This is the patch that upgrade lilo to match the version included in
the old lilosh CVS.

diff -ruN lilo.orig/ChangeLog lilo/ChangeLog
--- lilo.orig/ChangeLog	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ lilo/ChangeLog	Thu Dec  7 16:17:10 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+2000-11-26  NIIBE Yutaka  <>
+	* first.S (done): Flush the cache.
+	* second.c (start): Call cache_flush.
+	(cache_flush): New function.
+2000-11-25  NIIBE Yutaka  <>
+	* first.S: Don't put '$' for register spec.
+	* second.c (start): Don't put '$' for register spec.
+	(machine_type, memory_size, io_base, put_string_1, read_sectors): 
+	Likewise.
+	* Use new tool chain's ldscript.
+	* defs.h: Add declaration of memcpy.
+2000-09-09  NIIBE Yutaka  <>
+	* first.S (real_start): Set argument 0 for cache enable call.
+2000-08-19  NIIBE Yutaka  <>
+	* second.c (get_sector_address): Bug fix for # of sector == 0.
+	(start): Support machine types of CqREEK and SolutionEngine.
+	* first.S (load_sector_address): Bug fix for checking LBA.
+	(real_start): Call "enable cache" BIOS feature.
+2000-08-05  NIIBE Yutaka  <>
+	* Makefile (first.o): Added -traditional for "'" in comments.
+	* second.c (machine_type, serial_type, memory_size, io_base): New
+	functions.
+	(start): Implement kernel command line handling a bit.
+	(read_sectors): Emit error message.
+	(get_sector_address): Emit error message.
+	* first.S (read_a_sector): Implement error handling.
+	(load_sector_address): Check if it's LBA.
+2000-07-22  NIIBE Yutaka  <>
+	* second.c (start): Don't load two magic sectors at the memory
+	of executable image.
diff -ruN lilo.orig/Makefile lilo/Makefile
--- lilo.orig/Makefile	Fri Dec  8 10:10:02 2000
+++ lilo/Makefile	Fri Dec  8 11:46:04 2000
@@ -39,76 +39,55 @@
 GO=-DGO=0x`sed '/go/s/^.*go  0 \(....\) A.*$$/\1/p;d' first.lis`
-CPP=$(CC) -E
-AS86=as86 -0 -a
-LD86=ld86 -0
-LDFLAGS=#-Xlinker -qmagic
+CROSS_COMPILE = sh3-linux-
+CFLAGS  = -O2 -I. -pipe -fPIC $(CONFIG) -DPATH_MAX=255
+CPP=$(CC) -E -traditional
+#CFLAGS=-Wall -g $(PCONFIG)
+#LDFLAGS=#-Xlinker -qmagic
 OBJS=lilo.o map.o geometry.o boot.o device.o common.o bsect.o cfg.o temp.o \
   partition.o identify.o
-.SUFFIXES:	.img .b
-all:		check-config lilo boot.b dump.b os2_d.b chain.b \
-		  activate
-		$(CPP) check-config.cpp $(PCONFIG) >/dev/null
+all:		lilo boot.b
 		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-		$(AS86) -w -o $*.o $*.s
-		$(LD86) -s -o $*.img $*.o
+boot.b:		first.bin second.bin
+		cat first.bin second.bin >boot.b
-		dd if=$*.img of=$*.b bs=32 skip=1
+first.bin:	first.exe
+		$(OBJCOPY) -S first.exe -O binary first.bin
-activate:	activate.c
-		$(CC) -Wall -s -O -o activate activate.c $(LDFLAGS)
-	dparam.img
-		dd if=dparam.img bs=288 skip=1
-lilo:		$(OBJS)
-		$(CC) -o lilo $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS)
+second.bin:	second.exe
+		$(OBJCOPY) -R .comment -S second.exe -O binary second.bin
-boot.b:		first.b second.b
-		(dd if=first.b bs=512 conv=sync; dd if=second.b) >boot.b
+first.exe:	first.o
+		$(LD) -EL -e start first.o -o first.exe -Ttext 0x8c200000
-first.s:	first.S lilo.h lilo
-		$(CPP) $(PCONFIG) `./lilo -X` first.S -o first.s
+second.exe:	second.o string.o
+		$(LD) -T -EL second.o string.o -o second.exe -Ttext 0x8c201000
-second.s:	second.S lilo.h lilo
-		$(CPP) $(PCONFIG) $(GO) `./lilo -X` second.S -o second.s
+first.o:	first.S
+		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c first.S
-chain.s:	chain.S lilo.h
-		$(CPP) $(PCONFIG) $(GO) chain.S -o chain.s
+second.o:	second.c
+		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c second.c
-os2_d.s:	chain.S lilo.h
-		$(CPP) $(PCONFIG) $(GO) chain.S -DDOS_D -o os2_d.s
+string.o:	string.c
+		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c string.c
-#dos_d.s:	chain.S lilo.h first.lis
-#		$(CPP) $(PCONFIG) $(GO) chain.S -DDOS_D -o dos_d.s
-dump.s:		dump.S lilo.h first.lis
-		$(CPP) $(PCONFIG) `./lilo -X` dump.S -DDOS_D -o dump.s \
-	          -DGO=0x`sed '/go/s/^.*go  0 \(....\) A.*$$/\1/p;d' first.lis`
-xxx.s:		chain.S lilo.h
-		$(CPP) chain.S -DXXX -o xxx.s
-first.o first.lis:	first.s
-		$(AS86) -w -o first.o -l first.lis first.s
-second.lis:	second.s
-		$(AS86) -w -l second.lis second.s
+lilo:		$(OBJS)
+		$(CC) -o lilo $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS)
 install:	all
 		if [ ! -d $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR) ]; then mkdir $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR); fi
@@ -118,13 +97,9 @@
 		  mkdir $$ROOT$(USRSBIN_DIR); fi
 		if [ -f $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/boot.b ]; then \
 		  mv $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/boot.b $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/boot.old; fi
-		if [ -f $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/chain.b ]; then \
-		  mv $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/chain.b $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/chain.old; fi
-		if [ -f $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/os2_d.b ]; then \
-		  mv $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/os2_d.b $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)/os2_d.old; fi
-		cp boot.b chain.b os2_d.b $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)
+		cp boot.b $$ROOT$(BOOT_DIR)
 		cp lilo $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR)
-		strip $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR)/lilo
+		$(STRIP) $$ROOT$(SBIN_DIR)/lilo
 		@if [ -e $$ROOT/etc/lilo/install ]; then echo; \
 		  echo -n "$$ROOT/etc/lilo/install is obsolete. LILO is now ";\
@@ -142,11 +117,8 @@
 		  && mv ../lilo ../lilo-`cat VERSION`
-		rm -f *.o *.img *.lis first.s second.s chain.s \
-		  os2_d.s dump.s tmp_make first.b second.b
-spotless:	clean
-		rm -f lilo activate boot.b chain.b os2_d.b dump.b
+		rm -f *.o *.exe *.bin tmp_make
+		rm -f lilo boot.b
 ### Dependencies
 activate.o : activate.c 
diff -ruN lilo.orig/chain.S lilo/chain.S
--- lilo.orig/chain.S	Thu Oct 15 05:14:25 1998
+++ lilo/chain.S	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-/* chain.S  -  LILO boot chainer */
-/* Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger. See file COPYING for details. */
-#define LILO_ASM
-#include "lilo.h"
-	.text
-	.globl	_main
-	.org	0
-_main:	jmp	start
-	.org	6
-	.ascii	"LILO"
-	.word	VERSION
-offset:	.word	0
-drive:	.byte	0
-	.byte	0			! head, always zero
-hint:	.word	drvmap			! pointer to drive map
-ptable:	.blkw	0x20			! partition table to preload
-start:	cli				! set SS:SP to 0:7C00
-	xor	ax,ax
-	mov	ss,ax
-	mov	ax,#0x7c00
-	mov	sp,ax
-	sti
-	mov	ax,#SETUPSEG		! move boot sector to default location
-	mov	ds,ax
-	xor	ax,ax
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	cx,#256
-mtmp = SETUPSECS-1			! broken math ...
