--- gpe-gallery.orig/Makefile   2007-04-07 13:34:54.581405005 +0300
+++ gpe-gallery/Makefile        2007-04-07 13:35:03.589918369 +0300
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 PREFIX = /usr/local
 PACKAGE = gpe-gallery
 DEBUG = no
 VERSION = 0.97

 MEMBERS = main image_tools
diff -Naur gpe-gallery.orig/build/Makefile.dpkg_ipkg gpe-gallery/build/Makefile.dpkg_ipkg
--- gpe-gallery.orig/build/Makefile.dpkg_ipkg	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ gpe-gallery/build/Makefile.dpkg_ipkg	2007-02-10 17:21:40.154584782 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+## Please read the README in this directory to see how to use this
+## Makefile snippet
+# Let's use whatever clean target the specific app provides
+CONTROL = `if test -e familiar/control1; then echo control1; else echo control; fi`
+# URL to source tarball
+SOURCE = http://gpe.linuxtogo.org/download/source/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+# can change this to e.g. /var/tmp/deb
+DEB_PATH = ../deb
+ifeq ($(CVSBUILD),yes)
+LIBGPEWIDGET_PC = libgpewidget-uninstalled
+LIBGPEWIDGET_PC = libgpewidget
+GPECFLAGS = $(shell $(PC_EXTRA) pkg-config --cflags $(LIBGPEWIDGET_PC))
+GPELIBS = $(shell $(PC_EXTRA) pkg-config --libs $(LIBGPEWIDGET_PC))
+GTKCFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0)
+GTKLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0)
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),yes)
+CFLAGS += -O2 -g
+CFLAGS += -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
+dist: check-source clean dist-prep
+	rm -rf ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+	mkdir ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+	( tar cf - --exclude "*/CVS" --exclude CVS --exclude "*~" --exclude "#*#" --exclude "debian" --exclude ".*" --exclude "*.ipk" --exclude "*.ipk.*" --exclude "*.mo" --exclude "*.batch" --exclude "translation-ipkgs.txt" * ) | (cd ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION); tar xf -)
+	( if [ -f linguas ]; then LINGUAS=`cat linguas`; PATCH_LINGUAS="s:^LINGUAS =.*:LINGUAS = $${LINGUAS}:"; fi; cd ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) && mkdir build && cp $(BUILD)/Makefile.dpkg_ipkg $(BUILD)/Makefile.translation build/ && sed "s:^CVSBUILD =.*:CVSBUILD = no:;s:^DEBUG =.*:DEBUG = no:;s:Makefile.translation-auto-linguas:Makefile.translation:;$${PATCH_LINGUAS}" < Makefile > Makefile.new && mv Makefile.new Makefile )
+	( cd .. ; tar cf - $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) | gzip -9 >$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz )
+	rm -rf ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+	$(MAKE) printinfo
+dist-upload: dist
+	scp ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(USER)@linuxtogo.org:/media/data/projects/gpe/source/
+# empty, can be filled in Makefile.translation
+install: install-program install-mo
+	rm -rf familiar/dist familiar/dist.list
+clean: clean-dist
+	@if [ -f familiar/$(CONTROL) ] && ! grep -q '^Source:' familiar/$(CONTROL); then echo -e "\nNo Source: field in control file.  Aborting.\n"; exit 1; fi
+ipkg: check-source ipkg-prep clean
+	rm -rf familiar/dist
+	mkdir -p familiar/dist/CONTROL
+	sed 's:VERSION:$(VERSION):;s$$SOURCE$$$(SOURCE)$$' < familiar/$(CONTROL) > familiar/dist/CONTROL/control
