DESCRIPTION = "gdb - GNU debugger" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE="GPL" SECTION = "devel" PRIORITY = "optional" inherit autotools SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/gdb/gdb-${PV}.tar.gz" FILESPATHPKG =. "gdb-${PV}:" export CC_FOR_BUILD = "${BUILD_CC}" export CXX_FOR_BUILD = "${BUILD_CXX}" export CPP_FOR_BUILD = "${BUILD_CPP}" export CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD = "${BUILD_CFLAGS}" export CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD = "${BUILD_CXXFLAGS}" export CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD = "${BUILD_CPPFLAGS}" S = "${WORKDIR}/gdb-${PV}" B = "${WORKDIR}/build-${TARGET_SYS}" do_install_append() { # these mo files from gdb-cross-sdk clash with files from binutils-cross-sdk # when building sdk archives. Drop them for now as a way to restore toolchains. rm ${D}/${datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/{bfd,opcodes}.mo # we don't care about these infos, installed from binutils rm -f ${D}/${infodir}/{configure,standards,bfd}.info rm -f ${D}/${infodir}/dir # We use libiberty from binutils rm -f ${D}${prefix}/${TARGET_SYS}/lib/libiberty.a rm -f ${D}${libdir}/libiberty.a }