-	mov	si,#mtmp*512
-	mov	di,#BOOTSEG*16
-	rep
-	movsw
-#ifdef DOS_D
-dos4:	seg	es
-	mov	byte ptr BOOTSEG*16+0x24,#0x81
-	mov	cx,#0x20		! move partition table
-	mov	si,#ptable
-	mov	di,#PART_TABLE
-	rep
-	movsw
-					! mess with the partition table
-#if defined(LCF_REWRITE_TABLE) || defined(LCF_READONLY)
-	mov	si,#prtmap		! get partition table change rules
-prtclp:	lodsw				! bios == 0 indicates end
-	or	al,al
-	jz	pmend			! at end -> quit
-	cmp	al,cache		! already in cache ?
-	je	incache			! yes -> no loading required
-	push	ax			! save table data
-	call	flush			! flush the cache
-	pop	ax
-	push	ax
-	mov	cache,al		! remember drive in cache
-	cmp	al,drive		! boot drive ?
-	jne	noc			! no -> load into scratch area
-	xor	ax,ax			! load at 0000:0600
-	mov	bx,#PARTS_LOAD
-	jmp	loadit
-noc:	mov	ax,ds
-	mov	bx,#PARTS_SCR		! scratch area
-loadit:	mov	es,ax			! set up pointers and remember them
-	mov	ces,ax
-	mov	cbx,bx
-	mov	ax,#0x201		! load partition table, one sector
-	mov	dx,cache		! drive from cache (DH = 0)
-	mov	cx,#1
-	int	0x13			! load it
-	jc	wrfail			! error -> abort
-	pop	ax			! get BIOS and offset
-incache:les	bx,cbx			! load pointer
-	add	bx,#PART_TABLE_OFFSET	! move to partition table
-	add	bl,ah			! offset is always in [0x1be,0x1fd]
-	lodsw				! see what we need to do
-	seg	es			! match ?
-	cmp	byte ptr (bx),al
-	jne	nocng			! no -> do not change
-	seg	es			! change
-	mov	byte ptr (bx),ah
-	mov	byte ptr dirty,#1	! mark as dirty
-nocng:	br	prtclp			! next one
-flush:	test	byte ptr dirty,#1	! dirty ?
-	jz	noflush			! no -> do not write
-	mov	ax,#0x301		! write one sector
-	mov	dx,cache		! get the drive
-	or	dl,dl			! nothing cached ?
-	jz	noflush			! no -> do not flush
-	les	bx,cbx			! reload pointer
-	int	0x13			! write ...
-	jc	wrfail			! argl
-pmend:	call	flush			! flush table
-	br	nopp			! and proceed
-wrfail:	mov	si,#failmsg		! complain
-	call	say
-	mov	ax,#FIRSTSEG		! try to restart LILO
-cache:	.byte	0			! drive, 0 means not cached
-	.byte	0			! head, always 0
-cbx:	.blkw	1
-ces:	.blkw	1
-dirty:	.byte	0
-	mov	ax,drvmap		! need to install mapper ?
-	or	ax,ax
-	jz	noimap			! no -> go on
-	call	swap13
-	mov	si,offset		! DS:SI and ES:SI point to the partition
-	add	si,#PART_TABLE
-	mov	dx,drive		! initialize DX (drive and head)
-	xor	ax,ax			! set DS and ES to zero
-#ifdef XXX
-	mov	ax,ds
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	si,#lilosig
-	mov	bx,#cmd
-	mov	dl,#0xfe
-	mov	ds,ax
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	bp,#0			! might help some boot problems
-	mov	ax,#0xaa55		! boot signature (just in case ...)
-	jmpi	#BOOTSEG*16,0		! start boot sector
-#ifdef XXX
-lilosig:.ascii	"LILO"
-cmd:	.ascii	"98"
-	.byte	0
-#if defined(LCF_REWRITE_TABLE)
-! Display a NUL-terminated string on the console
-say:	lodsb			! get byte
-	or	al,al		! NUL ?
-	jz	aret		! yes -> done
-	mov	ah,#14		! display, tty-style
-	xor	bh,bh
-	int	0x10
-	jmp	say		! next one
-aret:	ret			! done
-failmsg:.ascii	"Rewrite error."
-	.byte	13,10,0
-swap13: seg	es		! allocate 1 kB
-	dec	word ptr [0x413]
-	int	0x12		! get start segment
-	mov	cl,#6
-	shl	ax,cl
-	cli			! disable interrupts
-	xor	bx,bx		! zero a few registers
-	mov	di,bx
-	seg	es		! change offset
-	xchg	bx,[0x4c]
-	mov	old13of,bx
-	mov	bx,ax		! change segment
-	seg	es
-	xchg	bx,[0x4e]
-	mov	old13sg,bx
-	mov	es,ax		! move drive swapper
-	mov	si,#new13
-	mov	cx,#new13end-new13
-	rep
-	movsb
-	sti			! enable interrupts
-	ret			! done
-new13:	push	ax		! save AX (contains function code in AH)
-	push	bp		! need BP to mess with stack
-	mov	bp,sp
-	! Stack layout:
-	!
-	!   +8	INT flags
-	!   +6	INT CS
-	!   +4	INT IP
-	!   +2	AX
-	! BP+0 BP
-	pushf			! push flags (to act like interrupt)
-	push	si
-	mov	si,#drvmap-new13
-mapfl:	seg	cs		! get next entry
-	lodsw
-	or	ax,ax		! at end ?
-	jz	nomap		! yes -> do not map
-	cmp	dl,al		! match ?
-	jne	mapfl		! no -> continue
-	mov	dl,ah		! map drive
-nomap:	pop	si		! restore SI
-	mov	8(bp),ax	! overwrite old flags (to remember mapping)
-	mov	ax,2(bp)	! restore AX
-	mov	bp,(bp)		! restore BP
-	.byte	0x9a		! CALL FAR
-old13of:.word	0
-old13sg:.word	0
-	push	bp		! save BP again
-	mov	bp,sp
-	! New stack layout:
-	!
-	!   +10	mapping (was flags)
-	!   +8	INT CS
-	!   +6	INT IP
-	!   +4	AX
-	!   +2  obsolete BP
-	! BP+0  BP
-	xchg	ax,4(bp)	! save AX and get command
-	pushf			! fix driver number, if necessary
-	cmp	ah,#8 ! do not fix
-	je	done13
-	cmp	ah,#0x15 ! do not fix
-	je	done13
-	mov	ax,10(bp)	! no mapping ?
