICETYPE_X8);
+	return flash_amdstd_vrfy(info, buf, addr, sz);
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/hwctl.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/hwctl.c
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/hwctl.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/hwctl.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ * hwctl.c
+ *
+ * LinkStation HW Control Driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2004  BUFFALO INC.
+ *
+ * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License (GPL), incorporated herein by reference.
+ * Drivers based on or derived from this code fall under the GPL and must
+ * retain the authorship, copyright and license notice.  This file is not
+ * a complete program and may only be used when the entire operating
+ * system is licensed under the GPL.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#define mdelay(n)	udelay((n)*1000)
+#define AVR_PORT CFG_NS16550_COM2
+extern void udelay(unsigned long usec);
+// output BYTE data
+static inline void out_b(volatile unsigned char *addr, int val)
+	__asm__ __volatile__("stb%U0%X0 %1,%0; eieio" : "=m" (*addr) : "r" (val));
+#if 0
+void blink_led(unsigned char state)
+	switch (state)
+	{
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x61);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x61);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x38);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x30);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x34);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x31);
+			mdelay(10);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x61);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x61);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x38);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x31);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x34);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x31);
+			mdelay(10);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x71);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x71);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x71);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x71);
+			mdelay(10);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x73);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x73);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x73);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x73);
+			mdelay(10);
+			break;
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x70);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x70);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x70);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x70);
+			mdelay(10);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x72);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x72);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x72);
+//			out_b(AVR_PORT, 0x72);
+			mdelay(10);
+			break;
+			break;
+			break;
+		default:
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+			out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+			break;
+	}
+	out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+	out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+	out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+	out_b(AVR_PORT, state);
+// 2005.5.10 BUFFALO add
+static inline void miconCntl_SendUart(unsigned char dat)
+	out_b((char *)AVR_PORT, dat);
+	udelay(1000);
+void miconCntl_SendCmd(unsigned char dat)
+	int i;
+	for (i=0; i<4; i++){
+		miconCntl_SendUart(dat);
+	}
+void miconCntl_FanLow(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5C);
+void miconCntl_FanHigh(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5D);
+void miconCntl_Eth1000M(int up)
+	debug("%s (%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,up);
+	if (up){
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x93);
+	}else{
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x92);
+	}
+	if (up){
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5D);
+	}else{
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5C);
+	}
+void miconCntl_Eth100M(int up)
+	debug("%s (%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,up);
+	if (up){
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x91);
+	}else{
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x90);
+	}
+	if (up){
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5C);
+	}
+void miconCntl_Eth10M(int up)
+	debug("%s (%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,up);
+	if (up){
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x8F);
+	}else{
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x8E);
+	}
+	if (up){
+		miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5C);
+	}
+void miconCntl_5f(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5F);
+	mdelay(100);
+// "reboot start" signal
+void miconCntl_Reboot(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x43);
+#if 0
+// Raid recovery start
+void miconCntl_RadiRecovery(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendUart(0x61); // a
+	miconCntl_SendUart(0x61); // a
+	miconCntl_SendUart(0x38); // 8
+	miconCntl_SendUart(0x30); // 0
+	miconCntl_SendUart(0x34); // 4
+	miconCntl_SendUart(0x31); // 1
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x71); // q
+// Raid recovery finish
+void miconCntl_RadiRecoveryFin(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x70);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Disable watchdog timer
+void miconCntl_DisWDT(void)
+	debug("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x41); // A
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x46); // F
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x4A); // J
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x3E); // >
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x56); // V
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x3E); // >
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x5A); // Z
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x56); // V
+	miconCntl_SendCmd(0x4B); // K
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// U-Boot calls this function
+int do_reset (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+	disable_interrupts();
+	miconCntl_Reboot();
+	while (1)
+		miconCntl_SendUart(0x47);	/* Wait for reboot */
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/ide.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/ide.c
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/ide.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/ide.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2000
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+/* ide.c - ide support functions */
+#include <common.h>
+#ifdef CFG_CMD_IDE
+#include <ata.h>
+#include <ide.h>
+#include <pci.h>
+#define IT8212_PCI_CpuCONTROL			0x5e
+#define IT8212_PCI_PciModeCONTROL		0x50
+#define IT8212_PCI_IdeIoCONFIG			0x40
+#define IT8212_PCI_IdeBusSkewCONTROL	0x4c
+#define IT8212_PCI_IdeDrivingCURRENT	0x42
+extern ulong ide_bus_offset[CFG_IDE_MAXBUS];
+extern struct pci_controller hose;
+int ide_preinit (void)
+	int status;
+	pci_dev_t devbusfn;
+	int l;
+	status = 1;
+	for (l = 0; l < CFG_IDE_MAXBUS; l++) {
+		ide_bus_offset[l] = -ATA_STATUS;
+	}
+	devbusfn = pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_CMD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_SII_680, 0);
+	if (devbusfn == -1)
+		devbusfn = pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_ITE,PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_8212,0);
+	if (devbusfn != -1) {
+		status = 0;
+		pci_read_config_dword (devbusfn, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,
+							   (u32 *) &ide_bus_offset[0]);
+		ide_bus_offset[0] &= 0xfffffffe;
+		ide_bus_offset[0] = pci_hose_bus_to_phys(&hose,
+												 ide_bus_offset[0] & 0xfffffffe,
+												 PCI_REGION_IO);
+		pci_read_config_dword (devbusfn, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,
+							   (u32 *) &ide_bus_offset[1]);
+		ide_bus_offset[1] &= 0xfffffffe;
+		ide_bus_offset[1] = pci_hose_bus_to_phys(&hose,
+												 ide_bus_offset[1] & 0xfffffffe,
+												 PCI_REGION_IO);
+	}
+	if (pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_ITE, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_8212, 0) != -1) {
+		pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, IT8212_PCI_CpuCONTROL, 0x01);
+		pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, IT8212_PCI_PciModeCONTROL, 0x00);
+		pci_write_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_COMMAND, 0x0047);
+		pci_write_config_word(devbusfn, IT8212_PCI_IdeIoCONFIG, 0xA0F3);
+		pci_write_config_word(devbusfn, IT8212_PCI_IdeIoCONFIG, 0x8031);
+		pci_write_config_dword(devbusfn, IT8212_PCI_IdeBusSkewCONTROL, 0x02040204);
+// __LS_COMMENT__ BUFFALO changed 2004.11.10  changed for EMI
+        pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, IT8212_PCI_IdeDrivingCURRENT, 0x36); // 10mA
+//      pci_write_config_byte(dev, IT8212_PCI_IdeDrivingCURRENT, 0x09); // 4mA
+//      pci_write_config_byte(dev, IT8212_PCI_IdeDrivingCURRENT, 0x12); // 6mA
+//      pci_write_config_byte(dev, IT8212_PCI_IdeDrivingCURRENT, 0x24); // 6mA,2mA
+//      pci_write_config_byte(dev, IT8212_PCI_IdeDrivingCURRENT, 0x2D); // 8mA,4mA
+        pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, PCI_LATENCY_TIMER, 0x00);
+	}
+	return (status);
+void ide_set_reset (int flag) {
+	return;
+#endif /* of CONFIG_CMDS_IDE */
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/linkstation.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/linkstation.c
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/linkstation.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/linkstation.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * linkstation.c
+ *
+ * Misc LinkStation specific functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Mihai Georgin <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <version.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc824x.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <ns16550.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+#include <pci.h>
+extern void init_AVR_DUART(void);
+extern void hw_watchdog_reset(void);
+int checkboard (void)
+	ulong busfreq = get_bus_freq (0);
+	char buf[32];
+	char *p;
+	bd_t *bd = gd->bd;
+	init_AVR_DUART();
+	hw_watchdog_reset();
+	if ((p = getenv ("console_nr")) != NULL) {
+		unsigned long con_nr = simple_strtoul (p, NULL, 10) & 3;
+		bd->bi_baudrate &= ~3;
+		bd->bi_baudrate |= con_nr & 3;
+	}
+	return 0;
+long int initdram (int board_type)
+	return (get_ram_size(CFG_SDRAM_BASE, CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE));
+ * Initialize PCI Devices
+ */
+#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+static struct pci_config_table pci_linkstation_config_table[] = {
+	/* vendor, device, class */
+	/* bus, dev, func */
+	  PCI_ANY_ID, 0x0b, 0,		/* AN983B or RTL8110S  */
+								/* ethernet controller */
+	  pci_cfgfunc_config_device, { PCI_ETH_IOADDR,
+				       PCI_ETH_MEMADDR,
+				       PCI_COMMAND_IO |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MASTER }},
+	  PCI_ANY_ID, 0x0c, 0,		/* SII680 or IT8211AF */
+								/* ide controller     */
+	  pci_cfgfunc_config_device, { PCI_IDE_IOADDR,
+				       PCI_IDE_MEMADDR,
+				       PCI_COMMAND_IO |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MASTER }},
+	  PCI_ANY_ID, 0x0e, 0,		/* D720101 USB controller, 1st USB 1.1 */
