DESCRIPTION = "Java Language tools (sun-javac, javah, javap, javadoc and apt) from OpenJDK"
HOMEPAGE = "http://"

PR = "r3"

DEPENDS = "classpath-native fastjar-native ecj-initial virtual/java-native"

S = "${WORKDIR}/icepick-0.0+hg20080118"

SRC_URI = "\;md5sum=ce7b1827e6f4cbe73b9ffa90b0d45a6a \;md5sum=670931f67b2e4ac46c6e0cd15418f2fa \
	file://${PV}-build-fix.patch;patch=1 \

inherit java autotools native

	--with-javac=${STAGING_BINDIR}/ecj-initial \
	--with-vm=${STAGING_BINDIR}/java \
	--with-fastjar=${STAGING_BINDIR}/fastjar \
	--with-classpath=${STAGING_DATADIR}/classpath/ \
	--with-langtools-src-dir=${WORKDIR}/openjdk-langtools-jdk7-b31 \

export JAVAC_OPTS="-bootclasspath ${STAGING_DATADIR_JAVA}/share/classpath/ -source 5.0"

do_stage() {
	# Do install step manually to fine control installation names.
	install -d ${bindir}
	install -m 0755 tools/apt ${bindir}
	install -m 0755 tools/javadoc ${bindir}
	install -m 0755 tools/javah ${bindir}
	install -m 0755 tools/javap ${bindir}

	# Provide javac as sun-javac to not clash with the binary of the same
  # name in ecj-bootstrap-native.
  # This way ecj-bootstrap-native and openjdk-langtools-native can coexist
  # in staging dir.
	install -m 0755 tools/javac ${bindir}/sun-javac

	install -d ${libdir}
	install -m 0644 tools.jar ${libdir}