-	or	ax,ax
-	jz	done13
-	mov	dl,al		! fix mapping
-done13:	mov	ax,4(bp)	! restore AX
-	pop	10(bp)		! restore flags
-	pop	bp		! get BP
-	add	sp,#4		! fix SP
-	iret			! done
-drvmap:	.blkw	DRVMAP_SIZE+1
-#if defined(LCF_REWRITE_TABLE)
-prtmap:	.blkw	PRTMAP_SIZE*2+1	! only first word of last entry is read
diff -ruN lilo.orig/chain.old.S lilo/chain.old.S
--- lilo.orig/chain.old.S	Wed Jun 18 16:42:15 1997
+++ lilo/chain.old.S	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-/* chain.S  -  LILO boot chainer */
-/* Copyright 1992-1997 Werner Almesberger. See file COPYING for details. */
-#define LILO_ASM
-#include "lilo.h"
-	.text
-	.globl	_main
-	.org	0
-_main:	jmp	start
-	.org	2
-	.ascii	"LILO"
-	.word	VERSION
-offset:	.word	0
-drive:	.byte	0
-	.byte	0			! head, always zero
-start:	cli				! set SS:SP to 0:7C00
-	xor	ax,ax
-	mov	ss,ax
-	mov	ax,#0x7c00
-	mov	sp,ax
-	sti
-	mov	ax,#SETUPSEG		! move boot sector to default location
-	mov	ds,ax
-	xor	ax,ax
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	cx,#256
-	mov	si,#512
-	mov	di,#BOOTSEG*16
-	rep
-	movsw
-	push	bx			! save secret message
-#ifdef DOS_D
-#if 0
-	seg	es
-	cmp	byte ptr BOOTSEG*16+0x26,#0x29
-	je	dos4
-	mov	bx,#baddos		! complain
-	call	say
-	mov	ax,#FIRSTSEG		! restart LILO
-dos4:	seg	es
-	mov	byte ptr BOOTSEG*16+0x24,#0x81
-	mov	cx,#0x20		! move partition table
-	mov	di,#PART_TABLE
-	rep
-	movsw
-#if defined(SWAP_HD) || defined(SWAP_FD)
-	call	swap13
-					! table entry
-	pop	bx			! get secret message (active partition)
-	or	bl,bl			! none set ?
-	jz	tonopp			! yes -> do not patch
-br tonopp
-	cmp	bx,#0x81		! valid code ?
-	jb	towrfail		! no -> abort
-	cmp	bx,#0x84
-	jna	wrokay			! yes -> continue
-towrfail:br	wrfail
-tonopp:	br	nopp
-wrokay:	push	bx			! save BX
-	xor	ax,ax			! ES becomes 0
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	ax,#0x201		! load partition table, one sector
-	mov	dx,#0x80		! first drive
-	mov	cx,#1
-	mov	bx,#PARTS_LOAD
-	int	0x13			! load it
-	jc	wrfail			! error -> abort
-	mov	cx,#4			! process all four entries
-	mov	bx,#PART_TABLE
-ptchpt:	seg	es			! clear all active flags
-	mov	byte ptr (bx),#0
-#if defined(LCF_FIX_TYPE) && defined(LCF_HIDE_DOS)
-	seg	es
-	mov	al,(bx+4)		! get partition type
-	cmp	al,#PART_DOS12		! hidden ?
-	je	hideme			! no -> hide it
-	cmp	al,#PART_DOS16
-	je	hideme
-	cmp	al,#PART_DOS32
-	jne	nonrel			! already hidden -> continue
-hideme:	add	al,#HIDDEN_OFF		! write back corrected value
-	seg	es
-	mov	(bx+4),al
-nonrel:	add	bx,#16			! next entry
-	loop	ptchpt
-	pop	bx			! compute active flag position
-	dec	bx
-	shl	bl,1
-	shl	bx,1
-	shl	bx,1
-	shl	bx,1
-	cmp	bx,offset		! right ?
-	jne	wrfail			! no -> abort
-	seg	es			! set active flag
-	mov	byte ptr (bx+PART_TABLE),#0x80
-#ifdef LCF_FIX_TYPE
-	seg	es			! is this a 
-	mov	al,byte ptr (bx+PART_TABLE+4)
-	cmp	al,#PART_HDOS12		! hidden ?
-	je	unhideme		! yes -> unhide it
-	cmp	al,#PART_HDOS16
-	je	unhideme
-	cmp	al,#PART_HDOS32
-	jne	nounhid			! not hidden -> continue
-unhideme:sub	al,#HIDDEN_OFF		! write back corrected value
-	seg	es
-	mov	(bx+PART_TABLE+4),al
-nounhid:mov	ax,#0x301		! save it (restore all registers for
-	mov	dx,#0x80		! paranoia)
-	mov	cx,#1
-	mov	bx,#0x600
-	int	0x13			! write ...
-	jc	wrfail			! argl
-	mov	bx,#passmsg		! confirm modification
-	call	say
-	jmp	nopp
-wrfail:	mov	bx,#failmsg		! complain
-	call	say
-	mov	ax,#FIRSTSEG		! restart LILO
-nopp:	mov	si,offset		! DS:SI and ES:SI point to the partition
-	add	si,#PART_TABLE
-	mov	dx,drive		! initialize DX (drive and head)
-	xor	ax,ax			! set DS and ES to zero
-#ifdef XXX
-	mov	ax,ds
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	si,#lilosig
-	mov	bx,#cmd
-	mov	dl,#0xfe
-	mov	ds,ax
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	bp,#0			! might help some boot problems
-	mov	ax,#0xaa55		! boot signature (just in case ...)
-	jmpi	#BOOTSEG*16,0		! start boot sector
-#ifdef XXX
-lilosig:.ascii	"LILO"
-cmd:	.ascii	"98"
-	.byte	0
-#if defined(DOS_D) || defined(LCF_REWRITE_TABLE)
-! Display a NUL-terminated string on the console
-say:	mov	al,(bx)		! get byte
-	or	al,al		! NUL ?
-	jz	aret		! yes -> done
-	push	bx		! save pointer
-	mov	ah,#14		! display, tty-style
-	xor	bh,bh
-	int	0x10
-	pop	bx
-	inc	bx		! next one
-	jmp	say
-aret:	ret			! done
-#ifdef DOS_D
-baddos:	.ascii	"Need DOS version 4 or newer."
-	.byte	13,10,0
-failmsg:.ascii	"Rewrite error."
-	.byte	13,10,0
-passmsg:.ascii	"Rewrote the partition table."
-	.byte	13,10,0
-#if defined(SWAP_HD) || defined(SWAP_FD)
-swap13: seg	es		! allocate 1 kB
-	dec	word ptr [0x413]
-	int	0x12		! get start segment
-	mov	cl,#6
-	shl	ax,cl
-	cli			! disable interrupts
-	xor	bx,bx		! zero a few registers
-	mov	di,bx
-	seg	es		! change offset
-	xchg	bx,[0x4c]
-	mov	old13of,bx
-	mov	bx,ax		! change segment
-	seg	es
-	xchg	bx,[0x4e]
-	mov	old13sg,bx
-	mov	es,ax		! move drive swapper
-	mov	si,#new13
-	mov	cx,#new13end-new13
-	rep
-	movsb
-	sti			! enable interrupts
-	ret			! done
-new13:	seg	cs		! save function code
-	mov	fcode-new13,ah
-	test	dl,#0x80	! hard disk drive ?