+	  pci_cfgfunc_config_device, { PCI_USB0_IOADDR,
+				       PCI_USB0_MEMADDR,
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MASTER }},
+	  PCI_ANY_ID, 0x0e, 1,		/* D720101 USB controller, 2nd USB 1.1 */
+	  pci_cfgfunc_config_device, { PCI_USB1_IOADDR,
+				       PCI_USB1_MEMADDR,
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MASTER }},
+	  PCI_ANY_ID, 0x0e, 2,		/* D720101 USB controller, USB 2.0 */
+	  pci_cfgfunc_config_device, { PCI_USB2_IOADDR,
+				       PCI_USB2_MEMADDR,
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY |
+				       PCI_COMMAND_MASTER }},
+	{ }
+struct pci_controller hose = {
+	config_table:pci_linkstation_config_table,
+void pci_init_board (void)
+	pci_mpc824x_init (&hose);
+	/* Reset USB 1.1 */
+	out_le32(PCI_USB0_MEMADDR+8, 1);
+	out_le32(PCI_USB1_MEMADDR+8, 1);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/nc.sh u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/nc.sh
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/nc.sh	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/nc.sh	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+[ $# = 1 ] || { echo "Usage: $0 target_ip" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
+stty -icanon -echo intr ^T
+#nc -u -l -p 6666 < /dev/null &
+nc -u -p 6666 -v -v ${TARGET_IP} 6666
+stty icanon echo intr ^C
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/u-boot.lds u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/u-boot.lds
--- u-boot-86xx/board/linkstation/u-boot.lds	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/board/linkstation/u-boot.lds	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/powerpc-any-elf/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib/gcc-lib/ppc-linux/3.3.3);
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+   __DYNAMIC = 0;    */
+  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+  .interp        : { *(.interp)		}
+  .hash          : { *(.hash)		}
+  .dynsym        : { *(.dynsym)		}
+  .dynstr        : { *(.dynstr)		}
+  .rel.text      : { *(.rel.text)	}
+  .rela.text     : { *(.rela.text) 	}
+  .rel.data      : { *(.rel.data)	}
+  .rela.data     : { *(.rela.data) 	}
+  .rel.rodata    : { *(.rel.rodata) 	}
+  .rela.rodata   : { *(.rela.rodata) 	}
+  .rel.got       : { *(.rel.got)	}
+  .rela.got      : { *(.rela.got)	}
+  .rel.ctors     : { *(.rel.ctors)	}
+  .rela.ctors    : { *(.rela.ctors)	}
+  .rel.dtors     : { *(.rel.dtors)	}
+  .rela.dtors    : { *(.rela.dtors)	}
+  .rel.bss       : { *(.rel.bss)	}
+  .rela.bss      : { *(.rela.bss)	}
+  .rel.plt       : { *(.rel.plt)	}
+  .rela.plt      : { *(.rela.plt)	}
+  .init          : { *(.init)		}
+  .plt           : { *(.plt) 		}
+  .text      :
+  {
+    cpu/mpc824x/start.o		(.text)
+    lib_ppc/board.o		(.text)
+    lib_ppc/ppcstring.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/vsprintf.o	(.text)
+    lib_generic/crc32.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/zlib.o		(.text)
+    . = DEFINED(env_offset) ? env_offset : .;
+    common/environment.o	(.text)
+    *(.text)
+    *(.fixup)
+    *(.got1)
+    . = ALIGN(16);
+    *(.rodata)
+    *(.rodata1)
+    *(.rodata.str1.4)
+    *(.eh_frame)
+  }
+  .fini      : { *(.fini)    } =0
+  .ctors     : { *(.ctors)   }
+  .dtors     : { *(.dtors)   }
+  /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
+  . = (. + 0x0FFF) & 0xFFFFF000;
+  _erotext = .;
+  PROVIDE (erotext = .);
+  .reloc   :
+  {
+    *(.got)
+    _GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.got2)
+    _FIXUP_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.fixup)
+  }
+  __got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >> 2;
+  __fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_) >> 2;
+  .data    :
+  {
+    *(.data)
+    *(.data1)
+    *(.sdata)
+    *(.sdata2)
+    *(.dynamic)
+  }
+  _edata  =  .;
+  PROVIDE (edata = .);
+  . = .;
+  __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+  .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+  __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+  . = .;
+  __start___ex_table = .;
+  __ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
+  __stop___ex_table = .;
+  . = ALIGN(4096);
+  __init_begin = .;
+  .text.init : { *(.text.init) }
+  .data.init : { *(.data.init) }
+  . = ALIGN(4096);
+  __init_end = .;
+  __bss_start = .;
+  .bss       :
+  {
+   *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
+   *(.dynbss)
+   *(.bss)
+   *(COMMON)
+  }
+  _end = . ;
+  PROVIDE (end = .);
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/common/cmd_bootm.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/cmd_bootm.c
--- u-boot-86xx/common/cmd_bootm.c	2006-10-13 00:27:16.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/cmd_bootm.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -193,6 +193,12 @@
 			verify = 0;
 		} else
 #endif	/* __I386__ */
+		extern boot_os_Fcn do_boot_lskernel;
+		do_boot_lskernel(cmdtp, flag, argc, argv,
+				addr, NULL, verify);
+		return 1; /* Only returns on error */
 		puts ("Bad Magic Number\n");
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/common/cmd_ext2.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/cmd_ext2.c
--- u-boot-86xx/common/cmd_ext2.c	2006-10-13 00:27:16.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/cmd_ext2.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -283,7 +283,8 @@
 	sprintf(buf, "%lX", filelen);
 	setenv("filesize", buf);
-	return(filelen);
+//	return(filelen);
+	return(0);
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/common/console.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/console.c
--- u-boot-86xx/common/console.c	2006-10-13 00:27:16.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/console.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 #endif /* CFG_CONSOLE_IS_IN_ENV */
-static int console_setfile (int file, device_t * dev)
+int console_setfile (int file, device_t * dev)
 	int error = 0;
@@ -444,22 +444,27 @@
 	gd->flags |= GD_FLG_DEVINIT;	/* device initialization completed */
+	if (strcmp(stdio_devices[stdout]->name, "serial")) {
+		extern char version_string[];
+		printf ("\n%s\n", version_string);
+	}
 	/* Print information */
-	puts ("In:    ");
+	puts ("stdin :   ");
 	if (stdio_devices[stdin] == NULL) {
 		puts ("No input devices available!\n");
 	} else {
 		printf ("%s\n", stdio_devices[stdin]->name);
-	puts ("Out:   ");
+	puts ("stdout:   ");
 	if (stdio_devices[stdout] == NULL) {
 		puts ("No output devices available!\n");
 	} else {
 		printf ("%s\n", stdio_devices[stdout]->name);
-	puts ("Err:   ");
+	puts ("stderr:   ");
 	if (stdio_devices[stderr] == NULL) {
 		puts ("No error devices available!\n");
 	} else {
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/common/main.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/main.c
--- u-boot-86xx/common/main.c	2006-10-13 00:27:16.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/common/main.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@
 extern void mdm_init(void); /* defined in board.c */
+extern int avr_input(void);
+extern void avr_StopBoot(void);
  * Watch for 'delay' seconds for autoboot stop or autoboot delay string.
  * returns: 0 -  no key string, allow autoboot
@@ -162,7 +167,14 @@
 	/* In order to keep up with incoming data, check timeout only
 	 * when catch up.
+	uint64_t onesec = endtick(1);
+	int bootremain = bootdelay;
 	while (!abort && get_ticks() <= etime) {
+		if (get_ticks() >= onesec) {
+			onesec = endtick(1);
+			putc('\r');
+			printf (CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_PROMPT, --bootremain);
+		}
 		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(delaykey) / sizeof(delaykey[0]); i ++) {
 			if (delaykey[i].len > 0 &&
 			    presskey_len >= delaykey[i].len &&
@@ -183,6 +195,20 @@
+		int avr_action = avr_input();
+		if (avr_action == -3)
+			/* Abort boot */
+			abort = 1;
+		else if (avr_action == -2) {
+			/* Restart boot */
+			putc('\r');
+			printf (CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_PROMPT, bootdelay);
+			etime = endtick(bootdelay);
+			onesec = endtick(1);
+			bootremain = bootdelay;
+		}
 		if (tstc()) {
 			if (presskey_len < presskey_max) {
 				presskey [presskey_len ++] = getc();
@@ -195,6 +221,7 @@
+	putc('\n');
 	if (!abort)
 		puts ("key timeout\n");
@@ -411,6 +438,10 @@
 		int prev = disable_ctrlc(1);	/* disable Control C checking */
 # endif
+		s = getenv("bootcmd");	/* bootcmd can change (see avr.c) */
 		run_command (s, 0);
 # else
@@ -445,6 +476,10 @@
+		avr_StopBoot();
 	 * Main Loop for Monitor Command Processing
@@ -469,6 +504,10 @@
 			strcpy (lastcommand, console_buffer);
 		else if (len == 0)
 			flag |= CMD_FLAG_REPEAT;
+		else if (len == -2)
+			return;
 		else if (len == -2) {
 			/* -2 means timed out, retry autoboot
@@ -978,6 +1017,15 @@
+		while (!tstc()) {
+			int avr_ret = avr_input();
+			if (avr_ret == -2)
+				return (-2);
+			else if (avr_ret > 0)
+				return avr_ret;
+		}
 		c = getc();
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/cpu/mpc824x/cpu.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/cpu/mpc824x/cpu.c
--- u-boot-86xx/cpu/mpc824x/cpu.c	2006-10-13 00:27:17.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/cpu/mpc824x/cpu.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
 /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 int do_reset (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 	ulong msr, addr;
@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@
 	return 1;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/cpu/mpc824x/start.S u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/cpu/mpc824x/start.S
--- u-boot-86xx/cpu/mpc824x/start.S	2006-10-13 00:27:17.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/cpu/mpc824x/start.S	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
-#if defined(CONFIG_BMW)
+#if defined(CONFIG_BMW) || defined(CONFIG_LINKSTATION)
 	bl early_init_f /* Must be ASM: no stack yet! */
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
 	mtspr	HID0, r2
 	/* Allocate Initial RAM in data cache.
 	lis	r3, CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR@h
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@
 	ori	r3, r3, 0x0080
 	mtspr	1011, r3
 #endif /* !CONFIG_BMW */
 	 * Thisk the stack pointer *somewhere* sensible. Doesnt
@@ -195,7 +197,9 @@
 	GET_GOT			/* initialize GOT access			*/
 	/* r3: IMMR */
 	bl	cpu_init_f	/* run low-level CPU init code     (from Flash)	*/
 	mr	r3, r21
 	/* r3: BOOTFLAG */
@@ -475,7 +479,7 @@
 	mr	r10, r5		/* Save copy of Destination Address	*/
 	mr	r3,  r5				/* Destination Address	*/
+#if defined(CFG_RAMBOOT) && !defined(CONFIG_LINKSTATION)
 	lis	r4, CFG_SDRAM_BASE@h		/* Source      Address	*/
 	ori	r4, r4, CFG_SDRAM_BASE@l
@@ -689,6 +693,14 @@
 	cmplw	0, r7, r8
 	blt	4b
+	mfmsr	r7			/* Exception prefix 0x000 */
+	li	r8,0
+	ori	r8,r8,MSR_IP
+	andc	r7,r7,r8
+	mtmsr	r7
 	mtlr	r4			/* restore link register	*/
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/drivers/dc2114x.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/drivers/dc2114x.c
--- u-boot-86xx/drivers/dc2114x.c	2006-10-13 00:27:17.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/drivers/dc2114x.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -27,14 +27,20 @@
 #include <net.h>
 #include <pci.h>
+#if 0
+#define DEBUG_TRACE
+#define DEBUG_TULIP
 #undef DEBUG_SROM
 #undef DEBUG_SROM2
-/* PCI Registers.
