PR = "r25"

IMAGE_BASENAME = "unslung"


DEPENDS  = "virtual/kernel \

RDEPENDS  = "kernel update-modules unslung-rootfs \
	libc6-unslung slingbox ipkg \
	libipkg \
#	cpio \
#	findutils \

IPKG_INSTALL = "kernel update-modules unslung-rootfs \
	libc6-unslung slingbox ipkg \
	libipkg \
#	cpio \
#	findutils \
	kernel-module-netconsole \

IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "unslung_clean_image; "
inherit image_ipk

# Note that anything in this function must be repeatable without having to rebuild the rootfs
unslung_clean_image () {

	# Remove the patches
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/patches

	# Remove the kernel image
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/alternatives/zImage
	# And remove the post and pre scripts for the kernel; saves flash space
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/info/kernel.postinst
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/info/kernel.postrm

	# Remove all the postinst scripts; don't need them.  But keep the
	# postrm scripts just in case we need to remove something.
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/info/*.postinst

	# Remove info from the local feed used to build the image
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/lists/*
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/${sysconfdir}/version

	# Tidy up some thing which are in the wrong place
	mv ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/libipkg* ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib/

	# Remove the ipkg symlink - unsling puts it back in
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${bindir}/ipkg
	# and make the ipkg symlink point to the ipkg-fl utility instead.
	ln -s ipkg-fl ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${bindir}/ipkg

	# Hack out the modutils stuff - it's too hard to make it work
	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/info/update-modules.postinst
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/rcS.d
	echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/sbin/update-modules
	echo "exit 0" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/sbin/update-modules
	chmod ugo+x ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/sbin/update-modules
	echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/depmod
	echo "exit 0" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/depmod
	chmod ugo+x ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/depmod

	# Don't need this empty directory hanging around
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib/modules/2.4.22-xfs/pcmcia

	# Strip symbols and fix permissions on the library
	chmod ugo+x ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib/

# MJW - experimental right now, but no longer need cpio and find
	# We need cpio and find, but we don't need any of the other stuff in
	# the packages (users can install the full package with ipkg after
	# unsling).  Remove the extra files and executables, and clean up
	# the entries from the ipkg database manually.

	#-- these are for cpio:
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/bin/mt
#	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/libexec
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/info/cpio.*
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/alternatives/rmt
#	sed -i -e '/^Package: cpio/,/^$/d' ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/status

	#-- and these for find:
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/bin/locate
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/bin/updatedb
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/bin/xargs
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/bin/xargs.findutils
#	rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/info/findutils.*
#	sed -i -e '/^Package: findutils/,/^$/d' ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/status

	# FIXME: change made 24 Jul 2006 by the OE folks changes the "strip"
	# behavior to create an extra file named .debug/<filename> containing
	# the stripped symbols.  These files are supposed to be packaged
	# separately by the standard bb routines, but for some reason this
	# does not alway occur.  This extremely ugly step is to remove the
	# debug cruft from the rootfs if any are left in the obvious locations.
	# Once someone figures out why and what the right way is to fix this,
	# this code should be removed.

	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/bin/.debug
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/.debug
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib/.debug
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/bin/.debug
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/sbin/.debug
	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/lib/.debug

# MJW - Experimental - just to make space; remove before releasing!
#	#### Hack to make space for testing!  REMOVE THIS!
#	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/samba/codepages/unicode_map.850
#	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/bin/ftp
#	#### End of Hack!
