SECTION = "kernel" DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for MNCI device" MAINTAINER = "M&N Solutions <>" LICENSE = "GPL" DEPENDS = "modutils-cross virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc${KERNEL_CCSUFFIX}" COMPATIBLE_HOST = "arm.*-linux" KV = "2.4.21" RMKV = "2" PXAV = "1" PR = "r5" SRC_URI = "${KV}.tar.bz2 \${KV}-rmk${RMKV}.bz2;patch=1 \ file://diff-${KV}-rmk${RMKV}-pxa${PXAV}.gz;patch=1 \ file://mnci-combined.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-${KV}" inherit kernel KERNEL_CCSUFFIX = "-3.3.4" # Put the zImage into kernel-image ALLOW_EMPTY_kernel = "1" FILES_kernel = "" FILES_kernel-image += "/tmp/zImage" do_configure_prepend() { install -m 0644 ${S}/arch/arm/def-configs/${MACHINE} ${S}/.config || die "No default configuration for ${MACHINE} available." } kernel_do_install() { unset CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS if (grep -q -i -e '^CONFIG_MODULES=y$' .config); then oe_runmake DEPMOD=echo INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${D}" modules_install else oenote "no modules to install" fi install -d ${D}/tmp install -m 0644 ${KERNEL_OUTPUT} ${D}/tmp install -d ${D}/boot install -m 0644 .config ${D}/boot/config-${PV} bzip2 -9 ${D}/boot/* install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/modutils } pkg_postinst_kernel-image () { test -f /tmp/zImage || exit 0 cp /tmp/zImage /dev/mtdblock/1 rm /tmp/zImage sync cat /dev/mtdblock/1 >/dev/null } pkg_postinst_kernel () { } pkg_postinst_modules () { if [ -n "$D" ]; then ${HOST_PREFIX}depmod -A -b $D -F $D/boot/${PV} ${KERNEL_VERSION} else depmod -A fi } pkg_postrm_modules () { } pkg_postrm_kernel () { }