+ *  PCI Registers.
-#define PCI_CFDA_PSM		0x43
+#define PCI_CFDA_PSM	0x43
 #define CFRV_RN		0x000000f0	/* Revision Number */
@@ -43,10 +49,12 @@
 #define DC2114x_BRK	0x0020		/* CFRV break between DC21142 & DC21143 */
-/* Ethernet chip registers.
+ * Ethernet chip registers.
 #define DE4X5_BMR	0x000		/* Bus Mode Register */
 #define DE4X5_TPD	0x008		/* Transmit Poll Demand Reg */
+#define DE4X5_RPD	0x010		/* Receive Poll Demand Reg */
 #define DE4X5_RRBA	0x018		/* RX Ring Base Address Reg */
 #define DE4X5_TRBA	0x020		/* TX Ring Base Address Reg */
 #define DE4X5_STS	0x028		/* Status Register */
@@ -54,7 +62,8 @@
 #define DE4X5_SICR	0x068		/* SIA Connectivity Register */
 #define DE4X5_APROM	0x048		/* Ethernet Address PROM */
-/* Register bits.
+ * Register bits.
 #define BMR_SWR		0x00000001	/* Software Reset */
 #define STS_TS		0x00700000	/* Transmit Process State */
@@ -64,8 +73,10 @@
 #define OMR_PS		0x00040000	/* Port Select */
 #define OMR_SDP		0x02000000	/* SD Polarity - MUST BE ASSERTED */
 #define OMR_PM		0x00000080	/* Pass All Multicast */
+#define OMR_PMS		0x00000040	/* Promiscuous */
-/* Descriptor bits.
+ * Descriptor bits.
 #define R_OWN		0x80000000	/* Own Bit */
 #define RD_RER		0x02000000	/* Receive End Of Ring */
@@ -85,10 +96,10 @@
 #define SROM_HWADD	    0x0014	/* Hardware Address offset in SROM */
 #define SROM_RD		0x00004000	/* Read from Boot ROM */
-#define EE_DATA_WRITE	      0x04	/* EEPROM chip data in. */
+#define EE_DATA_WRITE     0x04	/* EEPROM chip data in. */
 #define EE_WRITE_0	    0x4801
 #define EE_WRITE_1	    0x4805
-#define EE_DATA_READ	      0x08	/* EEPROM chip data out. */
+#define EE_DATA_READ	  0x08	/* EEPROM chip data out. */
 #define SROM_SR		0x00000800	/* Select Serial ROM when set */
 #define DT_IN		0x00000004	/* Serial Data In */
@@ -97,6 +108,36 @@
 #define POLL_DEMAND	1
+#  define PCI_VENDOR_ID_ADMTEK 0x1317
+#  define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ADMTEK_AN983B 0x985
+/* The chip types have been taken from linux-2.4.31
+ * drivers/net/tulip/tulip.h
+ * Only COMET is used for now
+ */
+enum chips {
+	DC21040 = 0,
+	DC21041 = 1,
+	DC21140 = 2,
+	DC21142 = 3, DC21143 = 3,
+	LC82C168,
+	MX98713,
+	MX98715,
+	MX98725,
+	AX88140,
+	PNIC2,
+	COMPEX9881,
+	I21145,
+	DM910X,
+static int chip_idx = DC21143;
 #define RESET_DM9102(dev) {\
     unsigned long i;\
@@ -108,58 +149,63 @@
 #define RESET_DE4X5(dev) {\
     int i;\
-    i=INL(dev, DE4X5_BMR);\
-    udelay(1000);\
+    i=0x01A04000;\
     OUTL(dev, i | BMR_SWR, DE4X5_BMR);\
     OUTL(dev, i, DE4X5_BMR);\
-    for (i=0;i<5;i++) {INL(dev, DE4X5_BMR); udelay(10000);}\
-    udelay(1000);\
 #define START_DE4X5(dev) {\
-    s32 omr; \
+    u32 omr; \
     omr = INL(dev, DE4X5_OMR);\
     omr |= OMR_ST | OMR_SR;\
     OUTL(dev, omr, DE4X5_OMR);		/* Enable the TX and/or RX */\
 #define STOP_DE4X5(dev) {\
-    s32 omr; \
+    u32 omr; \
     omr = INL(dev, DE4X5_OMR);\
     omr &= ~(OMR_ST|OMR_SR);\
     OUTL(dev, omr, DE4X5_OMR);		/* Disable the TX and/or RX */ \
+#define NUM_RX_DESC		4
-	#define NUM_TX_DESC 1			/* Number of TX descriptors   */
+	#define NUM_TX_DESC	2			/* Number of TX descriptors   */
 	#define NUM_TX_DESC 4
+#define BUFLEN  1536
 #define TOUT_LOOP   1000000
 #define SETUP_FRAME_LEN 192
 #define ETH_ALEN	6
+#define ETH_ZLEN	60
 struct de4x5_desc {
-	volatile s32 status;
+	volatile u32 status;
 	u32 des1;
 	u32 buf;
 	u32 next;
-static struct de4x5_desc rx_ring[NUM_RX_DESC] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); /* RX descriptor ring         */
-static struct de4x5_desc tx_ring[NUM_TX_DESC] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); /* TX descriptor ring         */
-static int rx_new;                             /* RX descriptor ring pointer */
-static int tx_new;                             /* TX descriptor ring pointer */
+/* Note: transmit and receive buffers must be longword aligned and
+   longword divisable */
-static char rxRingSize;
-static char txRingSize;
+/* TX descriptor ring */
+static struct de4x5_desc tx_ring[NUM_TX_DESC] __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
+/* TX buffer */
+static unsigned char txb[BUFLEN] __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));
+/* RX descriptor ring */
+static struct de4x5_desc rx_ring[NUM_RX_DESC] __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
+/* RX buffers */
+static unsigned char rxb[NUM_RX_DESC * BUFLEN] __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));
+static int rx_new;		/* RX descriptor ring pointer */
 #if defined(UPDATE_SROM) || !defined(CONFIG_TULIP_FIX_DAVICOM)
 static void  sendto_srom(struct eth_device* dev, u_int command, u_long addr);
@@ -204,6 +250,7 @@
 static struct pci_device_id supported[] = {
@@ -214,29 +261,44 @@
 	int             	idx=0;
 	int             	card_number = 0;
-	unsigned int           	cfrv;
+	unsigned int        cfrv;
 	unsigned char   	timer;
-	pci_dev_t		devbusfn;
+	pci_dev_t			devbusfn;
 	unsigned int		iobase;
 	unsigned short		status;
 	struct eth_device* 	dev;
+	u16					vendor;
+	u16					device;
+	printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	while(1) {
 		devbusfn =  pci_find_devices(supported, idx++);
 		if (devbusfn == -1) {
+		pci_read_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &vendor);
+		pci_read_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_DEVICE_ID, &device);
-		/* Get the chip configuration revision register. */
-		pci_read_config_dword(devbusfn, PCI_REVISION_ID, &cfrv);
+		debug("dc21x4x: devbusfn: %08lX, VID: %08lX, DID: %08lX\n",
+			devbusfn, vendor, device);
+		if (vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_ADMTEK && \
+		    device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_ADMTEK_AN983B) {
+			chip_idx = COMET;
+		} else {
+			/* Get the chip configuration revision register. */
+			pci_read_config_dword(devbusfn, PCI_REVISION_ID, &cfrv);
-		if ((cfrv & CFRV_RN) < DC2114x_BRK ) {
-			printf("Error: The chip is not DC21143.\n");
-			continue;
-		}
+			if ((cfrv & CFRV_RN) < DC2114x_BRK ) {
+				printf("Error: The chip is not DC21143.\n");
+				idx++;
+				continue;
+			}
+		}
 		pci_read_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_COMMAND, &status);
 		status |=
@@ -286,7 +348,10 @@
 		sprintf(dev->name, "Davicom#%d", card_number);
-		sprintf(dev->name, "dc21x4x#%d", card_number);
+		if (chip_idx == COMET)
+			sprintf(dev->name, "COMET#%d", card_number);
+		else
+			sprintf(dev->name, "dc21x4x#%d", card_number);
@@ -303,8 +368,6 @@
 		/* Ensure we're not sleeping. */
 		pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, PCI_CFDA_PSM, WAKEUP);
-		udelay(10 * 1000);
 		read_hw_addr(dev, bis);
@@ -321,8 +384,9 @@
 	int		i;
 	int		devbusfn = (int) dev->priv;
-	/* Ensure we're not sleeping. */
-	pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, PCI_CFDA_PSM, WAKEUP);
+#if defined(DEBUG_TULIP) || defined(DEBUG_TRACE)
