# This file defines function used for unpacking the .bin file downloaded over # the http and display EULA. # BINFILE - name of the install jammer .bin file # TARFILE - name of the tar file inside the install jammer # TI_BIN_UNPK_CMDS - contains list of commands separated with colon to be # passed while unpacking the bin file. The keyword # workdir expands to WORKDIR and commands are appendded # with '\n'. Eg. TI_BIN_UNPK_CMDS="Y:Y: qY:workdir" # TI_BIN_UNPK_WDEXT - This variable extends workdir path, if user wants to put # the output in some internal directory export DISPLAY = "" python do_unpack () { bb.build.exec_func('base_do_unpack', d) bb.build.exec_func('ti_bin_do_unpack', d) } TI_BIN_UNPK_WDEXT += "" python ti_bin_do_unpack() { import os localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d) bb.data.update_data(localdata) binfile = bb.data.getVar('BINFILE', localdata) binfile = bb.data.expand(binfile, localdata) # Change to the working directory save_cwd = os.getcwd() workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', localdata) workdir = bb.data.expand(workdir, localdata) os.chdir(workdir) # Get unpack commands cmd_string = bb.data.getVar('TI_BIN_UNPK_CMDS', localdata) cmd_list = cmd_string.split( ":" ) # Make the InstallJammer binary executable so we can run it os.chmod(binfile, 0755) # Run the InstallJammer binary and accept the EULA filename = "HOME=%s ./%s" % (workdir, binfile) f = os.popen(filename,'w') for cmd in cmd_list: if cmd == "workdir": wdext = bb.data.getVar('TI_BIN_UNPK_WDEXT', localdata) wdext = bb.data.expand(wdext, localdata) cmd = workdir+wdext print >>f, "%s\n" % cmd f.close() # Expand the tarball that was created if required tarfile = bb.data.getVar('TARFILE', localdata) if bool(tarfile) == True: tarfile = bb.data.expand(tarfile, localdata) tcmd = 'tar xz --no-same-owner -f %s -C %s' % (tarfile, workdir) os.system(tcmd) # Return to the previous directory os.chdir(save_cwd) }