# This is the Intel GPL IXP4XX ethernet driver (Linux) plus patches # to make it work on 2.6 kernels. # LICENSE = "GPL" MAINTAINER = "Chris Larson <kergoth@handhelds.org>" SRC_URI = "ftp://download.intel.com/design/network/swsup/ixp400linuxethernetdriverpatch-1_2.zip" SRC_URI += "file://ixp400linuxethernetdriver-1_2-kernel26_hr_20050929.patch;patch=1" SRC_URI += "file://makefile.patch;patch=1" SRC_URI += "file://2.6.13.patch;patch=1" SRC_URI += "file://2.6.14.patch;patch=1" SRC_URI += "file://modprobe.conf" PR = "r4" DEPENDS = "ixp4xx-csr" RDEPENDS = "ixp4xx-csr" S = "${WORKDIR}" COMPATIBLE_HOST = "^armeb-linux.*" PROVIDES = "virtual/ixp-eth" RPROVIDES = "ixp-eth" inherit module # This is a somewhat arbitrary choice: OSAL_DIR = "${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/ixp_osal" EXTRA_OEMAKE = "'CC=${KERNEL_CC}' \ 'LD=${KERNEL_LD}' \ 'IXP4XX_CSR_DIR=${STAGING_INCDIR}/linux/ixp4xx-csr' \ 'OSAL_DIR=${OSAL_DIR}' \ 'LINUX_SRC=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}' \ 'LINUX_CROSS_COMPILE=${HOST_PREFIX}' \ " do_compile () { unset CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS oe_runmake } do_install () { install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/net install -m 0644 ixp425_eth.ko ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/net/ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/modprobe.d install -m 0644 modprobe.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/eth0 }