/* MSN CAPTURE is a software which capture packets of msn protocol and show to user in */ /* a good format to see the important things in networks with hubs or switched (arpspoof). */ /* This program use libpcap. */ /* HOW TO USE: */ /* YOU MUST BE ROOT !!!! */ /* root@slack:/home/gabriel/pcap# gcc msn-cap.c -o msn-cap -lpcap */ /* root@slack:/home/gabriel/pcap# msn-cap -n billgates@msn.com */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* billgates@msn.com <> talk to steve_ballmer@hotmail.com <> and says: */ /* how do you want destroy gpl??? */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* steve_ballmer@hotmail.com <> talk to billgates@msn.com <> and says: */ /* a pact with devil is very good!!! */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* billgates@msn.com <> talk to steve_ballmer@hotmail.com <> and says: */ /* but i already sold my soul to him... */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* steve_ballmer@hotmail.com <> talk to billgates@msn.com <> and says: */ /* shit... */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* You need to get a few of packets to take some nicks, because this program works with lists and */ /* take it when a packet of type "TypingUser" comes and it associates the nick with the IP to form */ /* the structures. It is very fast!!!! In case appear a "Unknown User" in the place of original user*/ /* , is question of time to get the real user. MUCH LITTLE TIME !!! */ /* */ /* Tested on Linux SlackWare 10.1 - 2.6.13 */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* More about the use of program is below... */ /* */ /* Valew EccJr e a galera do SoftwareUpdateOnTheFuckers... */ /* Created by Gabriel Menezes Nunes < dragao_branco > */ /* UNESP -- IBILCE */ /* */ #define __USE_BSD #include <stdio.h> #include <pcap.h> #define __FAVOR_BSD #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <netinet/udp.h> #include <netinet/if_ether.h> #include <unistd.h> struct user { char ip[16]; char nick[200]; struct user *prox; } *l; char nick1[200], nick2[200], filename[200]; int exclusive = 0, activate = 0; FILE *fd; char *get_my_nick(struct user *l, char *ip); void callfunc (u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet); void print_msg(char *msg, char *nick_src, char *nick_dst, char *ip_src, char *ip_dst); void get_msg(u_char *payload, char *msg, int cont); void get_nick(u_char *payload, char *nick); struct user *insert(struct user *l, char *nick, char *ip); void callfunc (u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet){ struct ether_header *ethernet; struct ip *ip; struct tcphdr *tcp; struct udphdr *udp; int i = 0, k = 0, s1, len; char ascii[1024], nick[200], ip_dst[16], ip_src[16], teste[200], nick_src[200], nick_dst[200], *asc; char *payload, buffer[100], type[100], msg[200]; ethernet = (struct ether_header*)(packet); ip = (struct ip*)(packet + sizeof(struct ether_header)); tcp = (struct tcphdr*)(packet + sizeof(struct ether_header) + sizeof(struct ip)); payload = (char *)(packet + sizeof(struct ether_header) + sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)); len = (ntohs(ip->ip_len)) - 40; asc = ascii; while(--len >= 0 && k++ < 1022){ s1 = *payload++; if(s1 == '\r'){ *asc++ = '\r'; continue; } *(asc++) = (isgraph(s1) ? s1 : ' '); } *asc = '\0'; if((strstr(ascii, "msmsgscontrol"))){ get_nick(ascii, nick); strcpy(ip_src, (char*)inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src)); l = insert(l, nick, ip_src); } if((strstr(ascii, "plain")) && strstr(ascii, "MSG")) { get_msg(ascii, msg, 5); strcpy(ip_src, (char*)inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src)); strcpy(ip_dst, (char*)inet_ntoa(ip->ip_dst)); strncpy(nick_src, get_my_nick(l, ip_src), 199); strncpy(nick_dst, get_my_nick(l, ip_dst), 199); if(activate) print_msg(msg, nick_src, nick_dst, ip_src, ip_dst); if((!nick1[0]) && (!nick2[0])) print_msg(msg, nick_src, nick_dst, ip_src, ip_dst); if((nick1[0]) && (nick2[0])){ if(!exclusive){ if((!(strcmp(nick_src, nick1))) || (!(strcmp(nick_src, nick2))) || (!(strcmp(nick_dst, nick2))) || (!(strcmp(nick_dst, nick1)))) print_msg(msg, nick_src, nick_dst, ip_src, ip_dst); } if(exclusive){ if(((!(strcmp(nick_src, nick1))) && (!(strcmp(nick_dst, nick2)))) || ((!(strcmp(nick_src, nick2))) && (!(strcmp(nick_dst, nick1)))) ) print_msg(msg, nick_src, nick_dst, ip_src, ip_dst); } } if((nick1[0]) && (!nick2[0])){ if((!(strcmp(nick_src, nick1))) || (!(strcmp(nick_dst, nick1)))) print_msg(msg, nick_src, nick_dst, ip_src, ip_dst); } if((!nick1[0]) && (nick2[0])){ if((!(strcmp(nick_src, nick2))) || (!