!                              XScreenSaver
!            a screen saver and locker for the X window system
!                            by Jamie Zawinski
!                              version 4.16
!                              12-May-2004
! See "man xscreensaver" for more info.  The latest version is always
! available at http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/

! These resources, when placed in the system-wide app-defaults directory
! (e.g., /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver) will provide the default
! settings for new users.  However, if you have a ".xscreensaver" file in
! your home directory, the settings in that file take precedence.

! Don't hand this file to "xrdb" -- that isn't how app-defaults files work.
! Though app-defaults files have (mostly) the same syntax as your ~/.Xdefaults
! file, they are used differently, and if you run this file through xrdb,
! you will probably mess things up.

#error Do not run app-defaults files through xrdb!
#error That does not do what you might expect.
#error Put this file in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver instead.

! /* (xrdb prevention kludge: whole file)

*timeout:		0:10:00
*cycle:			0:10:00
*lockTimeout:		0:00:00
*passwdTimeout:		0:00:30
*dpmsEnabled:		False
*dpmsStandby:		2:00:00
*dpmsSuspend:		2:00:00
*dpmsOff:		4:00:00
*grabDesktopImages:	True
*grabVideoFrames:	False
*chooseRandomImages:	False
*mode:                  one
*selected:              129
*nice:			10
*memoryLimit:		0
*lock:			False
*lockVTs:		True
*verbose:		False
*timestamp:		True
*fade:			True
*unfade:		False
*fadeSeconds:		0:00:03
*fadeTicks:		20
*splash:		False
*splashDuration:	0:00:05
*visualID:		default
*captureStderr: 	True
*ignoreUninstalledPrograms: True 

*overlayTextForeground:	#FFFF00
*overlayTextBackground:	#000000
*overlayStderr:		True
*font:			*-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*

! The default is to use these extensions if available (as noted.)
*sgiSaverExtension:	True
*mitSaverExtension:	False
*xidleExtension:	True
*procInterrupts:	True

! Set this to True if you are experiencing longstanding XFree86 bug #421
! (xscreensaver not covering the whole screen)
GetViewPortIsFullOfLies: False

! This is what the "Demo" button on the splash screen runs (/bin/sh syntax.)
*demoCommand: xscreensaver-demo

! This is what the "Prefs" button on the splash screen runs (/bin/sh syntax.)
*prefsCommand: xscreensaver-demo -prefs

! This is the URL that the "Help" button on the splash screen loads.
*helpURL: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/man.html

! This is how the "Help" button loads URLs (/bin/sh syntax.)
! The "helpURL" will be substituted for up to two occurrences of "%s".
*loadURL: mozilla '%s' || netscape '%s'
!    *loadURL: gnome-url-show '%s' || gnome-moz-remote --newwin '%s'

! This is what the "Manual" button in xscreensaver-demo runs (/bin/sh syntax.)
*manualCommand: xterm -sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \
        -e /bin/sh -c 'man "%s" ; read foo'
! For GNOME systems:
!    *manualCommand: yelp 'man:%s' || gnome-help-browser 'man:%s'

! The format used for printing the date and time in the password dialog box
! (see the strftime(3) manual page for details.)
*dateFormat:		%d-%b-%y (%a); %I:%M %p
! To show the time only:
! *dateFormat:		%I:%M %p
! For 24 hour time:
! *dateFormat:		%H:%M

! Turning on "installColormap" on 8-bit systems interacts erratically with
! certain jurassic window managers.  If your screen turns some color other
! than black, the window manager is buggy, and you need to set this resource
! to false.  Or switch WMs.  Or join the 21st century and get a 24-bit
! graphics card.
*installColormap:	True