-#ifdef SWAP_FD
-	jnz	noswap		! yes -> go on
-	jz	noswap		! no -> go on
-	xor	dl,#1		! swap drive 0 and 1
-noswap:	pushf
-	.byte	0x9a		! CALL FAR
-old13of:.word	0
-old13sg:.word	0
-	pushf			! fix driver number, if necessary
-	seg	cs
-	cmp	byte ptr fcode-new13,#8	! do not fix
-	je	done13
-	seg	cs
-	cmp	byte ptr fcode-new13,#0x15 ! do not fix
-	je	done13
-	test	dl,#0x80	! hard disk drive ?
-#ifdef SWAP_FD
-	jnz	done13		! yes -> go on
-	jz	done13		! no -> go on
-	xor	dl,#1		! fix it
-done13:	seg	cs
-	mov	tmpbx-new13,bx	! restore flags
-	mov	bx,sp
-	seg	ss
-	pop	6(bx)
-	seg	cs
-	mov	bx,tmpbx-new13
-	iret			! done
-fcode:	.byte	0		! function code
-tmpbx:	.word	0
diff -ruN lilo.orig/defs.h lilo/defs.h
--- lilo.orig/defs.h	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ lilo/defs.h	Thu Dec  7 16:17:10 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+extern void *memcpy (void *__dest, const void *__src, unsigned int __n);
+extern int strlen (__const char *__s);
diff -ruN lilo.orig/dump.S lilo/dump.S
--- lilo.orig/dump.S	Wed Jun 18 16:42:22 1997
+++ lilo/dump.S	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* dump.S  -  LILO register dumper */
-/* Copyright 1995-1997 Werner Almesberger. See file COPYING for details. */
-#define LILO_ASM
-#include "lilo.h"
-	.text
-	.globl	_main
-	.org	0
-_main:	push	sp	! push all registers
-	push	ss
-	pushf
-	push	es
-	push	ds
-	push	cs
-	push	bp
-	push	di
-	push	si
-	push	dx
-	push	cx
-	push	bx
-	push	ax
-	mov	ax,#BOOTSEG	! let DS point to where we really are
-	mov	ds,ax
-	mov	bx,#msgs	! set up loop
-l:	call	say		! output message
-	cmp	byte ptr (bx),#0 ! at end ?
-	je	back		! yes -> back to LILO
-	pop	ax		! get next data word
-	push	bx
-	call	wout		! output data word
-	pop	bx
-	jmp	l		! next round
-#if 0
-back:	mov	ax,#FIRSTSEG
-	mov	ds,ax
-	mov	word ptr (CODE_START_1),#CODE_START_1+8
-	mov	word ptr (CODE_START_1+2),#FIRSTSEG
-	mov	word ptr (CODE_START_1+4),#CODE_START_1+12
-	mov	byte ptr (CODE_START_1+6),#0xfe
-	mov	es,ax		! adjust segments
-	mov	ax,#BOOTSEG
-	mov	ds,ax
-	mov	word ptr (10),#0xffff ! no timeout
-	mov	si,#haltnow	! copy string data
-	mov	di,#CODE_START_1+8
-	mov	cx,#6
-	rep
-	movsb
-	mov	ax,#FIRSTSEG	! restart LILO
-back:	hlt			! stay here
-	jmp	back
-! Display a NUL-terminated string on the console
-say:	mov	al,(bx)		! get byte
-	inc	bx		! move pointer
-	or	al,al		! NUL ?
-	jz	aret		! yes -> done
-	push	bx		! save pointer
-	mov	ah,#14		! display, tty-style
-	xor	bh,bh
-	int	0x10
-	pop	bx
-	jmp	say		! next one
-wout:	push	ax		! display one word
-	mov	al,ah
-	call	bout
-	pop	ax
-bout:	push	ax		! display one byte
-	shr	al,#4
-	call	nout
-	pop	ax
-nout:	and	al,#15		! display one nibble
-	add	al,#48
-	cmp	al,#58
-	jb	nokay
-	add	al,#7
-nokay:	xor	bh,bh		! display on screen
-	mov	ah,#14
-	int	0x10
-aret:	ret
-msgs:	.byte	13,10
-	.ascii	"Register dump:"
-	.byte	13,10,10
-	.ascii	"AX="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" BX="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" CX="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" DX="
-	.byte	0,13,10
-	.ascii	"SI="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" DI="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" BP="
-	.byte	0,13,10
-	.ascii	"CS="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" DS="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	" ES="
-	.byte	0,13,10
-	.ascii	"F="
-	.byte	0,13,10
-	.ascii	"SS:SP="
-	.byte	0
-	.ascii	":"
-	.byte	0,13,10,10
-#if 0
-	.ascii	"Restarting LILO ..."
-	.ascii	"System halted."
-	.byte	13,10,10,0,0
-haltnow:.ascii	"LILO"			! prevent automatic reboot
-	.byte	0
diff -ruN lilo.orig/first.S lilo/first.S
--- lilo.orig/first.S	Sat Dec  5 08:20:12 1998
+++ lilo/first.S	Thu Dec  7 16:17:10 2000
@@ -1,226 +1,257 @@
-/* first.S  -  LILO first stage boot loader */
-/* Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger. See file COPYING for details. */
-#define LILO_ASM
-#include "lilo.h"
-#ifndef LCF_NO1STDIAG
-#define CYL_CHECK
-	.text
-	.globl	_main
-	.org	0
-_main:	cli			! NT 4 blows up if this is missing
-	jmp	start
-	.org	6
-! Boot device parameters. They are set by the installer.
+/* $Id: first.S,v 1.16 2000/11/26 07:11:58 gniibe Exp $
+ *
+ * Primary boot loader
+ *
+ *  lilo/arch/sh/first.S
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2000  Niibe Yutaka
+ *
+ * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ */
+ * NOTE: Keep this code "position independent", so that this works well
+ *       among machines with different memory map.
+ *
+ *       Some machine starts its memmory at 0x08000000 (Area2),
+ *       while others starts at 0x0c000000 (Area3).
+ */
+ * Memory map:
+ *  [ First Loader         ] 512
+ *  [ Stack                ] 4096-512
+ *  [ Second Loader        ] 4KB
+ *  [ Reserved             ] 4KB
+ *  [ MAP load area        ] 512
+ *  [ Descriptor table 1/2 ] 512
+ *  [ Descriptor table 2/2 ] 512
+ *  [ Default Command Line ] 512
+ *  [ Keyboard Translation ] 512
+ *  [ Greeting Message     ] 512
+ *  [ Reserved             ]
+ *  [ Reserved             ]
+ *
+ */
+	.global start
+	bra	real_start
+	.byte	3	! This becomes "mov r0, r12" with next "l"
+	!
+	.ascii  "lba"	! special marker for LBA32
+	!
