
# If the nobootdisk flag is set, exit.
if ( [ -f /.nobootdisk ] ) ; then return 0 ; fi

# If we're not booting from flash, exit.
i=`grep "/dev/root / jffs2" /proc/mounts`
if ( [ -z "$i" ] ) ; then return 0 ; fi

# Establish our identity
linksys_hostname=`grep "^default_server_name=" /etc/CGI_ds.conf | sed s/default_server_name=//`
echo "====> linksys_hostname is $linksys_hostname"
echo "====> real_hostname is $real_hostname"

# but don't duplicate
if ( [ "$linksys_hostname" = `hostname` ] ) ; then linksys_hostname= ; fi
if ( [ "$real_hostname" = "default" ] ) ; then real_hostname= ; fi

# Search all FAT/NTFS filesystem in order.
# (heavily borrowed from the rc.start-optware script).

for i in /share/*/data/HDD_* ; do

  # if the value of i is the string with the wildcards, no match occurred.
  if ( [ "$i" = '/share/*/data/HDD_*' ] ) ; then break ; fi

  echo "====> searching $i..."

  # Now check inside directories named for the Linksys hostname, the real
  # hostname, and finally the name "default"...
  for j in $linksys_hostname $real_hostname "default" ; do

    echo "====> checking $i/bootdisk/$j ..."
    if ( [ -d "$i/bootdisk/$j" ] ) ; then

      # We have the correct subdirectory...
      for k in "$i/bootdisk/$j"/S??* ; do

        # Bail out if no match in that directory
        if ( [ "$k" = "$i/bootdisk/$j"'/S??*' ] ) ; then break ; fi

        echo "====> found $k ..."
        [ ! -f "$k" ] && continue

	# Check to see if we need to copy or run in-place..
	nocopy=`grep "^#bootdisk:nocopy" "$k"`
        if ( [ -z "$nocopy" ] ) ; then

	  # copy and strip the MSDOS-style line endings, then execute.
          echo "====> running copy: /tmp/tmpscript $k $i"
          dos2unix -u <"$k" >/tmp/tmpscript
          /bin/sh /tmp/tmpscript "$k" "$i"
          rm -f   /tmp/tmpscript


	  # execute in place
          echo "====> running in-place $k $k $i"
          /bin/sh "$k" "$k" "$i"




