From c73e4e2ebd5c818c8c1d70d0376d3b01630d97f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sergey Lapin <>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 20:57:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Generic code changes

* Thumb mode binary
* cp15 setting from assembler part
* removed some of unused code
* cloenup of code

Signed-off-by: Sergey Lapin <>
 .config            |    7 --
 Makefile           |   11 ++--
 crt0_gnu.S         |    7 ++
 driver/dataflash.c |  167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 driver/debug.c     |   46 ++++++++++++++
 driver/   |    2 +-
 driver/gpio.c      |    2 +
 driver/nandflash.c |    5 +-
 driver/sdramc.c    |   27 +-------
 include/debug.h    |   18 ++++++
 include/nand_ids.h |    1 +
 main.c             |  167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 12 files changed, 376 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .config

diff --git a/.config b/.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a177f..0000000
--- a/.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5bed79d..475784e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TOPDIR	:=	$(CURDIR)
-include	.config
+-include	.config
 ifeq	($(CONFIG_SPI_MODE),)
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ endif
 SRCS	:= $(COBJS-y:.o=.c)
 OBJS	:= $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS-y) $(COBJS-y))
+INCL=-Iboard/$(BOARD)/$(PROJECT) -Iboard/$(BOARD)
-CPPFLAGS=-g -mcpu=arm9 -Os -Wall -D$(TARGET)		\
-	-I$(INCL) -Iinclude				\
+CPPFLAGS=-g -march=armv5te -mtune=arm926ej-s -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -Os -Wall -D$(TARGET)		\
+	$(INCL) -Iinclude				\
-ASFLAGS=-g -mcpu=arm9 -Os -Wall -D$(TARGET) -I$(INCL) -Iinclude -DTOP_OF_MEM=$(TOP_OF_MEMORY)
+ASFLAGS=-g -mcpu=arm9 -Os -Wall -D$(TARGET) $(INCL) -Iinclude -DTOP_OF_MEM=$(TOP_OF_MEMORY)
 # Linker flags.
 #  -Wl,...:     tell GCC to pass this to linker.
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ ASFLAGS=-g -mcpu=arm9 -Os -Wall -D$(TARGET) -I$(INCL) -Iinclude -DTOP_OF_MEM=$(T
 LDFLAGS+=-nostartfiles -Map=result/$(BOOT_NAME).map --cref
 #LDFLAGS+=-lc -lgcc
+LDFLAGS+= --gc-sections
 all: 	binaries/$(BOOT_NAME).bin
diff --git a/crt0_gnu.S b/crt0_gnu.S
index 4811eef..e8379d7 100644
--- a/crt0_gnu.S
+++ b/crt0_gnu.S
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ _enable_mosc:
 /* Test if MCK == SLOW CLOCK */
+#if 0
 	ldr 	r0,=AT91C_PMC_MCKR
 	ldr 	r1,=AT91C_PMC_CSS
 	ldr 	r2, [r0]
@@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ _switch_to_mosc:
 	cmp    	r1, r2
 /* No => Do nothing */
 	bne	_init_bss
+	ldr 	r0,=AT91C_PMC_MCKR
 /* Yes => Switch to the main oscillator */
 	ldr 	r1,=AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK
 	ldr 	r2,=AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK
@@ -147,6 +151,9 @@ _init_bss:
 /* Branch on C code Main function (with interworking) */
+	mrc	p15, 0, r4, c1, c0, 0
+	orr	r4, #(1 << 12)
+	mcr	p15, 0, r4, c1, c0, 0
 	ldr     r4, = main
 	mov     lr, pc
 	bx      r4
diff --git a/driver/dataflash.c b/driver/dataflash.c
index baf7575..0f0388a 100644
--- a/driver/dataflash.c
+++ b/driver/dataflash.c
