[..] the use case was the following. There
are three processes A, B, and C. All of them add the same match (same value). A
is started first, then B, and lastly C. Now, B and C are closed: if B is closed
before C, A's match is removed; but if C is closed before B, A's match is not
removed (no buggy behaviour). (B and C call dbus_bus_remove_match on exit.)

diff -pur 0.61-osso23/bus/signals.c
--- 0.61-osso23/bus/signals.c	2006-11-23 16:46:52.589602192 +0200
+++	2006-11-23 16:49:28.873843376 +0200
@@ -1067,6 +1067,9 @@ match_rule_equal (BusMatchRule *a,
   if (a->flags != b->flags)
     return FALSE;
+  if (a->matches_go_to != b->matches_go_to)
+    return FALSE;
   if ((a->flags & BUS_MATCH_MESSAGE_TYPE) &&
       a->message_type != b->message_type)
     return FALSE;