DESCRIPTION = "Codec Engine for TI ARM/DSP processors" require # compile time dependencies DEPENDS = "ti-framework-components ti-xdais ti-xdctools ti-cgt6x ti-biosutils ti-edma3lld ti-linuxutils" DEPENDS_append_dm6446 = " ti-dspbios ti-dsplink-module" DEPENDS_append_dm6467 = " ti-dspbios ti-dsplink-module" DEPENDS_append_omap3 = " ti-dspbios ti-dsplink-module ti-lpm-module" DEPENDS_append_omapl138 = " ti-dspbios ti-dsplink-module" SRC_URI = "${PV}/exports/codec_engine_${PV},lite.tar.gz;name=cetarball" # Set the source directory S = "${WORKDIR}/codec_engine_${PV}" # Define Device variable DEVICES = "" DEVICES_dm6446 ?= "DM6446" DEVICES_dm6467 ?= "DM6467" DEVICES_omap3 ?= "OMAP3530" DEVICES_dm355 ?= "DM355" DEVICES_dm365 ?= "DM365" DEVICES_omapl137 ?= "OMAPL137" DEVICES_omapl138 ?= "OMAPL138" #define PROGRAM variables #TODO - should we build APP_LOCAL for SOCs as well?? - probably? PROGRAMS ?= "APP_CLIENT DSP_SERVER" PROGRAMS_dm355 = "APP_LOCAL" PROGRAMS_dm365 = "APP_LOCAL" CGT6x_DIR = "${CODEGEN_INSTALL_DIR}" XDCTOOLS_DIR = "${XDC_INSTALL_DIR}" CE_INSTALL_DIR = "${S}" do_compile () { # No way to pass this via ENV? sed -i \ -e s:arm-none-linux-gnueabi-:${TARGET_PREFIX}:g \ ${S}/examples/xdcpaths.mak for i in codecs extensions servers apps ; do cd ${S}/examples/ti/sdo/ce/examples/$i make DEVICES="${DEVICES}" \ GPPOS="${GPPOS}" \ PROGRAMS="${PROGRAMS}" \ CE_INSTALL_DIR="${CE_INSTALL_DIR}" \ XDC_INSTALL_DIR="${XDCTOOLS_DIR}" \ BIOS_INSTALL_DIR="${BIOS_INSTALL_DIR}" \ BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR="${BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR}" \ DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR="${LINK_INSTALL_DIR}" \ XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR="${XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR}" \ FC_INSTALL_DIR="${FC_INSTALL_DIR}" \ CMEM_INSTALL_DIR="${CMEM_INSTALL_DIR}" \ LPM_INSTALL_DIR="${LPM_INSTALL_DIR}" \ EDMA3_LLD_INSTALL_DIR="${EDMA3_LLD_INSTALL_DIR}" \ CGTOOLS_V5T="${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}" \ CGTOOLS_C64P="${CGT6x_DIR}" \ CGTOOLS_C674="${CGT6x_DIR}" \ clean all done } do_install() { install -d ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps if [-e ${S}/examples/apps/system_files/${DEVICES}/ ]; then cp ${S}/examples/apps/system_files/${DEVICES}/ ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps fi cd ${S}/examples/ti/sdo/ce/examples # Install the apps, servers and test data, mirroring the source directory structure # - Put the servers inside the same folder as the executable # - TODO - Check nested dirs (e.g. dualcpu_separateconfig) # Put all servers in separate tree. for i in $(find . -name "*.${DSPSUFFIX}"); do install -d ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/servers/`dirname ${i} | cut -f3 -d /` install ${i} ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/servers/`dirname ${i} | cut -f3 -d /` done for i in $(find . -name "*.xv5T"); do install -d ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/`dirname ${i} | cut -f3 -d /` install ${i} ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/`dirname ${i} | cut -f3 -d /` done for i in $(find . -name "*.dat"); do install -d ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/`dirname ${i} | cut -f3 -d /` install ${i} ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/`dirname ${i} | cut -f3 -d /` done # For each directory, softlink to the app server, except special cases cd ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps for i in $(find . -type d | grep -v servers); do { pwd cd ${D}/${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/$i if [ $(basename $i) == "audio1_ires" ] ; then ln -s ../servers/audio1_ires/audio1_ires.${DSPSUFFIX} elif [ $(basename $i) == "server_api_example" ] ; then ln -s ../servers/server_api_example/audio_copy.${DSPSUFFIX} elif [ $(basename $i) != "." ] ; then ln -s ../servers/all_codecs/all.${DSPSUFFIX} else echo Skipping $i fi } done # Stage the complete tree as well install -d ${D}${CE_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE} cp -pPrf ${S}/* ${D}${CE_INSTALL_DIR_RECIPE} } require RDEPENDS_ti-codec-engine-apps = "ti-cmem-module" RDEPENDS_append_dm6446 = " ti-dsplink-module" RDEPENDS_append_omap3 = " ti-dsplink-module" RDEPENDS_append_omapl138 = " ti-dsplink-module" PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" PACKAGES += "ti-codec-engine-apps" FILES_ti-codec-engine-apps = "${installdir}/codec-engine-apps/*" INSANE_SKIP_ti-codec-engine-apps = True