+	serial_printf("%0lu %s\n", get_timer(0), __FUNCTION__);
@@ -330,57 +394,71 @@
-	if ((INL(dev, DE4X5_STS) & (STS_TS | STS_RS)) != 0) {
-		printf("Error: Cannot reset ethernet controller.\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
+	if (chip_idx == COMET) {
+		/* No multicast */
+		OUTL(dev, 0, 0xAC);
+		OUTL(dev, 0, 0xB0);
+	} else {
+	}
 	for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) {
 		rx_ring[i].status = cpu_to_le32(R_OWN);
-		rx_ring[i].des1 = cpu_to_le32(RX_BUFF_SZ);
-		rx_ring[i].buf = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32) NetRxPackets[i]));
-		rx_ring[i].next = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32) &rx_ring[(i+1) % NUM_RX_DESC]));
-		rx_ring[i].next = 0;
+		rx_ring[i].des1 = cpu_to_le32(BUFLEN);
+		rx_ring[i].buf = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&rxb[i * BUFLEN]));
+		rx_ring[i].next = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&rx_ring[i+1]));
+	/* Write the end of list marker to the descriptor lists. */
+	rx_ring[NUM_RX_DESC - 1].des1 |= cpu_to_le32(RD_RER);
+	rx_ring[NUM_RX_DESC - 1].next = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&rx_ring[0]));
-	for (i=0; i < NUM_TX_DESC; i++) {
-		tx_ring[i].status = 0;
-		tx_ring[i].des1 = 0;
-		tx_ring[i].buf = 0;
+	/* Point to the first descriptor */
+	rx_new = 0;
-	tx_ring[i].next = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32) &tx_ring[(i+1) % NUM_TX_DESC]));
-		tx_ring[i].next = 0;
-	}
+	/* We only use 1 transmit buffer, but we use 2 descriptors so
+	   transmit engines have somewhere to point to if they feel the need */
-	rxRingSize = NUM_RX_DESC;
-	txRingSize = NUM_TX_DESC;
+	tx_ring[0].status = 0;
+	tx_ring[0].des1 = 0;
+	tx_ring[0].buf = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&txb[0]));
+	tx_ring[0].next = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&tx_ring[1]));
+	/* this descriptor should never get used, since it will never be owned
+	   by the machine (status will always == 0) */
+	tx_ring[1].status = 0;
+	tx_ring[1].des1 = 0;
+	tx_ring[1].buf = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&txb[0]));
+	tx_ring[1].next = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32)&tx_ring[0]));
 	/* Write the end of list marker to the descriptor lists. */
-	rx_ring[rxRingSize - 1].des1 |= cpu_to_le32(RD_RER);
-	tx_ring[txRingSize - 1].des1 |= cpu_to_le32(TD_TER);
+	tx_ring[1].des1 |= cpu_to_le32(TD_TER);
 	/* Tell the adapter where the TX/RX rings are located. */
-	OUTL(dev, phys_to_bus((u32) &rx_ring), DE4X5_RRBA);
-	OUTL(dev, phys_to_bus((u32) &tx_ring), DE4X5_TRBA);
+	OUTL(dev, phys_to_bus((u32) &rx_ring[0]), DE4X5_RRBA);
+	OUTL(dev, phys_to_bus((u32) &tx_ring[0]), DE4X5_TRBA);
+	if (chip_idx == COMET) {
+		/* Bit 18 (0x00040000) is reserved in the AN983B */
+		/* datasheet, but it is used by the tulip driver */
+		OUTL(dev, (INL(dev, (DE4X5_OMR)) & ~(OMR_PMS | OMR_PM)) | OMR_PS, DE4X5_OMR);
+		/* Enable automatic Tx underrun recovery */
+		OUTL(dev, INL(dev, 0x88) | 1, 0x88);
+//		OUTL(dev, INL(dev, 0x88) | 0x19, 0x88);
+	}
-	tx_new = 0;
-	rx_new = 0;
+	/* Start receiving */
-	send_setup_frame(dev, bis);
+	if (chip_idx != COMET) {	/* No setup frame needed by COMET */
+		send_setup_frame(dev, bis);
+	}
 	return 1;
@@ -389,90 +467,117 @@
 	int		status = -1;
 	int		i;
+	u32		len = length;
 	if (length <= 0) {
 		printf("%s: bad packet size: %d\n", dev->name, length);
 		goto Done;
-	for(i = 0; tx_ring[tx_new].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
+	for(i = 0; tx_ring[0].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
 		if (i >= TOUT_LOOP) {
-			printf("%s: tx error buffer not ready\n", dev->name);
+			printf(".%s: Tx not ready\n", dev->name);
 			goto Done;
-	tx_ring[tx_new].buf    = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32) packet));
-	tx_ring[tx_new].des1   = cpu_to_le32(TD_TER | TD_LS | TD_FS | length);
-	tx_ring[tx_new].status = cpu_to_le32(T_OWN);
+	/* Disable the TX */
+	OUTL(dev, INL(dev, DE4X5_OMR) & ~OMR_ST, DE4X5_OMR);
+	memcpy(txb, (char*)packet, length);
+	/* setup the transmit descriptor */
+	tx_ring[0].des1 = cpu_to_le32(TD_LS | TD_FS | length);
+	tx_ring[0].status = cpu_to_le32(T_OWN);
+	/* Point to transmit descriptor */
+	OUTL(dev, phys_to_bus((u32) &tx_ring[0]), DE4X5_TRBA);
+	/* Enable the TX */
+	OUTL(dev, INL(dev, DE4X5_OMR) | OMR_ST, DE4X5_OMR);
+	/* Immediate transmit demand */
-	for(i = 0; tx_ring[tx_new].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
+	for(i = 0; tx_ring[0].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
 		if (i >= TOUT_LOOP) {
-			printf(".%s: tx buffer not ready\n", dev->name);
+			printf(".%s: Tx Timeout\n", dev->name);
 			goto Done;
-	if (le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[tx_new].status) & TD_ES) {
-#if 0 /* test-only */
+	serial_printf("%0lu Tx L2: %d P: %04X IP: %08X\n",
+					get_timer(0), i, *((u16 *)(packet+0xC)),
+					*((u32 *)(packet+0x1E)));
+	if (le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[0].status) & TD_ES) {
+#if 1 /* test-only */
 		printf("TX error status = 0x%08X\n",
-			le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[tx_new].status));
+			le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[0].status));
-		tx_ring[tx_new].status = 0x0;
+		tx_ring[0].status = 0x0;
 		goto Done;
 	status = length;
-    tx_new = (tx_new+1) % NUM_TX_DESC;
 	return status;
 static int dc21x4x_recv(struct eth_device* dev)
-	s32		status;
+	u32		status;
+	int		rx_prv;
 	int		length    = 0;
-	for ( ; ; ) {
-		status = (s32)le32_to_cpu(rx_ring[rx_new].status);
+	u32 csr5 = INL(dev, DE4X5_STS);
+	if ((csr5 & STS_RS) != 0x00060000) {
+		OUTL(dev, 0x0001ffff, DE4X5_STS);
+		printf("Receive status: 0x%08X\n", csr5);
+	}
-		if (status & R_OWN) {
-			break;
-		}
+	status = (u32)le32_to_cpu(rx_ring[rx_new].status);
+	if (status & R_OWN)
+		return 0;
-		if (status & RD_LS) {
-			/* Valid frame status.
-			 */
-			if (status & RD_ES) {
-				/* There was an error.
-				 */
-				printf("RX error status = 0x%08X\n", status);
-			} else {
-				/* A valid frame received.
-				 */
-				length = (le32_to_cpu(rx_ring[rx_new].status) >> 16);
-				/* Pass the packet up to the protocol
-				 * layers.
-				 */
-				NetReceive(NetRxPackets[rx_new], length - 4);
-			}
+	printf("recv status: 0x%08X\n", status);
-			/* Change buffer ownership for this frame, back
-			 * to the adapter.
-			 */
+	if (status & RD_LS) {
+		serial_printf("rx: %d status: %08X\n", rx_new, status);
+		/* Valid frame status */
+		if (status & RD_ES) {
+			/* There was an error */
+			printf("RX error status = 0x%08X\n", status);
 			rx_ring[rx_new].status = cpu_to_le32(R_OWN);
-		}
+		} else {
+			/* Received valid frame */
+			length = (int)(le32_to_cpu(rx_ring[rx_new].status) >> 16);
+			/* Pass the packet up to the protocol layers. */
+			unsigned char rxdata[BUFLEN];
+			memcpy(rxdata, rxb + rx_new * BUFLEN, length - 4);
-		/* Update entry information.
