DESCRIPTION = "The GNU cc and gcc C compilers." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "GPL" # NOTE: split PR. If the main .bb changes something that affects its *build* # remember to increment the -cross .bb PR too. PR = "r0" RCONFLICTS = "gcc" RREPLACES = "gcc" RCONFLICTS_g++-noemu = "g++" RREPLACES_g++-noemu = "g++" RCONFLICTS_cpp-noemu = "cpp" RREPLACES_cpp-noemu = "cpp" inherit autotools gettext require SRC_URI = " \ file://100-uclibc-conf.patch \ file://110-arm-eabi.patch \ file://200-uclibc-locale.patch \ file://300-libstdc++-pic.patch \ file://301-missing-execinfo_h.patch \ file://302-c99-snprintf.patch \ file://303-c99-complex-ugly-hack.patch \ file://304-index_macro.patch \ file://602-sdk-libstdc++-includes.patch \ file://740-sh-pr24836.patch \ file://800-arm-bigendian.patch \ file://arm-nolibfloat.patch \ file://arm-softfloat.patch \ file:// \ file://arm-thumb.patch \ file://arm-thumb-cache.patch \ file://ldflags.patch \ file://zecke-xgcc-cpp.patch \ file://unbreak-armv4t.patch \ file://fix-ICE-in-arm_unwind_emit_set.diff \ file://cache-amnesia.patch \ file://gfortran.patch \ file://gcc-4.0.2-e300c2c3.patch \ file://pr34130.patch \ " SRC_URI_append_sh3 = " file://sh3-installfix-fixheaders.patch " SRC_URI_avr32 = " \ # file://100-uclibc-conf.patch \ # file://200-uclibc-locale.patch \ # file://300-libstdc++-pic.patch \ file://301-missing-execinfo_h.patch \ file://302-c99-snprintf.patch \ file://303-c99-complex-ugly-hack.patch \ file://304-index_macro.patch \ file://602-sdk-libstdc++-includes.patch \ file:// \ file://ldflags.patch \ file://zecke-xgcc-cpp.patch \ file://cache-amnesia.patch \ " do_compile_prepend_avr32() { ln -sf ${S}/libstdc++-v3/config/os/uclibc/ ${S}/libstdc++-v3/config/os/uclibc-linux } #Set the fortran bits # ',fortran' or '', not 'f77' like gcc3 had FORTRAN = "" HAS_GFORTRAN = "no" HAS_G2C = "no" #Set the java bits JAVA = "" JAVA_arm = "" LANGUAGES = "c,c++${FORTRAN}${JAVA}" require ../gcc/gcc-${PV}.inc EXTRA_OECONF += " --disable-libssp --with-slibdir=\"/lib\" " EXTRA_OEMAKE += "LDFLAGS=\"-static\" build_tooldir=\"${STAGING_DIR}/${TARGET_SYS}\"" CONFIG_SITE="" do_configure () { export CPP="gcc -E" export CC=gcc export AS=as export LD=ld export CXX=g++ export AR=ar export OBJCOPY=objcopy export OBJDUMP=objdump export RANLIB=ranlib export NM=nm export STRIP=strip export CFLAGS="-fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -frename-registers -Os" export CXXFLAGS="-fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -frename-registers -Os -fpermissive -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" oe_runconf } SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a4a3eb15c96030906d8494959eeda23c" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "cfc0efbcc6fcde0d416a32dfb246c9df022515a312683fac412578c4fd09a9bc"