DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-999" ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET = "arm" require LICENSE = "GPLv3" DEPENDS = "mpfr gmp libmpc libelf" NATIVEDEPS = "mpfr-native gmp-native libmpc-native" INC_PR = "r6" SRCREV = "162398" PV = "4.5" # BINV should be incremented after updating to a revision # after a minor gcc release (e.g. 4.5.1 or 4.5.2) has been made # the value will be minor-release+1 e.g. if minor release was # 4.5.1 then the value below will be 2 which will mean 4.5.2 # which will be next minor release and so on. BINV = "${PV}.1" BRANCH = "gcc-4_5-branch" PR_append = "+svnr${SRCPV}" SRC_URI = "svn://;module=${BRANCH} \ file://gcc-4.3.1-ARCH_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET.patch \ file://100-uclibc-conf.patch \ file://gcc-uclibc-locale-ctype_touplow_t.patch \ file://cache-amnesia.patch \ file://gcc-flags-for-build.patch \ file://libstdc++-emit-__cxa_end_cleanup-in-text.patch \ file://arm-bswapsi2.patch \ file://gcc-pr43698-arm-rev-instr.patch \ " # Language Overrides FORTRAN = "" JAVA = "" rename_srcdir (){ mv ${WORKDIR}/${BRANCH} ${WORKDIR}/gcc-${PV} } do_unpack_append() {'rename_srcdir', d) } EXTRA_OECONF_BASE = " --enable-lto \ --enable-libssp \ --disable-bootstrap --disable-libgomp \ --disable-libmudflap" EXTRA_OECONF_INITIAL = "--disable-libmudflap --disable-libgomp --disable-libssp --enable-decimal-float=no" EXTRA_OECONF_INTERMEDIATE = "--disable-libmudflap --disable-libgomp --disable-libssp" EXTRA_OECONF_append_linux-uclibc = " --disable-decimal-float " EXTRA_OECONF_append_linux-uclibceabi = " --disable-decimal-float " EXTRA_OECONF_append_linux-uclibcspe = " --disable-decimal-float "