# Patch managed by http://www.holgerschurig.de/patcher.html

--- Python-2.4.3/Lib/site.py~sitebranding
+++ Python-2.4.3/Lib/site.py
@@ -305,8 +305,9 @@
             "Jython is maintained by the Jython developers (www.jython.org).")
         __builtin__.credits = _Printer("credits", """\
-    Thanks to CWI, CNRI, BeOpen.com, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands
-    for supporting Python development.  See www.python.org for more information.""")
+    This version of Python has been built by the OpenEmbedded buildsystem (http://openembedded.org).
+    It is a part of the Python-For-Embedded-Systems initiative which is maintained by
+    Michael 'Mickey' Lauer (http://www.Vanille.de/projects/python.spy).""")
     here = os.path.dirname(os.__file__)
     __builtin__.license = _Printer(
         "license", "See http://www.python.org/%.3s/license.html" % sys.version,