DESCRIPTION = "C-Kermit is a combined serial and network communication \
software package offering a consistent, medium-independent, \
cross-platform approach to connection establishment, terminal \
sessions, file transfer, character-set translation, and automation \
of communication tasks."
LICENSE = "Kermit"
SECTION = "console/network"
SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz"
PR = "r2"

# From
#	"Free Unix Distributions: C-Kermit may be included in "free Unix"
#	distributions such as GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. See the
#	license for details."
# A distributions based on OpenEmbedded (OpenZaurus, OpenSimpad etc) is a
# "free Unix" distribution, therefore we can include the package.
# Please note that the license is not 100% because it limits what you can
# do:
#	"The C-Kermit source code may not be changed without the consent of
#	the Kermit Project, which will not be unreasonably withheld (this is
#	simply a matter of keeping a consistent and supportable code base)."
# But we don't change the source code in any way, so we comply to the license.
# So, essentially for us C-Kermit is free as in beer, but not in freedom.
# That is true for other distros. C-Kkermit is distributed by:
#	Debian:
#	Gentoo:
#	SuSE:
#	Fedora Core:
#	PLD:
# and, according to the Kermit website also with
#	Red Hat 9 (on earlier Red Hat's it was on the PowerTools CD)
#	FreeBSD
#	NetBSD
#	OpenBSD
# ... and probably other distro's as well.

S = "${WORKDIR}"

export CC2 = "${CC}"
export BINDIR = "${bindir}"
export MANDIR = "${mandir}/man1"
export INFODIR = "${infodir}"

# Additional flags. For uclibc we add -DNOARROWKEYS which stops ckermit
# trying to look inside the stdio headers.


do_compile () {
	# The original makefile doesn't differentiate between CC and CC_FOR_BUILD,
	# so we build wart manually. Note that you need a ckwart.o with the proper
	# timestamp to make this hack work:
	${BUILD_CC} -c ckwart.c
	${BUILD_CC} -o wart ckwart.o
	./wart ckcpro.w ckcpro.c

	# read ${S}/ckccfg.txt to understand this :-)
	oe_runmake wermit CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DLINUX -DCK_POSIX_SIG \
		-DNOB_50 -DNOB_75 -DNOB_134 -DNOB_150 -DNOB_200 \
		-DNOB_1800 -DNOB_3600 -DNOB_7200 -DNOB_76K -DNOB_230K \
		-DNOB_460K -DNOB_921K \

do_install () {
	install -d ${D}${BINDIR} ${D}${MANDIR} ${D}${INFODIR}
	oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' 'MANDIR=${D}${MANDIR}' install
	# Fix up dangling symlink
	rm ${D}${BINDIR}/kermit-sshsub
	(cd ${D}${BINDIR} && ln -s ${BINDIR}/kermit kermit-sshusb)

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5767ec5e6ff0857cbfe2d3ec1ee0e2bc"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "39e7cd4892502344a635952843487d9b4bfa98e59d1e1acad5ef8aa969abba93"