+	if test -e familiar/conffiles; then install -m 644 familiar/conffiles familiar/dist/CONTROL; fi
+	if test -e familiar/preinst;   then install familiar/preinst   familiar/dist/CONTROL; fi
+	if test -e familiar/postinst;  then install familiar/postinst  familiar/dist/CONTROL; fi
+	if test -e familiar/prerm;     then install familiar/prerm     familiar/dist/CONTROL; fi
+	if test -e familiar/postrm;    then install familiar/postrm    familiar/dist/CONTROL; fi
+	$(MAKE) DESTDIR=`pwd`/familiar/dist PREFIX=/usr prefix=/usr DEBUG=no install-program
+	rm -rf familiar/dist.list
+	ipkg-build -o 0 -g 0 familiar/dist | sed 's/^Packaged .*into //; t 1; d; : 1; s:.*/::' >> familiar/dist.list
+	if [ "x$(LINGUAS)" != "x" ]; then make translation-ipkg; tr ' ' '\n' < translation-ipkgs.txt >> familiar/dist.list; fi
+	md5sum `cat familiar/dist.list` > $(PACKAGE)_$(VERSION).batch
+	rm -rf familiar/dist familiar/dist.list
+	$(MAKE) printinfo
+dpkg: dist
+	mkdir -p $(DEB_PATH)
+	( olddir=`pwd`; cd $(DEB_PATH); rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION); ln -s $$olddir/../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PACKAGE)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz ; tar xzf $(PACKAGE)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz )
+	mkdir -p $(DEB_PATH)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/debian
+	for i in debian/*; do if test -f $$i; then cp $$i $(DEB_PATH)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/debian/; fi; done
+CVSTAG := $(shell echo $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) | tr [a-z.] [A-Z_])
+	@printf '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
+	@printf "If this becomes a package release, please add a CVS tag.\n"
+	@printf "You can use 'make tag' for that, it will execute\n"
+	@printf "   cvs tag %s\n" $(CVSTAG)
+	@printf "Please upload a tarball (created with 'make dist') to\n"
+	@printf "   ftp://ftp.handhelds.org/pub/projects/gpe/\n"
+	@printf "   (handhelds.org:~ftp/pub/projects/gpe/source)\n"
+	@printf "You can use 'make dist-upload' to do that.\n"
+	@printf "You are currently known as USER %s.\n" $(USER)
+	@printf '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
+tag: check-source
+	cvs tag $(CVSTAG)
+retag: check-source
+	cvs tag -F $(CVSTAG)
+source: tag dist-upload
+%.pc: %.pc.in
+	sed 's:PREFIX:$(PREFIX):;s:BUILDDIR:$(shell pwd):;s:VERSION:$(VERSION):' < $< > $@
diff -Naur gpe-gallery.orig/build/Makefile.translation gpe-gallery/build/Makefile.translation
--- gpe-gallery.orig/build/Makefile.translation	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ gpe-gallery/build/Makefile.translation	2007-02-10 17:21:46.170927636 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+.SUFFIXES: .mo .po .pot .po8
+CONTROL = `if test -e familiar/control1; then echo control1; else echo control; fi`
+# use ipkg-build or ipkg-deb-build
+IPKG_BUILD := ipkg-build
+TRANSLATION_SITE := http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~gnutra/maint
+ifeq ($(DIR_PO),)
+DIR_PO := po
+ifeq ($(BINPACKAGE),)
+mo-files = $(patsubst %,$(DIR_PO)/%.mo,$(LINGUAS))
+po-files = $(patsubst %,$(DIR_PO)/%.po,$(LINGUAS))
+ifeq ($(shell if [ -f $(PACKAGE).desktop.in ]; then echo present; fi;),present)
