#!/bin/sh # **** DO NOT EVEN THINK OF EDITING OR REMOVING THIS FILE **** # **** UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW *EXACTLY* WHAT YOU ARE DOING. **** # Determine the desired rootfs based on user flag files. if [ -f /.ramdisk ] ; then /bin/echo "Preferred root device is /dev/ram0 (maintenence)" mounted=/mnt prefroot=maintenence elif [ -f /.sda1root ] ; then /bin/echo "Preferred root device is /dev/sda1 (disk 1)" mounted=/mnt prefroot=sda1 elif [ -f /.sda2root ] ; then /bin/echo "Preferred root device is /dev/sda2 (disk 1)" mounted=/mnt prefroot=sda2 elif [ -f /.sdb1root ] ; then /bin/echo "Preferred root device is /dev/sdb1 (disk 2)" mounted=/mnt prefroot=sdb1 elif [ -f /.sdb2root ] ; then /bin/echo "Preferred root device is /dev/sdb2 (disk 2)" mounted=/mnt prefroot=sdb2 elif [ -f /.nfsroot ] ; then /bin/echo "Preferred root device is NFS" mounted=/mnt prefroot=nfsroot else /bin/echo "Preferred root device is jffs2" mounted= prefroot=jffs2 fi # Perform prepatory tasks, and determine whether the desired rootfs is viable. /bin/mount -t proc proc /proc if [ $prefroot = "sda1" -o $prefroot = "sda2" -o $prefroot = "sdb1" -o $prefroot = "sdb2" ] ; then /bin/echo "Sleeping 10sec while waiting for disk..." sleep 10 /bin/mount -rt ext3 /dev/$prefroot /mnt if [ -L /mnt/sbin/init -o -x /mnt/sbin/init -o \ -L /mnt/bin/init -o -x /mnt/bin/init ] ; then /bin/echo "Root filesystem will be mounted from /dev/$prefroot ..." else /bin/umount /mnt /bin/echo "Can't find valid rootfs on /dev/$prefroot, using jffs2 ..." mounted= prefroot=jffs2 fi fi if [ $prefroot = "maintenence" ] ; then /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1k count=12k 2>/dev/null /usr/bin/mke2fs -m 0 /dev/ram0 12288 /bin/mount -t ext2 /dev/ram0 /mnt ( /usr/bin/find . -print0 -mount | /usr/bin/cpio -p -0 -d -m -u /mnt ) /bin/rm -f /mnt/linuxrc /bin/cp /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade-real.cgi /bin/echo "#!/bin/sh" > /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /bin/echo >> /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /bin/echo "/bin/mount -t ramfs none /upload -o size=8196 2>/dev/null" \ >> /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /bin/echo "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/upload/free-ram bs=1k count=8k 2>/dev/null" \ >> /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /bin/echo "/bin/umount /upload 2>/dev/null" \ >> /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /bin/echo "exec /home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade-real.cgi" \ >> /mnt/home/httpd/html/Management/upgrade.cgi /bin/echo "Root filesystem will be mounted from /dev/ram0 (a copy of /dev/mtdblock4) ..." fi if [ $prefroot = "nfsroot" ] ; then sysconflen=`/bin/dd if=/dev/mtd1 bs=4 count=1 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/hexdump -n 6 -e '"%02d"'` ipaddr=`/bin/dd if=/dev/mtd1 bs=1 count=$sysconflen skip=4 2>/dev/null | grep ip_addr | sed -e s/ip_addr=//` netmask=`/bin/dd if=/dev/mtd1 bs=1 count=$sysconflen skip=4 2>/dev/null | grep netmask | sed -e s/netmask=//` gateway=`/bin/dd if=/dev/mtd1 bs=1 count=$sysconflen skip=4 2>/dev/null | grep gateway | sed -e s/gateway=//` /sbin/insmod ixp400 /sbin/insmod ixp425_eth /sbin/ifconfig ixp0 up $ipaddr netmask $netmask /sbin/route add default gw $gateway /sbin/ifconfig lo up # The nfsrootloc and nfsrootopts vars can be overridden here. . /.nfsroot /bin/mount $nfsrootopts $nfsrootloc /mnt if [ -L /mnt/sbin/init -o -x /mnt/sbin/init -o \ -L /mnt/bin/init -o -x /mnt/bin/init ] ; then /bin/echo "Root filesystem will be mounted from an NFS root ..." mounted=/mnt else /bin/umount /mnt /bin/echo "Can't find valid NFS rootfs, using jffs2 ..." mounted= prefroot=jffs2 fi fi if [ $prefroot = "jffs2" ] ; then /bin/echo "Root filesystem will be mounted from /dev/mtdblock4 ..." mounted= fi /bin/umount /proc # Pivot to the desired rootfs and run the initial executable. if [ -n "$mounted" ] ; then cd $mounted if [ -x ./sbin/init -o -L ./sbin/init ] ; then runboot=/sbin/init elif [ -x ./bin/init -o -L ./bin/init ] ; then runboot=/bin/init else runboot=/bin/sh fi /sbin/pivot_root . initrd exec /usr/sbin/chroot . $runboot < /dev/console 1> /dev/console 2> /dev/console else exec /sbin/init fi /bin/echo "Can't chroot to $prefroot, using jffs2 ..." exec /sbin/init # Last-resort fall-back - this should never be reached. /bin/sh