# slugimage - normally built native, a perl script SECTION = "console/utils" LICENSE = "BSD" DESCRIPTION = "Slugimage is a small app to disassemble and reassemble \ flash images for the Linksys NSLU2 device. It also has jffs2 support" PR = "r6" RDEPENDS = "perl" SLUGIMAGE_SVN_REV ?= 77 SLUGIMAGE_SVN_REPO ?= http://svn.nslu2-linux.org/svnroot/slugimage/trunk addtask svnfetch before do_configure after do_patch do_svnfetch() { svn co ${SLUGIMAGE_SVN_REPO} --revision ${SLUGIMAGE_SVN_REV} ${WORKDIR} } S = "${WORKDIR}" do_install () { install -d ${D}${bindir} install -m 0755 slugimage ${D}${bindir}/ }