DESCRIPTION = "Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle." SECTION = "games" DEPENDS = "crimsonfields-native virtual/libsdl libsdl-mixer libsdl-ttf" MAINTAINER = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>" LICENSE = "GPL" PR = "r0" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://native-tools.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/crimson-${PV}" inherit autotools HOST_TOOLS = "cfed mkdatafile mklocale mktileset mkunitset" do_configure() { gnu-configize oe_runconf for binary in ${HOST_TOOLS} do install -m 0755 ${STAGING_DIR}/${BUILD_SYS}/bin/$binary tools/ done install -m 0644 ${STAGING_DIR}/${BUILD_SYS}/share/default.* tools/ } do_install() { autotools_do_install install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/apps/Games/ install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/pics/ install -m 0644 ${D}${datadir}/applications/crimson.desktop ${D}${palmtopdir}/apps/Games/ install -m 0644 ${D}${datadir}/pixmaps/*.png ${D}${palmtopdir}/pics/ } FILES_${PN} = "${bindir} ${datadir} ${palmtopdir}"