DESCRIPTION = "Qt/Embedded version ${PV}" SECTION = "libs" PRIORITY = "optional" LICENSE = "GPL QPL" DEPENDS = "zlib libpng jpeg tslib qmake-native-1.08a uicmoc4-native" PROVIDES = "virtual/qte4 virtual/libqte4" MAINTAINER = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>" PR = "ml1" BROKEN = "1" PV = "4.0.0-b2-snapshot-20050128" FILESDIR = "${@os.path.dirname('FILE',d,1))}/qte-4.0.0-snapshot" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://gcc34.patch;patch=1 \ file://add-qatomic.patch;patch=1 \ file://fix-mkspecs.patch;patch=1 \ file://fix-qwsmanager.patch;patch=1 \ file://fix-sl5000driver.patch;patch=1 \ file://no-moc-no-uic-no-rcc.patch;patch=1 \ file://sharp_char.h \ file://switches.h \ file://update-qtfontdir" S = "${WORKDIR}/qt-embedded-opensource-${PV}" DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-1" export QTDIR = "${S}" def qte_arch(d): import bb, re arch ='TARGET_ARCH', d, 1) if re.match("^i.86$", arch): arch = "x86" elif arch == "x86_64": arch = "x86" elif arch == "mipsel": arch = "mips" return arch QTE_ARCH := "${@qte_arch(d)}" # # How to build the embedded drivers. Use plugin-<type> or qt-<type>. As for Beta1, that doesn't work :D # GFX = "qt-gfx" KBD = "qt-kbd" MSE = "qt-mouse" # # Which configuration to build. As for Beta1, this doesn't work :) # QCONFIG = "" # QCONFIG = "-qconfig full" QDEPTHS = "-depths 8,16,24,32" # # Borken: yopy, busmouse, linuxtp # EXTRA_OECONF = "-embedded ${QTE_ARCH} \ -system-libjpeg -system-libpng -system-zlib \ -no-qvfb -no-nis -no-cups -no-stl -no-pch \ -no-accessibility -no-compat -fast \ ${QCONFIG} ${QDEPTHS} \ -qt-gfx-transformed \ -qt-gfx-vnc \ -${KBD}-sl5000 \ -${KBD}-tty \ -${KBD}-usb \ -${MSE}-pc \ " EXTRA_OEMAKE = "-e" PARALLEL_MAKE = "" export EXTRA_CFLAGS = "-I${STAGING_INCDIR}" export EXTRA_CXXFLAGS = "-I${STAGING_INCDIR}" export EXTRA_LFLAGS = "-L${STAGING_LIBDIR} -Wl,-rpath-link,${STAGING_LIBDIR}" do_configure() { echo "DEFINES -= QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII" >>src/qbase.pri unset QMAKESPEC echo yes | ./configure ${EXTRA_OECONF} || die "Configuring qt failed. EXTRA_OECONF was ${EXTRA_OECONF}" } do_compile() { unset CC LD CCLD CXX RANLIB AR STRIP CFLAGS LDFLAGS CXXFLAGS CPPFLAGS LINK install -m 0755 ${STAGING_BINDIR}/rcc4 ${S}/bin/rcc install -m 0755 ${STAGING_BINDIR}/moc4 ${S}/bin/moc install -m 0755 ${STAGING_BINDIR}/uic4 ${S}/bin/uic install -d include/asm/ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/sharp_char.h include/asm/ install -d include/linux/ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/switches.h include/linux/ oe_runmake } do_stage() { install -d ${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/qt4/lib for lib in Core Gui Network Sql Xml do cp -pPR lib/libQt${lib}* ${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/qt4/lib/ done install -d ${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/qt4/include/ cp -pPR include/* ${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/qt4/include } do_install() { install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/bin install -d ${D}${sbindir}/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/update-qtfontdir ${D}${sbindir}/ install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/ cp -pPR lib/fonts/* ${D}${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/ for lib in Core Gui Network Sql Xml do oe_soinstall lib/libQt${lib}.so.4.0.0 ${D}${palmtopdir}/lib done for i in `find . -perm 0755 -type f` do install -m 0755 $i ${D}${palmtopdir}/bin/`basename $i` done } pkg_postinst() { #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1; fi set -e . /etc/profile ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir } pkg_postinst_qte-font-unicode() { #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1; fi set -e . /etc/profile ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir } pkg_postinst_qte-font-lcd () { #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1; fi set -e . /etc/profile ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir } pkg_postinst_qte-font-japanese() { #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1; fi set -e . /etc/profile ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir } pkg_postinst_qte-font-micro() { #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1; fi set -e . /etc/profile ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir } pkg_postinst_qte-font-courier() { #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$D" ]; then exit 1; fi set -e . /etc/profile ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir } LIB_PACKAGES = "\ libqte4-debug \ libqte4-core \ libqte4-gui \ libqte4-network \ libqte4-sql \ libqte4-xml \ " FONT_PACKAGES = "\ qte-font-fixed \ qte-font-helvetica-small \ qte-font-helvetica-large \ qte-font-smoothtimes \ qte-font-smallsmooth \ qte-font-unicode \ qte-font-lcd \ qte-font-japanese \ qte-font-micro \ qte-font-courier \ " PACKAGES = "${LIB_PACKAGES} ${FONT_PACKAGES} examples" PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" FILES_${PN} = "" FILES_libqte4-debug = "${palmtopdir}/lib/libQt*_debug.*" FILES_libqte4-core = "${palmtopdir}/lib/libQtCore.* ${sbindir}/update-qtfontdir" FILES_libqte4-gui = "${palmtopdir}/lib/libQtGui.*" FILES_libqte4-network = "${palmtopdir}/lib/libQtNetwork.*" FILES_libqte4-sql = "${palmtopdir}/lib/libQtSql.*" FILES_libqte4-xml = "${palmtopdir}/lib/libQtXml.*" FILES_examples = "${palmtopdir}/bin" FILES_qte-font-fixed = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/fixed*" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-fixed = "all" FILES_qte-font-helvetica-small = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/helvetica_80*.qpf \ ${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/helvetica_100*.qpf ${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/helvetica_120*.qpf" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-helvetica-small = "all" FILES_qte-font-helvetica-large = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/helvetica_140*.qpf \ ${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/helvetica_180*.qpf ${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/helvetica_240*.qpf" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-helvetica-large = "all" FILES_qte-font-smoothtimes = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/smoothtimes*" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-smoothtimes = "all" FILES_qte-font-smallsmooth = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/smallsmooth*" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-smallsmooth = "all" FILES_qte-font-unicode = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/unifont*.qpf" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-unicode = "all" FILES_qte-font-lcd = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/lcd*" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-lcd = "all" FILES_qte-font-japanese = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/japanese*" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-japanese = "all" FILES_qte-font-micro = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/micro*.qpf" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-micro = "all" FILES_qte-font-courier = "${palmtopdir}/lib/fonts/cour*" PACKAGE_ARCH_qte-font-courier = "all"