# LLVM does not provide ABI stability between different versions. For this # reason OE makes it possible to build and install different llvm versions # at the same time. # # This is true for the normal recipes as well as the native ones. # # All regular installation directories are prefixed with 'llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}' # e.g. "${STAGING_BINDIR}/llvm2.5" or "${STAGING_INCDIR}/llvm2.5" # # For your program or library that makes use of llvm you do should not need to # modify anything as long as it uses the results of various llvm-config # invocations. If you need customizations something is wrong and it needs to be # fixed (report bug). # # However the *recipe* for your program/library *must* declare # export WANT_LLVM_RELEASE = "<valid version number> # The version number is picked up by a generic wrapper script which just calls # the variant of the specified version. DESCRIPTION = "The Low Level Virtual Machine" HOMEPAGE = "http://llvm.org" DEPENDS = "llvm-common llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}-native" # 3-clause BSD-like LICENSE = "University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License" SRC_URI = "http://llvm.org/releases/${PV}/llvm-${PV}.tar.gz" S = "${WORKDIR}/llvm-${PV}" inherit cmake # Defines the LLVM supported arches. By now we always build either for ${BUILD} # (native) or ${TARGET}. In the future it may make sense to enable all backends # for the non-native build. The decision which backends are used is made by # the 3rd party program or library that uses llvm anyway. LLVM_ARCH = "${@get_llvm_arch(d)}" # This is used for generating the install directory for the llvm libraries, # binaries and headers. It makes side by side installation of those possible. LLVM_RELEASE = "${PV}" # llvm *must* be built out of tree OECMAKE_SOURCEPATH = ".." OECMAKE_BUILDPATH = "build" EXTRA_OEMAKE = "-C build" EXTRA_OECMAKE = "\ -DLLVM_TABLEGEN=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}/tblgen \ -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=${LLVM_ARCH} \ -DCMAKE_LINKER:FILEPATH=${LD} \ -DCMAKE_AR:FILEPATH=${AR} \ -DCMAKE_OBJCOPY:FILEPATH=${OBJCOPY} \ -DCMAKE_OBJDUMP:FILEPATH=${OBJDUMP} \ -DCMAKE_RANLIB:FILEPATH=${RANLIB} \ -DCMAKE_STRIP:FILEPATH=${STRIP} \ -DLLVM_ENABLE_PIC:BOOL=ON \ " llvm_stage() { # Install into a private directory to be able to reorganize the files. oe_runmake DESTDIR=${WORKDIR}/llvm-install install # Create our custom target directories install -d ${STAGING_BINDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE} install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE} install -d ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE} # Move headers into their own directory cp -r ${WORKDIR}/llvm-install/${prefix}/include/llvm \ ${STAGING_INCDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}/ cp -r ${WORKDIR}/llvm-install/${prefix}/include/llvm-c \ ${STAGING_INCDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}/ # llvm somehow forgets these # find include/llvm -name "*.h" -maxdepth 1 -exec \ # install {} ${STAGING_INCDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}/llvm \; find ${WORKDIR}/llvm-install/${prefix}/lib -name "*" -maxdepth 1 -exec \ install {} ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE} \; # I dont know another way out. Binaries are installed into a special subdir find ${WORKDIR}/llvm-install/${prefix}/bin -name "*" -maxdepth 1 -exec \ install {} ${STAGING_BINDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE} \; # LLVM does not install this by default. install build/bin/tblgen ${STAGING_BINDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE} # Fix the paths in the config script to make it find the binaries and # library files. Doing so allows 3rd party configure scripts working # unmodified. sed -e's!my.*ABS_RUN_DIR =.*!my $ABS_RUN_DIR = "${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}";!' \ -e's!my.*INCLUDEDIR =.*!my $INCLUDEDIR = "${STAGING_INCDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}";!' \ -e's!my.*LIBDIR.*!my $LIBDIR = "${STAGING_LIBDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}";!' \ -e's!my.*BINDIR.*!my $BINDIR = "${STAGING_BINDIR}/llvm${LLVM_RELEASE}";!' \ build/bin/llvm-config > build/bin/llvm-config${LLVM_RELEASE} } do_stage() { llvm_stage install -d ${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS} install -m 0755 build/bin/llvm-config${LLVM_RELEASE} ${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS} } # Retrieve the target in a way that is compatible to the arch # value in llvm (>= 2.5) def get_llvm_arch(d): import bb; arch = bb.data.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', d, 1) if arch == "x86_64" or arch == "i486" or arch == "i586" or arch == "i686": arch = "X86" elif arch == "arm": arch = "ARM" elif arch == "mipsel": arch = "Mips" elif arch == "powerpc": arch = "PowerPC" else: oefatal("Your target architecture is not supported by this recipe"); return arch