# nas100d-kernel.inc # # Standard definitions for any NAS 100d Linux kernel. # Include this file in a .bb which specifies, at least, # PN,PV,PR for the desired kernel # # Define the following *before* including this file as # required: # # N1K_FILES - kernel-tree path of files to install # N1K_PATCHES - full list of patches to apply # # N1K_SUFFIX - the suffix to add after 'zImage-' in the # deploy/images directory - defaults to "ludeos" # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # # Within this file bitbake variables local to the file are # named N1K_FOO # SECTION = "kernel" DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for the Iomega NAS 100d device" LICENSE = "GPL" MAINTAINER = "John Bowler " DEPENDS += "devio-native" # Linux kernel source has the general form linux-X.Y.Z-patchP, # X.Y is the major version number, Z (which may have multiple # parts) is a sub-version and 'patch' is something like 'mm' or # 'ac' with a patch version. The original bz2 archive will be # in a directory/file vX.Y/linux-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2. The unpacked # source will be in the directory linux-X.Y.Z and this directory # name corresponds to the module directory (in /lib/modules). # # The corresponding .bb file should be called: # # package_X.Y.Z-patchP # # Giving PN=package PV=X.Y.Z-patchP (and PR is set in the .bb # file). Files, including the all important defconfig, are # searched for in the following directories (last one first): # # ludeos-kernel- # nas100d-kernel/files # nas100d-kernel/X.Y # nas100d-kernel/X.Y.Z # nas100d-kernel/X.Y.Z-patch # nas100d-kernel/X.Y.Z-patchP # package-X.Y.Z-patchP # # This allows sharing of patch files and other useful source! # To share a file or patch with an earlier version put it in # the shared directory - e.g. to use foo.patch on and # it should be in directory nas100d-kernel/2.6.11. # # Note that when there are multiple patches the X.Y.Z-patch form # uses base-patch (e.g. 2.6.12-mm) whereas X.Y.Z-patchP has the # full form, for example 2.6.12-rc3-mm1 (in the same case). #PN=package-name #PV=package-version (full) # The patch has the general form (rcN|preN|acN|mmN|bkN)* with the # separate patch items being separated by '-' characters. The # rc patch is first and has the important property that it # requires the *preceding* kernel base version and that this # will be the source directory name. python () { # The patches list may be empty. This code starts with the base # kernel version and steps through the patches. Because the rc and # pre patches actually require the *preceding* kernel version the code # fixes that up appropriately. pv = bb.data.getVar("PV",d,1).split('-') kernel = pv[0].split('.') base = pv[0] name = [base] major = '.'.join(name[0].split('.')[0:2]) minor = '.'.join(name[0].split('.')[0:3]) patch_uri = [ None ] filedir = "${FILE_DIRNAME}/nas100d-kernel/%s" # This entry will become the last one (everything is inserted before it) filepath = [ filedir % "files" ] pref = 10 mmac = 0 for patch in pv[1:]: name.append(patch) pname = '-'.join(name) if patch[0:2] == "rc" or patch[0:3] == "pre": patch_uri.append("ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v%s/testing/patch-%s.bz2;patch=1;pname=%s" % (major, pname, pname)) kernel[-1] = str(int(kernel[-1]) - 1) if patch[0:2] == "rc" and pref == 10: pref = 6 filepath[0:0] = [ filedir % name[0] ] filepath[0:0] = [ filedir % (name[0] + "-rc") ] else: pref = 2 elif patch[0:2] == "bk" or patch[0:3] == "git": patch_uri.append("ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v%s/snapshots/patch-%s.bz2;patch=1;pname=%s" % (major, pname, pname)) pref = 2 elif patch[0:2] == "ac": patch_uri.append("ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/alan/linux-%s/%s/patch-%s" % (major, base, pname)) mmac = 2 filepath[0:0] = [ filedir % (name[0] + "-ac") ] elif patch[0:2] == "mm": patch_uri.append("ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/%s/%s/%s/%s.bz2;patch=1;pname=%s" % (major, base, pname, pname, pname)) mmac = 2 filepath[0:0] = [ filedir % (name[0] + "-mm") ] else: raise bb.build.FuncFailed("nas100d-kernel: patch %s not recognized in %s" % (patch, '-'.join(pv))) filepath[0:0] = [ filedir % pname ] base = pname base = '.'