DESCRIPTION = "A library for configuring and customizing font access." SECTION = "libs" LICENSE = "BSD" DEPENDS = "expat freetype freetype-native zlib" # Work around past breakage in debian.bbclass RPROVIDES_fontconfig-utils = "libfontconfig-utils" RREPLACES_fontconfig-utils = "libfontconfig-utils" RCONFLICTS_fontconfig-utils = "libfontconfig-utils" DEBIAN_NOAUTONAME_fontconfig-utils = "1" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \ file://01fc-cache" S = "${WORKDIR}/fontconfig-${PV}" inherit autotools pkgconfig export HASDOCBOOK="no" EXTRA_OECONF = " --disable-docs --with-cache-dir=/var/lib/fontconfig" EXTRA_OEMAKE = "FC_LANG=fc-lang FC_GLYPHNAME=fc-glyphname" # The tarball has some of the patched files as read only, which # patch doesn't like at all fontconfig_do_unpack() { chmod -R u+rw ${S} } python do_unpack () {'base_do_unpack', d)'fontconfig_do_unpack', d) } fontconfig-utils_do_install_prepend() { install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/01fc-cache ${D}${sysconfdir}/update-fonts-common.d/ } PACKAGES =+ "fontconfig-utils-dbg fontconfig-utils " FILES_fontconfig-utils-dbg += "${bindir}/*.dbg" FILES_fontconfig-utils = "${bindir}/*"