# This include file contains global definitions for the
# various NIS packages.
# These packages will only function correctly with glibc -
# the rpcsvc functionality is not present in uclibc
DESCRIPTION ?= "NIS Server and Tools"
HOMEPAGE ?= "http://www.linux-nis.org/nis/"
SECTION ?= "console/networking"
PRIORITY ?= "optional"

# Override these *after* the include file if necessary!
SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/pub/linux/utils/net/NIS/${P}.tar.bz2"

inherit autotools gettext

# install is broken because src/Makefile heroically adds '-s'
# to the install flags - passing -s to the build /usr/bin/install!
# install-strip gets it right but installs ypbind -m <default>,
# not -m 555.  In an OE build this is not, so far as I can see,
# a security problem (and this fix to the build problem is *much*
# easier and more maintainable.)
do_install() {
	oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' install-strip

# An attempt to build on uclibc will fail, causing annoyance,
# so force the package to be skipped here (this will cause a
# 'nothing provides' error)
python () {
    os = bb.data.getVar("TARGET_OS", d, 1)
    if os == "linux-uclibc":
        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("NIS functionality requires rpcsvc/yp.h, uClibC does not provide this")