@@ -59,6 +59,64 @@ static inline unsigned int read_spi(unsigned int offset)
 	return readl(offset + AT91C_BASE_SPI);
+static void msg_df_print(int i)
+	msg_print(MSG_DATAFLASH);
+	msg_print(MSG_SPACE);
+	msg_print(i);
+	msg_print(MSG_NEWLINE);
+static void msg_df_detect(int i)
+	char * pn;
+	msg_print(MSG_DATAFLASH);
+	msg_print(MSG_SPACE);
+	msg_print(MSG_CODE);
+	msg_print(MSG_SPACE);
+	dbg_print_hex(i);
+	msg_print(MSG_AT45);
+	msg_print(MSG_DB);
+	switch(i) {
+		case AT45DB011B:
+			pn = "011B";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB021B:
+			pn = "021B";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB041B:
+			pn = "041B";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB081B:
+			pn = "081B";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB161B:
+			pn = "161B";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB321B:
+			pn = "321B";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB642:
+			pn = "642";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB1282:
+			pn = "1282";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB2562:
+			pn = "2562";
+			break;
+		case AT45DB5122:
+			pn = "5122";
+			break;
+		default:
+			pn = "????";
+			break;
+	}
+	dbg_print(pn);
+	msg_print(MSG_SPACE);
+	msg_print(MSG_DETECTED);
+	msg_print(MSG_NEWLINE);
 /* \fn    df_spi_init								*/
 /* \brief Configure SPI								*/
@@ -202,6 +260,42 @@ static char df_wait_ready(AT91PS_DF pDataFlash)
 	return FAILURE;
+void df_write(	AT91PS_DF pDf,
+	unsigned int addr,
+	int size, unsigned long offset)
+	char rxBuffer[268];
+	int i, j;
+	i = offset;
+	if(offset == 0)
+		*((unsigned long *)(addr + 0x14)) = size;
+	while(size > 0) {
+		for(j = 0; j< ((size >268) ? 268 : size); j++)
+			rxBuffer[j] = *((unsigned char *)(addr +i+j));
+		df_page_write(pDf, rxBuffer, ((size <= AT91C_PAGE_SIZE(pDf)) ? size : AT91C_PAGE_SIZE(pDf)), i);
+		df_wait_ready(pDf);
+		i += AT91C_PAGE_SIZE(pDf);
+		size -= AT91C_PAGE_SIZE(pDf);
+	}
+#if 1
+#define LONG_VAL(addr) *((unsigned long *)(addr))
+	for(j=0; j < 0x1000;j+=32) {
+		df_continuous_read(pDf, (char *)rxBuffer, 32, j);
+		for(i = 0; i < 32; i+=4) {
+			if(!(i & 4)) dbg_print_hex(i+j);
+			if(LONG_VAL(0x200000+i+j) == LONG_VAL(&rxBuffer[i]))
+				msg_print(MSG_SPACE);
+			else
+				msg_print(MSG_EXCLAMATION);
+			dbg_print_hex(LONG_VAL(&rxBuffer[i]));
+			if(i & 4) msg_print(MSG_NEWLINE);
+		}
+	}
 volatile	int loop;
 /* \fn    df_read								*/
@@ -226,14 +320,14 @@ static int df_read(
 			if(--page_counter <= 0) {
 				page_counter = 32;
-				dbg_print("\r\n");
+				msg_print(MSG_NEWLINE);
 			size -= SizeToRead;
 			addr += SizeToRead;
 			buffer += SizeToRead;
 		} else {
 			/* We got a timeout */
-			dbg_print("Timeout while waiting for dataflash ready\n");
+			msg_df_print(MSG_TIMEOUT);
 			return FAILURE;
@@ -246,17 +340,18 @@ static int df_read(
 static int df_download(AT91PS_DF pDf, unsigned int img_addr, unsigned int img_size, unsigned int img_dest)
-	dbg_print(">Loading from Dataflash[");
-	dbg_print_hex(img_addr);
-	dbg_print("] to SDRAM[");
-	dbg_print_hex(img_dest);
-	dbg_print("]\r\n");
+	msg_print(MSG_LOADING);
+	msg_print(MSG_SPACE);
+	msg_print(MSG_FROM);
+	msg_print(MSG_DATAFLASH);
+	msg_print_num(img_addr);