! This is the list of installed screen saver modes.  See "man xscreensaver"
! for the syntax used here.
! If you want to disable a screensaver, DO NOT remove it from this list:
! instead, mark it as inactive by placing a "-" at the beginning of the line.
! You can use the `xscreensaver-demo' program to edit the current list of
! screen savers interactively.
*programs:								      \
		 "Qix (solid)" 	qix -root -solid -segments 100		    \n\
	   "Qix (transparent)" 	qix -root -count 4 -solid -transparent	    \n\
		"Qix (linear)" 	qix -root -count 5 -solid -transparent	      \
				  -linear -segments 250 -size 100	    \n\
-		   "Qix (xor)" 	qix -root -linear -count 5 -size 200	      \
				  -spread 30 -segments 75 -solid -xor	    \n\
	  "Attraction (balls)" 	attraction -root -mode balls		    \n\
	  "Attraction (lines)" 	attraction -root -mode lines -points 3	      \
				  -segments 200				    \n\
-	   "Attraction (poly)" 	attraction -root -mode polygons		    \n\
	"Attraction (splines)" 	attraction -root -mode splines -segments      \
				  300					    \n\
	"Attraction (orbital)" 	attraction -root -mode lines -radius 300      \
				  -orbit -vmult 0.5			    \n\
				pyro -root				    \n\
				rocks -root				    \n\
				helix -root				    \n\
				pedal -root				    \n\
				rorschach -root -offset 7		    \n\
				hopalong -root				    \n\
				greynetic -root				    \n\
				imsmap -root				    \n\
				slidescreen -root			    \n\
				decayscreen -root			    \n\
				jigsaw -root				    \n\
				blitspin -root -grab			    \n\
				slip -root				    \n\
				distort -root				    \n\
				spotlight -root				    \n\
	      "Ripples (oily)"	ripples -root -oily -light 2		    \n\
	      "Ripples (stir)"	ripples -root -oily -light 2 -stir	    \n\
	   "Ripples (desktop)"	ripples -root -water -light 6		    \n\
				hypercube -root				    \n\
-				hyperball -root				    \n\
				halo -root				    \n\
				maze -root				    \n\
				noseguy -root				    \n\
				flame -root				    \n\
				lmorph -root				    \n\
				deco -root				    \n\
				moire -root				    \n\
				moire2 -root				    \n\
				lightning -root				    \n\
				strange -root				    \n\
				spiral -root				    \n\
				laser -root				    \n\
				grav -root				    \n\
	       "Grav (trails)" 	grav -root -trail -decay		    \n\
				drift -root				    \n\
				ifs -root				    \n\
				julia -root				    \n\
				penrose -root				    \n\
				sierpinski -root			    \n\
				braid -root				    \n\
				galaxy -root				    \n\
				bouboule -root				    \n\
				swirl -root				    \n\
				flag -root				    \n\
				sphere -root				    \n\
				forest -root				    \n\
				lisa -root				    \n\
				lissie -root				    \n\
				goop -root -max-velocity 0.5 -elasticity      \
				  0.9					    \n\
				starfish -root				    \n\
	     "Starfish (blob)" 	starfish -root -blob			    \n\
				munch -root				    \n\
				mismunch -root				    \n\
				fadeplot -root				    \n\
				coral -root -delay 0			    \n\
				mountain -root				    \n\
				triangle -root -delay 1			    \n\
				worm -root				    \n\
				rotor -root				    \n\
				ant -root				    \n\
				demon -root				    \n\
				loop -root				    \n\
				vines -root				    \n\
				kaleidescope -root			    \n\
				xjack -root				    \n\
				xlyap -root -randomize			    \n\
				cynosure -root				    \n\
				flow -root				    \n\
				epicycle -root				    \n\
				interference -root			    \n\
				truchet -root -randomize		    \n\
				bsod -root				    \n\
				crystal -root				    \n\
				discrete -root				    \n\
				kumppa -root				    \n\
				rd-bomb -root				    \n\
	    "RD-Bomb (mobile)" 	rd-bomb -root -speed 1 -size 0.1	    \n\
				sonar -root				    \n\
				t3d -root				    \n\
				penetrate -root				    \n\
				deluxe -root				    \n\
				compass -root				    \n\
				squiral -root				    \n\
				xflame -root				    \n\
				wander -root				    \n\
	      "Wander (spots)" 	wander -root -advance 0 -size 10 -circles     \
				  -length 10000 -reset 100000		    \n\
				critical -root				    \n\
				phosphor -root				    \n\
				xmatrix -root				    \n\
				petri -root -size 2 -count 20		    \n\
		     "Petri 2" 	petri -root -minlifespeed 0.02		      \
				  -maxlifespeed 0.03 -minlifespan 1	      \
				  -maxlifespan 1 -instantdeathchan 0	      \
				  -minorchan 0 -anychan 0.3		    \n\
				shadebobs -root				    \n\
				ccurve -root				    \n\
				blaster -root				    \n\
				bumps -root				    \n\
				xteevee -root				    \n\
				xanalogtv -root				    \n\
				xspirograph -root			    \n\
				nerverot -root				    \n\
-	    "NerveRot (dense)"	nerverot -root -count 1000		    \n\
-	    "NerveRot (thick)"	nerverot -root -count 100 -line-width 4       \
			        -max-nerve-radius 0.8 -nervousness 0.5 -db  \n\
				xrayswarm -root				    \n\
-	       "Zoom (Fatbits)"	zoom -root				    \n\
	       "Zoom (Lenses)"	zoom -root -lenses			    \n\
				rotzoomer -root				    \n\
-	   "RotZoomer (mobile)" rotzoomer -root -move			    \n\
-	   "RotZoomer (sweep)"  rotzoomer -root -sweep			    \n\
				whirlwindwarp -root			    \n\
 	            "WhirlyGig"	whirlygig -root				    \n\
 	            "SpeedMine"	speedmine -root				    \n\
 	            "SpeedWorm"	speedmine -root -worm			    \n\
 	                	vermiculate -root			    \n\
 	                	twang -root				    \n\
 	                	apollonian -root			    \n\
 	                	euler2d -root				    \n\
	     "Euler2d (dense)"	euler2d -root -count 4000 -eulertail 400      \
				  -ncolors 230				    \n\
- 	                	juggle -root				    \n\
 	                	polyominoes -root			    \n\
- 	                	thornbird -root				    \n\
 	                	fluidballs -root			    \n\
 	                	anemone -root				    \n\
 	                	halftone -root				    \n\
 	                	metaballs -root				    \n\
 	                	eruption -root				    \n\
 	                	popsquares -root			    \n\
