# OpenLDAP, a license free (see http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html)
DESCRIPTION = "OpenLDAP Software is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol."
HOMEPAGE = "http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html"
PRIORITY = "optional"
# The OpenLDAP Public License - see the HOMEPAGE - defines
# the license.  www.openldap.org claims this is Open Source
# (see http://www.openldap.org), the license appears to be
# basically BSD.  opensource.org does not record this license
# at present (so it is apparently not OSI certified).
SECTION = "libs"

PR = "r0"

SRC_URI = "ftp://ftp.openldap.org/pub/OpenLDAP/openldap-release/${P}.tgz"
SRC_URI += "file://openldap-autoconf.patch"
# The build tries to run a host executable, this fails.  The patch
# causes the executable and its data to be installed instead of
# the output - ucgendat must be run after the ipkg install!
SRC_URI += "file://ucgendat.patch"
# The original top.mk used INSTALL, not INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM when
# installing .so and executables, this fails in cross compilation
# environments
SRC_URI += "file://install-strip.patch"

inherit autotools

# The following two variables can be set in a distro or local.conf
# to switch features on.  Each feature foo defines OPENLDAP_OPTION_foo
# and OPENLDAP_DEPENDS_foo in this file - to include feature foo add
# the two variables into the setting of the options below (please use
# += because that means this can be done in *both* distro.conf and
# local.conf!

# The following is necessary because it cannot be determined for a
# cross compile automagically.  Select should yield fine on all OE
# systems...
EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-yielding-select=yes"
# Shared libraries are nice...
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-dynamic"
# Disable TLS to remove the need for openssl/libcrypto
OPENLDAP_OPTION_tls  ?= "--without-tls"
# set the following to " openssl" to build tls support

# SLAPD options
# UNIX crypt(3) passwd support:
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-crypt"
# Enable dynamic module loading.  If this is *disabled* the
# dependency on libtool is removed (to disable set the following
# to variables to "" in a .conf file).
OPENLDAP_OPTION_modules += "lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes --enable-modules"
OPENLDAP_DEPENDS_modules += "libtool"

# The backend must be set by the configuration.  This controls the
# required database, the default database, bdb, is turned off but
# can be turned back on again and it *is* below!  The monitor backend
# is also disabled.  If you try to change the backends but fail to
# enable a single one the build will fail in an obvious way.
EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-bdb --disable-monitor"
# Backends="bdb dnssrv hdb ldap ldbm meta monitor null passwd perl shell sql"
# Note that multiple backends can be built.  The ldbm backend requires a
# build-time choice of database API.  The bdb backend forces this to be
# DB4.  To use the gdbm (or other) API the Berkely database module must
# be removed from the build.
md = "${libexecdir}/openldap"
#--enable-bdb          enable Berkeley DB backend no|yes|mod yes
# The Berkely DB is the standard choice.  This version of OpenLDAP requires
# the version 4 implementation or better.
# To disable this set all three of the following variables to <empty> in
# a .conf file (this will allow ldbm to be build with gdbm).
OPENLDAP_OPTION_bdb   ?= "--enable-bdb=mod"
OPENLDAP_PACKAGE_bdb  ?= "${PN}-backend-bdb"
FILES_${PN}-backend-bdb = "${md}/back_bdb.so ${md}/back_bdb.la ${md}/back_bdb-*.so.*"
#--enable-dnssrv       enable dnssrv backend no|yes|mod no
# This has no dependencies.
FILES_${PN}-backend-dnssrv = "${md}/back_dnssrv.so ${md}/back_dnssrv.la ${md}/back_dnssrv-*.so.*"
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-dnssrv=mod"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-dnssrv"
#--enable-hdb          enable Hierarchical DB backend no|yes|mod no
# This forces ldbm to use Berkeley too, remove to use gdbm
OPENLDAP_OPTION_hdb   ?= "--enable-hdb=mod"
OPENLDAP_PACKAGE_hdb  ?= "${PN}-backend-hdb"
FILES_${PN}-backend-hdb = "${md}/back_hdb.so ${md}/back_hdb.la ${md}/back_hdb-*.so.*"
#--enable-ldap         enable ldap backend no|yes|mod no
# This has no dependencies
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-ldap=mod"
FILES_${PN}-backend-ldap = "${md}/back_ldap.so ${md}/back_ldap.la ${md}/back_ldap-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-ldap"
#--enable-ldbm         enable ldbm backend no|yes|mod no
# ldbm requires further specification of the underlying database API, because
# bdb is enabled above this must be set to berkeley, however the config
# defaults this correctly so --with-ldbm-api is *not* set.  The build will
# fail if bdb is removed (above) but not database is built to provide the
# support for ldbm (because the 'DEPENDS_ldbm' is empty below.)
# So to use gdbm set:
#OPENLDAP_OPTION_ldbm = "--enable-ldbm=mod --with-ldbm-api=gdbm"
# And clear the bdb and hdb settings.
OPENLDAP_OPTION_ldbm ?= "--enable-ldbm=mod"
OPENLDAP_PACKAGES_ldbm ?= "${PN}-backend-ldbm"
FILES_${PN}-backend-ldbm = "${md}/back_ldbm.so ${md}/back_ldbm.la ${md}/back_ldbm-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-ldbm"
#--enable-meta         enable metadirectory backend no|yes|mod no
# No dependencies
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-meta=mod"
FILES_${PN}-backend-meta = "${md}/back_meta.so ${md}/back_meta.la ${md}/back_meta-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-meta"
#--enable-monitor      enable monitor backend no|yes|mod yes
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-monitor=mod"
FILES_${PN}-backend-monitor = "${md}/back_monitor.so ${md}/back_monitor.la ${md}/back_monitor-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-monitor"
#--enable-null         enable null backend no|yes|mod no
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-null=mod"
FILES_${PN}-backend-null = "${md}/back_null.so ${md}/back_null.la ${md}/back_null-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-null"
#--enable-passwd       enable passwd backend no|yes|mod no
EXTRA_OECONF += " --enable-passwd=mod"
FILES_${PN}-backend-passwd = "${md}/back_passwd.so ${md}/back_passwd.la ${md}/back_passwd-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-passwd"
#--enable-perl         enable perl backend no|yes|mod no
#  This requires a loadable perl dynamic library, if enabled without
#  doing something appropriate (building perl?) the build will pick
#  up the build machine perl - not good.
OPENLDAP_OPTION_perl ?= "--enable-perl=mod"
OPENLDAP_DEPENDS_perl ?= "perl"
OPENLDAP_PACKAGES_perl ?= "${PN}-backend-perl"
FILES_${PN}-backend-perl = "${md}/back_perl.so ${md}/back_perl.la ${md}/back_perl-*.so.*"
#PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-perl"
#--enable-shell        enable shell backend no|yes|mod no
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-shell=mod"
FILES_${PN}-backend-shell = "${md}/back_shell.so ${md}/back_shell.la ${md}/back_shell-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-shell"
#--enable-sql          enable sql backend no|yes|mod no
# sql requires some sql backend which provides sql.h, sqlite* provides
# sqlite.h (which may be compatible but hasn't been tried.)
OPENLDAP_OPTION_sql ?= "--enable-sql=mod"
OPENLDAP_PACKAGES_sql ?= "${PN}-backend-sql"
FILES_${PN}-backend-sql = "${md}/back_sql.so ${md}/back_sql.la ${md}/back_sql-*.so.*"
#PACKAGES += "${PN}-backend-sql"
#--enable-dyngroup     Dynamic Group overlay no|yes|mod no
#  This is a demo, Proxy Cache defines init_module which conflicts with the
#  same symbol in dyngroup
#EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-dyngroup=mod"
#FILES_${PN}-overlay-dyngroup = "${md}/back_dyngroup.so ${md}/back_dyngroup.la ${md}/back_dyngroup-*.so.*"
#PACKAGES += "${PN}-overlay-dyngroup"
#--enable-proxycache   Proxy Cache overlay no|yes|mod no
EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-proxycache=mod"
FILES_${PN}-overlay-proxycache = "${md}/pcache.so ${md}/pcache.la ${md}/pcache-*.so.*"
PACKAGES += "${PN}-overlay-proxycache"
# The distro/lcoal options must be added in *last*