 	/* read bytes in the dataflash */
 	if(df_read(pDf, img_addr,(unsigned char *)img_dest, img_size) == FAILURE)
 		return FAILURE;
-	dbg_print("\r\n>Loading complete, [");
-	dbg_print_hex(IMG_SIZE);
-	dbg_print("] bytes\r\n");
+	msg_print(MSG_COMPLETE);
+	msg_print_num(img_size);
+	msg_print(MSG_BYTES);
+	msg_print(MSG_NEWLINE);
 	/* wait the dataflash ready status */
 	return df_wait_ready(pDf);
@@ -288,7 +383,7 @@ static int df_init (AT91PS_DF pDf)
 	pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 10;
 	dfcode = df_probe (pDf);
+	msg_df_detect(dfcode);
 	switch (dfcode)
 /*		case AT45DB011B:
@@ -296,46 +391,41 @@ static int df_init (AT91PS_DF pDf)
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 264;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 9;
 		case AT45DB021B:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 1024;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 264;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 9;
 		case AT45DB041B:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 2048;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 264;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 9;
 		case AT45DB081B:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 4096;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 264;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 9;
-		case AT45DB161B:
+/*		case AT45DB161B:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 4096;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 528;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 10;
-			dbg_print(">AT45DB161D detected\r\n");
 		case AT45DB321B:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 8192;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 528;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 10;
-			dbg_print(">AT45DB321D detected\r\n");
 		case AT45DB642:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 8192;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 1056;
 			pDf->dfDescription.page_offset = 11;
-			dbg_print(">AT45DB642D detected\r\n");
 		case AT45DB1282:
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_number = 16384;
 			pDf->dfDescription.pages_size = 1056;
@@ -368,21 +458,22 @@ static int df_init (AT91PS_DF pDf)
 static unsigned int df_is_boot_valid(unsigned char *buffer)
-	int i = 3;
+    	return SUCCESS;
- 	/* Verify if the 28 first bytes of the sram correspond to ARM vectors
-	   The sixth ARM vector contain the size of the code */
-    	while(i < 28)
-    	{
-		if (i != 23)
-		{
-			if ((buffer[i] != 0xEA) && (buffer[i] != 0xE5) )
-				return FAILURE;
-		}
-		i+=4;
-    	}
+int burn_df(unsigned int pcs, unsigned int addr, unsigned int size, unsigned int offset)
+    	AT91S_DF sDF;
+    	AT91PS_DF pDf = (AT91PS_DF)&sDF;
+    	pDf->bSemaphore = UNLOCKED;
-    	return SUCCESS;
+    	df_spi_init(pcs, DF_CS_SETTINGS);
+    	if (df_init(pDf) == FAILURE)
+        	return FAILURE;
+	df_write(pDf, addr, size, offset);
+	return SUCCESS;
@@ -403,17 +494,13 @@ int load_df(unsigned int pcs, unsigned int img_addr, unsigned int img_size, unsi
     	if (df_init(pDf) == FAILURE)
         	return FAILURE;
-#ifdef AT91SAM9260