 	                	barcode -root				    \n\
 	                	piecewise -root				    \n\
 	                	cloudlife -root				    \n\
		   "FontGlide"	fontglide -root -page			    \n\
	"FontGlide (scroller)"	fontglide -root -scroll			    \n\
				apple2 -root				    \n\
                                bubbles -root				    \n\
				pong -root				    \n\
				wormhole -root				    \n\
				pacman -root				    \n\
				fuzzyflakes -root			    \n\
- default-n:			webcollage -root			    \n\
- default-n:  "WebCollage (whacked)"					      \
				webcollage -root -filter		      \
				  'vidwhacker -stdin -stdout'		    \n\
- default-n:			vidwhacker -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			gears -root				    \n\
-	   GL:	"Gears (planetary)" gears -root -planetary		    \n\
-	   GL:			superquadrics -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			morph3d -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			cage -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			moebius -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			stairs -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			pipes -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			sproingies -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			rubik -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			atlantis -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			lament -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			bubble3d -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			glplanet -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			flurry -root -preset random		    \n\
-	   GL:			pulsar -root				    \n\
-	   GL:	   "Pulsar (textures)"					      \
				  pulsar -root -texture -mipmap		      \
				  -texture_quality -light -fog		    \n\
-	   GL:			extrusion -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			sierpinski3d -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			menger -root				    \n\
-	   GL:	 "GFlux"	gflux -root				    \n\
-	   GL:	 "GFlux (grab)"	gflux -root -mode grab			    \n\
-	   GL:			stonerview -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			starwars -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			gltext -root				    \n\
-	   GL:	"GLText (clock)" gltext -text "%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r" -root	    \n\
-	   GL:	 "Molecule"		molecule -root			    \n\
-	   GL:	 "Molecule (lumpy)"	molecule -root -no-bonds -no-labels \n\
-	   GL:			dangerball -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			circuit -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			engine -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			flipscreen3d -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			glsnake -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			boxed -root				    \n\
-	   GL:	"GLForestFire"		glforestfire -root		    \n\
-	   GL:	"GLForestFire (rain)"	glforestfire -root -count 0	    \n\
-	   GL:			sballs -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			cubenetic -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			spheremonics -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			lavalite -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			queens -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			endgame -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			glblur -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			atunnel -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			flyingtoasters -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			bouncingcow -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			jigglypuff -root -random		    \n\
-	   GL:			klein -root -random			    \n\
-	   GL:	"HyperTorus (striped)" hypertorus -root			    \n\
-	   GL:	"HyperTorus (solid)"   hypertorus -root -solid -transparent \n\
-	   GL:			glmatrix -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			cubestorm -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			glknots -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			blocktube -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			flipflop -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			antspotlight -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			glslideshow -root			    \n\
-	   GL:			polytopes -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			gleidescope -root			    \n\
- 	   GL:			mirrorblob -root			    \n\
-	   GL:	    "MirrorBlob (color only)"				      \
                                mirrorblob -root -colour -no-texture	    \n\
-	   GL:			blinkbox -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			noof -root				    \n\
-	   GL:			polyhedra -root				    \n\
-				xdaliclock -root -builtin3 -cycle	    \n\
- default-n:			xearth -nofork -nostars -ncolors 50	      \
				  -night 3 -wait 0 -timewarp 400.0 -pos	      \
				  sunrel/38/-30				    \n\
-				xplanet -vroot -wait 1 -timewarp 90000        \
                                  -label -origin moon			    \n\
-				xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1		    \n\
-	"XMountains (top)"	xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 -m		    \n\
-                               xaos -root -autopilot -nogui -delay 10000     \
                                  -maxframerate 30                            \
                                  -incoloring -1 -outcoloring -1            \n\
-				xfishtank -d -s                             \n\
-				xsnow                                       \n\
-				goban -root                                 \n\
-				electricsheep                               \n\
-				cosmos -root                                \n\
-	   GL:                  sphereEversion --root                       \n\
-	   GL:                  fireflies -root                             \n\
-	   GL:                  antinspect -root                            \n\
-	   GL:                  providence -root                            \n

