# This describes a generic SlugOS image, even though the bb file is # called 'slugos-image.bb' the distro specific configuration is # done in conf/distro/${DISTRO}.conf (which should always include # conf/distro/slugos.conf to get the standard settings). # DESCRIPTION = "Generic SlugOS image" HOMEPAGE = "http://www.nslu2-linux.org" DEPENDS = "task-slugos" IMAGE_INSTALL = "task-slugos" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "nslu2" IMAGE_NAME = "${IMAGE_BASENAME}-${DISTRO_VERSION}" IMAGE_FSTYPES = "jffs2 tar.gz" EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2 += " -D ${SLUGOS_DEVICE_TABLE}" IMAGE_LINGUAS = "" # Setting USE_DEVFS prevents *any* entries being created initially # in /dev USE_DEVFS = "1" # This is passed to the image command to build the correct /dev # directory (because only the image program can make actual # dev entries!) SLUGOS_DEVICE_TABLE = "${@bb.which(bb.data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 1), 'files/device_table-slugos.txt')}" # IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND is run before making the image. In SlugOS the # kernel image is removed from the root file system to recover the space used - # SlugOS is assumed to boot from a separate kernel image in flash (not in the # root file system), if this is not the case the following must not be done! IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "rm ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot/zImage*;" IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "install -c -m 644 ${SLUGOS_DEVICE_TABLE} ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/device_table;" inherit image nslu2-image dsmg600-image nas100d-image