DESCRIPTION = "Native tools for Qt/[X11|Mac|Embedded] version 4.x" DEPENDS = "zlib-native dbus-native libsm-native" SECTION = "libs" HOMEPAGE = "" PRIORITY = "optional" LICENSE = "GPL" INC_PR = "r7" inherit native SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \ file://qt-config.patch \ file://g++.conf \ file://linux.conf" S = "${WORKDIR}/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-${PV}" # Suitable for qt4 tools which should not interfere with the system's qt libraries. LINKSTYLE = "-static" EXTRA_OECONF = "-prefix ${prefix} \ -L ${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE} \ -I ${STAGING_INCDIR_NATIVE} \ -qt-libjpeg -qt-gif -system-zlib \ -no-libjpeg -no-libpng \ -no-accessibility \ -no-cups \ -no-exceptions \ -no-nas-sound \ -no-nis \ -verbose -release ${LINKSTYLE} \ -qt3support" # yank default -e, otherwise we get the following error: # moc_qbuffer.cpp: No such file or directory EXTRA_OEMAKE = " " do_configure() { (echo o; echo yes) | ./configure ${EXTRA_OECONF} || die "Configuring qt failed. EXTRA_OECONF was ${EXTRA_OECONF}" } TOBUILD = "\ src/tools/moc \ src/corelib \ src/sql \ src/dbus \ src/qt3support \ src/xml \ src/tools/uic \ src/tools/rcc \ src/network \ src/gui \ src/tools/uic3 \ tools/linguist/lrelease \ tools/linguist/lupdate \ tools/qdbus \ " do_compile() { for i in ${TOBUILD}; do cd ${S}/$i && oe_runmake CC="${CC}" CXX="${CXX}" done } NATIVE_INSTALL_WORKS = "1" do_install() { install -d ${D}${bindir}/ install -m 0755 bin/qmake ${D}${bindir}/qmake2 for i in moc uic uic3 rcc lrelease lupdate qdbuscpp2xml qdbusxml2cpp; do install -m 0755 bin/${i} ${D}${bindir}/${i}4 done install -d ${D}${datadir}/qt4/ cp -PfR mkspecs ${D}${datadir}/qt4/ ln -sf linux-g++ ${D}${datadir}/qt4/mkspecs/${BUILD_OS}-oe-g++ cp -f ${WORKDIR}/g++.conf ${WORKDIR}/linux.conf ${D}${datadir}/qt4/mkspecs/common/ install -m 0644 tools/porting/src/q3porting.xml ${D}${datadir}/qt4/ }