SECTION = "kernel" DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for the Linksys WRT54 devices" LICENSE = "GPL" MAINTAINER = "Chris Larson <>" PR = "r1" SRC_URI = " \ file://linux-2.4.20-mipscvs.patch;patch=1 \ file://2.4.20_broadcom_3_37_2_1109_US.patch;patch=1 \ file://110-sch_htb.patch;patch=1 \ file://120-openwrt.patch;patch=1 \ file://130-nfsswap.patch;patch=1 \ file://140-ebtables-brnf-5.patch;patch=1 \ file://150-mppe-mppc-0.98.patch;patch=1 \ file://160-expr.patch;patch=1 \ file://linux-2.4.24-attribute-used.patch;patch=1 \ file://gcc_mtune.patch;patch=1 \ file://gcc3.patch;patch=1 \ file://nobcom.patch;patch=1 \ file://compressed-20040531.tar.bz2 \ file://diag.c \ file://defconfig" S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-2.4.20" COMPATIBLE_HOST = 'mipsel.*-linux' inherit kernel KERNEL_IMAGETYPE ?= "zImage" CMDLINE_CONSOLE ?= "ttyS0,115200n8" CMDLINE_ROOT ?= "root=/dev/mtdblock2 noinitrd" # CMDLINE_INIT = "init=/bin/busybox ash" CMDLINE_INIT ?= " " CMDLINE = "${CMDLINE_ROOT} ${CMDLINE_CONSOLE} ${CMDLINE_INIT}" EXTRA_OEMAKE += "'SRCBASE=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/bcom'" do_unpack_extra(){ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/diag.c ${S}/drivers/net/diag/diag_led.c if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/compressed ]; then rm -rf ${S}/arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed mv ${WORKDIR}/compressed ${S}/arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed fi } addtask unpack_extra after do_patch before do_configure do_configure_prepend() { install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/defconfig ${S}/.config echo "CONFIG_CMDLINE=\"${CMDLINE}\"" >> ${S}/.config } do_deploy() { install -d ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images install -m 0644 arch/${ARCH}/boot/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}-${PACKAGE_ARCH}-${DATETIME}.bin } do_deploy[dirs] = "${S}" addtask deploy before do_build after do_compile python () { # Don't build kernel unless we're targeting a wrt mach ="MACHINE", d, 1) if mach != 'wrt54': raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("Unable to build for non-WRT54 device.") }