-		 */
-		rx_new = (rx_new + 1) % rxRingSize;
+			/* Give buffer ownership for this
+			 * frame back to the adapter */
+			rx_ring[rx_new].status = cpu_to_le32(R_OWN);
+			/* Pass the received packet to the upper layer */
+			NetReceive(rxdata, length - 4);
+		}
+	/* Update current descriptor index */
+	rx_new = (rx_new + 1) % NUM_RX_DESC;
 	return length;
@@ -480,10 +585,12 @@
 	int		devbusfn = (int) dev->priv;
+	printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	OUTL(dev, 0, DE4X5_SICR);
-	pci_write_config_byte(devbusfn, PCI_CFDA_PSM, SLEEP);
 static void send_setup_frame(struct eth_device* dev, bd_t *bis)
@@ -501,30 +608,29 @@
-	for(i = 0; tx_ring[tx_new].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
+	for(i = 0; tx_ring[0].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
 		if (i >= TOUT_LOOP) {
 			printf("%s: tx error buffer not ready\n", dev->name);
 			goto Done;
-	tx_ring[tx_new].buf = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32) &setup_frame[0]));
-	tx_ring[tx_new].des1 = cpu_to_le32(TD_TER | TD_SET| SETUP_FRAME_LEN);
-	tx_ring[tx_new].status = cpu_to_le32(T_OWN);
+	tx_ring[0].buf = cpu_to_le32(phys_to_bus((u32) &setup_frame[0]));
+	tx_ring[0].des1 = cpu_to_le32(TD_TER | TD_SET| SETUP_FRAME_LEN);
+	tx_ring[0].status = cpu_to_le32(T_OWN);
-	for(i = 0; tx_ring[tx_new].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
+	for(i = 0; tx_ring[0].status & cpu_to_le32(T_OWN); i++) {
 		if (i >= TOUT_LOOP) {
 			printf("%s: tx buffer not ready\n", dev->name);
 			goto Done;
-	if (le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[tx_new].status) != 0x7FFFFFFF) {
-		printf("TX error status2 = 0x%08X\n", le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[tx_new].status));
+	if (le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[0].status) != 0x7FFFFFFF) {
+		printf("TX error status2 = 0x%08X\n", le32_to_cpu(tx_ring[0].status));
-	tx_new = (tx_new+1) % NUM_TX_DESC;
@@ -543,7 +649,7 @@
 static int
 getfrom_srom(struct eth_device* dev, u_long addr)
-	s32 tmp;
+	u32 tmp;
 	tmp = INL(dev, addr);
@@ -708,19 +814,27 @@
 static void read_hw_addr(struct eth_device *dev, bd_t *bis)
-	u_short tmp, *p = (u_short *)(&dev->enetaddr[0]);
-	int i, j = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < (ETH_ALEN >> 1); i++) {
-		tmp = read_srom(dev, DE4X5_APROM, ((SROM_HWADD >> 1) + i));
-		*p = le16_to_cpu(tmp);
-		j += *p++;
-	}
-	if ((j == 0) || (j == 0x2fffd)) {
-		memset (dev->enetaddr, 0, ETH_ALEN);
-		debug ("Warning: can't read HW address from SROM.\n");
-		goto Done;
+	if (chip_idx == COMET) {
+		/* COMET reads the ehernet address directly from the EEPROM */
+		*(u32 *)dev->enetaddr = cpu_to_le32(INL(dev, 0xA4));
+		*(u16 *)(dev->enetaddr+4) = cpu_to_le16(INL(dev, 0xA8));
+		*(u32 *)bis->bi_enetaddr = *(u32 *)dev->enetaddr;
+		*(u16 *)(bis->bi_enetaddr+4) = *(u16 *)(dev->enetaddr+4);
+	} else {
+		u_short tmp, *p = (u_short *)(&dev->enetaddr[0]);
+		int i, j = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < (ETH_ALEN >> 1); i++) {
+			tmp=read_srom(dev, DE4X5_APROM, ((SROM_HWADD >> 1)+i));
+			*p = le16_to_cpu(tmp);
+			j += *p++;
+		}
+		if ((j == 0) || (j == 0x2fffd)) {
+			memset (dev->enetaddr, 0, ETH_ALEN);
+			debug ("Warning: can't read HW address from SROM.\n");
+			goto Done;
+		}
@@ -769,3 +883,5 @@
 #endif	/* UPDATE_SROM */
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/drivers/netconsole.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/drivers/netconsole.c
--- u-boot-86xx/drivers/netconsole.c	2006-10-13 00:27:17.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/drivers/netconsole.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include <command.h>
 #include <devices.h>
+#include <console.h>
 #include <net.h>
@@ -124,6 +125,26 @@
 		output_packet_len = len;
 		NetLoop (NETCONS);	/* wait for arp reply and send packet */
 		output_packet_len = 0;
+		if (NetState == NETLOOP_FAIL) {
+			/* ARP failed, fail back to serial console */
+			device_t *idev;
+			device_t *odev;
+			idev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_INPUT,  "serial");
+			odev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, "serial");
+			console_setfile (stdin,  idev);
+			console_setfile (stdout, odev);
+			console_setfile (stderr, odev);
+			void next_cons_choice(int console);
+			/* Console 0 is the serial console */
+			next_cons_choice(0);
+		}
@@ -236,7 +257,8 @@
 	input_recursion = 1;
-	net_timeout = 1;
+//	net_timeout = 1;
+	net_timeout = 50;
 	NetLoop (NETCONS);	/* kind of poll */
 	input_recursion = 0;
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/drivers/rtl8169.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/drivers/rtl8169.c
--- u-boot-86xx/drivers/rtl8169.c	2006-10-13 00:27:17.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/drivers/rtl8169.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@
 *    Indent Options: indent -kr -i8
+ * 26 August 2006 Mihai Georgian <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ * Modified to use le32_to_cpu and cpu_to_le32 properly
+ */
 #include <common.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <net.h>
@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@
 static u32 ioaddr;
 /* Condensed operations for readability. */
+#define virt_to_bus(addr)	cpu_to_le32(addr)
 #define virt_to_le32desc(addr)	cpu_to_le32(virt_to_bus(addr))
 #define le32desc_to_virt(addr)	bus_to_virt(le32_to_cpu(addr))
@@ -413,23 +417,23 @@
 	ioaddr = dev->iobase;
 	cur_rx = tpc->cur_rx;
-	if ((tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status & OWNbit) == 0) {
-		if (!(tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status & RxRES)) {
+	if ((le32_to_cpu(tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status) & OWNbit) == 0) {
+		if (!(le32_to_cpu(tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status) & RxRES)) {
 			unsigned char rxdata[RX_BUF_LEN];
-			length = (int) (tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].
-						status & 0x00001FFF) - 4;
+			length = (int) (le32_to_cpu(tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].
+						status) & 0x00001FFF) - 4;
 			memcpy(rxdata, tpc->RxBufferRing[cur_rx], length);
 			NetReceive(rxdata, length);
 			if (cur_rx == NUM_RX_DESC - 1)
 				tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status =
-				    (OWNbit | EORbit) + RX_BUF_SIZE;
+				cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | EORbit) + RX_BUF_SIZE);
 				tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].status =
-				    OWNbit + RX_BUF_SIZE;
+				cpu_to_le32(OWNbit + RX_BUF_SIZE);
 			tpc->RxDescArray[cur_rx].buf_addr =
-			    virt_to_bus(tpc->RxBufferRing[cur_rx]);
+			    cpu_to_le32(tpc->RxBufferRing[cur_rx]);
 		} else {
 			puts("Error Rx");
@@ -454,6 +458,7 @@
 	u8 *ptxb;
 	int entry = tpc->cur_tx % NUM_TX_DESC;
 	u32 len = length;
+	int ret;
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169_TX
 	int stime = currticks();
@@ -465,39 +470,46 @@
 	/* point to the current txb incase multiple tx_rings are used */
 	ptxb = tpc->Tx_skbuff[entry * MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE];
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169_TX
+	printf("ptxb: %08X, length: %d\n", ptxb, (int)length);
 	memcpy(ptxb, (char *)packet, (int)length);
 	while (len < ETH_ZLEN)
 		ptxb[len++] = '\0';
-	tpc->TxDescArray[entry].buf_addr = virt_to_bus(ptxb);
+	tpc->TxDescArray[entry].buf_addr = cpu_to_le32(ptxb);
 	if (entry != (NUM_TX_DESC - 1)) {
 		tpc->TxDescArray[entry].status =
-		    (OWNbit | FSbit | LSbit) | ((len > ETH_ZLEN) ?
-						len : ETH_ZLEN);
+		    cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | FSbit | LSbit) |
+				((len > ETH_ZLEN) ? len : ETH_ZLEN));
 	} else {
 		tpc->TxDescArray[entry].status =
-		    (OWNbit | EORbit | FSbit | LSbit) |
-		    ((len > ETH_ZLEN) ? length : ETH_ZLEN);
+		    cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | EORbit | FSbit | LSbit) |
+		    		((len > ETH_ZLEN) ? len : ETH_ZLEN));
 	RTL_W8(TxPoll, 0x40);	/* set polling bit */
 	to = currticks() + TX_TIMEOUT;
-	while ((tpc->TxDescArray[entry].status & OWNbit) && (currticks() < to));	/* wait */
+	while ((le32_to_cpu(tpc->TxDescArray[entry].status) & OWNbit)
+				&& (currticks() < to));	/* wait */
 	if (currticks() >= to) {
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169_TX
 		puts ("tx timeout/error\n");
 		printf ("%s elapsed time : %d\n", __FUNCTION__, currticks()-stime);
-		return 0;
+		ret = 0;
 	} else {
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169_TX
 		puts("tx done\n");
-		return length;
+		ret = length;
+	/* Delay to make net console (nc) work properly */
+	udelay(20);
+	return ret;
 static void rtl8169_set_rx_mode(struct eth_device *dev)
@@ -603,13 +615,14 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < NUM_RX_DESC; i++) {
 		if (i == (NUM_RX_DESC - 1))
 			tpc->RxDescArray[i].status =
-			    (OWNbit | EORbit) + RX_BUF_SIZE;
+			cpu_to_le32((OWNbit | EORbit) + RX_BUF_SIZE);
-			tpc->RxDescArray[i].status = OWNbit + RX_BUF_SIZE;
+			tpc->RxDescArray[i].status =
+			cpu_to_le32(OWNbit + RX_BUF_SIZE);
 		tpc->RxBufferRing[i] = &rxb[i * RX_BUF_SIZE];
 		tpc->RxDescArray[i].buf_addr =
-		    virt_to_bus(tpc->RxBufferRing[i]);
+		    cpu_to_le32(tpc->RxBufferRing[i]);
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
@@ -635,17 +648,23 @@
 	if (tpc->TxDescArrays == 0)
 		puts("Allot Error");
 	/* Tx Desscriptor needs 256 bytes alignment; */
-	TxPhyAddr = virt_to_bus(tpc->TxDescArrays);
+	TxPhyAddr = tpc->TxDescArrays;
 	diff = 256 - (TxPhyAddr - ((TxPhyAddr >> 8) << 8));
 	TxPhyAddr += diff;
 	tpc->TxDescArray = (struct TxDesc *) (tpc->TxDescArrays + diff);
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
+	printf("tpc->TxDescArray: %08X\n", tpc->TxDescArray);
 	tpc->RxDescArrays = rx_ring;
 	/* Rx Desscriptor needs 256 bytes alignment; */
-	RxPhyAddr = virt_to_bus(tpc->RxDescArrays);
+	RxPhyAddr = tpc->RxDescArrays;
 	diff = 256 - (RxPhyAddr - ((RxPhyAddr >> 8) << 8));
 	RxPhyAddr += diff;
 	tpc->RxDescArray = (struct RxDesc *) (tpc->RxDescArrays + diff);
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
+	printf("tpc->RxDescArray: %08X\n", tpc->RxDescArray);
 	if (tpc->TxDescArrays == NULL || tpc->RxDescArrays == NULL) {
 		puts("Allocate RxDescArray or TxDescArray failed\n");
@@ -733,7 +752,7 @@
 	/* Get MAC address.  FIXME: read EEPROM */
 	for (i = 0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++)
-		dev->enetaddr[i] = RTL_R8(MAC0 + i);
+		bis->bi_enetaddr[i] = dev->enetaddr[i] = RTL_R8(MAC0 + i);
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
 	printf("MAC Address");
@@ -805,33 +824,68 @@
 			   PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego | PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego);
+void miconCntl_FanLow(void);
+void miconCntl_FanHigh(void);
+void miconCntl_Eth1000M(int up);
+void miconCntl_Eth100M(int up);
+void miconCntl_Eth10M(int up);
