DEPENDS += "gettext-native virtual/libintl"
DESCRIPTION = "whois is an improved whois client"
MAINTAINER = "Chris Larson <>"
SECTION = "network"

def whois_intl(bb, d):
	# FIXME: This is ugly.. we already have the virtual for this,
	# but there's no way to ask bb who the current selected provider of
	# a given virtual/ is.
	if ('TARGET_OS', d, 1) or '').endswith('-uclibc'):
		return ' -lintl'
	return ''

EXTRA_OEMAKE = '"OPTS=${CFLAGS} -DCONFIG_FILE=\\\"/etc/whois.conf\\\"" \
		"CC=${CC}" "LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}${@whois_intl(bb, d)}"'

do_install () {
	install -D -m 0755 whois ${D}${bindir}/whois
	install -D -m 0644 whois.1 ${D}${mandir}/man1/whois.1