DESCRIPTION = "RoadMap is a program that provides a car navigation for Linux and UNIX. \ It displays a map of the streets, tracks the position provided by a NMEA-compliant \ GPS receiver, identifies the street matching this GPS position and announces the name \ of the crossing street at the next intersection. A rudimentary trip feature allows \ RoadMap to display some basic navigation information (distance to the destination, \ direction, speed, etc..). Voice messages are generated that duplicate some of the screen information." SECTION = "opie/applications" PRIORITY = "optional" AUTHOR = "Pascal Martin <>" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "GPL" PR = "r0" SRC_URI = " \ file://qt2-fixes.patch;pnum=2;patch=1 \ \ file://zroadgps.png" S = "${WORKDIR}/roadmap-${PV}/src" inherit palmtop QT_LIBRARY = '${@base_conditional("PALMTOP_USE_MULTITHREADED_QT", "yes", "qte-mt", "qte",d)}' QT_LIBRARY_append_c7x0 = " -laticore" EXTRA_OEMAKE = 'DESKTOP=QPE MOC=${OE_QMAKE_MOC} UIC=${OE_QMAKE_UIC} \ GUICFLAGS="-I${OE_QMAKE_INCDIR_QT} -I${S} -DQWS" \ GUILDFLAGS="-lz -lpng -ljpeg -lts -l${QT_LIBRARY} -lqpe -Wl,-rpath-link,${STAGING_LIBDIR} -L${STAGING_LIBDIR} -L${QTDIR}/lib"' PARALLEL_MAKE = "" do_configure() { echo removing pregenerated stuff find . -name "moc*"|xargs rm -f } do_compile() { oe_runmake libguiroadmap.a libguiroadgps.a libroadmap.a unix/libosroadmap.a cd qt && oe_runmake } do_install() { cd qt install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/bin install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/apps/Applications install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/pics install -m 0755 qtroadmap ${D}${palmtopdir}/bin/roadmap install -m 0755 qtroadgps ${D}${palmtopdir}/bin/roadgps install -m 0644 ../roadmap.png ${D}${palmtopdir}/pics/zroadmap.png install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/zroadgps.png ${D}${palmtopdir}/pics/zroadgps.png install -m 0644 ipkg/*.desktop ${D}${palmtopdir}/apps/ install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/share/roadmap/ install -m 0644 ../sprites ../schema ../preferences ${D}${palmtopdir}/share/roadmap/ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/usdir.rdm ${D}${palmtopdir}/share/roadmap/ }