do_stage() {
	# Install the -2.2 versions, but link foo.so to foo-2.2.so ONLY
	# if the do not exist!
	oe_libinstall -so -C libraries/libldap/.libs libldap-2.2 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
	test -e ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libldap.so ||
		ln -s $(basename ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libldap-2.2.so.*.*.*) ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libldap.so
	oe_libinstall -so -C libraries/libldap_r/.libs libldap_r-2.2 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
	test -e ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libldap_r.so ||
		ln -s $(basename ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libldap_r-2.2.so.*.*.*) ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libldap_r.so
	oe_libinstall -so -C libraries/liblber/.libs liblber-2.2 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
	test -e ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/liblber.so ||
		ln -s $(basename ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/liblber-2.2.so.*.*.*) ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/liblber.so

LEAD_SONAME = "libldap-2.2.so.*"

# The executables go in a separate package.  This allows the
# installation of the libraries with no daemon support.
# Each module also has its own package - see above.
PACKAGES += "${PN}-slapd ${PN}-slurpd ${PN}-bin"

# Package contents - shift most standard contents to -bin
FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/lib*.so.* ${sysconfdir}/openldap/ldap.* ${localstatedir}/openldap-data"
FILES_${PN}-slapd = "${libexecdir}/slapd ${sbindir} ${datadir}/openldap/ucdata \
	${localstatedir}/run ${sysconfdir}/openldap/slapd.* ${sysconfdir}/openldap/schema"
FILES_${PN}-slurpd = "${libexecdir}/slurpd ${localstatedir}/openldap-slurp ${localstatedir}/run"
FILES_${PN}-bin = "${bindir}"
FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}/lib*.so ${libdir}/*.la ${libdir}/*.a ${libexecdir}/openldap/*.a"

# Run ucgendat, and remove it.
# This is a painful and annoying way around the use of machine-generated
# tables within the build.  The alternative is to rewrite the ucgendat
# stuff and associated liblunicode code to use machine-independent data
# files - the current code seems to at least assume byte sex.
DATFILES = "case.dat cmbcl.dat comp.dat ctype.dat decomp.dat num.dat kdecomp.dat"
pkg_postinst_openldap-slapd() {
test -n "${DESTDIR}" -o "${BUILD_ARCH}" = "${HOST_ARCH}" || (
	cd "${datadir}/${PN}/ucdata" &&
	./ucgendat UnicodeData.txt -x CompositionExclusions.txt &&
	# This saves about 1MByte
	rm ucgendat UnicodeData.txt CompositionExclusions.txt
pkg_prerm_openldap-slapd() {
test "${BUILD_ARCH}" = "${HOST_ARCH}" || (
	cd "${datadir}/${PN}/ucdata" && rm ${DATFILES}

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6c4c72a1336aa45b463e738034c078d6"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "82ed5a27d2b340826b2e10625e687627ccefc883a426314952e4a253d5a6af29"