 configure.ac |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- classpath-0.98.orig/configure.ac
+++ classpath-0.98/configure.ac
@@ -766,11 +766,11 @@ if test "x${COMPILE_JNI}" = xyes; then
   dnl __gmpz_mul_si for earlier versions (>= 3.1).
   dnl IMPORTANT: if you decide to look for __gmpz_combit, don't forget to
   dnl change the name of the corresponding ac_ variable on lines 860...
   if test "x${COMPILE_GMP}" = xyes; then
     AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, __gmpz_mul_si,
-      [GMP_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include
+      [GMP_CFLAGS=
        GMP_LIBS=-lgmp ],
        GMP_LIBS= ])