 	.ascii	"LILO"
-	.word	VERSION
+	.word	1
+#if 1
+	/* EDIT HERE ! */
+			! Depends LILOs version
+	.word	20
+		      /* v--- Major Version */
+	.word	4*256 + 21
+	!    /* ^--- Minor Version*/     
+/* x86 LILO parameters (Not used for SuperH... yet) */
 timeout:.word	0		! input timeout
 delay:	.word	0		! boot delay
 port:	.byte	0		! COM port (0 = unused, 1 = COM1, etc.)
 sparam:	.byte	0		! serial port parameters (0 = unused)
-tstamp:	.long	0		! timestamp
+/* Timestamp (Filled by LILO command) */
+tstamp:	.long	0
-d1_cx:	.word	0		! first descriptor sector address
+/* First descripter sector (Filled by LILO command) */
+d1_cx:	.word	0
 d1_dx:	.word	0
-d1_al:	.byte	0		! (unused)
+d1_al:	.byte	0
-d2_cx:	.word	0		! second descriptor sector address
+/* Second descripter sector (Filled by LILO command) */
+d2_cx:	.word	0
 d2_dx:	.word	0
-d2_al:	.byte	0		! (unused)
+d2_al:	.byte	0
-dc_cx:	.word	0		! default command-line sector address
+/* Default command-line sector (Filled by LILO command) */
+dc_cx:	.word	0
 dc_dx:	.word	0
-dc_al:	.byte	0		! (unused)
+dc_al:	.byte	0
+/* Prompt? (Filled by LILO command) */
 prompt:	.byte	0		! indicates whether to always enter prompt
 				! (also used as alignment byte)
+/* Greeting message length & sector (Filled by LILO command) */
 ms_len:	.word	0		! initial greeting message
 ms_cx:	.word	0
 ms_dx:	.word	0
-ms_al:	.byte	0		! (unused)
+ms_al:	.byte	0
+/* Second descripter sector (Filled by LILO command) */
 kt_cx:	.word	0		! keyboard translation table
 kt_dx:	.word	0
 kt_al:	.byte	0
 d_addr:				! second stage sector addresses
-	.org	CODE_START_1
-ext_si:	.word	0		! external interface
-ext_es:	.word	0
-ext_bx:	.word	0
-ext_dl:	.byte	0
-start:	mov	ax,#BOOTSEG	! set DS
-	mov	ds,ax
-	mov	ext_es,es	! copy possible external parameters
-	mov	ext_si,si
-	mov	ext_bx,bx
-	mov	ext_dl,dl
-	mov	ax,#FIRSTSEG	! beam us up ...
-	mov	es,ax
-	mov	cx,#256
-	sub	si,si
-	sub	di,di
-	cld
-	rep
-	movsw
-	jmpi	go,FIRSTSEG
-go:	cli			! no interrupts
-	mov	ds,ax		! AX is already set
-	mov	es,ax		! (ES may be wrong when restarting)
-	mov	sp,#STACK	! set the stack
-	mov	ax,#STACKSEG
-	mov	ss,ax
-	sti			! now it is safe
-	mov	al,#0x0d	! gimme a CR ...
-	call	display
-	mov	al,#0x0a	! ... an LF ...
-	call	display
-	mov	al,#0x4c	! ... an 'L' ...
-	call	display
-lagain:	mov	si,#d_addr	! ready to load the second stage loader
-	mov	bx,#SECOND
-	cld
-sload:	lodsw			! get CX
-	mov	cx,ax
-	lodsw			! get DX
-	mov	dx,ax
-	or	ax,cx		! at EOF ?
-	jz	done		! yes -> start it
-	inc	si		! skip the length byte
-	call	cread
-	jc	error		! error -> start over again
-	add	bx,#512		! next sector
-	jmp	sload
-#ifndef LCF_NO1STDIAG
-	push	ax		! display a space
-	mov	al,#32
-	call	display
-	pop	ax
-	mov	al,ah		! display error code
-	call	bout
-	xor	ax,ax		! reset the FDC
-	mov	dl,al
-	int	0x13
-	jmp	lagain		! redo from start
-done:	mov	al,#0x49	! display an 'I'
-	call	display
-	jmpi	0,SECONDSEG	! start the second stage loader
-#ifndef LCF_NO1STDIAG
-bout:	push	ax		! display one byte
-	shr	al,#4
-	call	nout
-	pop	ax
-nout:	and	al,#15		! display one nibble
-	add	al,#48
-	cmp	al,#58
-	jb	nokay
-	add	al,#7
-nokay:				! fall through
-display:xor	bh,bh		! display on screen
-	mov	ah,#14
-	int	0x10
-	ret
-linerr:	pop	dx		! discard stack contents
-	pop	cx
-	pop	bx
-	ret			! (carry is already set)
-cread:	test	dl,#LINEAR_FLAG	! linear address ?
-	jz	readsect	! no -> go on
-	and	dl,#0xff-LINEAR_FLAG ! remove flag
-! Translate the linear address into a sector/track/cylinder address
-	push	bx		! BX is used as scratch
-	push	cx		! LSW
-	push	dx		! MSW with drive
-	mov	ah,#8		! get drive geometry (do not clobber ES:DI)
-	int	0x13
-	jc	linerr		! error -> quit
-	mov	al,dh		! AL <- #heads-1
-	pop	dx		! get MSW
-	mov	t_drive,dl	! save drive
-	mov	dl,dh		! linear address (high) into DX
-	xor	dh,dh
-#ifdef CYL_CHECK
-	push	cx		! compute #cyls-1
-	xchg	ch,cl
-	rol	ch,1
-	rol	ch,1
-	and	ch,#3
-	mov	n_cyl,cx	! save #cyls-1
-	pop	cx
-	and	cx,#0x3f	! CX <- #secs
-	mul	cl		! AX <- #secs/cyl
-	add	ax,cx
-	xchg	ax,bx
-	pop	ax		! linear address (low) into AX
-	div	bx		! DX <- cylinder, AX <- remaining secs
-	xchg	ax,dx
-	div	cl		! AL <- track, AH <- sector
-	inc	ah
-	mov	t_sector,ah
-	xchg	ax,dx		! AX <- cylinder, DL <- track
-	mov	dh,dl		! set up DX (head:drive)
-	mov	dl,t_drive
-#ifdef CYL_CHECK
-	cmp	ax,n_cyl	! valid cylinder number ?
-	ja	linerr3		! no -> error
-	xchg	ah,al		! build cylinder number
-	ror	al,1
-	ror	al,1
-	or	al,t_sector
-	mov	cx,ax
-	pop	bx		! restore BX
-	mov	ax,#0x201	! read one sector
-	int	0x13
-	ret			! quit, possibly with errors
-#ifdef CYL_CHECK
-linerr3:pop	bx		! pop BX and linear address
-	xor	ax,ax		! zero indicates internal error
-	stc			! error
-	ret
-n_cyl:	.word	0		! temporary space
-t_drive:.byte	0
-t_sector:.byte	0
-/* Here are at least 66 bytes of free space. This is reserved for the
-   partition table and the boot signature. */
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.word	0xffff
+	.align	2
+	/* Get base pointer, to be position independent */
+	mova	next, r0
+	mov	#0x02, r1
+	shll8	r1
+	sub	r1, r0
+	mov	r0, r12		! Base pointer
+	!
+	mov	#0x10, r1
+	shll8	r1
+	mov	r12, r15
+	add	r1, r15		! Setup stack pointer
+	!
+	mov	#0x10, r13		! buffer number
+	!
+	/* Enable cache */
+	mov	#6, r0			! Cache "on"
+	mov	#0, r4
+	trapa	#0x3f
+	!
+	/* Output message "L" */
+	mova	message, r0
+	mov	r0, r4
+	mov	#1, r5
+	mov	#0, r0			! Serial Output
+	trapa	#0x3f
+	!
+	/* Load second stage loader */
+	mov	#52, r11	! #52: desc# of second stage loader
+loop:	mov	r11, r4
+	bsr	load_sector_address	! get r4 (=dev) and r5 (=lba)
+	 add	r12, r4		! desc# --> address of descriptor
+	bt	done
+	!