!      You probably don't want to change anything after this point.

XScreenSaver.pointerPollTime:		0:00:05
XScreenSaver.initialDelay:		0:00:00
XScreenSaver.windowCreationTimeout:	0:00:30
XScreenSaver.bourneShell:		/bin/sh

! Resources for the password and splash-screen dialog boxes of
! the "xscreensaver" daemon.
*Dialog.headingFont:		*-times-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*Dialog.bodyFont:		*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*Dialog.labelFont:		*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*Dialog.buttonFont:		*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*Dialog.dateFont:		*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-80-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*Dialog.foreground:		#000000
*Dialog.background:		#D6D6D6
*Dialog.Button.foreground:	#000000
*Dialog.Button.background:	#EAEAEA
!*Dialog.Button.background:	#D6D6D6
!*Dialog.Button.pointBackground: #EAEAEA
!*Dialog.Button.clickBackground: #C3C3C3
*Dialog.text.foreground:	#000000
*Dialog.text.background:	#FFFFFF
*passwd.thermometer.foreground:	#FF0000
*passwd.thermometer.background:	#FFFFFF
*Dialog.topShadowColor:		#FFFFFF
*Dialog.bottomShadowColor:	#666666
*Dialog.logo.width:		210
*Dialog.logo.height:		210
*Dialog.internalBorderWidth:	30
*Dialog.borderWidth:		1
*Dialog.shadowThickness:	2