(strcmp(nick_dst, nick2)))) print_msg(msg, nick_src, nick_dst, ip_src, ip_dst); } } } main(int argc, char **argv){ char *dev, errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] , ip1[200], ip2[200], buffer[200], filter_app[200] = "(port 1863)"; pcap_t *man; struct bpf_program filter; unsigned char packet[65535]; bpf_u_int32 mask, net; int control; memset(nick1, '\0', sizeof(nick1)); memset(nick2, '\0', sizeof(nick2)); memset(ip1, '\0', sizeof(ip1)); memset(ip2, '\0', sizeof(ip2)); memset(filename, '\0', sizeof(filename)); if(argc < 2){ printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\t\t\tMSN CAPTURE by < dragao_branco >\n\n"); printf("You MUST be ROOT\n"); printf("%s -a [0 or 1] -n [nick1] -m [nick2] -i [IP1] -y [IP2] -x [0 or 1] -f [filename]\n\n", argv[0]); printf("-a --> ALL PACKETS!!!\n"); printf("-x --> eXclusive\n"); printf("-f --> filename to log the packets\n"); printf("Choose 0 or 1 to activate or not the capture of ALL packets and the eXclusive mode\n"); printf("You can choose one or two nicks to capture\n"); printf("The same thing can be done with IPS\n"); printf("Whether you choose the '-x' option, just the IPs or nicks (or both) will be capture\n"); printf("Or you capture everything in your lan!!!\n"); printf("Ex: %s -n smallville@hotmail.com\n", argv[0]); printf("You will capture packets from/to this nick\n"); printf("Ex: %s -n smallville@hotmail.com -m lex_luthor@msn.com\n", argv[0]); printf("Will capture packets from/to this nicks\n"); printf("Ex: %s -n smallville@hotmail.com -m lex_luthor@msn.com -x 1\n", argv[0]); printf("Will capture packets ONLY between this nicks\n"); printf("The same thing can be done with IPs\n"); printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); exit(-1); } while ((control = getopt(argc, argv, "n:m:i:y:x:a:f:")) != -1){ switch(control){ case 'n': strncpy(nick1, optarg, 199); break; case 'm': strncpy(nick2, optarg, 199); break; case 'i': strncpy(ip1, optarg, 199); break; case 'y': strncpy(ip2, optarg, 199); break; case 'x': exclusive = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': activate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': strncpy(filename, optarg, 199); fd = fopen(filename, "w"); break; } } if(activate){ memset(nick1, '\0', sizeof(nick1)); memset(nick2, '\0', sizeof(nick2)); memset(ip1, '\0', sizeof(ip1)); memset(ip2, '\0', sizeof(ip2)); } if(ip1[0] != '\0' && ip2[0] != '\0'){ if(!exclusive) sprintf(buffer, " and (host %s or host %s)", ip1, ip2); else sprintf(buffer, " and (host %s and host %s)", ip1, ip2); strncat(filter_app, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } if(ip1[0] == '\0' && ip2[0] != '\0'){ sprintf(buffer, " and host %s", ip2); strncat(filter_app, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } if(ip1[0] != '\0' && ip2[0] == '\0'){ sprintf(buffer, " and host %s", ip1); strncat(filter_app, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } printf("Using the rule: %s\n", filter_app); if(filename[0]) printf("Save data in %s\n", filename); dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf); pcap_lookupnet(dev, &net, &mask, errbuf); man = pcap_open_live(dev, BUFSIZ, 1, 0, errbuf); pcap_compile(man, &filter, filter_app, 0, net); pcap_setfilter(man, &filter); pcap_loop(man, 1000000, callfunc, NULL); } void get_nick(u_char *payload, char *nick){ int i, k = 0; u_char *p = payload; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){ while(*p != '\r') p++; p++;p++; } while(*p != ':') p++; p++;p++; while(*p != '\r' && k++ < 199) *nick++ = *p++; *nick = '\0'; } struct user *insert(struct user *l, char *nick, char *ip){ struct user *q = l; struct user *p = (struct user*)malloc(sizeof(struct user)); if(!l){ strncpy(p->nick, nick, 199); strncpy(p->ip, ip, 15); p->prox = NULL; return p; } while(q){ if(!(strcmp(q->ip, ip))){ strncpy(q->nick, nick, 199); break; } q = q->prox; } if(!q){ strncpy(p->nick, nick, 199); strncpy(p->ip, ip, 15); p->prox = l; return p; } return l; } char *get_my_nick(struct user *l, char *ip){ struct user *p = l; while(p){ if(!(strcmp(p->ip, ip)))//{ return p->nick; //} p = p->prox; } return "Unknown User"; } void get_msg(u_char *payload, char *msg, int cont){ u_char *p = payload; memset(msg, '\0', sizeof(msg)); int i, j = 0; for(i = 0; i < cont; i++){ while(*p != '\r') p++; p++; p++; } if(cont == 2){ strncpy(msg, p, 24); msg[25] = '\0'; } if(cont == 5){ while(*p && j++ < 1020) *msg++ = *p++; *msg = '\0'; } } void print_msg(char *msg, char *nick_src, char *nick_dst, char *ip_src, char *ip_dst){ if(!filename[0]){ printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("%s <%s> talk to %s <%s> and says:\n", nick_src, ip_src, nick_dst, ip_dst); printf("%s\n", msg); printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { fprintf(fd, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(fd, "%s <%s> talk to %s <%s> and says:\n", nick_src, ip_src, nick_dst, ip_dst); fprintf(fd, "%s\n", msg); fprintf(fd, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fflush(fd); } }