DESCRIPTION = "G15daemon takes control of the G15 keyboard, \ allowing the use of all keys through the linux kernel uinput \ device driver. It also controls the use of the keyboard's \ LCD display, allows multiple, simultaneous client applications \ to connect, and gives the user the ability to switch between \ client apps at the press of a button." HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "GPLv2" SECTION = "console/utils" PRIORITY = "optional" DEPENDS = "libdaemon libg15" RDEPENDS = "libg15" RRECOMMENDS = "kernel-module-uinput" PR ="r2" SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/g15daemon/g15daemon-${PV}.tar.bz2" inherit autotools EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-gnu-ld" do_stage () { autotools_stage_all } SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ba220f1fda33283af307c109cc520f61" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "583c4bece816b712959aba51f49d78bb587e215fbb6a322efe832477c74f2564"