<<<<<<< HEAD:packages/libiconv/libiconv_1.12.bb DESCRIPTION = "GNU libiconv - libiconv is for you if your application needs to support \ multiple character encodings, but that support lacks from your system." HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv" SECTION = "libs" PRIORITY = "optional" NOTES = "Needs to be stripped down to: ascii iso8859-1 eucjp iso-2022jp gb utf8" PROVIDES = "virtual/libiconv" FILE_PR = "r0" LICENSE = "LGPL" SRC_URI = "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-${PV}.tar.gz \ file://autotools.patch;patch=1 \ file://preload.patch;patch=1" ======= require libiconv.inc >>>>>>> libinconv: split up into .inc and version file:packages/libiconv/libiconv_1.12.bb PROVIDES = "virtual/libiconv" PR = "r1" #gettext.class cant be inherit here so use this hack DEPENDS = "${@['','gettext-native'][bb.data.getVar('USE_NLS', d, 1) == 'yes']}" EXTRA_OECONF += "${@['--disable-nls','--enable-nls'][bb.data.getVar('USE_NLS', d, 1) == 'yes']}" LEAD_SONAME = "libiconv.so"