#This Setup file is used by the setup.py script to configure the #python extensions. You will likely use the "config.py" which will #build a correct Setup file for you based on your system settings. #If not, the format is simple enough to edit by hand. First change #the needed commandline flags for each dependency, then comment out #any unavailable optional modules in the first optional section. #SDL = ??? FONT = -lSDL_ttf-2.0 IMAGE = -lSDL_image-1.2 MIXER = -lSDL_mixer-1.2 SMPEG = -lsmpeg $(SDL) NUMERIC = -I. #the following modules are optional. you will want to compile #everything you can, but you can ignore ones you don't have #dependencies for, just comment them out imageext src/imageext.c $(SDL) $(IMAGE) font src/font.c $(SDL) $(FONT) mixer src/mixer.c $(SDL) $(MIXER) mixer_music src/music.c $(SDL) $(MIXER) movie src/movie.c $(SDL) $(SMPEG) surfarray src/surfarray.c $(SDL) $(NUMERIC) sndarray src/sndarray.c $(SDL) $(NUMERIC) $(MIXER) #these modules are required for pygame to run. they only require #SDL as a dependency. these should not be altered base src/base.c $(SDL) cdrom src/cdrom.c $(SDL) constants src/constants.c $(SDL) display src/display.c $(SDL) event src/event.c $(SDL) key src/key.c $(SDL) mouse src/mouse.c $(SDL) rect src/rect.c $(SDL) rwobject src/rwobject.c $(SDL) surface src/surface.c src/alphablit.c $(SDL) surflock src/surflock.c $(SDL) time src/time.c $(SDL) joystick src/joystick.c $(SDL) draw src/draw.c $(SDL) image src/image.c $(SDL) transform src/transform.c src/rotozoom.c src/scale2x.c $(SDL) #the following are placeholders. setup.py can use them to help #auto-copy needed DLLs into the pygame installation folder. #you can simply ignore these lines under non-windows, no need to #comment out. COPYLIB_smpeg $(SDL) $(SMPEG)