-	/* Test if a button has been pressed or not */
-	/* Erase Page 0 to avoid infinite loop */
-	df_recovery(pDf);
     	df_continuous_read(pDf, (char *)rxBuffer, 32, img_addr);
 	if (df_is_boot_valid((unsigned char*)rxBuffer) == FAILURE) {
-		dbg_print(">Invalid Boot Area...\n\r");
+		msg_print(MSG_INVALID);
+		msg_print(MSG_BOOT);
+		msg_print(MSG_NEWLINE);
 		return FAILURE;
diff --git a/driver/debug.c b/driver/debug.c
index e30e883..762f33e 100644
--- a/driver/debug.c
+++ b/driver/debug.c
@@ -106,3 +106,49 @@ void dbg_print_hex(unsigned int data)
+#ifdef CFG_DEBUG
+static char * messages[] = {
+	"detected",
+	"\r\n",
+	" ",
+	"!",
+	"dataflash",
+	"timeout",
+	"AT45",
+	"DB",
+	"invalid",
+	"boot",
+	"loading",
+	"from",
+	"code",
+	"complete",
+	"bytes",
+/*		case AT45DB011B:
+		case AT45DB021B:
+		case AT45DB041B:
+		case AT45DB081B:
+		case AT45DB161B:
+		case AT45DB321B:
+		case AT45DB642:
+		case AT45DB1282:
+		case AT45DB2562:
+		case AT45DB5122:
+void msg_print(int i)
+#ifdef CFG_DEBUG
+	dbg_print(messages[i]);
+void msg_print_num(int n)
+#ifdef CFG_DEBUG
+	dbg_print("[");
+	dbg_print_hex(n);
+	dbg_print("]");
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 559d538..13d0e23 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Makefile for AT91-Bootstrap drivers directory
 COBJS-y				+=	driver/debug.o
-COBJS-y				+=	driver/gpio.o
+# COBJS-y				+=	driver/gpio.o
 COBJS-y				+=	driver/pmc.o
 COBJS-y				+=	driver/sdramc.o
 COBJS-y				+=	driver/string.o
diff --git a/driver/gpio.c b/driver/gpio.c
index 9f17305..752b7c1 100644
--- a/driver/gpio.c
+++ b/driver/gpio.c
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ int pio_get_value(unsigned pin)
 	return (pdsr & mask) != 0;
+#if 0
 /* \fn    pio_device_pio_setup							*/
 /* \brief Configure PIO in periph mode according to the platform informations	*/
@@ -248,3 +249,4 @@ int pio_setup (const struct pio_desc *pio_desc)
         return pin;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver/nandflash.c b/driver/nandflash.c
index b4e3e70..081fa69 100644
--- a/driver/nandflash.c
+++ b/driver/nandflash.c
@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ static PSNandInitInfo AT91F_NandReadID(void)
 	uChipID = (bManufacturerID << 8) | bDeviceID;
+	dbg_print("NAND id:");
+	dbg_print_hex(uChipID);
+	dbg_print("\r\n");
 	/* Search in NandFlash_InitInfo[] */
 	while (NandFlash_InitInfo[i].uNandID != 0)
@@ -398,7 +401,7 @@ int load_nandflash(unsigned int img_addr, unsigned int img_size, unsigned int im
 	if (!pNandInitInfo)
 #ifdef CFG_DEBUG	
-	   	dbg_print("\n\r-E- No NandFlash detected !!!\n\r");
+	   	dbg_print("\n\r-E- No NandFlash\n\r");
 		return -1;
diff --git a/driver/sdramc.c b/driver/sdramc.c
index 3e5715b..9940f67 100644
--- a/driver/sdramc.c
+++ b/driver/sdramc.c
@@ -73,29 +73,10 @@ int sdram_init(unsigned int sdramc_cr, unsigned int sdramc_tr)
 	for (i =0; i< 10000;i++);
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 1st CBR
-	writel(0x00000001, AT91C_SDRAM+4);						// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 2 CBR
-	writel(0x00000002, AT91C_SDRAM+8);						// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 3 CBR
-	writel(0x00000003, AT91C_SDRAM+0xc);					// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 4 CBR