+	mov	r13, r6
+	shll8	r6
+	bsr	read_a_sector
+	 add	r12, r6	! buffer number -> buffer address
+	!
+	add	#2, r13	! buffer # += 2
+	bra	loop
+	 add	#5, r11	! next desc# is +5
+	/* Flush cache */
+	mov	#6, r0			! Cache "on"
+	mov	#0, r4
+	trapa	#0x3f
+	/* Jump to the second loader */
+	mov	#0x10, r0
+	shll8	r0
+	add	r12, r0	! Get the address into r0
+	jmp	@r0
+	 mov	r12, r4	! First argument is base pointer
+	.align	2
+	.string "L"
+	.align	2
+ *     Read the sector descripter (5-byte tuple), and translate
+ *     it as device number and lba.  Set T flag if its NULL.
+ *
+ * INPUT: r4 (pointer to descripter (5-byte long, not aligned)
+ * OUTPUT: r4 (DEVICE #), r5 (LBA) and T register (T when done)
+ * Clobbers: r0, r1, r2, r3
+ */
+	mov.b	@r4+, r0
+	extu.b	r0, r0
+	mov.b	@r4+, r1
+	extu.b	r1, r1
+	mov.b	@r4+, r2
+	extu.b	r2, r2
+	mov.b	@r4+, r3
+	extu.b	r3, r3
+	!
+	shll8	r3
+	or	r3, r1
+	shll8	r1
+	or	r0, r1
+	mov	r1, r5
+	mov.b	@r4, r0
+	cmp/eq	#0, r0
+	bt	1f		! NULL (end of descriptor)
+	!
+	/* Check if its really LBA... */
+	mov	r2, r0
+	and	#0x0F, r0	! Get device number
+	mov	#0xc0, r3
+	extu.b	r3, r3
+	cmp/hi	r2, r3
+	bf	1f		! Unset T
+	!
+	/* Its not LBA!! */
+	mova	not_lba_message, r0
+	mov	r0, r4
+	mov	#36, r5
+	mov	#0, r0			! Serial Output
+	trapa	#0x3f
+	sett			! End of descriptor
+	!
+1:	rts
+	 mov	r0, r4	! device number
+ * READ a sector
+ * INPUT: r4 (DEVICE #), r5 (LBA), r6 (BUFFER ADDRESS)
+ *
+ * Invoke BIOS call READ_SECTORS with number_of_sectors=1.
+ */
+	mov	#2, r0			! READ SECTORS
+	mov	#1, r7			! number of sectors
+	trapa	#0x3f
+	!
+	tst	r0, r0
+	bt	1f
+	! /* ERROR */
+	mova	read_error_message, r0
+	mov	r0, r4
+	mov	#19, r5
+	mov	#0, r0			! Serial Output
+	trapa	#0x3f
+	! /* Go to the monitor */
+	mov	#0, r0
+	jmp	@r0
+	 nop
+	!
+1:	rts
+	 nop
+	.align	2
+	.string "ERROR: Sector address is not in LBA\n"
+	.align	2
+	.string "ERROR: Sector read\n"
+	.align	9
--- lilo.orig/second.c	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ lilo/second.c	Thu Dec  7 21:03:56 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+/* $Id: second.c,v 1.22 2000/11/26 07:11:16 gniibe Exp $
+ *
+ * Secondary boot loader
+ *
+ *  lilo/arch/sh/second.c
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2000  Niibe Yutaka
+ *
+ * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "defs.h"
+static void put_string (unsigned char *);
+static int get_sector_address (unsigned long, int *, unsigned long *);
+static int load_sectors (unsigned long, unsigned long);
+static int read_sectors (int, unsigned long, unsigned char *, int);
+static int load_sectors_with_maps (int, int, unsigned long *);
+static int machine_type (void);
+static int serial_type (void);
+static int memory_size (void);
+static int io_base (void);
+static void cache_flush (void);
+static const char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+#define digits hexchars		/* 10base is same for 16base (up to 10) */
+static inline char highhex (int x) {  return hexchars[(x >> 4) & 0xf];  }
+static inline char lowhex (int x) {  return hexchars[x & 0xf];  }
+static void printouthex (int);
+static unsigned long base_pointer = 0;	/* Avoid BSS */
+static unsigned long kernel_image = 0;	/* Avoid BSS */
+/* Sector descriptor */
+#define SD_DESCR1	24
+#define SD_DESCR2	29
+#define SD_DEFCMD	34
+/* 39 prompt (byte) */
+/* 40 length (word) */
+#define SD_MSG		42
+#define SD_KBDTBL	47
+static inline char *string_set (char *dest, const char *str)
+  int len = strlen (str);
+  memcpy (dest, str, len);
+  return dest + len;
+start (unsigned long base)
+  base_pointer = base;
+  put_string ("I");
+  load_sectors (SD_DESCR1, 0x3200);
+  load_sectors (SD_DESCR2, 0x3400);
+  put_string ("L");
+  /* XXX: checksum */
+  load_sectors (SD_DEFCMD, 0x3600);
+  load_sectors (SD_KBDTBL, 0x3800);
+  put_string ("O ");
+#if 0
+  load_sectors (SD_MSG, 0x3a00);
+  /* XXX: delay, key check... */
+  /* XXX: list up images */
+  /* XXX: check signature */
+  /* Input command line */
+  /* XXX: Is there default command line?  Use it! */
+  put_string ("boot: ");
+  put_string ("first-image\n");	/* XXX: should handle input commandline... */
+  /* Structure of descriptor
+   [ checksum 2byte ]
+   [ DESCR_SIZE:52-byte
+      (image-name (16-byte)
+       passwd     (16-byte)
+       rd_size    (4-byte)
+       initrd     (5-byte sector desc)
+       start      (5-byte sector desc)
+       start_page (16-bit)
+       flags      (16-bit)
+       vga_mode   (16-bit)
+      )
+   ] * 19
+  */
+  put_string ("Loading ");
+  put_string ((char *)(base_pointer+0x3200+2)); /* Image name */
+  kernel_image = base_pointer + 0x10000 - 0x400;
+  {
+    int desc = 0x3200+2+16+16+4+5; /* kernel image */
+    /* Skip two sectors: Fallback command line and options */
+    desc = load_sectors_with_maps (desc, 0, &kernel_image);
+    put_string (".");
+    while (desc != 0)
+      {
+	desc = load_sectors_with_maps (desc, 0, &kernel_image);
+	put_string (".");
+      }
+  }
+  put_string ("done.\n");
+#if 0
+  {
+    int i;
+    put_string ("DUMP: ");
+    for (i=0; i<16; i++)
+      printouthex (*(unsigned char *)(base_pointer+0x10000+i));
+    put_string ("\n");
+  }
+  /* XXX: kernel paramerter setting */
+  {
+    unsigned long parm = base_pointer - 0x200000 + 0x1000;
+    char *cmdline = (char *)(parm+256);
+    int mem_size;
+    unsigned char *p;
+    *(long *)parm      = 1;	/* Read only mount? */
+    *(long *)(parm+4)  = 0;	/* RAMDISK Flags */
+    *(long *)(parm+8)  = 0x0301; /* Root device: XXX should get from cls.. */
+    *(long *)(parm+12) = 1;	/* Loader type (LILO = 1) */
+    *(long *)(parm+16) = 0;	/* Initrd start */
+    *(long *)(parm+20) = 0;	/* Initrd size */
+    *(long *)(parm+24) = 0;	/* Not defined yet */
+    /* XXX: Should take the line from command line sector... */
+#define DC_MAGIC	0xf4f2	/* magic number of default cmd. line sector */
+    p = (unsigned char *)(base_pointer+0x3600);
+    if(p[0] == (DC_MAGIC & 0xff) && p[1] == (DC_MAGIC >> 8))
+      cmdline = string_set(cmdline, p+2);
+    cmdline = string_set(cmdline, (char *)(base_pointer + 0x10000 - 0x200));
+#if 0
+    /* Query to BIOS and build the command line string */
+    /* Build string "mem=XXM" */
+    mem_size = memory_size ();    
+    mem_size >>= 20; /* In Mega-byte */
+    cmdline = string_set (cmdline, "mem=");