*passwd.heading.label:		XScreenSaver %s
*passwd.body.label:		This display is locked.
*passwd.user.label:		User:
*passwd.passwd.label:		Password:
*passwd.passwdFont:		*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*passwd.thermometer.width:	8

*splash.heading.label:		XScreenSaver %s
*splash.body.label:		Copyright � 1991-2004 by
*splash.body2.label:		Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
*splash.demo.label:		Settings
*splash.help.label:		Help

! Resources for the Motif dialog boxes of the "xscreensaver-demo" program.
*fontList:                       *-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*demoDialog*label1.fontList:     *-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*cmdText.fontList:                 *-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*label0.fontList:                  *-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1
XScreenSaver*doc.fontList:       *-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-iso8859-1
! above must be fully qualified to get around *sgiMode.

*foreground:			#000000
*background:			#C0C0C0
*XmTextField.foreground:	#000000
*XmTextField.background:	#FFFFFF
*list.foreground:		#000000
*list.background:		#FFFFFF

*ApplicationShell.title:	XScreenSaver
*warning.title:			XScreenSaver
*warning_popup.title:		XScreenSaver
*allowShellResize:		True
*autoUnmanage:			False

*menubar*file.labelString:	File
*menubar*file.mnemonic:		F
*file.blank.labelString:	Blank Screen Now
*file.blank.mnemonic:		B
*file.lock.labelString:		Lock Screen Now
*file.lock.mnemonic:		L
*file.kill.labelString:		Kill Daemon
*file.kill.mnemonic:		K
*file.restart.labelString:	Restart Daemon
*file.restart.mnemonic:		R
*file.exit.labelString:		Exit
*file.exit.mnemonic:		E

*menubar*edit.labelString:	Edit
*menubar*edit.mnemonic:		E
*edit.cut.labelString:		Cut
*edit.cut.mnemonic:		u
*edit.copy.labelString:		Copy
*edit.copy.mnemonic:		C
*edit.paste.labelString:	Paste
*edit.paste.mnemonic:		P

*menubar*help.labelString:	Help
*menubar*help.mnemonic:		H
*help.about.labelString:	About...
*help.about.mnemonic:		A
*help.docMenu.labelString:	Documentation...
*help.docMenu.mnemonic:		D

*demoTab.marginWidth:		10
*optionsTab.marginWidth:	10

*XmScrolledWindow.topOffset:	10
*XmScrolledWindow.leftOffset:	10
*demoTab.topOffset:		4
*form1.bottomOffset:		10
*form3.leftOffset:		10
*form3.rightOffset:		10
*frame.topOffset:		10
*frame.bottomOffset:		10
*enabled.topOffset:		10
*visLabel.topOffset:		10
*combo.topOffset:		10
*form4.bottomOffset:		4
*hr.bottomOffset:		4
*XmComboBox.marginWidth:	0
*XmComboBox.marginHeight:	0

*demo.marginWidth:		30
*demo.marginHeight:		4
*man.marginWidth:		10
*man.marginHeight:		4
*down.leftOffset:		40
*down.marginWidth:		4
*down.marginHeight:		4
*up.marginWidth:		4
*up.marginHeight:		4
*frame.traversalOn:		False

*list.automaticSelection:	True
*list.visibleItemCount:		20
*doc.columns:			60
*combo.columns:			11

*demoTab.labelString:		Graphics Demos
*optionsTab.labelString:	Screensaver Options
*down.labelString:		\\/ 
*up.labelString:		/\\ 
*cmdLabel.labelString:		Command Line:
*cmdLabel.alignment:		ALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
*enabled.labelString:		Enabled
*visLabel.labelString:		Visual:
*visLabel.alignment:		ALIGNMENT_END
*visLabel.leftOffset:		20
*demo.labelString:		Demo
*man.labelString:		Documentation...
*done.labelString:		Quit