+void miconCntl_5f(void);
+		miconCntl_FanLow();
 		/* wait for auto-negotiation process */
 		for (i = 10000; i > 0; i--) {
 			/* check if auto-negotiation complete */
 			if (mdio_read(PHY_STAT_REG) & PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp) {
 				option = RTL_R8(PHYstatus);
+#if defined(CONFIG_LINKSTATION) && defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
 				if (option & _1000bpsF) {
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
 					printf("%s: 1000Mbps Full-duplex operation.\n",
-				} else {
+					miconCntl_Eth1000M(1);
+				} else if (option & _100bps) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
+					printf("%s: 100Mbps %s-duplexoperation.\n",
+						dev->name,
+						(option & FullDup) ? "Full" : "Half");
+					miconCntl_Eth100M(1);
+				} else if (option & _10bps) {
 #ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
-					    ("%s: %sMbps %s-duplex operation.\n",
+					    ("%s: 10Mbps %s-duplex operation.\n",
-					     (option & _100bps) ? "100" :
-					     "10",
-					     (option & FullDup) ? "Full" :
-					     "Half");
+					     (option & FullDup) ? "Full" : "Half");
+					miconCntl_Eth100M(1);
+				}
+				miconCntl_5f();
+#else /* !defined(CONFIG_LINKSTATION) || !defined(CONFIG_HTGL) */
+				if (option & _1000bpsF) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
+					printf("%s: 1000Mbps Full-duplex operation.\n",
+						dev->name);
+					miconCntl_FanHigh();
+				} else {
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTL8169
+					printk("%s: %sMbps %s-duplex operation.\n",
+						dev->name,
+						(option & _100bps) ? "100" : "10",
+						(option & FullDup) ? "Full" : "Half");
 			} else {
-		}		/* end for-loop to wait for auto-negotiation process */
+		}	/* end for-loop to wait for auto-negotiation process */
 	} else {
@@ -886,3 +940,5 @@
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/fs/ext2/ext2fs.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/fs/ext2/ext2fs.c
--- u-boot-86xx/fs/ext2/ext2fs.c	2006-10-13 00:27:17.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/fs/ext2/ext2fs.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 /* Magic value used to identify an ext2 filesystem.  */
 #define	EXT2_MAGIC		0xEF53
+/* Magic value used to identify Buffalo's idea of ext2 */
 /* Amount of indirect blocks in an inode.  */
 #define INDIRECT_BLOCKS		12
 /* Maximum lenght of a pathname.  */
@@ -851,7 +853,8 @@
 		goto fail;
 	/* Make sure this is an ext2 filesystem.  */
-	if (__le16_to_cpu (data->sblock.magic) != EXT2_MAGIC) {
+	if ((__le16_to_cpu (data->sblock.magic) != EXT2_MAGIC) &&
+	    (__le16_to_cpu (data->sblock.magic) != LINKSTATION_MAGIC)) {
 		goto fail;
 	data->diropen.data = data;
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/include/configs/linkstation.h u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/configs/linkstation.h
--- u-boot-86xx/include/configs/linkstation.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/configs/linkstation.h	2006-11-06 22:30:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Mihai Georgian <u-boot@linuxnotincluded.org.uk>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef __CONFIG_H
+#define __CONFIG_H
+#if 0
+#define DEBUG
+ * User configurable settings:
+ *   Mandatory settings:
+ *     CONFIG_IPADDR_LS		- the IP address of the LinkStation
+ *     CONFIG_SERVERIP_LS	- the address of the server for NFS/TFTP/DHCP/BOOTP
+ *   Optional settins:
+ *     CONFIG_NCIP_LS		- the adress of the computer running net console
+ *							  if not configured, it will be set to
+ */
+#if !defined(CONFIG_IPADDR_LS) || !defined(CONFIG_SERVERIP_LS)
+#error Both CONFIG_IPADDR_LS and CONFIG_SERVERIP_LS must be defined
+#if !defined(CONFIG_NCIP_LS)
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define CONFIG_MPC8245		1
+ * Supported models
+ *
+ * LinkStation HDLAN /KuroBox Standard (CONFIG_HLAN)
+ * LinkStation old model               (CONFIG_LAN) - totally untested
+ * LinkStation HGLAN / KuroBox HG      (CONFIG_HGLAN)
+ *
+ * Models not supported yet
+ * TeraStatin                          (CONFIG_HTGL)
+ */
+#if defined(CONFIG_HLAN) || defined(CONFIG_LAN)
+#define CONFIG_IDENT_STRING		" LinkStation / KuroBox"
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN)
+#define CONFIG_IDENT_STRING		" LinkStation HG / KuroBox HG"
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+#define CONFIG_IDENT_STRING		" TeraStation"
+#error No LinkStation model defined
+#define CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_PROMPT		"Boot in %02d seconds ('s' to stop)..."
+							CFG_CMD_LOADS	| \
+							CFG_CMD_LOADB	| \
+							CFG_CMD_FLASH	| \
+							CFG_CMD_MEMORY	| \
+							CFG_CMD_NET		| \
+							CFG_CMD_ENV		| \
+							CFG_CMD_IDE		| \
+							CFG_CMD_PCI		| \
+							CFG_CMD_BOOTD	| \
+							CFG_CMD_CONSOLE	| \
+							CFG_CMD_RUN		| \
+							CFG_CMD_ECHO	| \
+							CFG_CMD_DHCP	| \
+							CFG_CMD_PING	| \
+							CFG_CMD_NFS		| \
+							CFG_CMD_EXT2	)
+/* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
+#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
+ * Miscellaneous configurable options
+ */
+#define CFG_LONGHELP			/* undef to save memory		*/
+#define CFG_PROMPT		"=> "	/* Monitor Command Prompt	*/
+#define CFG_CBSIZE		256		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_PBSIZE		(CFG_CBSIZE + sizeof(CFG_PROMPT) + 16)
+#define CFG_MAXARGS		16			/* Max number of command args	*/
+#define CFG_BARGSIZE	CFG_CBSIZE	/* Boot Argument Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR	0x00800000	/* Default load address: 8 MB	*/
+//#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND  	"run nfsboot"
+#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND  	"run bootcmd1"
+#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS			"root=/dev/hda1"
+#define CONFIG_NFSBOOTCOMMAND  	"bootp;run nfsargs;bootm"
+#define XMK_STR(x)		#x
+#define MK_STR(x)		XMK_STR(x)
+#if defined(CONFIG_HLAN) || defined(CONFIG_LAN)
+#define UBFILE			"share/u-boot/u-boot-hd.flash.bin"
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN)
+#define UBFILE			"share/u-boot/u-boot-hg.flash.bin"
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+#define UBFILE			"share/u-boot/u-boot-ht.flash.bin"
+#error No LinkStation model defined
+    "autoload=no\0"								\
+	"stdin=nc\0"								\
+	"stdout=nc\0"								\
+	"stderr=nc\0"								\
+	"ipaddr="MK_STR(CONFIG_IPADDR_LS)"\0"		\
+	"netmask=\0"					\
+	"serverip="MK_STR(CONFIG_SERVERIP_LS)"\0"	\
+	"ncip="MK_STR(CONFIG_NCIP_LS)"\0"			\
+	"netretry=no\0"								\
+	"nc=setenv stdin nc;setenv stdout nc;setenv stderr nc\0"	\
+	"ser=setenv stdin serial;setenv stdout serial;setenv stderr serial\0"	\
+    "ldaddr=800000\0"							\
+    "hdpart=0:1\0"								\
+    "hdfile=boot/vmlinux.UBoot\0"				\
+    "hdload=echo Loading ${hdpart}:${hdfile};ext2load ide ${hdpart} ${ldaddr} ${hdfile}\0"	\
+    "boothd=setenv bootargs root=/dev/hda1;bootm ${ldaddr}\0"	\
+    "hdboot=run hdload boothd\0"				\
+    "flboot=setenv bootargs root=/dev/hda1;bootm ffc00000\0"	\
+    "emboot=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0;bootm ffc00000\0"	\
+	"nfsargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath} "	\
+	"ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}:${hostname}::off\0"	\
+	"bootretry=30\0"							\
+	"bootcmd1=run hdboot;run flboot\0"			\
+	"bootcmd2=run flboot\0"						\
+	"bootcmd3=run emboot\0"						\
+	"writeng=protect off fff70000 fff7ffff;era fff70000 fff7ffff;mw.l 800000 4e474e47 1;cp.b 800000 fff70000 4\0" \
+	"writeok=protect off fff70000 fff7ffff;era fff70000 fff7ffff;mw.l 800000 4f4b4f4b 1;cp.b 800000 fff70000 4\0" \
+	"ubpart=0:3\0"								\
+	"ubfile="UBFILE"\0"							\
+	"ubload=echo Loading ${ubpart}:${ubfile};ext2load ide ${ubpart} ${ldaddr} ${ubfile}\0" \
+	"ubsaddr=fff00000\0"						\
+	"ubeaddr=fff2ffff\0"						\
+	"ubflash=protect off ${ubsaddr} ${ubeaddr};era ${ubsaddr} ${ubeaddr};cp.b ${ldaddr} ${ubsaddr} ${filesize};cmp.b ${ldaddr} ${ubsaddr} ${filesize}\0" \
+	"upgrade=run ubload ubflash\0"
+ * PCI stuff
+ */
+#define CONFIG_PCI
+/* Keep the following defines in sync with the BAT mappings */
+#define PCI_ETH_IOADDR      0xbfff00
+#define PCI_ETH_MEMADDR     0xbffffc00
+#define PCI_IDE_IOADDR      0xbffed0
+#define PCI_IDE_MEMADDR     0xbffffb00
+#define PCI_USB0_IOADDR     0
+#define PCI_USB0_MEMADDR    0xbfffe000
+#define PCI_USB1_IOADDR     0
+#define PCI_USB1_MEMADDR    0xbfffd000
+#define PCI_USB2_IOADDR     0
+#define PCI_USB2_MEMADDR    0xbfffcf00
+ * Ethernet stuff
+ */
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN)
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+#define CONFIG_RTL8169
+ * Start addresses for the final memory configuration
+ * (Set up by the startup code)
+ * Please note that CFG_SDRAM_BASE _must_ start at 0
+ */
+#define CFG_SDRAM_BASE	    	0x00000000
+#define CFG_FLASH_BASE      	0xFFC00000
+#define CFG_RESET_ADDRESS   	0xFFF00100
+#define CFG_EUMB_ADDR	    	0x80000000
+#define CFG_PCI_MEM_ADDR		0xB0000000
+#define CFG_MISC_REGION_ADDR	0xFE000000
+#define CFG_MONITOR_LEN     	0x00040000	/* 256 kB */
+#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN      	(512 << 10) /* Reserve some kB for malloc() */
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_START   	0x00100000	/* memtest works on		*/
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_END	    	0x00800000	/* 1M ... 8M in DRAM	*/
+/* Maximum amount of RAM */
+#if defined(CONFIG_HLAN) || defined(CONFIG_LAN)
+#define CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE    	0x04000000	/* 64MB of SDRAM  */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HTGL)
+#define CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE    	0x08000000	/* 128MB of SDRAM */
+#error Unknown LinkStation type
+ * Change TEXT_BASE in bord/linkstation/config.mk to get a RAM build
+ *
+ * RAM based builds are for testing purposes. A Linux module, uloader.o,
+ * exists to load U-Boot and pass control to it
+ *
+ * Always do "make clean" after changing the build type
+ */
+#define CFG_RAMBOOT
+ * Definitions for initial stack pointer and data area
+ */
+#if 1 /* RAM is available when the first C function is called */
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR		0x40000000
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END		0x1000
+#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE		128
+ * Serial configuration
+ */
+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE		57600
+#define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE	{ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
+#define CFG_NS16550
+#define CFG_NS16550_SERIAL
+#define CFG_NS16550_REG_SIZE	1
+#define CFG_NS16550_CLK		get_bus_freq(0)
+#define CFG_NS16550_COM1	(CFG_EUMB_ADDR + 0x4600)	/* Console port */
+#define CFG_NS16550_COM2	(CFG_EUMB_ADDR + 0x4500)	/* AVR port */
+ * Low Level Configuration Settings
+ * (address mappings, register initial values, etc.)