+    if (mem_size >= 100)
+      {
+	*cmdline++ = digits[mem_size/100];
+	mem_size = mem_size % 100;
+      }
+    if (mem_size >= 10)
+      {
+	*cmdline++ = digits[mem_size/10];
+	mem_size = mem_size % 10;
+      }
+    *cmdline++ = digits[mem_size];
+    *cmdline++ = 'M';
+    *cmdline++ = ' ';
+    switch (machine_type ())
+      {
+      case 0: /* Unknown board */
+	{			/* Build string "sh_mv=unknown,0xXXXXXX,1" */
+	  unsigned int io = io_base ();
+	  int b31_24, b23_16, b15_08, b07_00;
+	  b31_24 = (io>>24)&0xff;
+	  b23_16 = (io>>16)&0xff;
+	  b15_08 = (io>>8)&0xff;
+	  b07_00 = (io>>0)&0xff;
+	  cmdline = string_set (cmdline, "sh_mv=unknown,0x");
+	  *cmdline++ = highhex (b31_24); *cmdline++ = lowhex (b31_24);
+	  *cmdline++ = highhex (b23_16); *cmdline++ = lowhex (b23_16);
+	  *cmdline++ = highhex (b15_08); *cmdline++ = lowhex (b15_08);
+	  *cmdline++ = highhex (b07_00); *cmdline++ = lowhex (b07_00);
+	  cmdline = string_set (cmdline, ",1 ");
+	  break;
+	}
+      case 1:
+	cmdline = string_set (cmdline, "sh_mv=CqREEK ");
+	break;
+      case 3:
+	cmdline = string_set (cmdline, "sh_mv=SolutionEngine ");
+	break;
+      }
+    if (serial_type () == 0)
+      cmdline = string_set (cmdline, "console=ttySC0,115200");
+    else
+      cmdline = string_set (cmdline, "console=ttySC1,115200");
+    *cmdline = '\0';		/* Terminate the string */
+  }
+  cache_flush ();
+  asm volatile ("jmp @r0; nop"
+		: /* no output */
+		: "z" (base_pointer + 0x10000));
+static int
+load_sectors_with_maps (int desc, int offset, unsigned long *buf_p)
+  int dev;
+  unsigned long lba;
+  int i, count;
+  /* Load the map at 0x3000 */
+  if (load_sectors (desc, 0x3000) < 0)
+    return 0;
+  for (i = offset*5; i<505; i+=5)
+    {
+      if ((count = get_sector_address (0x3000+i, &dev, &lba)) == 0)
+	return 0;
+      read_sectors (dev, lba, (unsigned char *)*buf_p, count);
+      *buf_p += count*512;
+    }
+  /* There's next map */
+  return 0x3000+505;
+static int
+machine_type (void)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 3; /* FEATURE QUERY */
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0)
+		: "memory");
+  return (__sc0 >> 8);
+static int
+serial_type (void)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 3; /* FEATURE QUERY */
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0)
+		: "memory");
+  return (__sc0 & 0x07);
+static int
+memory_size (void)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 4; /* MEMORY SIZE */
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0)
+		: "memory");
+  return (__sc0);
+static int
+io_base (void)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 5; /* IO BASE */
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0)
+		: "memory");
+  return (__sc0);
+static void
+cache_flush (void)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 6; /* CACHE_CONTROL */
+  register long __sc4 __asm__ ("r4") = 0; /* ENABLE */
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0), "r" (__sc4)
+		: "memory");
+static void inline
+put_string_1 (unsigned char *str, long len)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 0; /* OUTPUT */
+  register long __sc4 __asm__ ("r4") = (long) str;
+  register long __sc5 __asm__ ("r5") = (long) len; /* For New BIOS */
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0), "r" (__sc4),  "r" (__sc5)
+		: "memory");
+static void
+put_string (unsigned char *str)
+  int len = strlen (str);
+  put_string_1 (str, len);
+static int
+read_sectors (int dev, unsigned long lba, unsigned char *buf, int count)
+  register long __sc0 __asm__ ("r0") = 2; /* READ SECTORS */
+  register long __sc4 __asm__ ("r4") = (long) dev;
+  register long __sc5 __asm__ ("r5") = (long) lba;
+  register long __sc6 __asm__ ("r6") = (long) buf;
+  register long __sc7 __asm__ ("r7") = (long) count;
+  asm volatile ("trapa	#0x3F"
+		: "=z" (__sc0)
+		: "0" (__sc0), "r" (__sc4),  "r" (__sc5),
+		  "r" (__sc6),  "r" (__sc7)
+		: "memory");
+  if (__sc0 < 0)
+    put_string ("ERROR: Sector read\n");
+  return __sc0;
+static int
+get_sector_address (unsigned long sector_desc, int *devp, unsigned long *lbap)
+  unsigned long s;
+  unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(sector_desc+base_pointer);
+  int len;
+  /* Number of sectors */
+  len = (int)p[4];
+  if (len == 0)
+    return 0;
+  /* p[2]: drive number */
+  if ((int)p[2] < 0xc0)
+    /* XXX: should return error */
+    put_string ("ERROR: Sector address is not in LBA\n");
+  *devp = (int)p[2] & 0x0f;
+  s = p[0] + (p[1]<<8) + (p[3]<<16);
+  *lbap = s;
+#if 0
+  {
+    unsigned long lba = *lbap;
+    put_string ("DEV= ");
+    printouthex ((*devp)&0xff);
+    put_string ("\n");
+    put_string ("LBA= ");
+    printouthex ((lba>>24)&0xff);
+    printouthex ((lba>>16)&0xff);
+    printouthex ((lba>>8)&0xff);
+    printouthex (lba&0xff);
+    put_string ("\n");
+  }
+  return len;
+static int
+load_sectors (unsigned long sector_desc, unsigned long mem)
+  int dev;
+  unsigned long lba;
+  int count;
+  unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)(mem+base_pointer);
+  count = get_sector_address (sector_desc, &dev, &lba);
+  if (count)
+    return read_sectors (dev, lba, buf, count);
+  return -1;
+#if 0
+static void
+printouthex(int x)
+  char z[4];
+  z[0] = highhex (x);
+  z[1] = lowhex (x);
+  z[2] = ' ';
+  z[3] = '\0';
+  put_string (z);
diff -ruN lilo.orig/ lilo/
--- lilo.orig/	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ lilo/	Fri Dec  8 11:13:20 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-sh-linux", "elf32-sh-linux", "elf32-sh-linux")
+  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+  . = 0x400000 + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
+  .interp     : { *(.interp) 	}
+  .hash          : { *(.hash)		}
+  .dynsym        : { *(.dynsym)		}
+  .dynstr        : { *(.dynstr)		}
+  .gnu.version   : { *(.gnu.version)	}
+  .gnu.version_d   : { *(.gnu.version_d)	}
+  .gnu.version_r   : { *(.gnu.version_r)	}
+  .rel.init      : { *(.rel.init)	}
+  .rela.init     : { *(.rela.init)	}
+  .rel.text      :
+    {
+      *(.rel.text)
+      *(.rel.text.*)
+      *(.rel.gnu.linkonce.t*)
+    }
+  .rela.text     :
+    {
+      *(.rela.text)
+      *(.rela.text.*)
+      *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.t*)
+    }
+  .rel.fini      : { *(.rel.fini)	}
