
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -o remount,rw /
cardmgr -o
umount /proc
echo Mounting hda1.
mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hdd

# For some reason the Spitz tar doesn't create the devices.
if [ ! -b /media/hdd/dev/hda1 ]; then
	echo Creating non existant device files.
	/media/hdd/sbin/makedevs -D /media/hdd/etc/device_table -r /media/hdd/

if [ -e /media/hdd/sbin/init -o -L /media/hdd/sbin/init ]; then
	echo "Found /sbin/init on HD; pivoting."
	cd /media/hdd
	pivot_root . media/realroot
	cd /
	exec /sbin/init

echo Dropping to a shell due to problems.
exec /bin/sh