+ * You should know what you are doing if you make changes here.
+ * For the detail description refer to the MPC8245 user's manual.
+ *
+ * Unless indicated otherwise, the values are
+ * taken from the orignal Linkstation boot code
+ *
+ * Most of the low level configuration setttings are normally used
+ * in cpu/mpc824x/cpu_init.c which is NOT used by this implementation.
+ * Low level initialisation is done in board/linkstation/early_init.S
+ * The values below are included for reference purpose only
+ */
+/* FIXME: 32.768 MHz is the crystal frequency but */
+/* the real frequency is lower by about 0.75%     */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ  32768000
+#define CFG_HZ		     	 1000
+/* Bit-field values for MCCR1.  */
+#define CFG_ROMNAL      0
+#define CFG_ROMFAL      11
+#define CFG_BANK0_ROW	2       /* Only bank 0 used: 13 x n x 4 */
+#define CFG_BANK1_ROW	0
+#define CFG_BANK2_ROW	0
+#define CFG_BANK3_ROW	0
+#define CFG_BANK4_ROW	0
+#define CFG_BANK5_ROW	0
+#define CFG_BANK6_ROW	0
+#define CFG_BANK7_ROW	0
+/* Bit-field values for MCCR2.  */
+#define CFG_TSWAIT      0
+#define CFG_REFINT      1400
+/* Burst To Precharge. Bits of this value go to MCCR3 and MCCR4.  */
+#define CFG_BSTOPRE     121
+/* Bit-field values for MCCR3.  */
+#define CFG_REFREC      7
+/* Bit-field values for MCCR4.  */
+#define CFG_PRETOACT    2
+#define CFG_ACTTOPRE    5		/* Original value was 2 */
+#define CFG_ACTORW      2
+#define CFG_SDMODE_CAS_LAT  2	/* For 100MHz bus. Use 3 for 133MHz */
+#define CFG_EXTROM      1		/* Original setting but there is no EXTROM */
+#define CFG_REGDIMM     0
+#define CFG_DBUS_SIZE2  1
+#define CFG_SDMODE_WRAP 0
+#define CFG_PGMAX       0x32	/* All boards use this setting. Original 0x92 */
+#define CFG_SDRAM_DSCD  0x30
+/* Memory bank settings.
+ * Only bits 20-29 are actually used from these vales to set the
+ * start/end addresses. The upper two bits will always be 0, and the lower
+ * 20 bits will be 0x00000 for a start address, or 0xfffff for an end
+ * address. Refer to the MPC8240 book.
+ */
+#define CFG_BANK0_START	    0x00000000
+#define CFG_BANK0_END	    (CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE - 1)
+#define CFG_BANK0_ENABLE    1
+#define CFG_BANK1_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK1_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK1_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK2_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK2_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK2_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK3_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK3_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK3_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK4_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK4_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK4_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK5_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK5_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK5_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK6_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK6_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK6_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK7_START     0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK7_END       0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK7_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_ODCR	    0x95		/* 0x15 or 0x95 ? */
+ * Initial BAT mappings
+ */
+/* NOTES:
+ * 1) GUARDED and WRITETHROUGH not allowed in IBATS
+ * 2) CACHEINHIBIT and WRITETHROUGH not allowed together in same BAT
+ */
+/* SDRAM */
+/* EUMB: 1MB of address space */
+/* PCI Mem: 256MB of address space */
+/* PCI and local ROM/Flash: last 32MB of address space */
+ * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data
+ * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is
+ * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization.
+ *
+ * FIXME: This doesn't appear to be true for the newer kernels
+ * which map more that 8 MB
+ */
+#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ	    (8 << 20)	/* Initial Memory map for Linux */
+ * FLASH organization
+ */
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS		1	/* Max number of flash banks		*/
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT		72	/* Max number of sectors per flash	*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	12000
+#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT	1000
+ * The original LinkStation flash organisation uses
+ * 448 kB (0xFFF00000 - 0xFFF6FFFF) for the boot loader
+ * We use the last sector of this area to store the environment
+ * which leaves max. 384 kB for the U-Boot itself
+ */
+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR		0xFFF60000
+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE		0x00010000
+#define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x00010000
+ * Cache Configuration
+ */
+#define CFG_CACHELINE_SHIFT	5	/* log base 2 of the above value	*/
+ * IDE/ATA definitions
+ */
+#undef  CONFIG_IDE_LED					/* No IDE LED					*/
+#define CONFIG_IDE_RESET				/* no reset for ide supported	*/
+#define CONFIG_IDE_PREINIT				/* check for units				*/
+#define CONFIG_LBA48					/* 48 bit LBA supported			*/
+#if defined(CONFIG_LAN) || defined(CONFIG_HLAN) || defined(CONFIG_HGLAN)
+#define CFG_IDE_MAXBUS			1		/* Scan only 1 IDE bus			*/
+#define CFG_IDE_MAXDEVICE		1		/* Only 1 drive per IDE bus		*/
+#elif defined(CONFIG_HGTL)
+#define CFG_IDE_MAXBUS			2		/* Max. 2 IDE busses			*/
+#define CFG_IDE_MAXDEVICE		2		/* max. 2 drives per IDE bus	*/
+#error Config IDE: Unknown LinkStation type
+#define CFG_ATA_BASE_ADDR		0
+#define CFG_ATA_DATA_OFFSET		0		/* Offset for data I/O			*/
+#define CFG_ATA_REG_OFFSET		0		/* Offset for normal registers	*/
+#define CFG_ATA_ALT_OFFSET		0		/* Offset for alternate registers */
+ * Partitions and file system
+ */
+ * Internal Definitions
+ *
+ * Boot Flags
+ */
+#define BOOTFLAG_COLD		0x01	/* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH	*/
+#define BOOTFLAG_WARM		0x02	/* Software reboot			*/
+#endif	/* __CONFIG_H */
+/* vim: set ts=4: */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/include/devices.h u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/devices.h
--- u-boot-86xx/include/devices.h	2006-10-13 00:27:18.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/devices.h	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
 int	devices_init (void);
 int	devices_done (void);
 int	device_deregister(char *devname);
+int	console_setfile (int file, device_t * dev);
 #ifdef CONFIG_LCD
 int	drv_lcd_init (void);
@@ -111,5 +112,8 @@
 int	drv_nc_init (void);
+device_t *search_device (int flags, char *name);
 #endif	/* _DEVICES_H_ */
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/include/flash.h u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/flash.h
--- u-boot-86xx/include/flash.h	2006-10-13 00:27:18.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/flash.h	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -215,6 +215,8 @@
 #define AMD_ID_LV320B_2 0x221A221A	/* 2d ID word for AM29LV320MB at 0x38 */
 #define AMD_ID_LV320B_3 0x22002200	/* 3d ID word for AM29LV320MB at 0x3c */
+#define AMD_ID_LV320T_2 0x221A221A	/* 2d ID word for AM29LV320MT at 0x38 */
+#define AMD_ID_LV320T_3 0x22012201	/* 3d ID word for AM29LV320MT at 0x3c */
 #define AMD_ID_LV640U	0x22D722D7	/* 29LV640U ID (64 M, uniform sectors)	*/
 #define AMD_ID_LV650U	0x22D722D7	/* 29LV650U ID (64 M, uniform sectors)	*/
@@ -246,6 +248,8 @@
 #define STM_ID_x800AB	0x005B005B	/* M29W800AB ID (8M = 512K x 16 )	*/
 #define STM_ID_29W320DT 0x22CA22CA	/* M29W320DT ID (32 M, top boot sector) */
 #define STM_ID_29W320DB 0x22CB22CB	/* M29W320DB ID (32 M, bottom boot sect)	*/
+#define STM_ID_29W324DT 0x225C225C	/* M29W324DT ID (32 M, top boot sector) */
+#define STM_ID_29W324DB 0x225D225D	/* M29W324DB ID (32 M, bottom boot sect)	*/
 #define STM_ID_29W040B	0x00E300E3	/* M29W040B ID (4M = 512K x 8)	*/
 #define FLASH_PSD4256GV 0x00E9		/* PSD4256 Flash and CPLD combination	*/
@@ -353,6 +357,8 @@
 #define FLASH_STM800AB	0x0051		/* STM M29WF800AB  (  8M = 512K x 16 )	*/
 #define FLASH_STMW320DT 0x0052		/* STM M29W320DT   (32 M, top boot sector)	*/
 #define FLASH_STMW320DB 0x0053		/* STM M29W320DB   (32 M, bottom boot sect)*/
+#define FLASH_STMW324DT 0x005C		/* STM M29W320DT   (32 M, top boot sector)	*/
+#define FLASH_STMW324DB 0x005D		/* STM M29W320DB   (32 M, bottom boot sect)*/
 #define FLASH_STM320DB	0x00CB		/* STM M29W320DB (4M = 64K x 64, bottom)*/
 #define FLASH_STM800DT	0x00D7		/* STM M29W800DT (1M = 64K x 16, top)	*/
 #define FLASH_STM800DB	0x005B		/* STM M29W800DB (1M = 64K x 16, bottom)*/
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/include/pci_ids.h u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/pci_ids.h