*preferencesLabel.labelString:	XScreenSaver Parameters

*timeoutLabel.labelString:	Saver Timeout
*cycleLabel.labelString:	Cycle Timeout
*fadeSecondsLabel.labelString:	Fade Duration
*fadeTicksLabel.labelString:	Fade Ticks
*lockLabel.labelString:		Lock Timeout
*passwdLabel.labelString:	Password Timeout
*preferencesForm*XmTextField.columns:	8

*verboseToggle.labelString:	Verbose
*cmapToggle.labelString:	Install Colormap
*fadeToggle.labelString:	Fade Colormap
*unfadeToggle.labelString:	Unfade Colormap
*lockToggle.labelString:	Require Password

*OK.marginWidth:		30
*OK.marginHeight:		4
*OK.leftOffset:			10
*OK.bottomOffset:		10
*Cancel.marginWidth:		30
*Cancel.marginHeight:		4
*Cancel.rightOffset:		10
*Cancel.bottomOffset:		10

! Pretty names for the hacks that have unusual capitalization.

*hacks.imsmap.name:         IMSmap
*hacks.slidescreen.name:    SlideScreen
*hacks.decayscreen.name:    DecayScreen
*hacks.blitspin.name:       BlitSpin
*hacks.lmorph.name:         LMorph
*hacks.ifs.name:            IFS
*hacks.fadeplot.name:       FadePlot
*hacks.bsod.name:           BSOD
*hacks.rd-bomb.name:        RD-Bomb
*hacks.t3d.name:            T3D
*hacks.shadebobs.name:      ShadeBobs
*hacks.ccurve.name:         C Curve
*hacks.xteevee.name:        XTeeVee
*hacks.xanalogtv.name:      XAnalogTV
*hacks.xspirograph.name:    XSpiroGraph
*hacks.nerverot.name:       NerveRot
*hacks.webcollage.name:     WebCollage
*hacks.vidwhacker.name:     VidWhacker
*hacks.morph3d.name:        Morph3D
*hacks.bubble3d.name:       Bubble3D
*hacks.sierpinski3d.name:   Sierpinski3D
*hacks.gflux.name:          GFlux
*hacks.xrayswarm.name:      XRaySwarm
*hacks.whirlwindwarp.name:  WhirlwindWarp
*hacks.rotzoomer.name:      RotZoomer
*hacks.stonerview.name:     StonerView
*hacks.starwars.name:       StarWars
*hacks.dangerball.name:     DangerBall
*hacks.whirlygig.name:      WhirlyGig
*hacks.speedmine.name:      SpeedMine
*hacks.glforestfire.name:   GLForestFire
*hacks.sballs.name:         SBalls
*hacks.xdaliclock.name:     XDaliClock
*hacks.xplanetbg.name:      XPlanet
*hacks.xplanet.name:        XPlanet
*hacks.xaos.name:           XaoS
*hacks.xfishtank.name:      XFishTank
*hacks.electricsheep.name:  ElectricSheep
*hacks.sphereEversion.name: SphereEversion
*hacks.fluidballs.name:     FluidBalls
*hacks.flyingtoasters.name: FlyingToasters
*hacks.bouncingcow.name:    BouncingCow
*hacks.jigglypuff.name:     JigglyPuff
*hacks.hypertorus.name:     HyperTorus
*hacks.cubestorm.name:      CubeStorm
*hacks.blocktube.name:      BlockTube
*hacks.flipflop.name:       FlipFlop
*hacks.antspotlight.name:   AntSpotlight
*hacks.fontglide.name:      FontGlide
*hacks.mirrorblob.name:     MirrorBlob
*hacks.blinkbox.name:       BlinkBox
*hacks.fuzzyflakes.name:    FuzzyFlakes

! obsolete, but still used by xscreensaver-demo-Xm.
*hacks.documentation.isInstalled: True

! (xrdb prevention kludge: whole file) */