-	writel(0x00000004, AT91C_SDRAM+0x10);					// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 5 CBR
-	writel(0x00000005, AT91C_SDRAM+0x14);					// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 6 CBR
-	writel(0x00000006, AT91C_SDRAM+0x18);					// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 7 CBR
-	writel(0x00000007, AT91C_SDRAM+0x1C);					// Perform CBR
-	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);	// Set 8 CBR
-	writel(0x00000008, AT91C_SDRAM+0x20);					// Perform CBR
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+		write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_RFSH_CMD);  // 8 x CBR
+		writel(0x00000001 + i, AT91C_SDRAM + 4 + 4 * i);						// Perform CBR
+	}
 	write_sdramc(SDRAMC_MR, AT91C_SDRAMC_MODE_LMR_CMD);		// Set LMR operation
 	writel(0xcafedede, AT91C_SDRAM+0x24);					// Perform LMR burst=1, lat=2
diff --git a/include/debug.h b/include/debug.h
index 686294a..be7fe89 100644
--- a/include/debug.h
+++ b/include/debug.h
@@ -47,4 +47,22 @@ extern void dbg_init(unsigned int);
 extern void dbg_print(const char *ptr);
 extern void dbg_print_hex(unsigned int data);
+#define MSG_DETECTED 0
+#define MSG_NEWLINE 1
+#define MSG_SPACE 2
+#define MSG_DATAFLASH 4
+#define MSG_TIMEOUT 5
+#define MSG_AT45 6
+#define MSG_DB 7
+#define MSG_INVALID 8
+#define MSG_BOOT 9
+#define MSG_LOADING 10
+#define MSG_FROM 11
+#define MSG_CODE 12
+#define MSG_COMPLETE 13
+#define MSG_BYTES 14
+void msg_print(int i);
+void msg_print_num(int n);
 #endif /*_DEBUG_H_*/
diff --git a/include/nand_ids.h b/include/nand_ids.h
index 5aa8753..c659b07 100644
--- a/include/nand_ids.h
+++ b/include/nand_ids.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 /* Supported NandFlash devices */
 static struct SNandInitInfo NandFlash_InitInfo[] = {
 	{0xecda, 0x800, 0x20000, 0x800, 0x40, 0x0, "Samsung K9F2G08U0M 256Mb\0"},
+	{0xecaa, 0x800, 0x20000, 0x800, 0x40, 0x0, "Samsung K9F2G08U0A 256Mb\0"},
 	{0x2cca, 0x800, 0x20000, 0x800, 0x40, 0x1, "Micron MT29F2G16AAB 256Mb\0"},	
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index ed750c2..e55e2fc 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -41,18 +41,149 @@
 #include "include/flash.h"
 #include "include/nandflash.h"
-int test(void)
 /* Function Name       : main							*/
 /* Object              : Main function						*/
 /* Input Parameters    : none							*/
 /* Output Parameters   : True							*/
+static unsigned long rand_next = 1;
+unsigned long stupid_rand(void)
+	rand_next = rand_next * 1103515245 + 12345;
+	return (rand_next/131072) % 65536;
+void stupid_srand(unsigned long seed)
+	rand_next = seed;
+unsigned long il, ij, k;
+unsigned char tbuf[128];
+void writeall()
+    burn_df(AT91C_SPI_PCS_DATAFLASH, 0x200000, 0x1000, 0);
+    while(1);
+void dbg_cr(void)
+	dbg_print("\r\n");
+void dbg_printnum(char * s, unsigned long no)
+	dbg_print(s);
+	dbg_print(" ");
+	dbg_print_hex(no);
+void dbg_printnum_cr(char * s, unsigned long no)
+	dbg_printnum(s, no);
+	dbg_cr();
+void dbg_print_cr(char * s)
+	dbg_print(s);
+	dbg_cr();
+void test_pass(int pass, int mode, unsigned long start, unsigned long size, unsigned long step)
