DESCRIPTION = "Python Programming Language" SECTION = "devel/python" PRIORITY = "optional" MAINTAINER = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>" DEPENDS = "python-native zlib gdbm" SRC_URI = "${PV}/Python-${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://bindir-libdir.patch;patch=1 \ file://crosscompile.patch;patch=1" # file://autohell.patch;patch=1" # file://crosscompile-hotshot.patch;patch=1 \ # file://crosscompile-socket.patch;patch=1 S = "${WORKDIR}/Python-${PV}" inherit autotools EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-threads --with-pymalloc --with-cyclic-gc" # # copy config.h and an appropriate Makefile for distutils.sysconfig # which laters uses the information out of these to compile extensions # do_compile_prepend() { install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/python2.3/ install -d ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/python2.3/config/ install -m 0644 pyconfig.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/python2.3/ install -m 0644 Makefile Makefile.orig install -m 0644 Makefile Makefile.backup sed -e 's,${includedir},${STAGING_INCDIR},' < Makefile.backup > Makefile install -m 0644 Makefile Makefile.backup sed -e 's,${libdir},${STAGING_LIBDIR},' < Makefile.backup > Makefile install -m 0644 Makefile ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/python2.3/config/ } do_compile() { oe_runmake HOSTPGEN=${STAGING_BINDIR}/pgen \ HOSTPYTHON=${STAGING_BINDIR}/python \ STAGING_LIBDIR=${STAGING_LIBDIR} \ STAGING_INCDIR=${STAGING_INCDIR} \ BUILD_SYS=${BUILD_SYS} HOST_SYS=${HOST_SYS} } do_stage() { install -m 0644 Include/*.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/python2.3/ } do_install() { install -m 0644 Makefile.orig Makefile oe_runmake HOSTPGEN=${STAGING_BINDIR}/pgen \ HOSTPYTHON=${STAGING_BINDIR}/python \ STAGING_LIBDIR=${STAGING_LIBDIR} \ STAGING_INCDIR=${STAGING_INCDIR} \ BUILD_SYS=${BUILD_SYS} HOST_SYS=${HOST_SYS} \ DESTDIR=${D} install } include python-${PV}-manifest.oe