.join(kernel) patch_uri[0] = "ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v%s/linux-%s.tar.bz2" % (major, base) filepath[-1:-1] = [ filedir % base ] if base != minor: filepath[-1:-1] = [ filedir % minor ] filepath[-1:-1] = [ filedir % major ] bb.data.setVar("N1K_SRCMAJ", major, d) # bb.note("N1K_SRCMAJ := %s" % major) bb.data.setVar("N1K_SRCVER", base, d) # bb.note("N1K_SRCVER := %s" % base) bb.data.setVar("N1K_SRCURI", ' '.join(patch_uri), d) # bb.note("N1K_SRCURI := %s" % ' '.join(patch_uri)) bb.data.setVar("N1K_FILESPATH", ':'.join(filepath), d) # bb.note("N1K_FILESPATH := %s" % ' '.join(filepath)) bb.data.setVar("DEFAULT_PREFERENCE", pref-mmac, d) # bb.note("DEFAULT_PREFERENCE := %s" % (pref-mmac)) } # FILESPATH: this list is in order last-searched-first, therefore # the first entry is the *latest* and/or most specific FILESPATH = "${N1K_FILESPATH}:${FILE_DIRNAME}/nas100d-kernel/" # The working directory will be the 'base' version (which may not be the # same as implied by the PV variable because it corresponds to the prior # minor version for rc and pre patched versions). S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-${N1K_SRCVER}" # N1K_FILES is a list of additional files added to the source, these are # put in place before the patches, so may themselves be patched. The list # gives the path name relative to the base of the kernel source tree, the # base file name is used to *find* the file. N1K_FILES ?= "" N1K_SRCFILES = "${@( ' '.join([ ("file://" + n2k_file.split('/')[-1]) for n2k_file in bb.data.getVar("N1K_FILES",d,1).split(None) ]) )}" # N1K_PATCHES is a list of additional patches, the list specified # here comes from the ludeos- kernel, typically extra # patches will be required and very often patches will need to # be removed (i.e. the default is typically not very useful!) N1K_PATCHES ?= "" N1K_SUFFIX ?= "ludeos" SRC_URI = "${N1K_SRCURI}" SRC_URI += "${N1K_SRCFILES}" SRC_URI += "${N1K_PATCHES}" SRC_URI += "file://defconfig" COMPATIBLE_HOST = 'arm.*-linux' inherit kernel ARCH = "arm" KERNEL_IMAGETYPE = "zImage" # To specify the console set KERNEL_CONSOLE in the .bb file. # CMDLINE_ROOT contains the boot options, CMDLINE_KERNEL_OPTIONS # contains the things for a specific kernel. # CMDLINE_KERNEL_OPTIONS ?= "reboot=s" CMDLINE_KERNEL_OPTIONS ?= CMDLINE_ROOT = "root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 mem=64M@0x00000000 init=/linuxrc" CMDLINE_DEBUG = CMDLINE = "${CMDLINE_ROOT} ${CMDLINE_KERNEL_OPTIONS} ${CMDLINE_DEBUG} ${CMDLINE_CONSOLE}" # Add the architecture compiler flags to KERNEL_CC and KERNEL_LD as # required. Notice that this has to be done for each separately built # module as well! KERNEL_CC += "${TARGET_CC_KERNEL_ARCH}" KERNEL_LD += "${TARGET_LD_KERNEL_ARCH}" # Set EXTRAVERSION and LOCALVERSION to "" so that the kernel version # remains pinned to the x.y.z form, also turn off the directory # printing which provides almost all the output of an incremental build. EXTRA_OEMAKE += "EXTRAVERSION=" EXTRA_OEMAKE += "LOCALVERSION=" EXTRA_OEMAKE += "MAKEFLAGS='--no-print-directory'" # Override KERNEL_RELEASE from kernel.bbclass to match: KERNEL_RELEASE = "${KERNEL_VERSION}" # By putting the added files in place in a separate task before # do_patch it becomes possible to patch these files. do_unpacklocal() { for f in ${N1K_FILES} do s="$(basename "$f")" install -m 0644 "${WORKDIR}/$s" "${S}/$f" done } addtask unpacklocal before do_patch after do_unpack do_configure_prepend() { rm -f ${S}/.config echo "CONFIG_CMDLINE=\"${CMDLINE}\"" >>'${S}/.config' if test '${ARCH_BYTE_SEX}' = be then echo 'CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN=y' >>'${S}/.config' fi sed -e '/CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN/d' -e '/CONFIG_CMDLINE=/d' '${WORKDIR}/defconfig' >>'${S}/.config' rm -rf ${S}/include/asm-arm/arch ${S}/include/asm-arm/proc \ ${S}/include/asm-arm/.proc ${S}/include/asm-arm/.arch } do_deploy[dirs] = "${S}" do_deploy() { install -d ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images install -m 644 arch/${ARCH}/boot/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}-${N1K_SUFFIX} } addtask deploy before do_build after do_compile python () { # Don't build the kernel unless we're targeting an nas100d mach = bb.data.getVar("MACHINE", d, 1) if mach != 'nas100d': raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("LudeOS only builds for the Iomega NAS 100d") }