DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for the SIEMENS SIMpad family of devices." MAINTAINER = "Frederic Devernay <>" SECTION = "kernel" LICENSE = "GPL" KV = "${'PV',d,True).split('-')[0]}" VRSV = "${'PV',d,True).split('-')[1]}" PXAV = "${'PV',d,True).split('-')[2]}" JPMV = "${'PV',d,True).split('-')[3]}" PR = "r22" FILESPATH = "${FILE_DIRNAME}/opensimpad-${PV}:${FILE_DIRNAME}/opensimpad:${FILE_DIRNAME}/files:${FILE_DIRNAME}" SRC_URI = "${KV}.tar.bz2 \ file://${KV}-${VRSV}.patch;patch=1 \ file://${KV}-${VRSV}-${PXAV}.patch;patch=1 \ file://${KV}-${VRSV}-${PXAV}-${JPMV}.patch;patch=1 \ file://sound-volume-reversed.patch;patch=1 \ file://disable-pcmcia-probe.patch;patch=1 \ file://mkdep.patch;patch=1 \ file://defconfig-${MACHINE} \;patch=1 \ file://mipv6-1.1-v2.4.25.patch;patch=1 \ file://simpad-backlight-if.patch;patch=1 \ file://simpad-switches-input.patch;patch=1 \ file://simpad-switches-input2.patch;patch=1 \ file://simpad-apm.diff;patch=1;pnum=0 \ file://simpad-ts-noninput.patch;patch=1 \ file://simpad-pm-updates.patch;patch=1;pnum=0 \ file://support-128mb-ram.patch;patch=1 \ file://mmc-spi.patch;patch=1 \ file://iw249_we17-13.diff;patch=1 \ file://iw240_we18-5.diff;patch=1 \ " # apply this when we have a patch that allows building with gcc 3.x: # SRC_URI_append = file://gcc-3.3.patch;patch=1 # SRC_URI_append = file://machtune-args.patch;patch=1 S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-${KV}" inherit kernel KERNEL_CCSUFFIX = "-3.3.4" COMPATIBLE_HOST = "arm.*-linux" SIMPAD_MEM = ${"SIMPAD_MEMORY_SIZE",d,1) or "32"} SIMPAD_RD = ${"SIMPAD_RAMDISK_SIZE",d,1) or "32"} export CMDLINE = ${"SIMPAD_CMDLINE",d,1) or "mtdparts=sa1100:512k(boot),1m(kernel),14848k(root),-(home) console=ttySA root=1f02 noinitrd jffs2_orphaned_inodes=delete rootfstype=jffs2 "} EXTRA_OEMAKE = "" module_conf_sa1100_ir = "alias irda0 sa1100_ir" do_configure() { install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/defconfig-${MACHINE} ${S}/.config || die "No default configuration for ${MACHINE} available." mem=${SIMPAD_MEM} rd=${SIMPAD_RD} mempos=`echo "obase=16; $mem * 1024 * 1024" | bc` rdsize=`echo "$rd * 1024" | bc` total=`expr $mem + $rd` addr=`echo "obase=16; ibase=16; C0000000 + $mempos" | bc` if [ "$rd" == "0" ] then echo "# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set" >> ${S}/.config else echo "CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM=y" >> ${S}/.config echo "CONFIG_MTDRAM_TOTAL_SIZE=$rdsize" >> ${S}/.config echo "CONFIG_MTDRAM_ERASE_SIZE=1" >> ${S}/.config echo "CONFIG_MTDRAM_ABS_POS=$addr" >> ${S}/.config fi if [ "$total" == "128" ] then echo "CCONFIG_SA1100_SIMPAD_128M=y" >> ${S}/.config else echo "# CONFIG_SA1100_SIMPAD_128M is not set" >> ${S}/.config fi if [ "$total" == "32" ] then echo "CONFIG_SA1100_SIMPAD_SINUSPAD=y" >> ${S}/.config else echo "# CONFIG_SA1100_SIMPAD_SINUSPAD is not set" >> ${S}/.config fi echo "CONFIG_CMDLINE=\"${CMDLINE} mem=${mem}M\"" >> ${S}/.config oe_runmake oldconfig }