# Meta package containing all the packages which build for OPLinux and OPLinux uclibc distro # Copyright (C) 2007, Stelios Koroneos - Digital OPSiS, All Rights Reserved # Released under the MIT license (see packages/COPYING) DESCRIPTION = "Packages that are compatible with the OPLinux distro" HOMEPAGE = "http://www.digital-opsis/oplinux" LICENSE = "MIT" PR = "r0" PROVIDES += "${OPLINUX_IMAGENAME}-packages" EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD = "1" INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1" ALLOW_EMPTY = "1" python __anonymous () { import bb #Get all the packages we can build/exist in OE package_list = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES_LIST', d) or "none" package_list=package_list.split() #Get the packages that are broken on all architectures broken_package_list = bb.data.expand('${OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES}', d) # Get the arch we are building for building_arch = bb.data.getVar('FEED_ARCH',d) #Now add the broken packages list the ones that fail for the arch we build now if (building_arch=="i468") or (building_arch=="i568") or (building_arch=="i668"): broken_package_list = broken_package_list + bb.data.expand('${OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_ARCH_x8}', d) elif (building_arch=="ppc405"): broken_package_list = broken_package_list + bb.data.expand('${OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_ARCH_PPC}', d) else: broken_package_list = broken_package_list + bb.data.expand('${OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_ARCH_POWERPC}', d) for chk_package in package_list : build_package="yes" if chk_package in broken_package_list: build_package="no" else : bb.data.setVar('DEPENDS', (bb.data.getVar('DEPENDS', d) + chk_package +" "), d) #add the OPLinux extra packages to the DEPENDS list bb.data.setVar('DEPENDS', (bb.data.getVar('DEPENDS', d) + bb.data.getVar('OPLINUX_EXTRA_PACKAGES', d)), d) bb.data.setVar('DEPENDS', (bb.data.getVar('DEPENDS', d) + "package-index"), d) } # The list of packages availiable to OE # KEEP IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER # Do *not* simply comment out a line. That will break. Instead # remove the package and place it in the corresponding "broken" list PACKAGES_LIST = "\ acct \ acpid \ adns \ aiostress \ aircrack \ alsa-lib \ alsa-utils \ apache2 \ appweb \ apmd \ apt \ ark3116 \ arpwatch \ at \ atd \ atftp \ atmelwlandriver \ audiofile \ aumix \ autoconf \ automake \ autofs \ aspell \ avahi \ bacula-client \ balsa \ bash \ bazaar \ bb \ bc \ beep \ beecrypt \ beepmp \ bind \ binutils \ bing \ bison \ bitchx \ blueprobe \ bmon \ boa \ bochs \ bogofilter \ boost \ boost-asio \ bonnie++ \ bootchart \ bootmenu \ bootsplash \ bridge-utils \ bt950-cs \ btscanner \ btsco \ btsco-module \ btxml \ bvi \ bwmon \ bluez-utils \ bzflag \ bzflag-server \ bzip2 \ came \ chillispot \ camsource \ cscope \ cups \ ccxstream \ cdparanoia \ cdstatus \ cetools \ cherokee \ ckermit \ clish \ coreutils \ conserver \ corkscrew \ cpusage \ cron \ ctorrent \ cvs \ cyrus-sasl \ cyrus-imapd \ dialog \ db \ ddclient \ dhclient \ dhcp \ didiwiki \ devlabel \ diffstat \ diffutils \ dnsmasq \ ebtables \ elftoaout \ emul \ enscript \ e2fsprogs \ e2fsprogs-libs \ esmtp \ etherpuppet \ ethload \ ethtool \ ettercap \ expat \ ez-ipupdate \ fortune-mod \ fakeconnect \ fbgrab \ fetchmail \ file \ findutils \ flac \ flex \ flite \ frotz \ fush \ g15daemon \ gallery \ gammu \ gawk \ gcc \ gdb \ gdbm \ genext2fs \ gphoto2 \ git \ gift \ glib-2.0 \ gpm \ gpsbabel \ gs \ gnu-config \ gnuplot \ gpsd \ grep \ gtk-doc \ gzip \ hdparm \ hydra \ ifupdown \ iputils \ ipkg-utils \ iptables \ intercom \ ircp \ irssi \ joe \ jpeg \ kismet \ kbdd \ ksymoops \ lame \ lxt \ lcdproc \ less \ libao \ libpcre \ libid3tag \ liblockfile \ libmad \ libmikmod \ libogg \ libol \ libpng \ libtool \ libupnp \ libusb \ libvorbis \ litestream \ lrzsz \ lsof \ lvm2 \ m4 \ madplay \ mailx \ make \ mc \ mikmod \ mdadm \ memtester \ mgetty \ miau \ microcom \ minicom \ modphp \ modplugplay \ mp3blaster \ mpg321 \ mt-daapd \ mtd-utils \ mutt \ mysql \ mystun-server \ nail \ nano \ ncftp \ ncurses \ netcat \ nmap \ nmixer \ ntp \ netkit-ftp \ netperf \ net-snmp \ nfs-utils \ ngrep \ nmap \ nsd \ ntp \ ntpdate \ openobex-apps \ openldap \ openntpd \ openobex \ obexftp \ obexpush \ olsrd \ openswan \ openssh \ openvpn \ patch \ pciutils \ pcmcia-cs \ portmap \ privoxy \ perl \ pkgconfig \ ppp \ procps \ pvrusb2-mci \ pwc \ quilt \ rng-tools \ rsync \ samba \ sane-backends \ sed \ setpwc \ setserial \ shorewall \ smartmontools \ ssmtp \ strace \ streamripper \ sysfsutils \ syslog-ng \ stunnel \ spandsp \ subversion \ slutils \ strace \ sudo \ tcpdump \ tor \ tar \ thttpd \ tiff \ texinfo \ unzip \ unrar \ usbutils \ util-linux \ vim \ vlan \ vorbis-tools \ vpnc \ vsftpd \ vtun \ watchdog \ wget \ zd1211-firmware \ zip \ zlib \ zsh \ lirc \ masqmail \ wakelan \ wireless-tools \ wpa-supplicant \ libxml2 \ libdvb \ madwifi-ng \ motion \ ftpd-topfield \ eciadsl \ netpbm \ reiserfsprogs reiser4progs \ python \ mpd \ memtester \ puppy \ ctrlproxy \ dsniff \ iperf \ groff \ man man-pages \ psmisc \ screen \ timezones \ wview-sim wview-vpro wview-wxt510 \ wview-sim-mysql wview-vpro-mysql \ wview-wxt510-mysql \ xinetd \ obexftp \ qc-usb-messenger \ unionfs-modules \ unionfs-utils \ erlang \ ctrlproxy \ dsniff \ fortune-mod \ libpam \ nfs-utils \ rng-tools \ postfix \ yp-tools ypbind ypserv \ " # Packages currently broken on all platforms (glibc) OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES = "irssi \ unionfs-modules \ unionfs-utils \ " #Here we define the packages that are broken on a specific architecture #i486, i586, i686 OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_ARCH_x86 =" \ aircrack \ appweb \ apt \ ark3116 \ at \ atmelwlandriver \ atftp \ autofs \ balsa \ bazaar \ bb \ beecrypt \ beepmp \ bitchx \ bochs \ bmon \ bt950-cs \ btscanner \ btsco-module \ bwmon \ came \ ctrlproxy \ cyrus-sasl \ cyrus-imapd \ dsniff \ eciadsl \ erlang \ fortune-mod \ gphoto2 \ gpsd \ intercom \ lcdproc \ lirc \ mpd \ puppy \ pvrusb2-mci \ pwc \ qc-usb-messenger \ sane-backends \ setpwc \ slutils \ texinfo \ vsftpd \ libpam \ aircrack \ appweb \ apt \ ark3116 \ gcc \ gpsd \ pvrusb2-mci \ pwc \ setpwc \ cyrus-sasl \ atftp \ gphoto2 \ lirc \ libdvb \ netpbm \ " # #ppc405 OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_ARC_PPC = " \ aircrack \ appweb \ apt \ ark3116 \ at \ atmelwlandriver \ atftp \ autofs \ balsa \ bazaar \ bb \ beecrypt \ beepmp \ bitchx \ bochs \ bmon \ bt950-cs \ btscanner \ btsco-module \ bwmon \ came \ ctrlproxy \ cyrus-sasl \ cyrus-imapd \ dsniff \ eciadsl \ erlang \ fortune-mod \ gphoto2 \ gpsd \ intercom \ lcdproc \ lirc \ mpd \ puppy \ pvrusb2-mci \ pwc \ qc-usb-messenger \ sane-backends \ setpwc \ slutils \ texinfo \ vsftpd \ " # #ppc440 ppc603e OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_ARCH_POWERPC = " \ aircrack \ appweb \ apt \ ark3116 \ arpwatch \ at \ atmelwlandriver \ atftp \ autofs \ balsa \ bazaar \ bb \ beecrypt \ beepmp \ bitchx \ bochs \ bmon \ bt950-cs \ btscanner \ btsco-module \ bwmon \ came \ ctrlproxy \ cyrus-sasl \ cyrus-imapd \ dsniff \ eciadsl \ erlang \ fortune-mod \ gphoto2 \ gpsd \ intercom \ lcdproc \ lirc \ mpd \ puppy \ pvrusb2-mci \ pwc \ qc-usb-messenger \ sane-backends \ setpwc \ slutils \ spandsp \ texinfo \ vsftpd \ libpam \ aircrack \ appweb \ apt \ ark3116 \ gcc \ gpsd \ pvrusb2-mci \ pwc \ setpwc \ cyrus-sasl \ atftp \ gphoto2 \ lirc \ libdvb \ netpbm \ " #Packages broken per machine (if we ever need such a thing) OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_x86 =" \ " OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_i586-generic =" \ " OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_i686-generic =" \ " OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_epia =" \ " OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_wrap = "\ " #ppc targets OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_magicbox = "\ " OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_dht-walnut = "\ " #powerpc targets OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_efika = "\ " # # OPLINUX_UCLIBC_UNSUPPORTABLE_PACKAGES = "\ libpam \ nfs-utils \ rng-tools \ postfix \ yp-tools ypbind ypserv \ " # These packages work with glibc, but break on uclibc. OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES = "\ # bwmon \ # erlang \ # apr \ # bogofilter \ # boost \ # linphone \ # sudo \ # ushare \ " OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_x86 = "\ " OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_epia = "\ " OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_wrap = "\ " OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_magicbox = "\ " OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_dht-walnut = "\ " # Packages which build only with glibc (some of these use internal # glibc functions and so will probably never run on uclibc). OPLINUX_BROKEN_PACKAGES_append_uclibc-linux = "\ ${OPLINUX_UCLIBC_UNSUPPORTABLE_PACKAGES} \ ${OPLINUX_UCLIBC_BROKEN_PACKAGES} \ " # #Any extra packages defined # OPLINUX_EXTRA_PACKAGES ?= ""