DESCRIPTION = "A highly-portable Java virtual machine implementing the Java virtual machine specification, second edition." HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "LGPL" PRIORITY = "optional" MAINTAINER = "Rene Wagner <>" SECTION = "interpreters" DEPENDS = "libffi libtool popt \ sablevm-classpath" # unzip" RRECOMMENDS = "sablevm-classpath (>= ${PV})" SRC_URI = "${PV}/${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz \ file://no-internal-libs.patch;patch=1" inherit autotools update-alternatives EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-real-life-brokenness \ --disable-errors-on-warnings --disable-signals-for-exceptions" PROVIDES = "virtual/java" ALTERNATIVE_NAME = "java" ALTERNATIVE_PATH = "${bindir}/java-sablevm" ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY = "350" PACKAGES = "${PN} ${PN}-doc lib${PN} lib${PN}-dev" FILES_${PN} = "${bindir} \ ${libdir}/${PN}/bin" FILES_lib${PN} = "${libdir}/lib${PN}-*.so" FILES_lib${PN}-dev = "${includedir}/jni* \ ${libdir}/lib${PN}.so \ ${libdir}/lib${PN}.la" do_configure() { # remove internal copies of libpopt and libffi rm -rf src/libpopt src/libffi autotools_do_configure } do_install() { autotools_do_install install -d ${D}${docdir} mv ${D}${datadir}/${PN} ${D}${docdir}/ # symlink only present in the deb... install -d ${D}${libdir}/${PN}/bin cd ${D}${libdir}/${PN}/bin && ln -sf ../../../bin/java-sablevm java }