+desktop-files += $(PACKAGE).desktop
+ifneq ($(EXTRA_DESKTOPS),)
+desktop-files += $(patsubst %.desktop.in,%.desktop,$(EXTRA_DESKTOPS))
+all-mo: $(mo-files)
+all-desktop: $(desktop-files)
+install-mo: all-mo
+	if [ "$(ENABLE_NLS)" != "no" ]; then \
+		if [ "x$(LINGUAS)" != "x" ]; then \
+			for i in $(LINGUAS); do mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/locale/$$i/LC_MESSAGES; install -m 644 $(DIR_PO)/$$i.mo $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/locale/$$i/LC_MESSAGES/$(PACKAGE).mo; done \
+		fi; \
+	fi;
+	if [ "$(ENABLE_NLS)" != "no" ]; then \
+		msgfmt -o $@ $<; \
+	fi;
+	CTYPE=`grep "^\"Content-Type:" $< | sed 's/^.*charset=//;s/\\\\.*//'`; sed "s/\(Content-Type: .*=\)$$CTYPE/\1UTF-8/" < $< | iconv -f $${CTYPE} -t UTF-8 >$@
+update-po: $(po-files) extract-po
+dist-prep: update-po freshen-po
+# empty
+ifeq ($(CVSBUILD),yes)
+ipkg-prep: freshen-po
+# empty
+	mkdir -p $(DIR_PO)
+	( SOURCES="$(SOURCES)"; for DESK in $(PACKAGE).desktop.in $(EXTRA_DESKTOPS); do if [ -f $$DESK ]; then intltool-extract --type=gettext/ini $$DESK; SOURCES="$$SOURCES $${DESK}.h"; fi; done; if [ "x$$SOURCES" != "x" ]; then xgettext --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: -k_ -kN_ -o $(DIR_PO)/$(PACKAGE).pot.new $$SOURCES; fi )
+	if [ -f $(DIR_PO)/$(PACKAGE).pot.new ]; then if cmp -s $(DIR_PO)/$(PACKAGE).pot.new $(PACKAGE).pot; then rm $(DIR_PO)/$(PACKAGE).pot.new; else mv $(DIR_PO)/$(PACKAGE).pot.new $(DIR_PO)/$(PACKAGE).pot; fi; fi
+clean: clean-po clean-dist-translation
+	rm -rf $(DIR_PO)/*.mo
+	for i in $(desktop-files); do if [ -f $$i.in ]; then rm -f $$i; rm -f $$i.in.h; fi; done
+%.desktop: %.desktop.in $(patsubst %,$(DIR_PO)/%.po,$(LINGUAS))
+	intltool-merge -u -d $(DIR_PO) $< $@
+	rm -rf tmp-po
+	mkdir tmp-po
+	cd tmp-po; for LANG in $(LINGUAS); do wget $(TRANSLATION_SITE)/$(PACKAGE)/$$LANG.po; done
+	for LANG in $(LINGUAS); do if [ ! -f $(DIR_PO)/$$LANG.po ] || ! cmp -s $(DIR_PO)/$$LANG.po tmp-po/$$LANG.po ; then mv tmp-po/$$LANG.po $(DIR_PO)/$$LANG.po; echo "Updated $$LANG translation"; fi; done
+	rm -rf tmp-po
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MAINTAINER = $(shell grep 'Maintainer: ' familiar/$(CONTROL) | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
+ifndef BUILD
+BUILD = ../build
+transdist := familiar/dist-translation
+templates := $(BUILD)/familiar
+ipkglist  := translation-ipkgs.txt
+	rm -rf $(transdist) $(ipkglist)
+real-translation-package: all-mo
+	rm -rf $(transdist) $(ipkglist)
+	for LINGUA in $(LINGUAS); do \
+		i=$$(echo $$LINGUA | tr '[A-Z_]' '[a-z+]'); \
+		mkdir -p $(transdist)/$$i/CONTROL; \
+		mkdir -p $(transdist)/$$i$(PREFIX)/share/locale/$$LINGUA/LC_MESSAGES; \
+		install -m 644 po/$$LINGUA.mo $(transdist)/$$i$(PREFIX)/share/locale/$$LINGUA/LC_MESSAGES/$(PACKAGE).mo; \
+		sed -e "s/<maintainer>/$(MAINTAINER)/;s/<package>/$(BINPACKAGE)/;s/<version>/$(VERSION)/;s/<language>/$$i/;s!<source>!$(SOURCE)!" $(templates)/control.translation > $(transdist)/$$i/CONTROL/control; \
+		install $(templates)/postinst.translation $(transdist)/$$i/CONTROL/postinst; \
+		$(IPKG_BUILD) -g 0 -o 0 $(transdist)/$$i | sed 's/^Packaged .*into //; t 1; d; : 1; s:.*/::' >> $(ipkglist); \
+	done
+	make PREFIX=/usr real-translation-package