DESCRIPTION = "Guile is an interpreter for the Scheme programming language, \ packaged as a library which can be incorporated into your programs." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel/scheme" DEPENDS = "guile-native" MAINTAINER = "Phil Blundell <>" LICENSE = "GPL" PR = "r1" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \ file://configure-lossage.patch;patch=1 \ file://gcc4.patch;patch=1" inherit autotools acpaths = "-I ${S}/guile-config" do_compile() { (cd libguile; oe_runmake CC="${BUILD_CC}" CFLAGS="${BUILD_CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" guile_filter_doc_snarfage) oe_runmake preinstguile="`which guile`" } LIBGUILE_HEADERS = "\ __scm.h \ alist.h \ arbiters.h \ async.h \ backtrace.h \ boolean.h \ chars.h \ continuations.h \ coop-defs.h \ debug-malloc.h \ debug.h \ deprecation.h \ dynl.h \ dynwind.h \ environments.h \ eq.h \ error.h \ eval.h \ evalext.h \ extensions.h \ feature.h \ filesys.h \ fluids.h \ fports.h \ gc.h \ gdb_interface.h \ gdbint.h \ goops.h \ gsubr.h \ guardians.h \ hash.h \ hashtab.h \ hooks.h \ init.h \ ioext.h \ iselect.h \ keywords.h \ lang.h \ list.h \ load.h \ macros.h \ mallocs.h \ modules.h \ net_db.h \ numbers.h \ objects.h \ objprop.h \ options.h \ pairs.h \ ports.h \ posix.h \ print.h \ procprop.h \ procs.h \ properties.h \ ramap.h \ random.h \ rdelim.h \ read.h \ regex-posix.h \ root.h \ rw.h \ scmconfig.h \ scmsigs.h \ script.h \ simpos.h \ smob.h \ snarf.h \ socket.h \ sort.h \ srcprop.h \ stackchk.h \ stacks.h \ stime.h \ strings.h \ strop.h \ strorder.h \ strports.h \ struct.h \ symbols.h \ tags.h \ threads.h \ throw.h \ unif.h \ validate.h \ values.h \ variable.h \ vectors.h \ version.h \ vports.h \ weaks.h \ " do_stage() { install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/libguile for i in ${LIBGUILE_HEADERS}; do install -m 0644 libguile/$i ${STAGING_INCDIR}/libguile/$i done install -m 0644 libguile.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/libguile.h install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/guile install -m 0644 libguile/gh.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/guile/ install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/guile/srfi install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/guile-readline install -m 0644 guile-readline/readline.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/guile-readline/ install -d ${STAGING_DATADIR}/aclocal install -m 0644 guile-config/guile.m4 ${STAGING_DATADIR}/aclocal oe_libinstall -C libguile -so -a libguile ${STAGING_LIBDIR} oe_libinstall -C guile-readline -so -a libguilereadline-v-12 ${STAGING_LIBDIR} oe_libinstall -C libguile-ltdl -so -a libguile-ltdl ${STAGING_LIBDIR} }