+  .rela.fini     : { *(.rela.fini)	}
+  .rel.rodata    :
+    {
+      *(.rel.rodata)
+      *(.rel.rodata.*)
+      *(.rel.gnu.linkonce.r*)
+    }
+  .rela.rodata   :
+    {
+      *(.rela.rodata)
+      *(.rela.rodata.*)
+      *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.r*)
+    }
+      :
+    {
+      *(
+      *(*)
+      *(.rel.gnu.linkonce.d*)
+    }
+     :
+    {
+      *(
+      *(*)
+      *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.d*)
+    }
+  .rel.ctors     : { *(.rel.ctors)	}
+  .rela.ctors    : { *(.rela.ctors)	}
+  .rel.dtors     : { *(.rel.dtors)	}
+  .rela.dtors    : { *(.rela.dtors)	}
+       : { *(		}
+      : { *(		}
+  .rel.sdata     :
+    {
+      *(.rel.sdata)
+      *(.rel.sdata.*)
+      *(.rel.gnu.linkonce.s*)
+    }
+  .rela.sdata     :
+    {
+      *(.rela.sdata)
+      *(.rela.sdata.*)
+      *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.s*)
+    }
+  .rel.sbss      : { *(.rel.sbss)		}
+  .rela.sbss     : { *(.rela.sbss)	}
+  .rel.bss       : { *(.rel.bss)		}
+  .rela.bss      : { *(.rela.bss)		}
+  .rel.plt       : { *(.rel.plt)		}
+  .rela.plt      : { *(.rela.plt)		}
+  .init          : 
+  { 
+    KEEP (*(.init))
+  } =0
+  .plt      : { *(.plt)	}
+  .text      :
+  {
+    *(.text)
+    *(.text.*)
+    *(.stub)
+    /* .gnu.warning sections are handled specially by elf32.em.  */
+    *(.gnu.warning)
+    *(.gnu.linkonce.t*)
+  } =0
+  _etext = .;
+  PROVIDE (etext = .);
+  .fini      :
+  {
+    KEEP (*(.fini))
+  } =0
+  .rodata   : { *(.rodata) *(.rodata.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.r*) }
+  .rodata1   : { *(.rodata1) }
+  /* Adjust the address for the data segment.  We want to adjust up to
+     the same address within the page on the next page up.  */
+/*  . = ALIGN(0x10000) + (. & (0x10000 - 1)); */
+  .data    :
+  {
+    __data_start = . ;
+    *(.data)
+    *(.data.*)
+    *(.gnu.linkonce.d*)
+  }
+  .data1   : { *(.data1) }
+  .eh_frame : { *(.eh_frame) }
+  .gcc_except_table : { *(.gcc_except_table) }
+  .note.ABI-tag : { *(.note.ABI-tag) }
+  .ctors   : 
+  {
+    /* gcc uses crtbegin.o to find the start of
+       the constructors, so we make sure it is
+       first.  Because this is a wildcard, it
+       doesn't matter if the user does not
+       actually link against crtbegin.o; the
+       linker won't look for a file to match a
+       wildcard.  The wildcard also means that it
+       doesn't matter which directory crtbegin.o
+       is in.  */
+    KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors))
+    /* We don't want to include the .ctor section from
+       from the crtend.o file until after the sorted ctors.
+       The .ctor section from the crtend file contains the
+       end of ctors marker and it must be last */
+    KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o ) .ctors))
+    KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
+    KEEP (*(.ctors))
+  }
+   .dtors         :
+  {
+    KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors))
+    KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o ) .dtors))
+    KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
+    KEEP (*(.dtors))
+  }
+  .got           : { *(.got.plt) *(.got) }
+  .dynamic       : { *(.dynamic) }
+  /* We want the small data sections together, so single-instruction offsets
+     can access them all, and initialized data all before uninitialized, so
+     we can shorten the on-disk segment size.  */
+  .sdata     : 
+  {
+    *(.sdata) 
+    *(.sdata.*)
+    *(.gnu.linkonce.s.*)
+  }
+  _edata = .;
+  PROVIDE (edata = .);
+  __bss_start = .;
+  .sbss      :
+  {
+    *(.dynsbss)
+    *(.sbss)
+    *(.sbss.*)
+    *(.scommon)
+  }
+  .bss       :
+  {
+   *(.dynbss)
+   *(.bss)
+   *(.bss.*)
+   *(COMMON)
+   /* Align here to ensure that the .bss section occupies space up to
+      _end.  Align after .bss to ensure correct alignment even if the
+      .bss section disappears because there are no input sections.  */
+   . = ALIGN(32 / 8);
+  }
+  . = ALIGN(32 / 8);
+  _end = .;
+  PROVIDE (end = .);
+  /* Stabs debugging sections.  */
+  .stab 0 : { *(.stab) }
+  .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) }
+  .stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) }
+  .stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }
+  .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
+  .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
+  .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
+  /* DWARF debug sections.
+     Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the beginning
+     of the section so we begin them at 0.  */
+  /* DWARF 1 */
+  .debug          0 : { *(.debug) }
+  .line           0 : { *(.line) }
+  /* GNU DWARF 1 extensions */
+  .debug_srcinfo  0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) }
+  .debug_sfnames  0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) }
+  /* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2 */
+  .debug_aranges  0 : { *(.debug_aranges) }
+  .debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) }
+  /* DWARF 2 */
+  .debug_info     0 : { *(.debug_info) }
+  .debug_abbrev   0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) }
+  .debug_line     0 : { *(.debug_line) }
+  .debug_frame    0 : { *(.debug_frame) }
+  .debug_str      0 : { *(.debug_str) }
+  .debug_loc      0 : { *(.debug_loc) }
+  .debug_macinfo  0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) }
+  /* SGI/MIPS DWARF 2 extensions */
+  .debug_weaknames 0 : { *(.debug_weaknames) }
+  .debug_funcnames 0 : { *(.debug_funcnames) }
+  .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
+  .debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
+  /* These must appear regardless of  .  */
diff -ruN lilo.orig/string.c lilo/string.c
--- lilo.orig/string.c	Thu Jan  1 09:00:00 1970
+++ lilo/string.c	Thu Dec  7 16:17:10 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include <stddef.h>
+/* Implementation taken from Linux kernel (linux/lib/string.c) */
+size_t strlen(const char * s)
+	const char *sc;
+	for (sc = s; *sc != '\0'; ++sc)
+		/* nothing */;
+	return sc - s;
+void * memcpy(void * dest,const void *src,size_t count)
+	char *tmp = (char *) dest, *s = (char *) src;
+	while (count--)
+		*tmp++ = *s++;
+	return dest;