DESCRIPTION = "nEo icon theme - a high contrast icon theme which looks especially well when using all the other nEo themes" SECTION = "e/utils" HOMEPAGE = "" AUTHOR = "Jesus McCloud <" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "e-wm" RSUGGESTS_${PN} = "elementary-theme-neo e-wm-theme-illume-neo gtk-theme-neo gpe-theme-neo" LICENSE = "unknown" SRCREV = "f847105c5ef5d488a4bce0c0a85d572c3509d56f" PV = "0.2-${EFL_SRCREV}+gitr${SRCPV}" PR = "r4" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=http;branch=master" S = "${WORKDIR}/git/icons/icon-theme-neo" do_install() { install -d ${D}${datadir}/icons/ install -d ${D}${datadir}/icons/nEo/ cp -r ${S}/* "${D}${datadir}/icons/nEo/" } FILES_${PN} = "${datadir}/icons/nEo/" pkg_postinst() { echo "To activate this theme select it under ICON THEME in the LOOK tab of enlightenment settings" echo "Restart enlightenment for the changes to take affect" }