DESCRIPTION = "dsniff is a collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing." SECTION = "console/network" HOMEPAGE = "" AUTHOR = "Dug Song <>" LICENSE = "BSD" PR = "r2" # There is a significant API change beween 1.0.2a of libnet and # 1.1.x, dsniff will only work with the older and there is no # updated version of dnsniff. DEPENDS = "virtual/db libpcap libnet-1.0 libnids openssl" SRC_URI = "\${PV}.tar.gz \ file://configure.patch;patch=1 \ " inherit autotools EXTRA_OECONF = "\ --without-x --with-db=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ --with-libpcap=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ --with-libnet=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ --with-libnids=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ --with-openssl=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ " EXTRA_OEMAKE = "'install_prefix=${D}'" CFLAGS =+ "-I${S}/missing" LDFLAGS += "-lresolv"