--- u-boot-86xx/include/pci_ids.h	2006-10-13 00:27:18.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/include/pci_ids.h	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -1473,6 +1473,8 @@
 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_IT8172G_AUDIO 0x0801
 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_IT8181	0x8181
 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_8872		0x8872
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_8211		0x8211
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_8212		0x8212
 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_IT8330G_0	0xe886
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/lib_ppc/board.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/lib_ppc/board.c
--- u-boot-86xx/lib_ppc/board.c	2006-10-13 00:27:19.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/lib_ppc/board.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -439,6 +439,10 @@
 	addr -= len;
 	addr &= ~(4096 - 1);
+	/* U-Boot code at 1 MB boundary to make it easier to debug */
+	addr &= ~(1048576 - 1);
 #ifdef CONFIG_E500
 	/* round down to next 64 kB limit so that IVPR stays aligned */
 	addr &= ~(65536 - 1);
@@ -895,8 +899,10 @@
 	/* Initialize the jump table for applications */
 	jumptable_init ();
 	/* Initialize the console (after the relocation and devices init) */
 	console_init_r ();
 #if defined(CONFIG_CCM)		|| \
     defined(CONFIG_COGENT)	|| \
@@ -949,6 +955,7 @@
 	if ((s = getenv ("loadaddr")) != NULL) {
 		load_addr = simple_strtoul (s, NULL, 16);
+	debug("load_addr: %08lx\n", load_addr);
 	if ((s = getenv ("bootfile")) != NULL) {
 		copy_filename (BootFile, s, sizeof (BootFile));
@@ -998,6 +1005,11 @@
 	reset_phy ();
+	/* The LinkStation uses the net console by default */
+	console_init_r ();
 	post_run (NULL, POST_RAM | post_bootmode_get(0));
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/lib_ppc/interrupts.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/lib_ppc/interrupts.c
--- u-boot-86xx/lib_ppc/interrupts.c	2006-10-13 00:27:19.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/lib_ppc/interrupts.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 extern int interrupt_init_cpu (unsigned *);
-extern void timer_interrupt_cpu (struct pt_regs *);
+extern void timer_interrupt_cpu (struct pt_regs *, ulong timestamp);
 static unsigned decrementer_count; /* count value for 1e6/HZ microseconds */
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 void timer_interrupt (struct pt_regs *regs)
 	/* call cpu specific function from $(CPU)/interrupts.c */
-	timer_interrupt_cpu (regs);
+	timer_interrupt_cpu (regs, timestamp);
 	/* Restore Decrementer Count */
 	set_dec (decrementer_count);
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/net/net.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/net/net.c
--- u-boot-86xx/net/net.c	2006-10-13 00:27:19.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/net/net.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -641,6 +641,11 @@
 	uchar *pkt;
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
+        printf("%s dest: %08lx, dport: %d, sport: %d, len: %d\n",
+		__FUNCTION__, dest, dport, sport, len);
 	/* convert to new style broadcast */
 	if (dest == 0)
 		dest = 0xFFFFFFFF;
@@ -758,6 +763,8 @@
 	IPaddr_t tmp;
 	volatile IP_t *ip = (volatile IP_t *)pkt;
+	if (!pkt && !dest && !src && !len) /* ARP packet */
+		return;
 	tmp = NetReadIP((void *)&ip->ip_src);
 	if (tmp != NetPingIP)
@@ -1146,7 +1153,7 @@
 	ushort cti = 0, vlanid = VLAN_NONE, myvlanid, mynvlanid;
 #ifdef ET_DEBUG
-	printf("packet received\n");
+	printf("%s: packet received\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	NetRxPkt = inpkt;
@@ -1171,10 +1178,6 @@
 	x = ntohs(et->et_protlen);
-#ifdef ET_DEBUG
-	printf("packet received\n");
 	if (x < 1514) {
 		 *	Got a 802 packet.  Check the other protocol field.
@@ -1305,13 +1308,16 @@
 			/* matched waiting packet's address */
 			if (tmp == NetArpWaitReplyIP) {
 #ifdef ET_DEBUG
-				puts ("Got it\n");
+				puts ("ARP reply IP matches original pkt IP\n");
 				/* save address for later use */
 				memcpy(NetArpWaitPacketMAC, &arp->ar_data[0], 6);
-				(*packetHandler)(0,0,0,0);
+				if (packetHandler)
+					(*packetHandler)(0,0,0,0);
+				else
+					printf("ARP: NULL packetHandler\n");
 				/* modify header, and transmit it */
 				memcpy(((Ethernet_t *)NetArpWaitTxPacket)->et_dest, NetArpWaitPacketMAC, 6);
@@ -1354,7 +1360,10 @@
 				NetCopyIP(&NetServerIP, &arp->ar_data[ 6]);
 			memcpy (NetServerEther, &arp->ar_data[ 0], 6);
-			(*packetHandler)(0,0,0,0);
+			if (packetHandler)
+				(*packetHandler)(0,0,0,0);
+			else
+				printf("ARP: NULL packetHandler\n");
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/net/nfs.c u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/net/nfs.c
--- u-boot-86xx/net/nfs.c	2006-10-13 00:27:19.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/net/nfs.c	2006-11-06 22:05:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include "nfs.h"
 #include "bootp.h"
-/*#define NFS_DEBUG*/
+#undef NFS_DEBUG
@@ -180,6 +180,9 @@
 	int sport;
 	id = ++rpc_id;
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s xid: %d, rpc_id: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, id, rpc_id);
 	pkt.u.call.id = htonl(id);
 	pkt.u.call.type = htonl(MSG_CALL);
 	pkt.u.call.rpcvers = htonl(2);	/* use RPC version 2 */
@@ -213,6 +216,10 @@
 	uint32_t data[16];
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	data[0] = 0; data[1] = 0;	/* auth credential */
 	data[2] = 0; data[3] = 0;	/* auth verifier */
 	data[4] = htonl(prog);
@@ -234,6 +241,10 @@
 	int len;
 	int pathlen;
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	pathlen = strlen (path);
 	p = &(data[0]);
@@ -259,6 +270,10 @@
 	uint32_t *p;
 	int len;
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	if ((NfsSrvMountPort == -1) || (!fs_mounted)) {
 		/* Nothing mounted, nothing to umount */
@@ -286,6 +301,10 @@
 	uint32_t *p;
 	int len;
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	p = &(data[0]);
 	p = (uint32_t *)rpc_add_credentials ((long *)p);
@@ -308,6 +327,10 @@
 	int len;
 	int fnamelen;
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	fnamelen = strlen (fname);
 	p = &(data[0]);
@@ -335,6 +358,10 @@
 	uint32_t *p;
 	int len;
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+        printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
 	p = &(data[0]);
 	p = (uint32_t *)rpc_add_credentials ((long *)p);
@@ -405,8 +432,13 @@
 	if (rpc_pkt.u.reply.rstatus  ||
 	    rpc_pkt.u.reply.verifier ||
-	    rpc_pkt.u.reply.astatus  ||
 	    rpc_pkt.u.reply.astatus) {
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+		printf ("rstatus: %d\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.rstatus);
+		printf ("verifier: %08lx\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.verifier);
+		printf ("v2: %08lx\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.v2);
+		printf ("astatus: %d\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.astatus);
 		return -1;
@@ -433,13 +465,24 @@
 	memcpy ((unsigned char *)&rpc_pkt, pkt, len);
-	if (ntohl(rpc_pkt.u.reply.id) != rpc_id)
+	if (ntohl(rpc_pkt.u.reply.id) != rpc_id) {
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+		printf ("rpc_id error. expected: %d, got: %d\n", \
+			rpc_id, ntohl(rpc_pkt.u.reply.id));
 		return -1;
+	}
 	if (rpc_pkt.u.reply.rstatus  ||
 	    rpc_pkt.u.reply.verifier ||
 	    rpc_pkt.u.reply.astatus  ||
 	    rpc_pkt.u.reply.data[0]) {
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
+		printf ("rstatus: %d\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.rstatus);
+		printf ("verifier: %08lx\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.verifier);
+		printf ("astatus: %d\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.astatus);
+		printf ("data[0]: %08lx\n", rpc_pkt.u.reply.data[0]);
 		return -1;
@@ -544,7 +587,7 @@
 	struct rpc_t rpc_pkt;
 	int rlen;
-#ifdef NFS_DEBUG_nop
+#ifdef NFS_DEBUG
 	printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -601,6 +644,8 @@
 	printf ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if (!pkt && !dest && !src && !len) /* ARP packet */
+		return;
 	if (dest != NfsOurPort) return;
 	switch (NfsState) {
diff -urN u-boot-86xx/tools/Makefile u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/tools/Makefile
--- u-boot-86xx/tools/Makefile	2006-10-13 00:27:19.000000000 +0200
+++ u-boot-86xx-kuro_clean/tools/Makefile	2006-11-06 22:18:42.000000000 +0100
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 # MA 02111-1307 USA
-BIN_FILES	= img2srec$(SFX) mkimage$(SFX) envcrc$(SFX) gen_eth_addr$(SFX) bmp_logo$(SFX)
+BIN_FILES	= img2srec$(SFX) mkimage$(SFX) envcrc$(SFX) gen_eth_addr$(SFX) bmp_logo$(SFX) ncb$(SFX)
 OBJ_LINKS	= environment.o crc32.o
-OBJ_FILES	= img2srec.o mkimage.o envcrc.o gen_eth_addr.o bmp_logo.o
+OBJ_FILES	= img2srec.o mkimage.o envcrc.o gen_eth_addr.o bmp_logo.o ncb.o
 ifeq ($(ARCH),mips)
 BIN_FILES	+= inca-swap-bytes$(SFX)