DESCRIPTION = "A multi protocol instant messager library, Qt/Embedded based Palmtop Environments Edition" SECTION = "opie/applications" MAINTAINER = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer " DEPENDS = "openssl glib-2.0" RDEPENDS = "libgaim-plugins" LICENSE = "GPL" HOMEPAGE = "" PV = "0.4+cvs-20041030" PR = "r3" SRC_URI = " \ file://fix-compilation.patch;patch=1 \ file://dont-look-for-gtk.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/libgaim" inherit autotools EXTRA_OE_CONF = "--disable-audio --disable-gtkspell --disable-perl \ --with-dynamic-prpls=gg,irc,jabber,msn,napster,oscar,yahoo \ --disable-screensaver --disable-sm --disable-glibtest \ --disable-gtktest --disable-startup-notification \ --disable-gevolution --disable-aotest --disable-audiofiletest" CFLAGS_append = " -I${STAGING_INCDIR}/glib-2.0" do_configure_prepend() { ln -s src libgaim touch intl/ touch po/ install -d build-root touch build-root/ } do_stage() { oe_libinstall -so -C src libgaim ${QTDIR}/lib } #FIXME: use do_packages to create individual packages for each of the plugins python populate_packages_prepend () { plugindir ='${libdir}/gaim', d) do_split_packages(d, plugindir, '^lib(.*)\.so$', 'libgaim-protocol-%s', 'GAIM plugin for %s protocol', extra_depends='' ) } PACKAGES += "libgaim-plugins" FILES_libgaim-plugins = "/usr/lib/gaim/ /usr/lib/gaim/s*.so"