+	unsigned long k, bad;
+	k = 0;
+	bad = 0;
+	stupid_srand(6);
+#if 0
+	if(pass == 7) {
+		unsigned long r1, j, l, *a1, *a2;
+		r1 = stupid_rand();
+		for(j = 0; (1 << j) < size; j++) {
+			a1 = start + j;
+			for(l = 1; l < size; l <<= 1) {
+				a2 = start + l;
+				if(j != l) {
+					*a1 = r1;
+					*a2 = r1 + 1;
+					for(k=0; k<100000; k++);
+					if(*a1 != r1 ||	*a2 != (r1 + 1) || *a1 == *a2) {
+							dbg_printnum("bad locations:", a2);
+							dbg_printnum_cr(" ", a1);
+							bad++;
+						}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else 
+	for (ij = 0; ij < size; ij+=step) {
+		unsigned long wval = 0;
+		unsigned long rval;
+		unsigned long tmp;
+		unsigned long randval;
+		for(il=(start+ij); il<(start+step+ij);il+=4) {
+#if 1
+			randval = stupid_rand() & 0xffff;
+			switch(pass)
+			{
+				case 0:
+					wval |= 0x1 << (k & 0x1f);
+					break;
+				case 1:
+					wval = (0x1 << (k & 0x1f)) | 1;
+					break;
+				case 2:
+					wval = 0x1 << (k & 0x1f);
+					break;
+				case 3:
+					wval = 0;
+					break;
+				case 4:
+					wval = 0xffffffff;
+					break;
+#if 1
+				case 5: {
+						wval = (randval << 16) + randval;
+					}
+					break;
+			}
+			if(!(mode & 1)) {
+				*((unsigned long *)il) = wval;
+			}
+			else if(mode & 1) {
+				rval = (mode & 2) ? *((unsigned long *)il) & 0xffff : ((mode & 4) ? *((unsigned long *)il) & 0xffff0000 : *((unsigned long *)il));
+				tmp = wval;
+				wval = (mode & 2) ? wval & 0xffff: ((mode & 4) ? wval & 0xffff0000: wval);
+				if(wval != rval) {
+					dbg_print_hex(il);
+					dbg_printnum(": rd", rval);
+					dbg_printnum_cr("!= wr", wval);
+					bad++;
+				}
+				wval = tmp;
+			}
+			k++;
+			if(k > 95) {k = k & 95; if(pass == 0) wval = 0;}
+		}
+	}
+	if(mode & 1) {
+		dbg_printnum_cr("bad locations:", bad);
+	}
+	dbg_cr();
 int main(void)
+#undef LONG_TEST
+#ifdef LONG_TEST
+	int g, h, i;
 /* ================== 1st step: Hardware Initialization ================= */
 	/* Performs the hardware initialization */
@@ -60,6 +191,27 @@ int main(void)
+#ifdef CFG_SDRAM
+#ifdef LONG_TEST
+	for(h = 0; h < 100; h++) {
+		dbg_printnum_cr("pass", h);
+		for(g = 0; g < 6; g++) {
+			dbg_printnum_cr("test", g);
+			test_pass(g, 0, 0x20000000, 0x2000000, 0x80);
+			for(i=0;i < 100000;i++);
+			dbg_print_cr("both chips");
+			test_pass(g, 1, 0x20000000, 0x2000000, 0x80);
+			dbg_print_cr("low chip");
+			test_pass(g, 3, 0x20000000, 0x2000000, 0x80);
+			dbg_print_cr("high chip");
+			test_pass(g, 5, 0x20000000, 0x2000000, 0x80);
+		}
+	}
+	dbg_print_cr("END");
+	while(1);
 /* ==================== 2nd step: Load from media ==================== */
 	/* Load from Dataflash in RAM */
@@ -72,10 +224,10 @@ int main(void)
 	/* Load from Nandflash in RAM */
-	load_nandflash(IMG_ADDRESS, IMG_SIZE, JUMP_ADDR);
-	dbg_print(">NANDflash ready\r\n");
+	//load_nandflash(IMG_ADDRESS, IMG_SIZE, JUMP_ADDR);
+	load_nandflash(IMG_ADDRESS, 128, tbuf);
+#if 0
 /* ==================== 3rd step:  Process the Image =================== */
 	/* Uncompress the image */
 #ifdef GUNZIP
@@ -95,5 +247,6 @@ int main(void)
 	{ volatile unsigned int loop; for(loop = 200000; loop > 0; loop--);}
 	/* Jump to the Image Address */
 	return JUMP_ADDR;